73.07% Harry Potter - Carry On Wayward Son / Chapter 19: Chapter 19: The Hearing

บท 19: Chapter 19: The Hearing

October 1st, 2011

The waxing crescent of the moon barely provided any illumination on this dark Saturday night.

The staff of Hogwarts has gathered yet again for their monthly assessment of events. The usual process involved discussing any occurrences, events of note, topics of discussion. Snacks and tea were passed around, the mood typically jovial and light hearted.

This was not one of those days.

An aura of melancholy seemed to hand above the heads of the teachers, no so more than for Dumbledore himself.

"Has there been any change with the boy, Madam Pomfrey?"

"I wish I could give you some good news at this time, but there has been no change in Mr. Malfoy's condition in the last few day. I needed to use a double dose of calming potion just to put the child to sleep so that I could restrain him."

"Has it degraded to that point?"

Madam Pomfrey shook her head, "I am afraid so. He seems to be in an actual delusional state, separated from reality, as it were. It would normally be manageable but… his laughing…"

Even Dumbledore couldn't hide his wince, "Yes – I can hear even from my office… Did MacLeod do this?"

"I am afraid not Headmaster," spoke Snape, "Professor McGonagall and I examined the boy for any source of magic or potion tampering. The child… simply broke."

Dumbledore nodded, "We will go into further details about this later. Any word from his father?"

"I just send an owl to Lucius. We should be hearing back from him shortly."

"Thank you, McGonagall. Anything else we should be aware of."

"I informed Lucius that he should consider admitting Draco to St. Mungo's… as well as remove Draco from Hogwarts for his own safety."

All the teachers looked at Professor McGonagall in shock, with Dumbledore barely raising an eyebrow. "I hope you didn't phrase it like, McGongall – Malfoy already has a disdain for how I run this school. This would just be adding wood the fire."

Professor McGongall raised her hand, "I didn't write it as bluntly as that. I did, however, postulate to the man that his son could have succumbed to pressure and paranoia, which led to his temporary insanity. With the healers at St. Mungo's and some time at home, Draco should recover with some time."

"Aren't you avoiding the bigger issue here? It's not as if we didn't see what happened before the child started laughing in the Great Hall."

"Indeed, Hagrid… We all saw MacLeod approach Draco when he was on the floor. But he did nothing more than whisper to the child."

"Maybe that is all that the boy needed." scoffed Professor Sprout.

Everyone turned in her general direction, "Oh, come now, I can't be the only one thinking it. If someone like me considered it, then Lucius will definitely think it."

Dumbledore nodded, "It all comes back to MacLeod in the end. Tell me, what has transpired to the child since the incident?"

Professor McGonagall coughed for attention, "I've observed him as carefully as I could for the last week during his transition to Gryffindor, and I can honestly say that the child is viewed as a great hero by the house."

"Same." Replied Flitwick and Sprout.

"He appears to be feared by the Slytherin. These last few days have been akin to damage-control by my students. All week, they have been doing nothing by writing back and forth with their parents regarding what transpired, debating about their next move."

"How has Lucius not heard of it yet?"

"From what I heard, Headmaster, Lucius was busy in building his argument to acquire the Potter Vaults. In any case, outside of the House, Slytherins avoid Harry MacLeod altogether. He has become their personal Boogeyman."

Flitwick looked at the potions professor, "A what now?"

"Forgive me for that; a boogeyman - in many Muggle cultures – is a monster used by adults to frighten children into good behavior. You could say that it is their interpretation of a Boggart."

The diminutive charm's professor nodded in understanding, "Seems appropriate: in the last week, the Slytherin have done nothing to raise my suspicions that they were planning something. They haven't pestered, bullied, or raise any sort of scuffle."

Snape nodded, "They are most likely attempting to earn back the points they lost when Harry transferred to Gryffindor. Who knew the child gathered so many points in such a short amount of time?"

"It is better to say that he never lost any points from the amount he earned." Corrected Dumbledore, "How is he seen by the other Houses?"

"As I already mentioned, he is beloved by the Gryffindor House. The same can most likely be said for Ravenclaw but less so for Hufflepuff," McGongall noted the nodding of Flitwick and Sprout.

"Why less from Hufflepuff?"

"Hermione Granger is in Ravenclaw, and she has been defending Harry's for some time now. Unfortunately, Harry doesn't have a similar advocate in Hufflepuff, and as such, they have shown less favoritism for the child."

"Hermione is defending McLeod? With her intellectual competitiveness, you would think she would do everything in her power…"

"She may feel threatened by MacLeod's intelligence, but it is not as if he is cheating his way to the top. The child is either a night-owl or has perpetual insomnia, but he is always seen by the older students to be reading in front of the fireplace at night. Plus, he is her friend, so she sees him as friendly competition rather than an enemy."

"What about the Quidditch Teams?" inquired Madame Hooch.

Professor McGongall actually laughed at that, "If Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are anything like Gryffindor, they worship the ground he walks on. They have taken a personal responsibility as to act as boy's bodyguards against anything Slytherin may actually do – which he most likely won't even need."

"They may not be on the same level of devotion, but my Ravenclaws have something similar worked out."

"Same for my Hufflepuffs."

Professor Flitwick was next to speak, "Speaking of MacLeod, I finally saw his wand."

This caught Professor McGonagall's attention, "Really? It has been a month, and I still haven't caught sight of it – he always finishes his work before I get a chance to see it. He is oddly secretive about it."

"To be fair, the child isn't exactly an open book, but I could understand his trepidation regarding his wand – it is a beautiful piece of wand work."

Dumbledore leaned onto the table, "Do tell, Flitwick."

