50% Ghost Rider: Long Live Vengeance / Chapter 5: Story time

บท 5: Story time

We see Cain looking around and seeing that Nick's spies are pointing their weapons at their boss. They were shaking and didn't know what to do and felt fear knowing what he could do to them. 

Cain sees Nick looking at him waiting to see what he will do next then looks to the spies and says "You can go I want to have a conversation with your boss". The spies don't know what to do if his joking or not. When Cain sees this he looks at Nick to tell them to leave. 

Nick turned and looked at his team telling them to leave. It took a while for the team to leave because they didn't want to leave their boss with this man who scared the shit out of them.

When the door closed Nick looked and saw Cain walking behind the counter and seeing him refueling his cup "What you didn't think I just slipped up get caught on camera. I was getting tired of you spying on me so here we are."

Nick knows he isn't going to start the conversation so he will "You know who I am and my team but we don't know you other than your name Zarathos". That is when he said that he saw Cain holding his laugh not knowing what was funny so he added "What's so funny". Looking at him if this is a joke.

Cain couldn't hold his laughter so he chuckled while looking at him and he said "Well my name isn't Zarathos he's one of my Dads". Nick looks at him and he doesn't get what his saying so asks "So you have two Dads that adopted you then".

Cain still chuckled and said, "No no you see there was another ghost rider that my father possessed and that was my Dad Jonny Blaze you heard of him". When Nick heard him saying his dad's name Johnny Blaze he remembered him as a stunt motorcycle who was the best driver that he ever seen back in his day and he still kinda watched his incredible stunts.

"Wait your dad was The Johnny Blaze who was a stuntman and one of the best of his time but he stopped and nobody knows why," Nick said looking at him trying to add the pieces together 

"Yeah because when he was a teenager working at the circus with his adpoted family. They enjoyed what they did being in the circus and with him and Grandpa but the problem was Grandpa Crash" Cain said while looking at him when he said his grandpa's name Nick looked at him about his grandpa's name so he kept continuing "Yeah I know his name was Crash. So when Grandpa was diagnosed with cancer they didn't what to do. Till the day when my dad discovered Grandpa had two more days left in him. So, at midnight my Dad was working on his bike to clear his mind he met someone who could take away his cancer if he signed a contract with his blood to cure grandpa's cancer he needed his soul. He was young and didn't think straight about what he did until the next day Grandpa was all better and looked like a new man so he did his own stunt he died burning."

Cain looked down telling Nick his grandpa's death story. Nick didn't know what he supposed to say about that because his Dad just wanted to help but he didn't know what who was that man but he wants to hear more and get more answer so Cain kept telling his story "So when my Dad found him knowing that man tricked him and did you what that man said he cured his cancer and that was a deal but he couldn't let it come between them. So he put Zarathos and when the time comes he does his bidding".

Nick started to put the pieces together of how Johnny was still walking without getting broken bones or still alive so he asked this "And who is your mom then I still don't get how you have two Dads"

Cain smiled a little thinking about his mom "Roxanne Simpson. She was my dad's childhood sweetheart who had his back when his parents were abusing and kicking him out of his house but she always had his back at her. Her family adopted him but he kept his last name. They didn't see each other as sibling but more as friends but when they got older they started to fall in love with each other but Dad left her in rainy weather, fearing that he would put her in danger".

Nick has heard of her. She was a news reporter who interviewed celebrities but she disappeared too. He started piecing it together and it made all more since now when she interviewed Johnny like they knew each other and that was the last interview and she disappeared too.

"My parents met again when they were older. My Dad started to become the Ghost Rider and made it a myth to the whole world that the Ghost Rider was back but my Mom discovered him because she's a reporter she always has to find clues." Cain took some big gulps of his drink. "My Mom saved him from losing himself and declaring love for him by helping taking away the mind control from that man that is controlling Zarathos." 

Cain walked around and sat next to Nick and said "So they hit the road together to help people all across the world that they became hunters with the help Zarathos experience of how to kill them". He puts his hand out and flames come out of his hands taking the shape of a big book. When it was done he put it on the booth and slid it towards Nick.

When Nick sees the book it looks old and worn out. He opens the book and sees something he has never thought they were real. He thought they were myths and legends. He kept turning the pages to see more and more monsters he had heard and some hadn't even heard either.

He sees pages of ghouls, changelings, Arachnes, Gijnns, Crocottas, Kitsunes, Sirens, Skinwalkers, Wendigos, Amazons, Banshees, Dragons, Ghosts, Khan worms, Ruguarus, Shapeshifters, Vampires, Werewolves, Chupacabra and more of this monsters of there strength and weakness and how to deal with them and most important thing is how they became those monster.

While Nick was looking at all these things he looked up to see Cain looking forward Well say this "You think you guys were the strongest or the smartest of knowing everything but you guys don't know who's in the shadows or who you all are talking to because they can be one of those monsters too" 

When Nick heard that he now knew they were all so blind not knowing all this or worse they were one of these monsters who are spying on them or controlling all these things behind their backs.

