3.44% Great Labyrinth's Chosen / Chapter 4: MAI

บท 4: MAI

"What did you just say, Emric?"

Butler Daradnon, the butler in service of the Matriarch of Ariad Household, with a tinge of skepticism in his voice, asked for affirmation.

Emric, a Guardian belonging to the Explorer Category, replied with a calm demeanor, "Butler, the son of the concubine, Young Master Zero, has woken up from his slumber."

The butler's countenance at this moment was the embodiment of doubtfulness, as though he heard something outrageous. But such expression was gradually turning into deep concern. After all, waking up from a deep slumber that basically robbed the young man of his fate was unprecedented; also bearing several repercussions.

'This is the worst!' Butler Daradnon grumbled inwardly.

Such a circumstance could be detrimental for the entirety of the Ariad Household as several noble families were aiming to bring them down out of envy.

Those who weren't paying attention when the Patriarch was a Count had begun taking notice when he was promoted to the Marquis position. What's more, the true root of this hostility was that, apart from the Four Ducal Households, only the Marquis Ariad Household was considered to be in a close relationship with the Great Emperor.

What would the malicious nobles do if they heard that a concubine's son was abandoned by the Seven Deities? It could be easily perceived as a bad omen for the entire Endaira Empire.

The measures that the Patriarch of Ariad had undertaken to hide his son's existence would be futile as the hostile side of nobility could easily appeal to the Great Emperor with such a justification that Zero Ariad's existence as an irregularity would bring disaster to the Endaira Empire.

Such circumstances would only proceed in two ways: [1] Revocation of the Patriarch of Ariad's position or worse, [2] banishment of the Patriarch of Ariad. Furthermore, it wouldn't matter what either option the hammer of judgment would land on because either way, the reputation of the Branch Houses, Vassal Houses, and the Main House would crumble in an instant.

For these nobles, being in the same status with a household harboring a child abandoned by the heavens was tantamount to absolute disgrace and blasphemy.

'I must inform the Matriarch! Who knows what change has happened to that child!?'

Heaving an expressive sigh, Butler Daradnon said to the Guardian, "Wait here. I will inform the Matriarch. Leave the Orb of Communication open."

"Yes, butler."


Southern Endaira Empire, Central Territory of Ariad Marquisate, Arin City.

A woman in a lavish gown, with her fine legs crossed, was sitting on an intricately crafted wooden chair. Her mid-back length platinum hair was cascading, swaying with the serene winds that entered the open windows. The morning light of tranquility penetrated the spacious balcony as her golden eyes scanned the lively surroundings from below, where the mundane life of nobles of lowly status and commoners coexisted.

The city of nobles continuously thrived, where several merchants and hawkers, even before the sun revealed itself, began to make a living. Several carts of Explorer-related products, numerous stalls of mid-class cuisines, high-class cafeterias, and entertainment sections were giving life to the city in this productive early morning.

Observing this spectacle, which seemed to appear as an artistic array of shapes and dots due to the vastness of the territory, the woman sighed before letting out a word:


For her, the merchants were only smiling to appeal to the nobles, while the latter only chose to interact with the former because they preferred to personally but inwardly despise these commoner blood. After all, the Patriarch of Ariad declared it a free city, causing the nobles to be unable to openly express their malice toward those below the hierarchy.

Reaching for a cup of tea on a round marble table, the woman took a sip as her ears picked up the hurried sound of heavy footsteps.

A second or two later, two gentle knocks were heard. Without even confirming the footstep's origin, the woman's voice echoed, "What is it, Daradnon?"

Opening the door gently without the woman's permission, the butler entered, presenting himself in front of the woman.

Appearing in a white shirt under the comfort of a well-tailored black suit; obsidian trousers and black shoes, Butler Daradnon addressed the woman of authority:

"Matriarch Icaria, please pardon my intrusion. I have urgent news to deliver about Young Master Zero."

Butler Daradnon was aware that the Matriarch, Icaria Ariad, didn't like to be disturbed at this early hours, but the latter also understood that if by any chance someone came knocking on her door at this hour, it was because of something that would demand her immediate attention.

Retracting her gaze from the cityview, Icaria Ariad looked at him with her fierce golden eyes, causing the butler to slightly tremble. It was a sign for him to divulge his purpose of visit.

