Avina walked to her next class. She was already feeling exhausted from her first day in college. With a heaving sigh, she began rethinking her plans.
To be honest, Avina had no clue on how to exactly kick out Ledona. It was such a villainous act that only Vedonna would have no reluctance in doing it.
But Avina was no villain. Instead, she was a very ordinary girl with very ordinary ideas.
Avina knew a couple of things. In a rank of who she trusted the most to side with her, it would be Alistair, Daniel, and then Diana.
If she were to choose an ally in kicking Ledona out, it would naturally be Alistair. After all, she had placed a lot of effort into growing his favorability points.
However, she didn't want Alistair to be involved in this. It made her uncomfortable involving him in a villainous act.
Oh? Why did Alistair help with the transfer... Thank you for reading! :)