You see my grandpa is a great guy but he has his downfalls, one of them having to do with being a marine you see he didn't get the respect we now give the people who serve our country.
NO when he had came back to the place he was born and, raised at the same place he served to protect this is what he got in return, people threw pee, poop, metal, tin cans pretty much anything they could get there hands on but what made him mad the most is when they spit in his face and said he should have been the one who died.
Life is not what it should of been in the Marine Core people got beat and, i meant 'beat' sometimes for no reason some camps were worse than others people got starved, but one thing they all had in common was the one thing that kept them going and, that thing was this one saying "No man gets left behind" and these words are not mine these are straight from my grandpa and, some of them are from what i heard him say in the past.
Let me tell you that being a Marine at a young age (17) years old is not a age you should go in at like him he says you should go in around (18 or 20) he doesn't like the thought of going in at (18) but if you are to go in he prefers (18) over (17) because at a young age if you don't have the gut for it you'll break and, you can't just say you quit to them because they will give you a Dishonorable Discharge
and that's not something you want.
He has told me stories of him and Vietnam. Like how he was ordered to go up this hill with swollen legs from jungle rot when it was pitch dark outside and, i mean pitch dark it was so dark that there could be one of your guys in front of you waving there hands and you couldn't see them so they found these illuminated dark adapted leaves and, put them on the backpack in front of them so they could see and they wouldn't get lost but there was this stump that was in way remember when i said he had swollen legs from jungle rot well he had ran his leg hard into this stump and had to hold in his screams with all his might and strength.
He told me of the traps and, the weapons they would use such as bamboo floor traps and, bombs that held Rusted metal, piss, shit and other objects that can cause infections. He also told me of the time when he was fired on by his own men when he was scouting out the front because one of his men didn't follow any directions when my grandpa ordered him to call in to the team behind him to let them know it was there own guys in front of them but of course he didn't listen so all of a sudden they got sprayed on and the only one who survived that was my grandpa.
This is my Grandpas Life story SO if you don't like it you don't have to read it.
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