 Cain turns with a serious gaze looking at him and says "And you know what funny those are just my everyday hunting" 

Nick has a little bit of sweat coming out of his forehead and just looking at this monster hearing saying that it's just everyday work so he Spock "What are the omegas like"

Cain looked at him seeing if he was serious or not and said "That's what you call them if they have superpowers with an undefinable upper limit. I call them The Terror. That have terrifying levels or who they are".

Nick nods at seeing these monsters if he knows who has terror levels so kept asking "And the gods then". He just heard Cain laugh at what he said.

Cain laughed at him when he said "HAHAHA that's funny you think there are Gods like Thor Really?" Nick looked at him and he still didn't get it so he kept talking "Do you really think there are Gods? I mean come on they are just some people who age slow down or are Immortal with superpowers why do you think they call themselves Gods huh even the Immortals? They just stop aging but they can still die so they are not immortal but you can take it away from them you know", trying to explain to him to see what his talking about so he can understand.

Nick is trying to process what he just said: "So there are Not Gods but who came up with the name then". Cain looked at him if he was stupid "Are you a dumbass have you ever read stories of this and I quote Gods" he said with a sarcastic tone.

Nick started to think until his eyes popped out "Because they have huge egos and some of them think are high and mighty"

Cain nodded "Exactly they think they're above us and have you noticed my kind the supernatural have people believe in us other than them? We are the oldest and when the Greek, Roman, Viking, and other cultural eras came and disappeared we are still here in stories, myths, legends, and movies."

When Nick keeps hearing more, he gets it because how the hell do they call themselves Gods when they are just super powerful beings then? 

"Yeah I don't know why they call themselves my grandpa's name but my kinds are immortals and hard to kill so you have to have specific weapons or power to kill them other than these gods you can still kill them with any weapons or your bare hands," Cain explains to him. 

Nick was listening when he caught something "Wait what do you mean your Grandpa I thought he died". Cain just smirked at that "Well I'm not done with my parents' story but will talk about who are these terror-level beings".

Cain got up and started to walk towards the door "Come walk with me and let the other people who are watching this hear what I'm about to say". He looked behind his shoulder smirking at him "Come on you didn't think I didn't know. So send all that information I showed you In the book because have you noticed the book disappeared when you finished scanning all the information when we were talking about those gods"

Nick looked at the booth seeing the book wasn't there. He looked up to the camera at the corner and started following him outside.


10 minutes ago

We see the room that looks like the briefing room some people are watching this are The Avengers, the young people of 4 boys and one girl, and an old woman. 

We see them watching a handsome young man and a young woman talking to each other about the Ghost Rider.

"See I'm telling you guys he's a good guy it's just people who complain about what they see and act his doing this all wrong like me" The one who said that was Spiderman because he gets it but there are some good people who see what they do that are just helping people.

"The Man of Spider is right so why are they going to capture him then" Thor said not knowing why they were going to capture him other than talking to him. 

"Because he is dangerous and have you looked at pictures of his victims" Black Widow looking at him explaining why they should capture him instead. 

The old woman looked at her "Well child you are a spy who kills victims or sometimes sleeps with them and you are in a team too. Who's to say you are spying on them and giving Fury information like you did on Hydra". When she said that the room got quiet and we see Hulk growling at the information of what she said knowing how the widow will do that.

Hulk looked down at black widow "Old woman is right spy is spy punygirl". Widow's eyes widened didn't know what to say she got caught off when the Hulk looked at the screen again "Plus I want to see fight flame scull"


"Enough and you who are you anyway then." Ironman looked at the old woman not knowing who she is.

The Old woman just smiled "Well my name is Sara and I go by the name Caretaker and I want to see this young man" pointing at the young man on the screen.

 Captain America seeing this wants to know why "So you just want to see why". She looked at him "Well to recruit him of course".

Iron Man heard what just said with a serious tone "Whoa whoa hold the phone his going to be in our team were going to recruit him". Caretaker looking at him like he was an idiot "You telling me Fury is going to try to recruit him to the Avengers or them" pointing at the young group at the other side watching on the screen.

When Iron Man heard her say that he took a moment to think of what she meant until it hit him "Son of a Bitch".

Hawkeye looked at what was about to happen on the screen "Hey guys his all alone and his trapped".This got everyone's attention and seeing what was about to happen. 

What they saw they couldn't believe how he took the whole room in silence.

"Holy cow how the hell did he do that" Powerman looked at the scene in shock with his glasses hanging on his nose.

"He shows what their weakness is and that is their emotions but how can he know their names and family" Iron Fist sees what is happening but doesn't know how his doing it. The caretaker explains to all of them what he has just done "Well he has a sinful perspective he is looking at them and he said he can see their soul. That means he can determine what sort of sin the individual has committed in their life by reading their mind, heart, and soul how do you think he killed all the wicked people". When she said that the people around had their minds on what she just said especially one redhead woman.

