100% Green Gang / Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Captured

บท 2: Chapter 2: Captured

Chapter 2: Captured.

Note: hey there my doods! Here is another chapter for y'all amazing readers!

It seems to me a lot of people really like my Green Gang Story though with some questions attached.

1: This story isn't a villain Deku story, it's an Anti Hero AFO story that just happens to be a Yakuza Setting. I mean, a lot of Yakuza stories often lead to villain/anti hero stories but no one showcases a Yakuza gang that is actually good, honorable really. And sure they do crime but that's pretty much a given with gang stories.

2: Someone asked me privately how a gang member like Izuku or the Green Scarfs had managed to do what they do without getting caught and my main inspiration for it is based on the lone figure synonymous with Gang Violence in U.S History, Al Capone.

Unlike most gangs who lay low when they do crime, Al Capone lived for fame and somehow managed to remain large despite how big of a hit he was in the eyes of the public.

Only getting caught due to Tax Evasion yet Al never was convicted with any other crime so that should explain how good he was.

But anyway! To those who submitted ideas for ocs and quirks! Me and Unlimited thank you wholeheartedly! I can definitely see the green gang becoming very large.

Romance! If anyone has ideas for romance don't hesitate to submit them to us, and we will see if they would work.

Also I've decided to bump everyone's age to 18 and turn U.A High to a University primarily because this sounded more interesting than the common High School setting.


The Long Haired Greenette turned away from a possibly pale wide eyes wood hero as he stood there shaking slightly at the revelation.

He continues to walk as the fires around him slowly go out from mists of concentrated ice, now with the people running and the fires being put out to reduce property damage.

This allows the well dressed yakuza member to operate openly especially since his quirk 'Anonymous' which allows the user to have their face blurred to those who tries to remember him or get a defining feature, this extends to physical pictures and live coverage from cameras.

It's an incredibly powerful quirk that Izuku Midoriya takes full advantage of when he operates in the open.

"And who the hell are you!? Don't you realize that I have a hostage stupid!?" The man made of slime shouted at the moss colored greenette, Izuku didn't pay to the slime man's words but more focused on the kid that was intertwined with the viscous liquid.

Izuku narrowed his eyes towards the hostage as if he was trying to rack his brain out to pull out some long forgotten information.

The boy stared back in fear clear in his crimson red eyes, his hair was ash blonde, for a few moments…

Izuku's eyes widened considerably as he finally retrieved the information of the hostage.

Katsuki Bakugo, the very boy, or man in this case, that was solely responsible for sabotaging the greenettes dream of being the greatest hero to have existed so now Izuku stared at him with widen eyes mentally asking himself if Katsuki was worth all this hassle.

'God dammit all…Yes, he's worth it, even if I want to freeze him solid and break his crumbled form for ruining my life in the beginning but I can't do that' Izuku thought to himself before smiling gently, one that sent shivers down the non existent spine of the slime villain.

"Why yes, I can see you have a hostage Ol Sport but the question really is…how much is his life really worth to you? Hmm?" The greenette exclaimed as his smile soon grew a bit more with a view of his bright white smile which showed a bit more teeth in the situation.

The slime creature seemed to growl and raised its liquid hand with sweat being pushed towards its palm to activate the nitroglycerin inside the sweat for the explosive attack.

The greenette seemed to smile at this along with his eyes narrowing down before jumping backwards to avoid the slam of the slime palm along with the added explosive hit 'The creature is rather sluggish because it's holding on Kacchan tight so he could continue to collect the sweat to use so I simply need to get Kacchan out of his grip but how should I get to that? Hmm' Izuku thinks to himself as he side steps another palm slap and a following explosion.

The force of the blast didn't seem to faze the greenette in the slightest 'He's getting cocky..' Indeed as while the Gang Leader himself tends to get over confident from time to time but that was due his plans and preparations has been made and everything followed how he predicted but this creature was in a precarious position so he needs to be more focused on trying to utilize the situation to get free, bargain with the hostage or threaten to kill him.