"Young Master Zero... has woken up from his ten years of slumber." Butler Daradnon reluctantly informed her.

Hearing the news, Icaria Ariad squinted her eyes of gold, unable to sense any hint of lies behind the morning news. Surprisingly calm on the outside, Icaria Ariad spoke with a cold tone, ordering the butler about the next course of action:

"Give the order to Emric to kill Zero. I don't know how it will be done, but make sure to be discreet."

"S–sorry..?" Butler Daradnon asked as if his ears deceived him.

"I see. It seems you're not understanding my words, Daradnon." Her sharp gaze fixated on him as she continued, "Let me enlighten you a little, that I only spared that child for his Mother to suffer whenever she sees him lying on that bed.

"But now that he's awake, that short-lived happiness on her face must be taken away."

Chills ran down the butler's spine, hearing the indifference contained in her voice. The emanating tenacity of the Matriarch was evident, prompting him to lower his head, "I will heed the order, Matriarch."

With his head still lowered, Butler Daradnon turned around, only for Icaria Ariad's voice to echo once more, "Ah. It seems I've misspoke earlier."

Turning around, the butler asked, "Is there something wrong, Matriarch?"

With an ambiguous smile, she responded,

"Kill the concubine's bastard but do it in front of his Mother instead. Then proceed to eliminate every witness in that forsaken place. Make sure to remind Emric to disguise it as an attack from outsiders. After all, we have several enemies outside of the family. Heh."

Catching a deep breath, Butler Daradnon, who had sworn his life to be of the Matriarch's service, bowed, "Yes, Matriarch."

When the butler left the room, the sound of something breaking reverberated from within.


Inside Butler Daradnon's lodging within the Main House of Ariad.

"Are you certain? If the Patriarch learns of this, our heads will be flying!" Guardian Emric asked, confirming the ultimatum.

"Yes. It's the Matriarch's absolute order. Don't tell me... You develop an attachment to that place?"

Butler Daradnon squinted his brows, only for him to hear a chuckle from the other side, "Butler, it seems you haven't aged? You still have that joker side on you.

"Alright. Tell the Matriarch that I'll get it done in no time. I just have the right men that can take the blame and it's easy to concoct a story when the household already has several enemies."

With his tone somewhat at ease, Guardian Emric waited for the butler's response.

"I see. I will inform the Matriarch after you're done. There's no use in concerning ourselves if our fates will be sealed through the Patriarch's hands. But offending the Matriarch will not only end with our heads but also with our families.

"On a different note, I don't know how will you do it, but the reward will be a thousand coins."

Scrutinizing the old butler, one with brown-hued eyes built from experiences and short white hair, the signs of old, Guardian Emric acknowledged the ultimatum.

"Ho. I'll call if it's done."

With that, the early morning call ended as a sigh escaped the Guardian's mouth.

"What a hassle. Why did that bastard wake up all of a sudden?"

He muttered before calling another person using the same object of communication.


A few minutes after the three; mother, son, and daughter finished their breakfast, Zero Ariad learned several things.

To begin with, the joy was evident to everyone supporting Elizabeth Ariad when he was in slumber for a considerable amount of time, those within the acceptable degree of the doctrine of Divine Abandonment. But that delight turned into dread when the seventy-seven weeks had passed, causing his mother to have a mental breakdown.

Then, on a particular night in a particular place, Masha Ariad was conceived.

"Um, my son. If I may ask, do you remember what happened?" Elizabeth Ariad couldn't help but be curious about her son's experiences.

"I'm sorry, Mother. I can't seem to remember what happened to me, like my mind was in a constant, stagnant state of blankness, wandering in the void, unable to perceive the flow of time."

'I can't tell her... not yet that I've been gone, explored, and trained with everything I have for more than ten thousand years.'

Zero Ariad stopped his train of thought, a sense of longing bubbling up within.

Listening to her son, wearing an expression of someone filled with delight that no one could replace, Elizabeth Ariad said with a serene voice, "Don't force yourself to remember, okay? But if you are burdened by something, remember that you're not alone anymore, alright?

"Wherever you were, whatever has transpired, I'm sure you've spent at least ten years in that place... more than I've been with you since you were born," she continued, her voice solemn, "But! I promise that I'll make it up to you, my beloved son."

A part of her that seemed to have been torn gradually found itself in her heart and mind. Zero Ariad forced a genuine smile, seeing the unreserved lively expression of his mother, something she hadn't shown for the past ten years.