Nova saw something he didn't want to believe or hear "Umm guys they're pointing their guns at Fury".

They continued to see what happening until the young man told him about his parents and what they were hearing felt like a love story.

 White Tiger had to rub her eyes because it was watery to hear that story "Wow that's so romantic". She looked at the 4 boys looking at her "What you got to permit they really love each other. Wish I could meet someone like that." When the boys heard what she said they got a permit they hoped they could find someone too.

They kept on watching until he showed them the book that Fury scanned and showed them all of what they saw now on the screen of information of what he and his parents accounter.

All monsters that they thought were myths and legends even Caretaker didn't know half of them was surprised too. But what caught them the most was what the young man said.

"You think you guys were the strongest or the smartest of knowing everything but you guys don't know who's in the shadows or who you all are talking to because they can be one of those monsters too"

They didn't see that one coming and some of them hide their identity but they didn't know if some of the people they encountered were monsters and they started to question a lot of things. Then the young man started to explain what levels he saw in those monsters and that it was just his everyday life but he started talking about Terror level beings.

But what got their attention was the gods. That he was laughing about until he explained this.

"HAHAHA that's funny you think there are Gods like Thor Really?" 

Thor looked at the screen in confusion "What is the young man talking about of course I'm a god". Captian has full attention to this because he believes in one god "Hold on let's listen to this because he has a lot more answers that we don't know yet but he does and I want to know why" so they pay attention to the screen as to why he doesn't see them as gods. 

"Do you really think there are Gods? I mean come on they are just some people who age slow down or are Immortal with superpowers why do you think they call themselves Gods huh even the Immortals? They just stop aging but they can still die so they are not immortal but you can take it away from them you know"

When he said that the people were shocked at what he just said and they looked at Thor who was having what it looked like he just heard and wished he didn't want to hear.

Iron Man is mindblown by what he just heard "So you're not a god but why there are stories of you". Until Captain said this " Because they last longer and some stop their aging look"

Nick said, "So there are Not Gods but who came up with the name then". The young man looked at him if he was stupid "Are you a dumbass have you ever read stories of this and I quote Gods" he said with a sarcastic tone. 

They were all thinking of until Spiderman, Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, and Caretaker at the same time as Nick thought why they call themselves gods "Because they have huge egos".

"Because they have huge egos and some of them think are high and mighty"

When they heard that Hulk just laughed and pointed at Thor "HAHAHA TRUE". Thor looked at the ground knowing his past mistake but grew up and learned of his past mistake and started to see he is not a god even his people. They just age slowly the more think of it. 

"Exactly they think they're above us and have you noticed my kind the supernatural have people believe in us other than them? We are the oldest and when the Greek, Roman, Viking, and other cultural eras came and disappeared we are still here in stories, myths, legends, and movies."

When they keep hearing more, they get it because how the hell do they call themselves Gods when they are just super powerful beings then, and how is the supernatural remembered for a longer time than the age eras even Thor era of Vikings.

"Yeah I don't know why they call themselves my grandpa's name but my kinds are immortals and hard to kill so you have to have specific weapons or power to kill them other than these gods you can still kill them with any weapons or your bare hands"

When Captain heard about this he felt relieved "Oh thank god now it's making more sense sorry Thor but there is only one god so how the hell do they call themselves God? They have egos." But while he felt relieved he caught something "Wait why did he say they took his grandpa's name".

Window caught something else "Why did he say his kinds". Everyone looked at each other until Spiderman looked at the Caretaker feeling she knew what the young man talking about "You know something don't you". 

They all looked at her seeing that she was not surprised by his answer she kept looking at the screen and then replied "His Father is Zarathos everyone knows his common background but the young man knows the full true story but they have some of the same history but different story. Tell me what was he before and after". 

Everyone was thinking until the captain got what she was talking about "He was an angel" and then Hawkeye caught up "His a Demon".

 Caretaker smirked at them "Exactly so he has the blood of a demon and an angel that means his son" pointing at the screen "Is Cambion and Nephilim but I feel like he has more in his blood". They all started to see what she was talking about and that he is more powerful than they thought but kept hearing her out "And Zarathos was an angle like all else so who is his father and this young man Granpa" 

People started to have wide eyes at what she was talking about but they didn't want to believe it so Spiderman whispered it "GOD"

She looked at all the people around them "Yes you are looking at the Son of GOD and most importantly The First Grandson of GOD himself." She looked at the young man and smiled "And it looks like we just got caught".

They see him tell Fury to come with him outside to take a walk. He then looks at the cameras with his red glowing eyes smirking at them behind his shoulder looking at the camera knowing they were watching the whole time.

Caretaker can't help but comment " Well he keeps making things better and better know what's the real story of Zarathos.

And who the Hell took care of him."











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