Izuku favored the second option.

But the slime villain seemed contempt to simply destroy property and become big enough to get some of the big name heroes to come and take it down 'Idiot, it's obvious he's just some no name villain trying to drum up some glory for himself so after a few minutes of seemingly doing nothing but dodging the explosive blasts which is getting on the slime man's nerves.

"GRRR! Stop moving damn you! Just who the fuck do you think you are!?" He shouts as the next strike did in fact connect with the multi quirk user though he began to look with horror as Izuku simply stood their as the cloud of smoke dissipated then swept his left shoulder with his right hand as if to say that the damage was so minimal that he was wiping off the soot from his shoulder.

Other than the hand swipe of the shoulder vest, the greenette doesn't look like he acquired any damage whatsoever "W-what…how!? This quirk is supposed to be powerful! Powerful enough to keep the heroes at bay so how are you still fine!?" The slime man exclaimed as his confidence had been fully shaken which was what Izuku planned from the start, break one's confidence then they are less likely to make rational decisions.

"I'm All for One, the underworld's boogeyman and I possess a quirk that allows me to create force fields to negate any and all physical damage. THAT is why you are in capable of defeating me because the quirk you are using doesn't belong to you and because of that, you have zero clue how to properly utilize a stolen quirk" A palm strikes against Midoriya's energy field around him displacing the attack and negating the damage done to the person.

"Seriously? Sure maintaining my field is annoying because I have to concentrate but did you really think that would work a second time? That shit only happens in movies" Izuku exclaimed annoyed, then the smile returned as he started making his way to the slime man.

The villain growls and strikes at the greenette again but each and every explosive strike bounces off the translucent blue shield that is around the green tie boy, Izuku having reached the slime man who looked extremely worried and scared and grabbed Katsuki Bakugo and tossed him harshly at the heroes down the street, the wood hero Kamui Woods easily catches the ash blonde explosive boy with ease.

"Now then, with your meat shield out of the way now I don't have to worry about his safety so you'll learn what it means to defy the leader of the Green Scarfs" Izuku exclaimed as his smile soon turned into a vicious villainous looking grin and his right hand raising.

An icy like haze starts exuding from the boys hand which indicated the use of an ice quirk though in a swift movement of the greenette, he threw a haze ball at the slime man who would have dodged if not for the fact that the concrete underneath him moved causing the man to lose his movement and got hit, the haze caused his slime body start rapidly turn to ice.

It was extremely painful to which the slime man started screaming in bloody pain as the ice froze his solid.

The slime man is now no longer a sickly slime green but a brilliant beautiful ice blue which would've looked pretty if not for the fact that the news, the heroes and the innocent bystanders had watched the villain die to be that ice statue.

Izuku simply laughed at this as he walked towards the villain, one left hand behind his back while the other pocketed "You believed yourself to be a grand villain! And yet all you did was annoy the heroes and took a hostage. If I was in your place I would've made a statement but no! You were idiotic even to your death" The Green Boss exclaimed as he slam swings his left arm into the sculpture causing it to shatter into small shards that now litters the concrete road.

Izuku simply smiled at the former slime man's shards falling to the floor and was ready to pick one up until he heard a collective five clicks around him which the man looked around to find five men in police uniform who were all pointing revolvers at him, they were all wielding .38 specially designed revolvers based on the American Smith and Wesson Design.

Izuku would smile at this as he slowly raised his hands into the air, his right hand would have three fingers raised while the ring and pinky fingers clenched and while the police may not understand the sign itself but two figures in the crowd instantly figured out what Izuku was doing.

The sign was saying to these two figures 'Run' which is a code Izuku and everyone in the green scarfs used when one member plans to stay behind for whatever reason.

The officers slowly approached the greenette some were shaking but managed to get the gang leader into cuffs.