"I haven't dueled in many years Albus, but I still stay up to date on current wand designs and their powers. Whatever Ollivander gave him, it wasn't something he attempted to duplicate."

Now Snape's curiosity peaked, "You mean to say that MacLeod has a one of a kind wand?"

"Certainly a possibility. In my previous classes, Harry got by since they were mostly notes, lectures, and individual practice. But today, I made Harry volunteer to demonstrate the Lumos charm to the class. He wasn't pleased with being picked out when it wasn't in his best interest or by choice."

Hagrid nodded, "Seems to me like he has some issues with losing control – real or otherwise. I can relate, but that's because of my strength. Why would a child have such inclinations?"

"Could be something to do with his past – child still won't take off his gloves. In any case, he didn't argue or try to get out of it, but his wand was something else. He actually took it out of a personalized case from within his robes."

Professor McGongall inquired, "Was there anything inscribed on it?"

"Now that you mention it, there was – the word 'Tiamat.' Why?"

"MacLeod mentioned once that he named his wand."

"You have no idea, McGongall," spoke Snape out of term, "It seems like Hagrid's claim that MacLeod has control problems may not be so far off."

"How so?"

"Because Minerva," sighed Dumbledore, "Tiamat the name of one of the oldest documented gods in written history. She is the dragon goddess of Mesopotamia, the monsters embodiment of primordial chaos and creation."

Dumbledore looked toward Madam Pomfrey, "Can I only assume that the children admitted a few days ago were blinded by Harry's demonstration?"

"They suffered no significant nor long term damage from the lights… they didn't enjoy wearing the eyepatches, though."

"Can't blame them for that – I didn't expect him to be so strong. He did apologize afterward and requested that he demonstrated his spells in private until he got better control over his magic." Flitwick looked toward McGongall, "Although, that could simply be a charms problem. He shouldn't have any difficulty in transfiguration, considering the debate I heard him have with Hermione."

"What debate?" inquired Dumbledore.

"It seems Harry has been teaching Hermione different interpretations of magic. Most of it consists of arguing the drawback of various magic methodologies and styles, but he did stumble on a topic that even I never considered."

"One moment, Flitwick," interrupted Snape, "Where have these 'discussions' taken place?"

"Why, in the Ravenclaw House, of course."

Dumbledore looked up in surprise, "He knows how to enter the Ravenclaw House?"

The diminutive professor shrugged, "It's not like our password is that difficult – it's just a new logic problem or riddle every day. You can't blame the students for not being smart enough to answer them. In any case, he has been doing this for some time now. Apparently, it was the norm in the house which is why no one was really disturbed when I brought it up with the prefects."

Snape wouldn't let this go, "Isn't there a rule against such fraternization?"

"The rule is only against having other house members after lights-out. There is no rule against visiting other Houses before then or even exchanging the location and method of entry for the House with others. The assumption that students couldn't is just something that started to be considered the norm a few decades back – probably around World War II if I recall. In any case…" continued Flitwick while Snape tried to comprehend what he heard, "It seems Harry found an odd anomaly in our magic… something to do with spells of absolutes…" (1)

"Ah," nodded Dumbledore in understanding, "That is a rather ignored topic, one not usually inquired about. I assume he used the Alohomora spell as his argument, am I right?"

Flitwick looked at the Headmaster in awe, "How did you know?"

"He most likely read ahead in the syllabus, and it is one of such charms. I can assume he argued how some spells only work if one puts in enough magic to overpower the opposing spell while charging spells are like a faucet in a sink – as in, they require precise control to regulate the power behind the spell."

"That… is almost word for word what Harry spend half an hour drilling into Hermione. She couldn't understand it no matter how much Harry explained it to her – she just assumed spells fail because they are performed improperly."

"It is a factor, but enough force can overcome even that. However, your earlier statement is correct – MacLeod will definitely have issues with certain spells, more so in Charms then Transfiguration, but both of you keep our eyes on him for the time being."

Both teachers nodded as Snape finally regained his focus. While doing so, Professor Sinistra raised her hand, "Headmaster, while on MacLeod… I too have an issue to bring up."


"It's nothing bad! It's just… It seems like MacLeod has nothing to gain from my class."

"Is the boy really that knowledgeable regarding Astronomy?" asked Hagrid.

"He has been serving as my aid for the last month, and based on what I could gather, he is clearly well versed on the topic. I wanted to inquire if there was some way to put him in a more advanced class or at least give him something else to do."

Dumbledore nodded in understanding, "I see… have you considered letting him grade his classmate's assignments?"

"Wouldn't that be favoritism or against the rules on some level?"

"I see your point. I would like for you to spend the month testing the boy to see how extensive his knowledge is. Depending on the level, I may consider placing him in a more advanced class if he allows it."

"Thank you, Headmaster."

Dumbledore looked around the table, "No Quirrell today?"

"He seems to be under the weather, Headmaster," spoke Snape, "He appears to be doing a decent job with his students, but from what I heard, there is no love lost between him and Harry. Something about him snickering every time Quirrell mentions some sort of creature. In any case, the child is still maintaining an 'Outstanding' in the class."

"Disrespect to a teacher? Doesn't sound like MacLeod."

"No so much as disrespect as more like… he disagrees with what the teacher teaches. That, and MacLeod seems to dislike him for on reason or another then I haven't been able to determine. I hope that answers your question, McGonagall."

Dumbledore nodded, "Can I only assume that the rest of you have something similar to say about the boy?"

After everyone – except Filch – nodded, Dumbledore continued, "All right, let us all keep an eye on him to see if there is something he has been hiding from us. In any case, since we have covered more than what I expected, I believe it is time to wish you all good night."

