46.34% HARMONY 1 / Chapter 19: THEY KNOW

บท 19: THEY KNOW

Rebekah's point of view:

I head down downstairs to find all my friends waiting at the end of the stairs. Alina, Teva and Clyden are seated on the second last stair talking to the others standing in front of them.

"There she is," Max notifies them of my arrival. Alina, Teva and Clyden stand turning to me.

"How did it go?" Alina asks

I slowly bring out the small golden shiny box that I was hiding in my right hand behind my back.

"What happened? Why aren't you wearing it?" Reseda inquires.

"I want to think about it first," I respond, "everything is just happening so fast, I just want to be sure."

"I understand," says Tecno, "you're in a new world, a world you've never heard of, people you've never seen before, it's okay."

"All you have to know is that, we would never hurt you, even if you were human, we are all the same, we all bleed, we all die, we're just designed different, and that's so cool," Says Clyden.

"You're one of us, it's going to take some time to get used to our world, there's so much to explore,"

"We look weird, and our world is weird-"

"One thing I learned is that…weird is just a judgement based on what we think is not acceptable, beautiful, unique, normal, because-"

"Being different is what makes you unique," Alina finishes my sentence.

"You know what?..." Cari wonders, "I might have just found the theme for this month, check this, Let's be different," she waves her right hand in front of us. " Let's be weird," she waves the other hand. She places her hands in front of her face "Let's be unique," she says while sliding her hands to opposite sides as she introduces her theme.

"I like it," I smile

Cari hugs me.

"I like her spirit," Clyden says. Cari lets go of me.

"So where's Liam?" I ask

"well... He is, umm... Over there" Tecno points with his eyes and I look. He is talking with Bexy again, and like always, she can't keep her hands to herself.

Why is he with her? Does she really not like her or does he just pretend not to like her in front of us?

He looks back at me for a while and looks away.

"Oh," I say and look at Reseda

"I want to go sleep now, I'm tired," I stretch myself could anyone perhaps show me where I can rest?"

"But you will miss out on the cake," Teva worries.

"You can keep for me,"

"Okay then, come on," Reseda says

"Loreg," Teva says

"huh?..." I wonder

"it means goodnight," Max translates

"Oh...Loreg," I laugh at my pronunciation

"Not bad," Michael comments

"We will teach you," Teva says

"Yes, zah Harmony is going to sleep first, come on," Reseda grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs. We walk down the opposite direction from the meeting room.

"This place is big," I comment as we walk past the Library. How do I know? It's written on the door.

"Yeah, it has 14 rooms all together except for the kitchen and cafeteria," Reseda agrees.

"Do all the students stay here? " We walk past one room

"Well no, only guardians and the headmistress. Most of the other students are from here and some are international so they rent student accommodations, while those from here already have their homes close by," she explans. In front onn the right is a line of rooms. We continue right, along the corridor are Alina and Reseda's rooms as written on the signs on top of their doors. At the end, on the left is a glass door leading to a porch and in front another horizontal row of 3 bedrooms, then the wall bends down straight and bends right where there's another row of bedrooms. Facing my back to the long line of rooms, there's another line of three rooms in front of me.

"Wow…" I admire the place.

"Come on, yours is number three," she informs and we continue down to the right. From here I can see everyone. Liam is back with his friends.

"The first one is Alina's, second one is mine and this one…" she leans her elbow opposite the light-brown wooden door with orange, glass grills forming diamond shapes on the door. "Is yours."

Above the door, on the wall is a stylish bubble with strands curling outwards like roots same as all the other rooms, where their names are, but this one doesn't have a name.

"All the rooms here are for the girls until that last room which is Teva's. If you turn around, in front of you are the boys' rooms from the first on the right, to the fifth one straight down.

"Wow, a person could get lost in here. I saw an invention room along the way." I turn to her. "is that where we do all the science and stuff?"

She chuckles removing her elbow from the wall, "no, that's Tecno's invention room where he makes cars and other technology stuff."


"This not like a school school," she walks to the fence looking down at the people downstairs. "It's more like a karate school, like a university for fighting and stuff," she looks at me.

