
บท 1: Tree

Dam it how long have I been here in this fucking forest. No matter which direction I head there is no civilization. Walking for days away from my only water source almost killed me on more than one occasion. Sitting down looking at my reflection in the water.

Staring back at me was a chubby face, white hair going down my back, a flat nose, and a wide mouth. I won't be winning any popularity contests that is for sure. I know I am big for my age but goddam looking down at my baseball mitt of a hand. I also am strong way too strong for my age and I don't want to know why as a child I have a dick that wouldn't be missed in a hentai trope. Now here I am wondering why the fuck someone would attempt to sacrifice a child to a well.

Those were my earliest memories of being picked up from my shitty orphanage by a stranger and thinking 'well now I have to kill a bitch'. The guy was there to 'adopt' me gaining an incredible reaction from the nuns. Fucking bitches no matter how little they fed me it was always half of what the other children got. Clenching my fist hearing my knuckles groan in protest.

The guy kept talking to himself it wasn't until he whipped out a stick and pointed it at the gathered nuns whispering 'obliviate'. Fucking Harry Potter. After being stunned and carried in a bag only waking up to him trying to sacrifice me to a well... a fucking well.

Waking up surrounded by a ritual circle, candles, blood, and a bunch of skulls I did the obvious thing and freaked the fuck out. After trying to get out of the bindings I started trying to move when that didn't work I brought out one of my only talents as he walked closer to the knife he pulled out of his ass. Hiding my face with my hands I shoved my fingers into the back of my throat gagging repeatedly knowing I had to act as he walked closer. Feeling my stomach churning as if kept forcing the vomit down over and over waiting for him to get closer.

When he was standing above me he opened his mouth looking into my wide terrified eyes "Sorry so...." before he finished I let out all of my vomit while he was starting his monolog. The shot would have mand Kobe proud landing right into his mouth and eyes. The stomach acid burning his nose and eyes as he went to yell on reflex I could only watch as he sputtered and wiped away the vomit. Once he was done he walked over to me stalking me with his knife.

Reaching back preparing to shove the dagger into the stomach he took a step forward not noticing the lines have been broken from my previous assault. Once his foot touched down into a pile of my bile I watched as he slid forward past me smashing into the edge of the well cracking his skull open and leaving grey matter spreading across the growing lines.

The lines hummed an unknown tune flashing faster and faster as I felt myself being squeezed into the well. It felt almost like being pulled down a drain and slung out the opposite side. So here I am now after foiling my first foe with my perfectly time vomit attack.

Looking around the impossibly large trees I first thought I was in the redwood forest but no these trees are pale as bleached bones, and leaves are purples, greens, and whites all mixed up in the canopy. Wish I wasn't bound or I would have looted that fucker who got me into this mess. The asshole could have at least grabbed me some beer. Being a twenty-five-year-old in a child's body is not fun. But then again no more damaged lungs, cavities, or bowel problems are always a plus.

Looking over my only source of water a natural spring that was always the same no matter how much I drank or tried the water level was always the same according to all of the markers I have in the shallows of the spring. No runoff either just bubbling water. Wish it was a creek or I would have been able to be my overweight ass instead of having to take whores baths with a bucket I made.

I kind of like it here not dealing with shit from other people just peace the gentle breeze, swaying of the trees, and the smaller animal sounds I can't quite place. The nighttime is the worst even here in this magical place because of course it has to have fucking mosquitos those things have given me trouble in the beginning until I just said fuck it lathering mud all over myself.

Leaning back for the first time in a long time thinking back to my old life imagining myself cracking open a cold one the wafting smells of a cold Guinness bitter and sweet with malt and roast with a creamy finish.

Drooling at the thought of it I feel something cold in my hand. Blinking a few times as I looked down at the familiar can of carb-filled goodness. Blinking back a few tears "No you will not trick me" I said while cracking open this crisp cold beer. Heard the familiar sound of the can being opened catching a wife of the chocolatey beer. Bringing the can to my lips I don't drink as much as I inhaled the entire can feeling a warmth spread out from my stomach.

Blinking in confusion I looked down at the can which was empty beside the nitrogen ball banging around as I greedily suckle at the empty can. Looking down at the can feeling depressed again imagining another can inside of my hand but not expecting it to work until a familiar sensation of a cold can of beer was in my hand. Blinking back more tears savoring this can unlike the last.