In the background, the white haired girl would grit her teeth and slowly backed away from the scene, she mutters to herself and to the muscular hatted man beside her "Shit! Shit, shit, shit! The boss has been captured, John, what do we do?" Miyuki looked over to John Steel who was watching the scene with a resting bitch face while his hat was tilted covering his left eye.

"We proceed with contingency plan Echo, the one where we must enact if the boss ever gets captured" John said as he turned and started walking away as if the man he was loyal to wasn't being dragged with cuffs on.

The white haired girl followed suit behind the man "We both know out of the 5k membership that have, only 2% of that are capable of getting into a stand still with the top 10 heroes in Japan, not even including All Might, plus with the boss's quirk being essentially the same quirk wielded by the actual All for One then the Top Hero of the world is going to investigate Mr.Midoriya" Miyuki exclaimed obviously rattled of what is happening and could be happening.

"I know that Miyuki, but we don't have much to do until we can enact Plan Echo! The boss personally crafted the 22 Contingencies so we have to follow through with Echo as per the Boss's request but that would mean recalling the Pestou Force from up north to achieve it" John explained as the two lieutenants of the green scarfs walked into a rather empty section of the marketplace.

"Ugh, do we really need Pestou and his group of dancing rejects in Contingency Echo?" The ice woman expressed her disdain for the man named Pestou.

John snorted slightly in amusement as Miyuki didn't like Pestou whatsoever but that may have been that Izuku Midoriya likes Pestou a lot and allowed him great freedom within the gang "Yes, Contingency Echo was crafted for The Pestou Force's intervention and assistance, do not forget each member of the force possesses Energy Manipulation Quirk and a powerful specialized quirk."

Miyuki sniffs slightly before walking past the wall of muscle that is John Steel "I get it but why did the boss let himself get captured? Everyone knows he has several teleportation quirks than could easily get himself away"

The muscular hatted man remained silent for the time as he too wondered why Izuku willingly gave himself up but decided that the greenette was always unpredictable "It won't matter why he gave himself up, we have our orders with Contingency Echo"

"Fine fine, but you're calling Adrian" the white haired woman said/ordered.

"That's fine" the hatted man said as the two began to make their way back to the warehouse district.

-Location: Musutafu Police Department, Interrogation Room #5-

Naomusa Tsukauchi was standing behind the one way glass that peered into the interrogation room while staring at the greenette who seemed to be fiddling with the quirk suppressing cuffs that were tied to the table.

"Mr.Nezu, you need to realize that we can't do anything to him unless we have definitive evidence and we have nothing tying Mr.Midoriya to any activity done by the green scarfs, the only crime that we can pin him for is Illegal Quirk Use and negligent homicide however the homicide bit can be dumped as self defense by the courts and illegal quirk use is always considered a low grade offense due to the society we are in especially Mr.Midoriya can spin this with his self defense motion" The detective explained the situation of what is happening to a creature beside him.

The white furred creature wasn't any human with some sort of animalistic quirk but in fact a creature experimented on for an unknown period of time and gained a hyper intelligence quirk that allowed it to be smarter than most humans "Quite yes, but during your first interrogation, did he give up any 'Lie' in his questioning?" Nezu looked over and up to the detective who looked worried.

"No, in fact every question I asked, my quirk had told me 'Unknown' which made me come to the conclusion that he must have some type of quirk that made him invincible from my quirk" The trench coat detective exclaimed as his eyes didn't leave the greenette.

The white furred rodent also looked at the greenette curiously "Hm, it would seem that he has all his bases covered when making contact with the authorities so it will make our job significantly more difficult to get any definitive…we need him to willingly confess or perhaps try to get him to see at the shut down his organization" The animal said as he had hoped for such an outcome but even his enhanced intelligence already knew that wouldn't be possible.

"We both know a possible criminal is not going to willingly incriminate themselves so can we offer any sort of deal to him? But I'm not sure what we can offer for him to dismantle his criminal gang" Naomusa exclaimed to which he heard the door to the one sided glass room open showing a blonde haired man who looks more weathered than a sun dried zombie, really lean and sticky.