"Oh…I get it,"

"Come on I need to show you this," she walks to the wall opposite the door on the right. I follow.

"Here," she opens her hands and there's a small, circular glass with a…

"What's that?" I inquire

"It's your key," she hands it to me and it sinks into my rigt hand.

"What's?...what happened?" I stress

"Don't worry, it's meant to do that,"

"Are you saying I have a glass inside my body?"

She laughs, "No. Come," She places her right hand on the wall. "put your right hand on this wall."

I look at her first before uncertainly walking forward. I place my right hand on the wall and a orange light appears under my hand. Immediately, the door opens.

Reseda smiles, "See,"

I remove my hand, and look at her amazed.

"Come on," she walks in. I follow. The door closes by itself.

"Wow…if school rooms look like this, how do the palaces look?"

Long windows with white lace and orange, satin curtains. Shiny, dark brown wooden floors. Rectangular and circular pillows of white and orange colours. And a dark brown headboard with light stands on each side.

"This is it," she says

"This is massive," I look down ahead, where there's a long, silky curtain and three steps of stairs.

"Wave your hand at the curtains,"

"Like…as in goodbye?" I clarify

"No, just wave once, and it will open,"

"Oh, I know what you mean,"

"Saw this in the movies once."

I wave, and curtain divides in half, going in opposite directions. I don't see any strings or something holding the curtain up.

"Wait a minute…" I look at the window opposite my bed. It also doesn't have. They all don't.

The curtains reveal a beautiful glass shower behind them, like I could just rather sleep in their. On the left, is a cylinder-shaped mirror on the wall with silver decorations around it. Under it, is a orange glass sink like the toilet, it has a glass tap and like the toilet, I've never seen it before, it has no pipes, not on it, it sits above the floor, not on it. It floats!

I walk up the stair case. I try to move it a little without Reseda noticing what I'm doing, but it's as hard as rock. What's holding it in place?

"You like it?" She asks. I look at her, then I look around the room.

I shrug my shoulders in amazement "I love it, it's like a whole house." I grin

"Well...You can always ask Liam to join you," she smiles

"Reseda!" I smile. I kind of like what she said but…

She laughs, "what?... I see the way you guys look at each other."

"It's not like that, we're just friends," I walk down to her.

"Mmm... But seriously though, what would you say…if Liam asked you to marry him? Or told you he was in love with you?" she plays with her curly hair.

"That's crazy, I don't even like him in that…way."

"Maybe I'd kiss him like he's the best meal I've ever had."

She raises her one eyebrow, with a smirk. She doesn't believe me, that's obvious.

"I'm just messing with you. I probably shouldn't have asked you that, you just arrived and I'm already making you feel uncomfortable. Sorry." She sympathizes.

"It's okay." I walk over to the bed and lay down. I run my right hand over the blanket.

"I'll let you get comfy," she turns. "Oh I forgot" she turns back around. "Follow me,"

I get up and follow her to a door opposite the huge curtain covering the shower. She opens it, and we enter.

"This is your closet," she informs.

There are orange and white cupboards, from one wall to the second. On the right wall is a dressing table, same colour as the cupboard. It has two drawers.

I run to open the cupboards, my eyes widen and my jaw slacks in amazement. I rush my hands through the hangers, "this is like a room for a princess,"

She smiles, "if you think this is good then you haven't seen a princess's room. It's a hundred times better than this."

"I can just imagine." I turn to her. "Are you a princess?"

"Yeah, I'm the princess of Healsvalle."

"Wow, so…" I look at the floor in wonder, "a guardian can be anyone?" I look at her

"Yeah, royalty or not," she walks out and I follow. Before she walks out of my room, she turns to me. "I'm glad you are here. I know it's going to take some time, but here…you're one of us, so…get comfortable, Tommorow your training begins,"


"We don't have any more time to waste, the sooner the better,"

I nod, "right,"

She smiles, opens the door and walks out.

"Goodnight," I say.

She turns, smiles, "Goodnight."


Liam's point of view:

"So, when do you think Harmony will be ready," Tecno asks me as we are all seated on the L-shaped couch at a corner away from the party. Reseda walks down to us and seats next to Tecno at the end of the couch.