Moaning into the can drinking like a fish in the water feeling my continuous fading as I consumed more and more beer tasting and relishing something that wasn't water and berries I normally gorge myself on. Blackness takes me into a restful sleep.

Blinkin a few times I looked around at the clearing filled with beer cans scratching my head thinking I may have overdone it. That was until my mind went blank at the warm sensation around my cock. Looking down I spy a beautiful woman with two horns boings from her brow to the back of her head. Purple hair framing a heart-shaped face two black wings folded up behind her. A tail is swaying back and forth as she bobbed her head up and down my cock taking it down her throat.

Her eyes drilled into mine as she bobbed back and forth with new vigor. Coming off of my cock with a loud pop she looked up at me while stroking my length "Hello big boy. Momma found a good one. Now be a good boy and {Relax}" feeling something washing over me like a whisper. It almost got me until I felt something inside of me raging at the foreign sensation.

Anger replaced pleasure as this bitch tried to mess with my fucking mind. Sitting up startling the demon woman. She blinked down at me as I reared back my arms cold cocking her right in the soft part of her nose. As my fish dented her nose I stood up watching her clutching her face as she splayed across the ground.

"You fucking cunt." Smashing her nose again before she sprawled out screaming in pain "Trying to mess with my fucking head I'll show you." Standing up quicker than my body displayed possible I reached out and grabbed each of her ankles.

Gripping down harder with my meaty palms not letting the flailing woman move as I brought up my foot right over her nether region. She started at the hands grabbing her ankles as she blinked tears out of her black eyes. "Stupid fucking bitch!" Yelling out into the open forest as the incoherent woman lay below me.

Watching her face go from confusion for a second before I brought my foot down on her cunt again. As my foot impacted I watched her face scrunch up in pain as I kept hammering her pubic region harder and harder. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as she went to pass out. Before she was too far gone I would reach out and slam my fist into the broken nose continuing the ass whopping.

After venting an unknown amount of stress off on the woman who happened to pick the wrong fucker to try and charm. I mean if you wanted to suck me off then by all means fucking ask. Looking over the bruised and battered naked woman. Snorting at the sight I turned around dragging the woman deeper into the forest before dropping her off into a random ditch. Looking back once at her battered form I turn around and started heading back to camp looking down at my towering erection and letting out a sigh.

Grabbing the beer cans and crushing them between my hands I tossed them into a pile away from my camp so flies don't start breeding near my only source of water. Grabbing the pink berries I have been eating to survive I settled down against a tree thinking over the encounter with the woman. She was hot I am talking ten out of ten would smash but then she had to try and mind whammy me.

Rubbing my back against the tree I close my eyes at the scratching sensation making another beer before inspecting it and taking another drink. Leaning back closing my eyes while nursing the can as if it was my child. Listening to the soft swaying and groaning of the trees and light peaked out between the branches I let out a content sigh.

--------(POV Change)---------

Watching through the simple scrying spell as the succubus gets put in her place was amusing but not as amusing as the human boy. He was different from most of the other men on that other world tall for his age almost eleven years old. Standing almost six feet tall, and two hundred and fifty pounds. Not to mention that club swinging around in the open. He is not what one would call beautiful, but then again packing what he is he will no doubt make his future women happy.

Looking into his past show that he had been in the forest for years. When divining his past it was a tragic and heart breaking tale orphan boy almost ritualistically sacrificed. His escape method was unique to say the least. Even though it was that botched ritual was his menthids of gaining access to a closed hub dimension we used a few hundred years ago. That Evil wizard had somehow managed to find a disabled hub that he was trying to open through the sacrificing the bodies of children.

Having opened relations with the non magical humans of earth forty years ago was a blessing. Though the magical humans weren't able to keep up with the demands of the entire world of Monster Girls. I have been alive a long time having had lots of husbands until those dam mate stealing freaks Succubus's. Having cursed their entire lines making them less crazy as they used to be was fun even when each of the different races did a different curse.

After the succubus's had killed off all of the men in our realm leaving us starved for semen. Monster Girls cannot live with out the stuff. When compared to humans it would be like going with out water or food. Over time some monster girls became more and more feral having to be put in stasis until we could find a supply and supply we found. Magical humans had essence to spare we made treaties with them playing the long game until we became a part of their world. We are old what is a few thousand years but grains of sand. Having done that we prepared to enter the non-magical side of their world and it worked well.

