50% Genshin Impact: The Final Act / Chapter 1: The Trial to End all Trials
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Genshin Impact: The Final Act

นักเขียน: NameLeSS

© WebNovel

บท 1: The Trial to End all Trials

Lyney: "Without further ado... we may proceed to the trial of our god."

Her shock was short lived. As she looked around the stage of the Opera Epiclese, she understood her situation and quickly composed herself.

"Ah, so this is what it is."

(I have been deceived.)

She had believed the words of the traveler for a moment and almost revealed her secret, her fear and her incompetence to him. But as it turns out, his concerns for her were just a farce. The traveler and surely, a few others had planned all of the events that occurred today to bring her to this place.

She didn't blame them. After all, who was she to judge them when her entire life had been a lie.

"Yes, you deserve praise for the effort you took to raise to raise the dramatic effect. However, do not forget."

Lies. Everything that comes out of her mouth, every emotions shown on her face, every actions she took, all of it was a lie. Even she couldn't discern the truths and lies at this point. But she knew one thing. Absolute and Irrefutable.

"I am Focalors, the God of Justice. The embodiment of justice itself."

She was not Focalors, no God of Justice. She was just an imposter imitating the absent god. A weak and powerless human who could not protect even herself, let alone the entire nation.

"Does it not strike you as even the least bit absurd to bring the very concept of justice to trial?"

She knew what they wanted. The truth behind the prophecy, some hint to prevent the apocalypse from dooming Fontaine... But how could she reveal the truth to them when even she was unaware of it?

Neuvillette: "May I interpret those words as your refusal to stand trial?"

The aloof and authoritative voice rang through the huge hall. She was surprised. Neuvillette had never directed such a unfriendly tone towards her.

Neuvillette: "In that case, you will have the opportunity to defend your honor through a duel."

As soon as those words were uttered, Clorinde silently walked on to the stage. Her blade was already drawn.

She could not help but feel nervous as she watched the champion duelist approaching her. She did her best to hide her nervousness and inquired with a haughty tone.

"You would draw your blade against a god?"

Clorinde gave her answer by taking a stance with her sword. 

"...I see. So you have made your decision."

She looked down. Various emotions swirled in her heart. The indifferent gaze of the Iudex. Her once bodyguard, with a taciturn expression, who raised her sword intending to strike her down. Her heart ached when she realized the two people, who were closest to being her friend, were also included in this plan to try her in the court.

But she cannot stop her act yet. She suppressed all her fear and looked up with a 'confident' look. She then slowly raised both of her hands, as if to express her surrender, shocking everyone.

A 'God' surrendering to a human.

Whispers were shared between the crowd, some expressing their disbelief, some questioning her actions, while some were outright mocking her.


Her actions quickly stopped the whispers.

(Furina, you can do it.) She encouraged herself.

"It seems that there has been a misunderstanding. To be clear, the raising of both hands is not always an indication of surrender."

Paimon: "Looking for excuses again, huh?"

"I raised my hand just now to express that I accept the trial. No duels are necessary."

"I will admit that I have been running away for a long time."

She looked around the hall and her gaze stopped on Navia and the people of Poisson, who didn't bother to hide their anger and dissatisfaction towards her.

"I am sorry. I was unable to protect the people of Poisson. It is my duty to stand for the trial... You are not the only one disappointed in me. I too am exceedingly disappointed in myself."

She sighed.

"But now, it is time for the Hydro Archon to show her resolve and courage! I, Furina, will use this trial to show you the true meaning of justice!"

(This time, I will protect you.)

She soon realized that her conviction was useless.... just like her existence.


"Hey, come now, everyone. Please don't stare at me as if I was a liar... I'm still the same Furina you know, right? The one that you loved? Shouldn't you want to believe in me?"

She desperately tried to stop the tears from showing in her eyes... She knew it....

"Please... You've got to believe me..."

She knew that all of her lies will catch up with her one day. Though the people of Fontaine found no real reason to doubt her over the years, she knew the trust towards her would collapse with a single crack.

She thought this trial would try her for her inaction to protect the people of Poisson. But she was completely wrong. The prosecutors never spoke about the incident in Poisson but instead accused her for impersonating the Hydro Archon. And after realizing that they cannot prove that she isn't the Hydro Archon, they seem to have decided to prove that she was a human.

...And that was also through extreme methods.

Navia: "So, Miss Furina, would you dare to touch some of this primordial seawater? If we are to believe that you are indeed the real Hydro Archon, touching this seawater would have no effect on you. All it should do is strengthen your case. But if you don't dare to touch this, then we have basically proved the reverse."

