It was after the death of the god of justice that the priests of other gods began to use the annihilators. But their's isn't perfect because there are still some things missing.
They used to be called the Annihilation of justice before it was changed to Annihilators. The annihilation of justice doesn't miss at all but Annihilators miss because they don't have a targeting and homing system. Other priests can only use Annihilators as mana entities whereas the demigods of justice back in the day could use them as Transcendents
The annihilators that they are using are just an imitation of the original. It hasn't been fully cracked so there's even more to it. This same god of justice conceptualized and tried to build the first GodSlayer when annihilators were not enough to kill the then god of Order. His idea for the GodSlayer is something that can be considered crazy at best because he intended to use gods as ammunition for it.
If you don't know, I released a redeemable LOA code in yesterday's chapter. Go check it out.