The staff agreed and began to leave the room when Dumbledore spoke up again, "Professor Snape… Professor McGonagall… a moment?"

As everyone left, only the three teachers still remained.

"Is something wrong, Albus?"

"I am afraid so Minerva… Snape, if you would?"

The potion masters nodded, "It seems the only reason Lucius hasn't bothered to inquire about his son DESPITE the fact that he was already aware of his condition is because he finally figured out how to gain hold of Potter's fortune."

Minerva gasped, "How long do we have?"

"No time at all, I am afraid. I am to attend the hearing tomorrow where Lucius will present his case to Gringotts in front of Wizengamot. If he succeeds… he will control the Potter fortune."

Snape did the calculations, "He will control almost half of the money in all of Britain… he will literally be one of the most wealthy individuals in the world."

"Is there anything we can do, Albus?"

"I will do my best to try to convince him otherwise – I may have to give up some powers, but it will be necessary. With all of Lucius friends in the Ministry and the governors, we all know how it will turn out."

"I thought this was a Goblin Nation issue. Why is the Ministry even involved?"

"I am sorry to say, Severus, that Lucius managed to push a bill and reform or two through over the last few years that even the goblins couldn't get around."

Everyone in the room hanged their head in despair. Minerva was the first to speak, "We can only hope for a miracle to change such an outcome."

Dumbledore sighed, "Let us not dwell on such a topic – what will be is what will be." Dumbledore got out of his chair and stared out at the clouds and the moon. "Now… what of your observations for Longbottom?"

"Not good, I am afraid Albus," spoke Minerva. "The child already told me that he plans to get a personal wand during the Winter Break, but for now… he seems to show great difficulty in most classes except Herbology and Potions. One he has an actual gift in and in the other because he has MacLeod's assistance."

Snape raised his hand to correct Professor McGonagall, "I wouldn't go so far as to say his success in Potions is entirely based on his friendship with MacLeod – potions is an extension of Herbology because one needs to understand the usage of all the materials that go into them. Harry only provides… emotional support."

"Still, the child is not really what I would hope for from such an influential family. Are you sure that Neville has to be the Chosen One?"

"We have no choice, Minerva. Without Potter, all we have is Longbottom. He is still young but give it time – he will eventually grow into his future role. What about his connections? Has he started developing any friendship with his fellow Gryffindors?"

Minerva shook her head, "Unless you count MacLeod as a Gryffindor. His only friends are Harry and Hermione – her through association with MacLeod. He knows all the other heirs, but is that is more from past meetings and house associations and alliances. His friends, however, started studying together, and there has been some improvement in his coursework from that. He is on friendly terms with his fellow housemates, but he isn't close with any of them. The child is simply too shy."

A transient expression of annoyance appeared on Dumbledore's face – one that Minerva and Severus missed – before he continued, "We may have to… facilitate his socialization. As a future leader, we must ensure that the child grows up to be confident and strong. We may also have to find a way for him to become more independent in his pursuit of improving himself."

"What do you suggest, Albus?"

"I would recommend putting him on the Quidditch team…"

"Absolutely not Albus! The boy is terrified of flying, and he is both too large and too young to be a Seeker."

"I don't suggest now. In the future, we may need to get him on the team. For now, we have to find a way to make him break out of his rut; I will figure something. You can go Minerva – I have something to discuss with Severus on some… private matters."

Minerva nodded in understanding before she left the room.

Severus looked at the Headmaster understanding where the conversation was going, "I scanned Draco's mind – there is nothing there to indicate…"

"Nothing you can detect or nothing at all?"

Severus paused, considering his exact words carefully.

"You know something don't you, Severus? Something you kept quiet about the incident… something you realized about MacLeod that you haven't told anyone."

"It nothing of note, Albus. The child admitted that he was aware of my attempts at using Legilimency on him on the first day of class."

"Truly?" replied Abus in shock, "Anything else?"

"He also revealed – circumvented, if the term applies – that he has absolutely no talent or even ability in Legilimency or Occlumency."

"Then how…"

"I can only assume that it has something to do with his earrings. That or he is using something else to guard his mind."

Dumbledore shook his head in understanding, "Anything else?"

Severus paused, thinking. "No. We had a talk about what occurred, but he revealed nothing of note besides what I already mentioned."

Dumbledore turned back to the window again, "How close is Neville to this Hermione child?"

"Nothing I can speak in confidence about. They never met in each other's Houses. They only started meeting now that MacLeod is in Gryffindor. Before, it was only MacLeod that interacted with them separately. Now… it's too soon to say."

"I understand. You may leave, Severus. I have to consider the new information you provided me."

As Severus was about to leave he turned back to the Headmaster, "Albus… are you sure now is the time to start changing Neville?"

"What do you suggest? That I leave him be as he is? The child was considered a squib until a few months ago. Despite my best efforts, it took his uncle dropping hi out the window for his magic to finally show itself. He has been systematically broken by his relatives and grandmother. We have no choice but to start changing him early on. If we knew that he was the child of prophecy early on, I might have done something sooner. There is only so much I could have repaired during my visits to the family. No, while it is distasteful, I believe it is for the greater good that we push Neville to change himself for the better."

"Into what – a weapon? This is a child we are talking about here Albus. A child who is still eleven. Let MacLeod do your work for you – he has been a beneficial influence on the boy. I doubt that Hermione Granger – despite being Muggle-born and raised – can have any detrimental effect on him."