The head of Spina di Rosula was cold in demeanor.

Navia: "Oh, and I must remind you that after the disaster at Poisson, nobody want to see any more people dissolve. I do hope you'll act prudently, and choose the simpler path of admitting guilt."

Furina could not say or do anything to refute their extreme method. Just like Navia said, anything she say or do to avoid touching this primordial seawater will just prove that she is just a human, and not a God. But if she touch it, she will dissolve into water and everything she had done for the past 500 years will be in vain. This would also affect the real Hydro Archon who left her this duty, and is probably making preparation to prevent the prophecy.

Audience Member: "Navia from the Spina di Rosula. The Spina has governed Poisson for many years. I guess her suggestion is valid."

Audience Member: "If Lady Furina is indeed just a human, she's probably a Fontainian like all the rest of us. Would she really dare to try?"

As the voice of suspicions began to grow more and more, she stood up from her seat. Without saying a single world, she slowly walked down the defendant's stand and onto the stage. After she reached before the primordial seawater, she stopped.

Her mind was in a turmoil like never before. The web of lies she had spun for 500 years were finally starting to catch up to her.

She could not accept it. The consequences of being exposed would reduce 500 years of her suffering to vain. It would also mean that her people would be doomed.

That was unacceptable... That should be unacceptable...

... Yet, some part of her seemed to agree with this ending. That part of her told her (You have done enough. You can rest now.)

Traveler: "uh, Furina?"

Neuvillette: "Lady Furina, this "test" has been unilaterally proposed by the prosecution. As it falls outside the realm of standard court proceedings, you possess the right to decline participation."

No, that choice didn't exist for her.

She didn't have a choice. She never had a choice. Her future, her life, everything was already decided before she was even born.

Audience Member: "Well, of course he had to tell her that, but refusing to participate is basically the same as a confession of guilt."

Audience Member: "She's just staring at the water without saying a single word. It really does seem like she's quite terrified of it. That could only mean..."

She looked around the entire hall, hoping that someone, anyone would stand up for her. But nobody held any sympathy for her. Nobody had any faith in her. The crowd who once looked at her with affection and fondness, now looked at her with bewilderment, suspicion, anger and hatred. The Iudex and the Champion duelist also had indifferent expression on their face.

(…Don't look... Please don't look at me like that.)

She realized once again that she was all alone.

A tear trailed down her cheeks. She silently watched it fall into the primordial seawater. The root cause of all her problems, as well as the problem of the people of Fontaine.

Her tearful expression distorted along with the ripples on the surface. When the water became stagnant again, her reflection reappeared. But her expression was now oozing of confidence and elegance.

(...That is…mirror-me…)

'Her' reflection brought her back to that moment 500 years ago, when she made her promise to 'her'.

It was her first memory and her only 'truth'. A momentary bliss she would do anything to experience once again.


In that memory, she stood before a mirror. The reflection on that mirror was her, yet not her. 'She' was mature, confident, refined and elegant. Something she aspired to become. Her Ideal. Her dream. Her hope. 

[All people from Fontaine are born with sin that cannot be absolved. One day, the waters of Fontaine will rise and all the sinful people will be dissolved into the waters, and only the Hydro Archon will remain, weeping on her throne. Only then will the sins of the people be washed away.]

She remembered how 'she' spoke about the prophecy and her role to protect Fontaine.

"If there were scales, with all the people of Fontaine on one side, and my pain on the other. Is it not obvious where the scales should tilt?"

That was her response.

She was innocent then. She just wanted to protect the people of Fontaine. A childlike innocence and naivety. But 'she' admired and loved that part of her.

[Hehe... You truly are the perfect human - my "ideal". I suppose this would also be the "justice" that belongs to you.]

She remembered the love and care in 'her' eyes. And that was enough for her to forget all of her fears and worries.

[Listen well, Furina. Fontaine has just lost its Hydro Archon. I need you to play a role - that of the new Archon.]

"Play as... a god?"

[That's right. You must begin a never-ending masquerade. You must never let anyone suspect your identity... If you can keep it up, then I shall have my way of defying this prophecy... But should your identity be revealed, then all hope will be lost.]

She was ignorant then. She was not aware of the difficulty of that request, nor the suffering she would have to endure. She was also not aware of the cause or the consequence of her role. She just believed in the 'her' that was before her.

"But how will I do this? A human assuming the role of a god without being exposed...?"