"Thanks for coming here Toshinori, you're really the only one we can go to when discussing this 'All for One' quirk" Naomusa said looking happy at the matchstick skeleton, Toshinori seemed to nod at the detective and looked at the boy.

"Jesus, he's far younger then I would expect for a criminal vigilante. What's his name?" Toshinori looked over to the police detective who brought out a file from the table next to the window.

"-Name: Izuku Midoriya, Age: 18, Occupation: Investor-" Naomusa starts explaining the knowledge they have on hand when Izuku was concerned but was interrupted by the blonde hero.

"What does he invest in? Maybe we can use that against him" Yagi asked as the detective flipped some pieces of paper on the clipboard that he's holding.

The detective then began to speak "From what I understand, Mr.Midoriya invests in all sorts of ventures which his favorite seems to be games of luck such as Poker, Blackjack, slots and so forth to which he's personally invested into a well known casino in Kyoto as well as some casinos here in Musutafu. He's also funded the Yamato Sushi and Hibachi restaurant chain.

"Other then that, he invests in anything that catches his fancy ranging from antiques, to food, to soda, to computer games, to kitchen appliances, Mr.Midoriya is quite wealthy from all these very logical and profitable business ventures and pays a lot of taxes on his income so we have a legal profession and the tax forms are verified" Naomusa showed the hero and institution principal the verified forms of Izuku's 'Legal' profession.

Nezu looked closer to the sheet "Oh! I didn't think Mr.Midoriya had thought this far ahead, not only does he have a quirk that blurs his appearance to live cameras and video, he has a quirk that makes it impossible to determine if he's lying or not and he has a legal profession with submitted taxes to the government so essentially Midoriya is near untouchable without verified cause of his criminality" The animal exclaimed to the two, one blonde man looking confused while the one detective nodded in understanding.

"I'll go in, see if I can do something to get this boy to confess" All Might exclaimed as his body buffs out unnaturally exposing his true highly muscular form and quickly leaves the one sided glass room to enter the actual interrogation room "I AM HERE! TO TALK TO YOU!" All Might called out his usual catchy catchphrase which caused the greenette who was on his phone for mysterious reasons 'Where did he get that?' "NICE TO MEET YOU YOUNG IZUKU MIDORIYA" The overly muscular man greeted as he always believed a polite approach got people to be more relaxed and open.

Izuku seemed to smile deeply at this which is being shown as genuine "Hello to you too Mr.All Might, I must say, I didn't believe my vigilante act in the marketplace was so bad that warranted a visit from the planets top hero personally"

The muscular hero sits down at the chair right across from the green boss's location "TRUE, BUT AS A HERO, IT'S MY JOB TO SEE IF YOU WILL END UP CAUSING TROUBLE YOUNG MAN BUT I WANTED TO ASK YOU A QUESTION ABOUT YOUR QUIRK." All Might asked as he learned forward trying to see if the greenette would lie about it to his face.

Izuku's smile soon grew which showed a bit of his teeth which are pearly white and neatly cared for "Quite curious about it hmm? Fine, you've fought All for One-" this caused Toshinori to flinch and nearly deflate at this accusation as that bit of info was never released to the public and to those that did, it was covered that he was attacked by the villain Toxic Chain that gave him his mortal injury.

"-so you understand just how dangerous a quirk like mine is, All for One, the quirk that takes other quirks through physical contact and gives them away as well if desired. It's is a dangerous quirk to have in today's society when everything and one is controlled by quirks but you see 'Toshinori Yagi' you can't stop my quirk from existing nor can you control it because my quirk, like all quirks, are living tools that are connected with us, but I suppose Nana Shimura didn't tell you that" Izuku exclaimed as his teethy smile turned into a vicious like grin.