Dumbledore considered what Severus spoke, weighing the facts, "I see… You present a valid argument. However, MacLeod is an unknown; he is hiding something from us, and he can't be trusted in the grand scheme of things."

"Can we bring him into the fold?"

"He is too young, and we know too little. Maybe when we learn more…"

Severus nodded, " I understand Albus. Now, I bid you ado."

Albus nodded in turn, "Good night, Severus. I will see on Monday after the hearing."

Severus exited the room, finally giving Dumbledore time alone with his thoughts.

The Wizarding World has already lost one family to attrition, we can not lose another. I can't risk a Longbottom falling for a Muggle-born witch. I just can't. It goes against everything I stand for, but I can't take that chance…

October 2nd, 2011

"…As such, based on the current bylaws and new regulations established by the Ministry, since Harry Potter's existence has not been verified nor has he been spotted in the last five years…"

Dumbledore could only stare in disdain as Lucius presented his case as the speaker of Wizengamot. He was surrounded by the likes of Brunhilde Stokke, Bartemius Crouch, and Cornelius Fudge. Amelia Bones had the same look of derision that Albus had, but she hid it just as skillfully as he did. In fact, no one was particularly pleased with the way the hearing as progressing. Only Dolores Umbridge seemed to have been enjoying the situation before her: a goblin on trial.

Technically, it was Gringotts on trial by the court of the Ministry, but they were represented by a single goblin. Dumbledore felt personally responsible for the looks his friend was getting, but unfortunately, Griphook was currently the one in charge of the Potter Vaults – which bothered him since James once told him it was someone named Ripclaw. In any case, a single goblin looking up at all the fifty members of Wizengamot while Lucius Malfoy presented his argument was not something people wanted to see – or at least not something one would publicly admit.

"…In closing, since the legitimacy of the Goblin Nations blood claim can't be verified by the Ministry and since Harry Potter well-being has yet to be determined, the Ministry can declare the child legally dead until evidence arises to otherwise change it. Since the child will be legally dead, the Potter Vaults will fall into the hands of the closest living eligible and accessible relatives until the time the child existence is confirmed."

Dumbledore hated to admit it, but Lucius has crafted his argument well. With all the effort he put in for the last five years, he was bound to eventually succeed. Even if Harry Potter does return to Great Britain in the future, it will give Lucius more than enough time to abuse the fortune or figure out the way to keep it in his greedy hands.

What worried the aged wizard is that Griphook didn't seem to be bothered by any of this.

"Forgive me, Mr. Malfoy, but may I see the claim you have written?"

Luscious rolled up the parchment before levitating it to the goblin. Griphook started to read through it again, nodding and agreeing at certain points. This went on for some minutes - since it was a rather long parchment - before Griphook looked up, "This is a very well crafted and researched piece of legal work, Mr. Malfoy."

"From a goblin, that is high praise."

"Indeed. Before we proceed further, I must ask you one last time: Lucius Malfoy, Head of the House of Malfoy, are you certain that you wish to move forward with the claiming of the Potter Vaults, including but not limited to all the obligations and fallout from doing so?"

"Stop holding up the proceedings, goblin!" shouted Umbridge, "Mr. Lucius Malfoy of the Noble and Ancient House of Malfoy has presented his claim, meaning that Gringotts must transfer all of the holdings of the Potter House."

Griphook ignored the screaming fat lady and turned back to Lucius, "I need to hear Mr. Malfoy say it out loud before we proceed. Now, I ask again…"

"Yes, yes," waved Lucius, "Let us proceed with the acquisition of the vaults into the Malfoy House."

Griphook sighed, "Very well. We assumed this day would occur much later in the future, but it seems like we have no choice…"

Dumbledore – and the rest of Wizengamot – watched in shock as Griphook tour the parchment in half.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" screamed Fudge, "Mr. Malfoy petition was airtight and legally binding!"

"That it was, Minister Fudge. It was carefully worded, with absolutely no loopholes or legal oversights. Honestly, this piece could even be studied by my people as a prime example of a legal contract. Under normal circumstances, we at Gringotts would already be transferring all the holdings of the Potter Vaults. Unfortunately, I am afraid that this last attempt has left me no choice but to engage the failsafe left behind."

"Left behind? Left behind by who? No one has touched those vaults in years!" screamed Umbridge.

No, it couldn't be… thought Dumbledore. A smile started to show on his face, one that the people around him couldn't ignore.

"Why, by Harry Potter of course."

There was silence in the hall. "What?"

"Did you not know? Harry Potter laid claim to his vaults a few months ago – in the main branch in Diagon Alley of all place."

The Minister got up in panic, "Wha… Why weren't we informed?"

"Mr. Potter requested that his existence remains a secret – unless, of course, if someone asked us directly or we were left no choice but to admit it." Griphook switched from Fudge to Lucius, "Since Mr. Malfoy never inquired, we never told him that Mr. Potter has returned to England."

A sheer wave of panic appeared on Lucius's face, while most around him – short of Umbridge and a few others - couldn't help but smile at the turnaround that occurred.

"As such, since Harry Potter's existence has now been revealed, I am afraid to say, Mr. Malfoy, that the failsafe he left behind has been activated. One that unfortunately, will have severe ramifications for you, Mr. Malfoy."

What is Griphook talking about? thought Dumbledore. Nothing came to the aged wizard's mind that could damage Lucius in any way.

Griphook opened up his briefcase and began to take a few parchments as he jokingly looked at Amelia Bones, "Mr. Potter jokingly referred to this failsafe as Operation 'Ver Purgatio' (2) from something he saw in a Muggle television show."

Dumbeldore quickly translated the Latin phrase, 'Spring Cleaning'? What does that mean?

