/ Anime & Comics / Hegemon Of The Nameless Tenth Realm: All Hail Empress Lu Xie Tong.
To the one fallen from the celestial heights, destined to reign.
Ventured across unknown dimensions, witnessed the realms that intertwine with ours.
Emerged from the deepest abyss of existence to snatch the throne.
Dual of soul, possessing boundless wisdom.
Benevolent towards kins, friends, and mortals, bedeviling adversaries and foes.
Benefactor to all known domains.
Supremacy over fires, metals, earth, wood, waters, lightning, winds, yin-yang, and the void belongs to her.
Conqueror of all races, phantoms, spirits, creatures, faeries, titans, demons, and celestial beings.
Unfathomable power, empress amidst beauties.
Hegemon of the fable tenth realm.
All hail the empress, Lu Xi Tong!!
เขียนรีวิวนักเขียน Dark_Fallacy