Toshinori quickly deflated upon hearing that his name was known to the gang leader but also his past with Nana and his battle with All for One that permanently crippled him "How…" Yagi asked as he was unsure of what to think of this, especially since the matchstick man had a very close knit group of people that know the truth of himself, his quirk, his past and his arch nemesis but managed to keep such information to his circle, no one outside of them nor the 'obviously' dead true all for one knew about him or his teacher.

"Come now Mr.Yagi, anyone with a clue of where to look can easily obtain that information so it's best you hide all this information about One for All, Nana Shimura and keep your close knit crew even closer because at some point, someone is going to find out about your little gift" Izuku exclaimed as his vicious grin receded into present smile.

"Does anyone else know?" The blonde skeleton asked as he was worried this information could spread and then he'd be on the back burner in fear.

"Only my two lieutenants and a good friend named Adrian Pestou, and I had both sworn to a non-disclosure agreement and defying me has disastrous consequences so you don't need to worry this information about getting out because…my…'work' is the most profitable is when you are still active as a hero" The green gang leader didn't clarify at what he did as the boy knew what his official reports give out to the authorities and heroes.

The near dead man sighed in relief as he knew his secret will remain that but it didn't make him any less worried that four people, three of which the man hasn't even met, knows his secret so he would have to accept that they wouldn't give out his secret if Midoriya's desire of greater profit was to be taken seriously then the Top Hero didn't need to worry that his secret would be released "Thank you Young Midoriya, you understand just how bad society will crumble if my quirk is released to the public".

"Of course All Might, I know people knows I can take and give quirks as that's my thing, they would lose hope if the top hero was designated as 'quirkless' and civil discord will occur with everyone complaining why they didn't get a chance and civil discord is bad for business" Izuku said as he explained that All Mights secret is far to valuable and dangerous to be known to the public and it would be bad for his gang to try and keep proper order.

"Thank you, now Young Midoriya, I can see you are a very bright young man with a good future but why didn't you try to be a hero? It's only a few days since U.A University started. If you dismantle the green scarfs, I can pull some strings and get you into the hero course" Toshinori tried to bargain as the boy was a lot easier to talk to than the actual man himself, and he was extremely agreeable, polite and kind for the most part.

"No" One simple word caused all might to cough out a waterfall of blood that the greenette simply stared emotionless but the blonde injured man knew the boy was reading from shock and couldn't properly handle the sudden spill of blood.

"I-I am sorry, but no? Young Midoriya, don't you understand how big of a deal this is? A lot of people would kill to get this opportunity to have the Number 1 Hero of the world to personally sponsor their entry into U.A, the top school in Japan" All Might exclaimed, trying hard to get the greenette to see reason.

Izuku would smile again after getting over the sudden shock of the blood "Oh I know Toshinori, trust me, I've been denied my chance to be a hero LONG ago and i would completely dismantle my gang for this chance but I've been the leader of the green scarfs for years now and I have the duty to stick around for my boys and girls who has nothing else, to make sure they are getting their paycheck and supporting their families. I would LOVE the opportunity to get into U.A but…I'm not sacrificing my men for that so unless you have a compromise All Might, I'm not letting my people go" Izuku exclaimed as he turned serious as he refused to let his people go just because of his own selfishness.

All Might stared at the boy with wonder and secretly, happiness, Izuku really was a hero at heart as he was getting an opportunity to be what every kid desired to be yet he's not accepting it because as a leader, he's responsible for every life that is working for him and prefers to stick around for their sake rather then himsel 'Why does it look like I'm staring at a younger form of Nana?'

"How about a compromise All Might? It's quite clear you are very uncomfortable with me on the streets and with my gang still operating in the underworld without some sort of regulation so how about this, you take me and my two lieutenants into the hero course and when we get our provisional licenses, I can do paperwork and get the green scarfs recognized as a legal hero agency. Doesn't that sound much better? We get to be heroes and my boys and girls stick under my leadership" Izuku proposed as an alternative to disbanding his gang.