Fudge got up, pushing Lucius off the podium, "Mr. Griphook, I must contest, is Gringotts actively threatening a member of the Ministry? Or even the Ministry as a whole?"

Griphook finished setting up the parchments, "Oh no, nothing of the sort. All I am doing is carrying out the instructions left behind by Mr. Potter – or rather, the modified instructions he send me a week ago."


"I didn't inquire, but apparently something happened a week ago that made Mr. Potter modify his plans. Now," Griphook dusted himself off and put on a pair of spectacles, "to the first item on the agenda."

Griphook took out an aged parchment, "Normally, we would have had to set up on an official appointment with all necessary parties, but seeing as how we are in the center of Ministry with all of the Wizengamot present, I feel confident that all the relevant individuals will hear of this eventually."

Fudge started to nervously twitch, trying to regain his composure, "Hear what out?"

"Why, the reading of the Potter Will."

A collective gasp was heard through the room. Even Dumbledore was not immune to. It.

No, he wouldn't dare… Not even I know what's in that will! This could ruin everything! Under normal circumstances, the will would have been read as soon as possible after the deaths of James and Lily. Unfortunately, due to the interference of particular parties and despite Dumbledore's best efforts to reclaim it after Harry's disappearance, the will was locked away in the vault without it ever being read – until now.

"Now, if no one plans to argue…"

Umbridge got up, "Hold on! How can we even trust that this parchment is, in fact, the Potter Will?!"

"Because it has been signed in blood and magic – I sincerely doubt that both could be faked after so many years."

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO SO IN ANY CASE! No one gave you permission."

Griphook looked up at the toad of a woman in annoyance, "On the contrary, I was given the right by the previous speaker. I did tell Mr. Malfoy that he would have to deal with the fallout of carrying out his appeal."

Umbridge sat down in anger but defeat, knowing that she was outmaneuvered.

"Now, if no has any more complaints, I will begin the reading."

Every wizard in a panic, for no one knew the ramifications that could occur from this reading. The Potter House was one the wealthiest families in all of Britain and its money has been sealed away for years now. Any removal or addition of it from the wizard economy could have severe ramifications.

Griphook made one last cough, before starting and holding up the parchment.

"I, James Charles Potter, and I, Lilien Eleanor Potter, being of sound memory and mind, and not acting under duress or undue influence, fully understanding the nature and extent of all our property and of this disposition thereof, do hereby make, publish, and declare this document to be our Last Will and Testament, and do hereby revoke any and all other wills and codicils heretofore made by us." He read out loud and looked up at his able audience.

"First things first. We direct that the expenses of our funeral, and burial, be paid as soon after our death as may be reasonably convenient, and we hereby authorize our personal representative and solicitor Ted Tonks, hereinafter appointed, to settle and discharge, in his absolute discretion, any claims made against our estate."

Griphook looked up, "Since they have already been buried a long time ago by one Albus Dumbledore, this particular section of the will is null and void. Let it be known, however, that Ted Tonks has been mentioned and his responsibility has been assigned."

"We further direct that our personal representative shall pay out of our estate any and all estate and inheritance taxes payable by reason of our death in respect of all items included. We ask the Head of our Accounts to set aside a vault with enough galleons from our estate to pay these fees, and we ask the key be located with Ted Tonks."

Griphook took out a key from his pocket, "This key will be given to Ted Tonks at a later point today to carry out his mentioned duties."

"Secondly, the entirety of the property owned by us at our death, real and personal, and wherever we situate, we devise and bequeath to the following individuals, as divided by our pre-determined design."

Griphook looked up, "Due to events that have transpired since the writing of this will, certain parts will be removed for convenience since Mr. Potter said and I quote, 'the people mentioned here that are dead were the last of their Houses or without living kin. There is no need to bring up their memories and heartache by mentioning their sections." Since there are SEVERAL individuals here who have passed on and their deaths have been confirmed by Gringotts, the items promised to them have been removed. However, to the people still alive, though…"

"To Remus Lupin, one of our most treasured friends, we leave one hundred and fifty thousand galleons, and our cottage in Ayr, Scotland. Teach our Harry to be the voice of reason, and please be there to calm down Sirius, when he undoubtedly gets into way too much trouble. May you find the strength you seek, our friend. We love you, and we will always accept you. May you find that special witch, who shall make your heart grow wings."

"To Alice and Frank Longbottom, our dear friends, we leave our family home located in Galway, near the beautiful Irish Galway Bay, and twenty-five thousand galleons to add to the Trust of our godson, Neville. May you live long and happy lives together, and see your son grow up into a wonderful young man."

"Since the Longbottoms are currently incarcerated in St. Mungo's and will be unable to accept this in person, Augusta Longbottom will accept the house and galleons on their behalf."

The aged matriarch of the Longbottom House nodded in understanding, doing her best to not cry at the mention of her son.

"To our most unique friend, Pandora Lovegood, we leave a box of rare Potion Ingredients, and a copy of the Potter Family's Potion Grimoire that will serve our wonderful Potion Mistress, beautifully. The original of the book shall stay with our son. We also grant Pandora access to our Herb Farm up in the Welsh mountains to make use of it, and maintain it to her heart's content. You are a wonderful person, Pandora, and we just know that your daughter is going to be twice blessed."

Griphook looked up, "There is an addition of a special chest with an assortment of ingredients in unbreakable glass phials."

"To Andromeda and Ted Tonks, we leave our vacation home in Blackpool, in England, situated by the sea. Please enjoy your life, and don't be a stranger to our Harry."