"B–brother... H–hello..."

It was the adorable Masha who interjected, causing the mother and son to cast their gaze on that particular side of the table.

"Hello, Masha."

It was only after the exchanges between him and his mother that the former addressed his little sister, donning a shy expression while inwardly feeling an indescribable joy.

"Um, M–mother..."

Finding it difficult to convey what she wanted, Masha ran into one of the dining hall doors.

"Masha's a shy kid, you see. You know she's just like you when you were young. Sigh. All of a sudden you're now seventeen and you've grown into a fine man.

Knock. Knock—

A moment or two later, a sound of knocking from another door, the polar opposite of the one where Masha disappeared into, entered the mother and son's ears.

Glancing at the ajar door, what appeared was one of the Guardians with short brown hair and grayish eyes in his civilian attire.

"Guardian Racan–"


At that moment, after Elizabeth Ariad managed to open her mouth, in just two to three seconds, the door burst open and the air went past the entire dining hall, breaking the plates, and glasses, and causing cracks on the long mottled table.

The Guardian named Racan was now behind the Mistress of the Branch House, holding her arms tightly from behind.


Before she could process what was happening, her gaze screened her beloved son, causing her world to fall once more.

"Z–zero..?" Elizabeth Ariad muttered, her teary eyes following something rolling on the ruined table painted with crimson.

It was the head of her son!

Behind the severed body, Guardian Emric addressed the mistress in a voice devoid of sympathy, "Sorry Mistress. It's the orders from above."

She was confused. Her mind was lost. Even though he heard Guardian Emric's words and instantly comprehended who he meant, all she could see was her son's widened brown eyes, who appeared to have no idea what had befallen him.

The gazes of the two Guardians, whom she thought were faithful to the Patriarch, met in silence.

"Mistress Elizabeth, take a look at your beloved son. Cry all you want as it will be your last. Oh, don't worry! You won't be heard by others."

Guardian Emric positioned something on the ground, something already activated before Guardian Racan opened the dining hall's door.

[Wailing Silence]


A miniature totem left behind by someone, who wept the death of her beloved.

Category: [Artifact]

Rarity: [Unique]

Function: [Echoes of Silence]

— Erects a sturdy 30-meter invisible barrier.

— Prevents the usage of Riftstone and other teleportation method.

— Creates an illusion from the outside perspective.

— Contains any noise from within the area.

Status: Useful


The two Guardians chuckled as Elizabeth Ariad slowly extended her hands toward her son's decapitated head. What she regained was quickly taken away, like fleeting sweet dreams revealing the lifelong nightmare.


In this nightmare presented to her, her wail seemed to reach the heavens, breaking her entire being as a mother.

"Z–ZERO! H–Hah, M–my son!"

Her care in the world was overshadowed by what was in front of her, denying the existence of two Guardians who continued to mock her.

"It's the price for going against the Matriarch."

"Enjoy it while it lasts, heh. After all, your daughter and everyone here will be next."

At that moment, the shattering table of the crimson pool trembled. Confused, Guardian Emric inspected the artifact, only to find no fault in it.

Soon after, the sound of a woman echoed, "It's the price for going against the Matriarch.

"Ah! Sorry, habits die hard, truly."

Elizabeth Ariad's eyes widened, releasing instinctively her son's decapitated head, which now painted a terrifying wide, atrocious grin.

Soon after, a veil of darkness emanated from the severed body leaning on the flawed table, connecting itself to the head as the entirety of Zero Ariad constructed itself as though nothing horrible and gruesome had transpired. The splattered blood everywhere, truly a remnant of shadow, evaporated into oblivion.

Sensing that something was terribly amiss, within three to four seconds since the ominous change began, the two Guardians unsheathed their weapon as both of them swung it on Zero Ariad without an ounce of hesitation.


With a baffled and clouded mind that couldn't think rationally, even though she heard a woman's mimicking words escaping her son's mouth, Elizabeth Ariad's maternal instincts kicked in, causing her to let out a scream of rejection. Yet, her amber eyes were deceived as what appeared in front of her wasn't her beloved, but an entirely different being.

Blocking the swords with ease, the formless shadow figure gestured a bow in front of her, followed by the words of reverence.

"It's an honor, to meet my Master's Mother."

next chapter
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