All Might tapped his chin slightly as he knew this was perhaps the best deal he can make with the vigilante gangster but he needed to confirm the deal first with the principal "Let me ask someone first before we start getting into the details" Izuku simply nodded and returned to his phone as if the blonde wasn't even there.

Toshi walks out of the room and into the one sided glass where Naomusa and Nezu turned to face him "Id agree to the deal All Might, Mr.Midoriya would be better suited to being a hero then a life of crime" the unknown white furred creature gave its thoughts on the deal.

"Allegedly" the detective gave the side comment on the 'crime' comment.

"But is it safe? Sure we will be getting Young Midoriya off the streets but the Green Scarfs are still operating" The Top Hero explained his worry about the deal.

Nezu seemed to smile at this "Of course! The green scarfs are deeply entrenched into the underworld for years now and having them to uproot and disband this quickly is nothing short then a miracle but having the leader of the green scarfs and the second in commands attending U.A greatly limits the influence of them and would be easier to catch"

The Top Hero didn't say much as he was worried Nezu wasn't taking this as seriously as he should because the green scarfs has been in operation for years now "I'll tell Young Midoriya that the deal is accepted but what time should I tell him to get to U.A for a modified entrance exam?"

The inhuman creature tapped the bottom of its snout in deep thought then said "How about 8am tomorrow morning? It would be around time that 1-A and 1-B will be in other classes so we can get Aizawa-Sensei and Kan-Sensei to officiate the exam then we can place Miss.Todoroki and Mr.Steel in 1-A while Mr.Midoriya will be in 1-B"

Toshinori nods at this as this seemed to be the best course of action to give to the young greenette.

-Location: Warehouse District, Green Scarf Base, Izuku Midoriya's Office-

Within a minimally furnished office is where Miyuki Todoroki, a woman in a business-like outfit with a green bow tie, was standing behind Izuku's wooden desk though pushed the chair aside so she could look at all of the main heads of the green scarfs.

John Steel was laying on the wall right next to the door.

He was wearing a basic white button up shirt that really compressed on his muscles along with equally compressed pants with a large green sash tied around his hips.

John looked like he knew what Miyuki wanted to do.

Four Figures were all standing in front of the desk who were instantly called in to see what the fuss was.

The first figure was a half shark, half human male with spiky like blueberry hair and was wearing a padded grey flak jacket and shinobi style pants, the man had a large nodachi blade resting on his right shoulder while he was sitting one of the few chairs, his name is Kisame Hoshigake, captain of beta squad and a master of subterfuge and a master swordsman.


The Second Figure was another human male with a mixture of charged purple skin and white human though his outfit consisted of a dirty duster coat, stitched up pants and a white muscle top, his hair was incredibly unkempt indicating homelessness prior to being brought into the green scarfs.

Dabi was his name, well not his given name, he was formerly Touya Todoroki, eldest of the Todoroki Family which was surprisingly that the green scarfs had two members of the family but anyway, Dabi was the captain of Alpha Squad because his quirk was best suited for major loss of life and he had no problems doing it.


The Third Figure was an older woman who was nearly 100 years old, really really old and took the other chair of the room but despite her age, she was one SCARY person to fight on the field as her quirk was incredibly dangerous to fight against, she commanded Charlie Squad.

Naomi Goken was 115 years old and despite having lived as long, she still has a quirk that extended her lifespan for 200 years though while this was good for experience, she had a second quirk gifted by Izuku Midoriya that made her an absolute threat.



The final figure was another woman who was around Miyuki and John's age though the girl fancied herself as Izuku's personal bodyguard while operating as the captain of Delta Squad, she has dyed lime green hair to match the color of the game while also having a mask over her face to hide her identity even if that wasn't necessary for her.

Sakura Tanaka was considered one of the green scarfs greatest assassins and personally trained by Izuku himself.