"To Amelia Bones, we leave ten thousand galleons to aid her personal dreams. We know you are a professional, Amy, but please don't let that stop you from living your life and shooting for the stars. Make sure Susan and Harry grow up as brother and sister, and not lonely children who yearn for company." He read and looked at the shocked, gobsmacked face of the Head of the Auror force.

"Madam Bones, the next section is something you should pay careful attention to. With your current position, it is something of significant importance." He said mysteriously, and the witch blinked and nodded.

"The inheritance to Peter Pettigrew has conditions. In the case we die of natural causes, we leave Peter one hundred thousand galleons to make his life easier. In the case that we become victims of Death Eaters, let it be known that Peter Pettigrew was the Keeper of our location's Secret, and henceforth be withdrawn from the eligibility of his inheritance. " (3)

The yells of surprise and shock in the enclosed room were audible in the still sizable audience of the reading.

"WHAT?!" Amelia Bones. Yelled, jumping up from her seat. "Mister Griphook, may I request a copy of this will to be introduced as evidence in the case of Sirius Black and the murder of Peter Pettigrew, as well as the twelve dead muggles?" She asked respectfully as she collected herself.

The goblin nodded. "Permission granted, but I request that the rest of the content of the will be protected under a Secrecy Oath. We – or rather Harry Potter himself - have reason to believe, that there are individuals out there who wish to control, or harm him." He said, and Amelia's eyebrows disappeared into her hairline.

"Understood, Griphook." She eventually said and tapped her chin in thought. "May I request your audience to further discuss the implications of your request? I know that the Ministry and the Goblin Nation had difficulties of communication in recent years, and I would like to start working on opening more reliable channels between us."

Griphook couldn't help but give the witch a wolfish smile, "That's a fantastic idea, Madame Bones. I will owl you at a time of convenience to set up an appointment." He said and motioned for her to be seated once more.

"To Minerva McGonagall, our wonderful mentor and friend, we leave one hundred thousand galleons, and copies of the Potter Family's Transfiguration Grimoires, furthermore we leave her a gift certificate of ten thousand galleons to Mythos Tomes, an owl order establishment, where they are able to look up any ancient text or tomes one can possibly desire. Thank you for being there for me and teaching me, my Mistress, it was a pleasure to be your Apprentice. And I know Lily couldn't have asked for a more caring second mother. We love you, and we would like you to be an honorary Aunt or Grandmother to our Harry, whichever you prefer."

"To Sirius Black, one of our best friends, and Harry's Godfather, we leave one hundred thousand galleons and our property near Lake Trasimeno, in Italy. May you enjoy many summers in your new vacation home. Please take care of our Harry, and be there for him, show him everything that we cannot anymore."

Dolores Umbridge jumped up again, "That section has to be removed – Sirius Black is a convicted criminal and as such…"

Griphook looked up in anger, "If you bothered paying attention earlier, I seriously doubt that Sirius Black will remain in Azkaban for much longer. Also, as we goblins enjoy reminding you at the Ministry, Sirius Black never had a trial and a such, still eligible to everything left to him by the Potters. Sad that you hear that part and not the significant bits…"

"To Filius Flitwick, our brilliant mentor, and friend, we leave one hundred thousand galleons, and copies of the Potter Family's Charms Tome collection, furthermore, we leave him a gift certificate of ten thousand galleons, also to Mythos Tomes to enjoy. Thank you for practically adopting me into your family, my Master, it was a pleasure to be your Apprentice. I know James couldn't have asked for a better mentor in how to duel either."

"To Alastor Moody, the most dedicated and dangerous man we have ever had the pleasure of knowing, we leave behind the copies of the Potter Family's Dark Arts Tome. James wanted to leave you behind a few galleons, but I argued that you wouldn't trust any money given to you that you didn't inspect and earn yourself. Remember old friend, constant vigilance."

A chuckle was heard from somewhere within the room, but no one could determine the source.

"To Arabella Figg, we leave behind five thousand galleons to continue her business of cross-breeding cats and kneazles. Thank you for taking care of Harry when no one else was around."

"To Rubeus Hagrid, one of our most reliable and honored acquaintances, we leave one hundred and fifty thousand galleons and copies of the Potter Family's Magical Creatures guides and tomes. May this fortune help you in your pursuit of achieving the teaching position you always coveted. Just remember that you are much sturdier than your students; don't expect them to be able to handle creatures with a firm hand like you would."

Dumbledore's eyebrows were raised at this reveal. Hagrid wants to be a Professor of Care and Magical Creatures? I know he expressed some desire, but he had such a wish even back then? Kettleburn did express a desire to retire to work in Romania… could be something to bring up during the next staff meeting…

"To Severus Snape, a friend lost to one word, we leave behind two hundred thousand galleons and a copy of the Potter Family's Potion Grimoire. Severus, James can't express the horror of what he and his friends did to you when they were younger – he can only ask for your forgiveness, begging that this small sum will appease you on some level. I, on the other hand, don't need anything from you. I never held you in contempt for what you said in the moment of anger – all you had to do was ask, and I would have forgiven you. You were always my friend Severus. You saying that word would not have destroyed our friendship that was built upon so many years. It was always Lily and Severus, neighbors of Cokeworth, England. So please, let your pain go. Move on and live your life. Pursue your dreams and live as your own man, not as someone who you think you should be."

Griphook rolled up his parchment, "There is a section, in the end, wishing everyone well-being and the best of wishes and the like."

Fudge jumped up at the chance, "What about where Harry should have gone? Did it mention anything about who he would have lived with?"