[Don't worry. What you must do is not to turn yourself into a real god. You simply need to play the role of a god as humans imagine them to be. Being a human yourself, I'm sure you already know what such an entity would be like.]

[Remember, your true challenge will not be pursuing "Divinity", but contending against "Humanity".]

She remembered that warning. She had pondered about her role, and about 'Divinity' and 'Humanity'. But everything was too difficult for her to understand then. In the end, she had come to a simple conclusion on her own.

(I don't understand it well but I just have to act as a god and everyone will be saved, right?)

Her response was perhaps decided a long time ago. Perhaps even long before she was 'born'... But she was unaware of it at that time.

"Um... I'm still not sure I understand, but… I'll try. I'll try to do this."

She remembered how she felt so happy when she saw 'her' gentle smile widen and the look of approval 'she' directed to her. She felt wanted. She felt needed. She felt loved.

"So, how long am I going to have to play this role?"

[To accomplish this mission, you will have to stay on the stage for many, many years. You will endure and not grow old until your task ends.]

[But I promise you... all will eventually end in a magnificent and dramatic trial, and everyone will be saved.]

"A trial, huh... How exciting! I'll be looking forward to it."

She remembered her excitement at the mention of that grand trial. The Trial to end all Trials.

She was innocent then. She was ignorant then.

But now she knew.


Now she knew.

The trial that Focalors mentioned was indeed magnificent and dramatic. But she did not have the right to enjoy this trial. She also did not know if everyone will be saved if she simply followed the words of her God.

She was no longer innocent. She was no longer ignorant. But yet, she had even more questions now than before. She suffered more now than before.

She could hear the voices of the crowd who once admired and adored her, berating and accusing her of her crime. She could feel their accusing gaze pierce through her.

(…Don't look at me…)

Another tear fell onto the primordial seawater. Ripples spread on the surface of the water, as if reflecting her weak heart.

'...Am I going to fail…?'

(...I don't want to do this anymore...)

All she had to do was to act as the Hydro Archon, long enough for the people of Fontaine to be saved. 500 years, she continued her performance in solitude. She discarded her meek and vulnerable self in order to perfect her performance.

"One must become a character completely to play them flawlessly". From that perspective, her performance as the Hydro Archon had always been flawless. Her painstaking perseverance had produced the perfect product.

'But why...?'

(...I am tired...)

Perhaps she was once a girl who didn't enjoy much laughter. Perhaps she had once been the sort to give up on herself at the first sign of difficulty. But she could never know now. Such emotions had already slipped away, bit by bit. All that was left now, was the perfect 'imitation' of the Hydro Archon. The human known as 'Furina' disappeared a long time ago... But was that really the case?

'...Why does it hurt so much?'

(…I am tired of my role…)

She would never know.

'I just wanted to protect them.'

(...I don't want to lie anymore...)

Under the gazes of everyone in the hall, she took off the gloves on her left hand. Her breathing became ragged as she exerted all of her willpower to approach the primordial seawater. But at the very last moment, she hesitated.

(…I don't want to die yet… Someone.. please help me...)

More tears threatened to fall but she desperately stopped them.

No more. She was not weak. She didn't need anyone to help her. She didn't need anyone to pity her. She didn't need anyone. She was fine with being alone. After all, she has always been alone all her life. Why would she need someone now.

She made her resolution. But... her subconscious couldn't help but still hope for a miracle.

'What if...? Maybe... Just maybe...' She didn't dissolve. She could still continue her performance then... She could still protect them. She could still fulfill her promise. 

(No!!! No more!)

She has had enough. She didn't want to act anymore. She didn't want to lie anymore.

She had dedicated her entire life to a sole performance to protect the people of Fontaine. She wanted to abstain from that role now. She wanted to be free.

(This is also punishment for my sin.)

At least, in her final moments, she wanted to be true to herself. 

If death was the only way for her to be free, she would accept it. If death was her punishment for her crimes, she would accept it.

This is not the will of the god 'Focalors', but the determination of the human 'Furina'.

(I am sorry, mirror-me.)

She has made up her mind. She will not hesitate anymore. She brought her hand closer to the primordial seawater. She could hear a few gasps in the silent hall but she ignored them.

Neuvillette: "Due to the inherent risk of the test, Lady Furina, you may-"

She plunged her hand into the primordial seawater.

(....I am sorry, everyone...)

The 500 year performance was now over. She was finally free.

NameLeSS NameLeSS

Happy New Year.

next chapter
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