"I don't know," I look at Tecno seated on the other side of the couch on the left. "It's been 15 years, it's going to take more than a week for her to be ready." I look forward resting my arm on the couch arm. "But I don't think Musiana can hold on for much longer. She's not going to be perfect, but…we will be with her every step of the way, it's worth the try, we can't lose Musiana."

She can't lose her parents either.

"Are you okay?" Tecno asks. And no, he's not asking me.

I look. Reseda's eyes are closed.

"She's sensing something."

She opens her eyes looking concerned, "I feel dark energy close by." She informs.

"Out of all the days, they chose today." Clyden says looking a little annoyed.

"The menace are ours to deal with anyway." I stand. " Besides, this is why we are guardians, let's go."


Zelda's point of view:

I deeply inhale, slowly separating each scent, "she is back." I look up at Elphia,

"Weak," I evilly smirk. "Perfect"

"Good for us," Ozinah says

I turn away from the school and look at them shifting my hips the other side, "yes, but she's surrounded by those filthy guardians," I bring my right hand over my chest pinning it under my left arm, with my left hand under my chin, thinking. "We can't finish the job if the guardians are always around her."

"Maybe we could try invading the school," Trixy suggests

"Zelda," Blade calls looking right past me, " I think they found us."

"Guardians…" I say with hate.

"They disgust me." I turn around.

"You were not invited," says Liam

This guy makes me sick.

"I don't need an invitation" I get myself ready as do the rest of my crew. Blade has his sword out, Rozen is paler than ever, Trixy has her insects ready, for Havoc there's a lot of ground to go around, and as for Ozinah, you can see the purple poison running through her body.


Harmony's point of view:

I just showered, now I'm struggling as to what in the world I should wear for sleeping, everything here looks so fancy, at least let me find something old to wear.

My eyes glitter at the sparkly dress on the hangers, I take it out and raise it high in front of me. "Wow." I walk to the mirror and put it over me to see how I'd look, while I'm in the moment, I hear voices outside. I walk to the window. "What's that?" I open the lace curtain to see properly

"Liam?" I whisper in wonder.

But it's not just Liam, the other are there with some evil looking group opposite them. It almost seems like they are about to fight or something.


Zelda's point of view:

"Leave now!" He commands.

"Or what?" blade says while stiffening his big muscles, he is the big guy in my group

"Fine then," says Liam and immediately the weather changes, thunder strikes from the overcast sky to him changing him into his battle clothes.

"huh!.." Blade shouts as he goes after Liam with his sword in his hand, ready to pierce through some good skin, but Liam back flips and appears at the back of him with an unexpected electrifying elbow to his spine, Blade closes his eyes in pain bring his back in, his mouth open in pain. Liam flies up. He just made Blade more angry, now he is going to get it. Blade's muscles tighten and so does his grip on the huge, poisonous sword.

"You little..." Blade slowly turns around with rage. "I wouldn't mind some rat soup," he runs after him.

"When are you going to give up Zelda?" Tecno asks.

"When I am dead" I evilly smile. "It's a shame man are not allowed to fight with a woman In Melda," I chuckle and run to attack him while the others go after the rest, but my attack is dismissed by an unexpected punch to my face causing me to fall back.

I wipe my chin with rage, "Alina."

The other female Guardians attack Trixy, havoc and Ozinah

Teva has Havoc tired up in vines, Reseda attacks Ozinah with her glowing yellow staff to the ground but Trixy escapes Cari's light energy ball, while Michael and Rozen battle it out.

"They are all here, she was here all along, Alina must've used her invisibility powers to hide them." I get up ready to rip her head off. Beaten by a weakling, father would be disgraced.

"Go Alina," Max cheers her on. Apparently they can't do much except watch.

"You dare!"

"What, should I break more of your face?"

I storm after her, tripping her to the ground. I grab her by her hair and drag her around on the ground

"Maybe you should've picked someone at your level."

I gather my energy in my hands to finish her.

"No!" Tecno shouts.

"What are you going to do about it?" I provoke.

The sky rumbles alarmingly. I turn around her hair in my hand to see Blade crushing with his back onto the ground.

"Blade!" I run to him.

"Ahh..." He cries.