"Thank you for coming everyone, I know this meeting seems like a breach on your schedules" Miyuki calls out politely as she preferred not doing things like this without the boss present but she needed full cooperation if they were to get the green boss back.

"Oh sweetie, you needn't worry about an old lady like me but I'm curious on why you brought all of us here" Naomi called out in a rather weak voice but her eyes were sharper than steel blades, she had her grey hair untied and had to brush some strands out of her sagging eyes.

Kisame seemed to huff slightly "Yeah, I was prepping Beta Squad to head to Goken City but I was called her because of something 'More Important' had came up, explain" The shark man ordered as he wasn't one to be kind when he had orders to complete by the boss man himself.

The ice woman huffed at him and glared lightly at the shark man but internally knew what he was feeling as she wasn't happy about the situation as well "Fine Kisame, it's because Mr.Midoriya was taken into police custody and I've put everyone here so we can stage a break out and get the boss out"

This caused all four of the newcomers to flinch and look extremely serious with the younger girl looking pissed behind her mask and a shimmering of light appeared around her hands "…where? I'll kill any who dared to touch Mr.Midoriya"

"The Musutafu Police Department, but you can't go in just yet Sakura, we still need a plan" Miyuki called out as she didn't want to send anyone in where casualties were guaranteed, nor does she want to have some of the gangs greatest fighters dead because they couldn't wait.

"Then what do you plan on doing? The boss is captured and All Might was sighted in the marketplace that captured the boss so unless you have a plan to fight against the strongest hero in the world, I recommend we wait until the boss is at a point where he's not being watched as closely" Dabi voiced his opinion on the matter while crossing his arms.

Soon the room descended into arguing about how to bust Izuku out of the clanker while John remained out of the arguing, despite the muscle man not being smart well, as smart as his co workers since the hatted man can easily think his way out of most situations, but he never interferes when people argue since it's time consuming and unwarranted.

The door opens causing the lieutenants and squad captains to turn with John ready to lecture about interfering in a meeting before everyone hitches their breaths when a familiar man in a brown vest, green tie and a green hair in a ponytail walks through the door "Oh! I wasn't expecting you all to have a party in my office, why wasn't I invited? Don't you all know that 'I' am the Musutafu party animal" Izuku Midoriya said with a playful grin.

The shark man shot up from his chair and turned to face his leader "Boss! We were told you've been arrested today, we were prepping on busting you out"

Izuku shrugged his shoulders as he walked behind his desk and sat down on his boss chair while the white haired woman went around the same desk to be on the same side as the other lesser leaders of the group "Yes, i've been captured and I appreciate you all try to set me free but you didn't need to do so."

The greenette then smiled at them all "Do you all remember that I believe that someday I will legitimize the green scarf gang and we would be essentially untouchable?"

All of them looked among themselves with some muttering saying that Midoriya did in fact ramble on about elevating the status of the green gang but they all didn't know how one can transcend a criminal gang "Alright, settle down you punks, the reason why I say this is because I was approached by All Might himself during my incarceration and he offered a deal to me, he can help legitimize the green scarfs and elevate us to essentially a hero agency, under the condition that myself, John and Miyuki attend U.As hero course"

"Ah but sir! What about the gang itself? The three of us are essentially the leadership so if we are gone then who are we supposed to put in charge?" The ice woman said as she was worried about the gang's activity while its three main heads were out being heroes.

Izuku smiled at this question because he knew someone will end up taking issue "I understand, that's why I'm putting Naomi in charge as the Green Scarf's de facto leader because she's been here long enough to keep up what we've been doing so does this resolves everyone's concern?"

Everyone looked around, some looked worried but other than that, they all had operated when the boss was out doing business like half a year ago when Izuku stepped up and commanded an offense against the purple scarfs gang, a gang opposite of Midoriya's and therefore an enemy.

"Good, now get out, John, Miyuki, stay because I need to explain what we will be doing from here on out" with the remaining four nodded then leaving as commanded and continuing on with the rest of their days.