"There was a section dealing with that…"

"Then we demand that you read it, goblin! The Muggles who raised Harry Potter in that filthy home may be dead, but people like them must never again gain access to Wizard children ever again. We need to hear which member of their friends would have taken the child in."

"I am afraid you misunderstand Minister Fudge. Even if the will were read back when Harry's parents actually died, he would have still gone to his aunt."

"What?! How could it be? Who do we blame for such tragedy?"

Griphook gives the Minister his best smile, "Why you, Cornelius Fudge."

All eyes turned on to Fudge so fast that a collective snap was echoed. The Minister of Magic paused in mid-rant, looking back down upon the goblin, "Pardon?"

Griphook opened up the parchment once more, "While Lily and James did, in fact, leave a list of candidates, circumstances after their death that were outside their control eliminated almost all of them. After the Wizarding War, due to the many half-breeds that worked for Voldemort, you instituted stricter regulations and limitations upon them. As such, Remus, Flitwick, and Hagrid were removed from the list. Alice and Frank Longbottom were instituted, and the will had no stipulations about allowing Augusta take in Potter as her own. The Lovegood's are still considered persona non grata due to their work with The Quibbler under your rules, removing them from candidacy. Anyone who had a Dark Mark but was not convicted was removed as well, so that removed Severus Snape. And we all know what happened with Sirius Black…"

Minister Fudge started to physically sweat and panic, "That's… but what about the others mentioned in the will? They had a dozen or more friends besides that?!"

"While that is true, I would like to remind you ONCE MORE that most of them are dead by Voldermort hands. Everyone who isn't mentioned is probably someone not worthy of candidacy or who James and Lily believed were simply incapable or too busy to raise a child. They did, however, leave certain reasonings behind them. Unfortunately, of those people, only three are still alive, so I doubt that matter is important."

Fudge pounced, "Who were the two people?"

"Minerva McGonagall, Amelia Bones and Albus Dumbledore."


Griphook checked the parchment, "For Amelia, it was because at that point in time, she already took in Susan as her own – Lily believed that with her career and proprieties at the time, two would simply have been too much for her to handle at that point in time. The reasons for the other two are mostly similar, in the regards that they are both too old and have too many responsibilities that they would have not been unable to keep up with. There is, however, a distinction between the two. To Minerva, Lily left a concise explanation, asking for forgiveness for their choice. For Albus however, there a section written by James Potter…"

"Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, while you may be a powerful and wise wizard, it is in my best opinion that you should not be the one to raise Harry James Potter on our behalf. You are kind and caring, a great teacher, and the man who lead us to most likely stop the uprising of Lord Voldermort. However, you always only considered doing what was needed for the greater good of wizards, been too easy-handed at times, and you always kept too many secrets. I am sorry to say that in all the time I knew you, there was always something about you that was unreachable. I understood your trepidation about revealing everything that you were planning and things about yourself. But even others who did the same as you could still be considered closer friends to me than you. As such, I am sad to inform you, that you are ineligible as a candidate to adopt our son."

Griphook finally pulled the scroll away for good, "As you can see Minister Fudge, with everything that happened and all regulations that you set, there was no choice but to send Harry Potter to Lily's last possible candidate. You have no one but yourself to blame for what occurred. In all fairness, if this will was found sooner, nothing different would have truly happened on Harry Potter's behalf. It's almost as if someone purposefully made sure of that…"


"Actually, in this case, I am," replied Griphook calmly. "You see, the will had an unusual stipulation in it: Sirius Black had to be the one to request for it. It was an open secret since anyone who inquired about the will would have been told that only Mr. Black could get it. Unfortunately, since he was moved to Azkaban without any possible trial or hearing, the will had to be locked away until further notice."

Griphook observed as every person in the room deflated in defeat, "As you can see Minister Fudge and Dolores Umbridge, everything that happened to Harry Potter in his short life can directly be tied back to you all at the Ministry. When we presented this evidence to the young Potter, he did his best to control his fury. As you can imagine, he holds the Ministry as a whole in contempt and indignation…" (4)

Griphook noted a young male wizard running up to Amelia Bones, whispering something before passing on a parchment.

"If I am to guess, can I only assume that the parchment you just received had the time and date for Sirius Black's hearing?"

The Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement nodded, "Yes it is. I expedited the process as soon as you read Pettigrew's. I am sorry for the rush."

"None at all. We in Gringott's will just have to expedite the copy of the will to your department for the trial."


Before Griphook had a chance to rebut, Amelia Bones beat him to it, "The entire 'trial' which you speak of is based entirely on the fact that that Sirius Black was considered to be the Potter's Secret Keeper. If Sirius found out what Pettigrew did and attempt to catch him for his betrayal, then the murder of those twelve Muggles as well as why Pettigrew screamed what he did can be seen in an entirely different light. As such, despite your claims, Sirius Black will have a trial, and there will be a hearing! HIS STORY AND EVERYTHING THAT WAS COVERED UP WILL BE HEARD!"

Minister Fudge began to pace away, "What are you…"

Amelia pointed at Fudge, "Don't try to deny it. Did you really think we at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement ever believed that Bartemius Crouch stepped down as head because he was distraught for sending his son to Azkaban? No – he left because of what he had to do to send Sirius to Azkaban. Sirius's may have had his opinions about Crouch for publicly expressing his hatred for his son and to disown him in front of the entire Wizengamot. But Sirius and Crouch had no bad blood; Sirius and Lucius, however, is another story… It's not a guarded secret that Lucius made a sizable donation to you again after all the other Death Eaters were released. Not hard to deduce what the request was."

"That," spoke Griphook out loud despite the screaming match between Bones and Fudge, "is all I needed to hear."