I look at the Guardians, closing in on us. Havoc is buried under her own rocks, Trixy is just getting up from the ground, Ozinah is laying on the ground, and Michael has his foot on Rozen's head, who's body is laying flat down. There's something at the window that I can't help but look up at it. I squint my eyes.

"Harmony..." I smirk. "There you are."

The guardians notice me and turn to the window.

"Don't even think about it Zelda" Liam flies down and I furiously look at him.

"But I am thinking about it," I smirk.


Liam's point of view:

Zelda saw Harmony, now they have a confirmation that she is here. Well, they were going to find out anyway

"You will never touch her," I state firmly.

"Watch me." she smiles as disappears leaving behind black smoke, same goes with the rest of her crew.

"Well…what now Captain?" Cari looks at me

"Don't let her go out alone until…" I exhale. "Until she's able to defend herself," I instruct and they nod.

We walk back to the school. I'm still in thought of what Blade said.

"Do you think I have gotten weak?" I look at Tecno.

"Well...I don't think so," he responds, " I mean like.. you still defeated Blade,"

I look forward still not satisfied with his response, "I'll just train a little more."

"Don't push yourself, Liam," says Michael.

"I'm the leader, I have to be strong" I say

"You don't NEED to be strong to be our leader, you just need to be you, YOU are our leader, not your power," Reseda says

I sigh, "my dad-"

"Liam!" Harmony comes running to us in her orange, silky night gown.

"Harmony," I say looking a little puzzled.

She runs right into my arms, hugging me tightly with arms around my back.

"Who was that?" she anxiously asks with her head against my chest.

"Don't worry about it," I respond, and she looks up at me.

She looks so cute like this.

"It was just the menace," Reseda informs. She removes her arms around me and turns to Reseda looking fearful.

"The ones who destroy my home?"

"Well, the former menace are the ones who destroyed your home, but they are just carrying on from where they left off," Alina explains.

"Those people look scary, are you guys okay?" I concern.

Michael crushes his fist on his hand enthusiastically, "Never been better." He smiles at me.

He looks…unbothered about what happened, as if it's a normal routine.

"Come on, let's go," Liam grabs my hand and we make our way into the school.

"When is the party ending," I ask as Liam opens the right door for us.

"Well, I think it's about time," Tecno looks at Liam. "It's quite late and we have training tomorrow." He enters. Max enters last to close the door.

"Yeah," Max agrees.

"Attention everyone!" says Tecno, and the crowd stops and listens. "Thank you for coming, you really made this day special,"

The crowd claps.

"But it is quite late so... Party is over," Tecno declares. The crowds sounds a little disappointed

"And thank you." He ends off and the people start to exit the building.

"I'm tired" Alina says with exhaustion, "good night guys." She walks towards the stairs.

"You guys go ahead, I will lock up," I volunteer.

"You sure? I can do it," Tecno suggests.

"Yeah," I nod. "it's okay."

"Okay, will see you tomorrow." He responds and they all depart.

"Harmony…" I watch her walk up the stairs. She looks back at me like she doesn't want to go. Like she longs for me to call her back. She continues her way up. I exhale stand by the door leaning on the wall, this day seems too good to be true.

"Harmony is actually here! Home! Just a few steps away! Why can't I just go and tell her?! What have I got lose?..." I finally realize… "our friendship."

After the last person leaves, I close the door.

"Liam!" someone calls, I turn around.

"Teacher," I say looking back at him on the stairs in wonder. He walks down to me in his teaching suit, a white leather turtle neck jumpsuit with a long leather coat.

"What was that back there?" He asks


"The menace" he clarifies

"Oh, you saw…"

He nods, "mmm-hh"

"Well, they were searching for Harmony again and uhm…they know,"

"Hmm..." He stares at me in thought.

"Does the headmistress know of their visit?" I inquire


"Great, I'll just go and get the keys,"

"You mean these keys?" he swings out his left hand from the back revealing the keys hanging on his index finger.


He places his right hand on my shoulder, "go and sleep, Liam, it's back to training tomorrow," he says

Smile, "Thanks,"

He smiles with gladness, "go on now," he removes his hand from my shoulder.

next chapter
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