John stepped up from beside the door and approached the desk along with the ice quirk woman "so what's the plan boss? Obviously you wouldn't agree to All Mights request without some sort of plan about it"

"Oh of course! A man as great as me doesn't walk out of the warehouse with a plan set for the future but I wasn't expecting to be picked up and offered a position to U.A so fast but I believe this is All Mights way to get me off the streets and lessen my influence in the Japanese Underworld but he seems to not understand that my hand in the illegal trade is so clenched that not even my time in the Hero Course will lessen my grip" The green boss exclaimed with a toothy grin.

"But anyway, yes, I do have a plan and I intend that the three of us goes to U.A Uni tomorrow morning to take I believe an improvised form of the entrance exam so they know just what they are dealing with" the greenette explained what they would be doing "Alright, dismiss and meet me at U.A tomorrow at 8am sharp, understood?"

"Yes Sir" both sounded out at the boss's order.

-Location: Unknown, North of Japan-

A figure was sitting in front of an open campfire while the blizzard raged around him and four others.

The figure was a lean but highly buff man who was wearing green armor with shortened shoulder pads, this is modeled after the armor used in the DBZ Anime and the man liked it.

The man had deep purple hair that swayed heavily in the raging though his eyes which was a black sclera with a red Iris simply stared at the fire as his mouth kept to a grin that showed his teeth "hm, mhm, oh? so you don't need me to return ma'am?…of course! The Pestou Force is always ready to do the bidding of Lord All for One! Just tell us when and we will return to the fold to fight for our lord!…alright, keep me apprised of the situation" The man named Pestou ended the call on his iPhone and turned to his four comrades.

All their faces were lightly shadowed due to the blizzard but they all were wearing the exact same green armor that Pestou was wearing "Alright Team! I've gotten word that Lord All for One was captured and released today so we will continue our war against the Purple Scarfs until we are recalled to do our lord's bidding, understood?!"

"SIR YES SIR!" They all shouted in a mixture of male and female voices and suddenly, they all chanted together as they all got up and did heavy but swift marching steps.

"Speed of light and strength of all...

"The Pestou Force shall make them fall!

"All For One's strongest force...

"We'll rid them all, secure the course.

"If trouble meets us as we pass...

"We'll shove our fists right up their ass!

"Pestou Force...

"Move out!"

And quickly all five took to the air flying to a predetermined course to continue on with Izukus established orders.


Alright my doods! Here is another chapter for y'all! Though like always don't hesitate to submit ocs and quirks because I'm taking anything I can get.

Now then, everyone will ask why I decided to change the canon timeline to where the slime attacked days into the first semester of the U.As educational year and it's because I feel that if Izuku gets recruited into the heroics class this late, it would impact the story far more greatly then it would in canon.

The idea of 'Pestou' and the 'Pestou Force' came from my dood @BattleDroid1106 as he modeled this group of five rejects after the Dragon Ball Z 'Ginyu Force' so go to BD and tell him how much you like this idea because I certainly do :D

Sakura Tanaka is a modified version of an oc submitted to me by @Burb on Archive of our own.

-Known AFO Quirks-

1: All for One: This quirk grants the user the ability to steal/take quirks from other people, use them as if they were their own or to give them to other people with no negative effects to the user or to the target themselves.

2: Forcefield: The User gains the ability to create translucent shields that can block any incoming damage, however the strength of these shields are equivalent to hardened glass to which is strong but the strength of the shield is only as strong depending on the amount of concentration the user has.

3: Chill: This quirk allows the user to emit a cloud of frozen air which is strong enough to freeze most things on contact, ranging from simply a layer of ice to freezing a target solid, killing them instantly.

4: Nullify: This quirk is a passive use quirk that allows the user to negate any quirks that don't do damage to the user such as a physical attack or a damaging psychic attack, so quirks like Erasure and Lie Detection(Examples) will not have any effect on the user.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C2
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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