Having opened up the rest of the realm was a blessing four billion men even when talking out thirty percent for either being too old or too young then taking out another ten for being in committed long term relationships.

We came to an agreement with the local governments having paid them in gold to allow us over to find ourselves potential suitors or men who are just willing to get laid. It was easy except all of the protesting 'feminists' who tried to get monster girls to not put out. Even when telling them we would all die they shrugged it off.

So all the lonely and depressed men who were before playing second and third fiddle found love it was beautiful. The average woman who where then being lathered with love and care just for the chance to get some are not being forgotten by the superior Monster Girl who where made to be fucked. Monster Girls have an instinctual need to take care of their mates and it worked out just fine for us.

Some forms of Monster Girls willing to put out and even sometimes pay men for their semen. This didn't come without consequences as woman rights groups have been trying to shut down the portals between realms even though they know nothing about the magic used. Now after years of hard work that world no long has the problems plaguing after we cleaned it up and 'suggested' them not going to war during the seventies.

Looking back at the boy as he relaxed using his unique creation magic. Nothing special to us as we long ago were able to turn energy to mass. But his is run on his imagination which is impressive it would seem we now have a new power house wizard coming soon.

Grinning down at the sleeping boy wondering where he had tried beer before at least he is not creating a mess with all of the cans. His eyes closed slowly as he went off to a restful sleep. Leaning back on my throne thinking on how to play this. He is not a sub or he would have just the...the whore have her way with him. He was pure dominate the way he beat the succubus was prof of that. So dominate who doesn't like tricks I could work with this.

Sending out a message "Glade come here please." Waiting on one of my countless relations to enter the throne room as I sipped my wine. Feeling the teleportation spell looking over at one of my favorite family members and one of the youngest. She looked around with her bright green eyes the little slips of an elf parity skipping over to me. I don't call on them much but when I do I usually have found them a potential suitor.

She stopped in front of me bowing slightly her mostly exposed breasts jiggled showing off her vividly pale skin. "Hello aunty!" She giggled a little while showing off her energetic smile. Reaching out patting her head.

"Hello Glade we have a situation." She narrowed her eyes as her back straightened.

"Was it the anti-monster groups again?" Shaking my head at those woman 'groups' more like drink wine and complain about not getting any anymore easy dick since we came around and scooped up all the 'undesirables.' Who knew Catgirl maids for hire that you can fuck is such a popular business.

"None of that dear. But it would seem we had a succubus try to charm a child." Watching her flush in anger. Yes all Monster Girls grew up on the horrors of thralled men. She started shaking like.

"Where is she?" She spoke in a low and clam tone that betrayed how furious she really was. This would be one of the last straws for that race we tried time and time again to cure their more atrocious habbits but nothing ever worked besides death. No Monster Girl wants to break a man like the old days when they were plentiful. Now they are content with getting dicked down on the regular.

"Let me show you." Brining up the memories of watching what happened. Watching her rubbing her thighs togeather obviously eyes up the man of the hour. "I figured since you have started to ween off of the Holstar milk and were ready for the real thing. I figured why not give it a chance to partner up with him." Pointing at the bigger boy laying down asleep in the forest.

She nodded her head licking her lips at the sight of him. She trusted my judgment on the matter. When it comes to finding life long mates at least for men the first is always important to a young Monster girl. A unattached wizard with his size would be snapped up in a hurry. Once the younger wizards started to head to school they will be picking up a monster girl to go with them to school to learn and grow among them.

This was frowned upon by the first court but then again hormonal teens going to learn together without stress relief is a mixture for disaster. After years of this policy wizards have grown to love us and we love them back. Witches have long since approved of this method of keeping the males off of their daughters in school and have grown to see the Monster Girls not as a replacement but as a companion to help them in their time of need.

"Go and get him I will make arrangements for a place for you two to live. Call some Hellhounds to pick up the trash. After you explain what happened tell them to pass along the word about what happened." Tearing her eyes away from the boy she looked up at me with a smile and hugged me disappearing into my ample bust. A smile that grew once she let go to see if he was the one. Looking back into the scrying spell I watched as the man urinated on the downed succubus. Nodding in approval at this action.

I called a grand summit of Monster Girls we have trash to clean.

A/N: Why a new book because it was stuck in my head so yea had to get it out somehow. Is this a oneshot IDK depends on how I feel.

next chapter
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