Griphook slowly reached out for a sealed letter – something not seen in the Wizarding World – since they relied on parchment.

"Harry Potter left the following instructions in the case that Sirius Black was admitted back into the system for his trial and if probable cause of Lucius being involved was mentioned." Griphook opened up the letter and started reading it to a silenced hall.

"By now everyone present has realized that Sirius Black was not responsible for the death of my parents. If you are still lost, then you are dunderheads who can't figure out that Pettigrew sold them out, murdered twelve Muggles and framed my godfather by screaming that he was their Secret Keeper."

Dumbledore almost audibly gasped. "Dunderheads? But that's a phrase only Snape uses? How does he know it unless…"

"Guess what? I am pissed.

What makes it worse for you lot is that you almost allowed Lucius Malfoy to take my money. So you know what? I am a devout follower of Hammurabi's Code: an eye for an eye.

So let me give you a little trivia regarding Wizarding law: when Sirius was admitted back into the system for his trial, his title as Lord Black was returned. Unfortunately, since he is currently on trial, a Temporary Lord Black has to be chosen. Too bad for you Lucius, since Bellatrix is incarcerated in Azkaban, Andromeda is a Tonks, and Narcissa is currently a Malfoy . So guess who is left? As his godson and relative, I am now Lord Black until the trial ends."

Audible awes was followed by certain individuals falling back into their seats.

"Now normally, since I am not of age, I would have no authority. Thankfully, the law allows some leeway in such circumstance. Ironically, it was a Malfoy who made the law – guess crime really does run in the family. It doesn't let me sit in as the Lord at the meetings nor does it give me access to the Black Vaults – since I am not an actual Black – but I can still administer the few family members that are left. So you know what Lucius? I am annulling your marriage to Narcissa. With that out of the way, I am recalling the dowry that Cygnus Black the 3rd gave you. And with that, your current fortune has been halved, putting your Ancient and Noble House of Malfoy into lower standing and financial strain. You should have been more careful with your transactions: give someone enough time, even they can figure out how much a family has. And you know what? I won't let you remarry, Sirius probably won't – even if you help out his case - and even if he did, I doubt he will give a dowry. You should already now how much of rebel Sirius is; I doubt he will follow tradition. Narcissa, you can either stay at the or you can move to your family home for the time being. You should also know that Draco has the choice to remain a Malfoy or switch families. It's all up to him when he gets his mind back."

Griphook looked up to see Lucius's head in his hands, while Minister Fudge fidgeted more and more, trying to figure out a way to worm himself out of this predicament.

"Let this serve as a warning to everyone present. Also, let me make a few things clear.

I hate the Ministry as a whole for the hell you put me through. There are a few of you in the Ministry who I see as honorable and proud wizards, like Amelia Bones and Arthur Weasley. The rest know who you are.

I hate Wizengamot for not coming to my aide when I had no one left. Guess being the son of the Noble and Ancient House Potter doesn't guarantee any extra assistance. But since I was half-blood and not pure-blood, I take it you lot weren't motivated enough to do so.

But most of all, I despise Albus Dumbledore. I found the letter you left my aunt, so I know what you did. There is no redemption for you, so don't even bother looking for me. The rest of Hogwarts I have no problem with so they can look for me. But if I ever see your pasty white beard, I will kill you.

So, in conclusion, I – Harry James Potter – have returned to the Wizarding World. And I will kill every Death Eater who is still serving Voldemort. So I am giving you all a warning.

Don't bother looking for me and leave me the hell alone. This is your only warning.

You may laugh seeing as how I am only eleven years old. That is true. I mean, I don't have much. But what I do have are a very particular set of skills, skills I have acquired over the years. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you stay out of my way and remain in hiding, that'll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you. (5)

Have a good day."

Griphook folded the letter away, "Now, you have a lot of information to process, so I will bid you all adieu. I have a lot of owls to send out to the beneficiaries of the will to inform them of their new holdings." Griphook looked up before leaving, "I hope to hear from you again soon enough, Amelia Bones."

It was only after Griphook that cacophony and panic descended upon the chambers.

Harry, what have you done?

In all the chaos, no one saw a blue beetle fly out of the room.

October 3rd, 2011

Harry couldn't help but note that it was an unusually quiet lunch meal on this sunny Monday. It didn't make it any better since every student present noted that Albus Dumbledore was not present at the teacher table.

That's when the owls descended. Usually, it's just a few owls here and there. Now, there a was a menagerie of multi-colored owls flying into the hall, each carrying what appeared to be some special edition of the Daily Prophet for every student present.

As all the newspapers were being delivered, Harry couldn't help but note a select few were carrying parchments to McGongall, Snape, Hagrid, Flitwick, Susan Bones, and Neville Longbottom.

Harry didn't notice their reactions as he finally managed to see the front page of the paper. He couldn't help but smile.

What a mediocre game you played Lucius. One game ends with a Pedestal Mate. And now… so many more games have begun. I opened all of the with the Ruy Lopez and now we see what happens. Game on… Game on indeed…


Sirius Black conviction questioned as revealed by the Potter Will!

Harry Potter is acting Lord Black while his Godfather awaits his trial!

Narcissa Black and Lucius Malfoy are forcefully divorced!

Lucius Malfoy's son Draco admitted to St. Mungo's!

Investigations of allegations of corruption against Minister Cornelius Fudge!

Harry Potter declares war on Death Eaters who have gotten away with their crimes!

Harry Potter declares his hatred of Albus Dumbledore!

Harry Potter still in hiding!

All this and more in a special exclusive written by Rita Skeeter.

next chapter
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