After finishing up the meeting with everyone, we all left the basement and headed home.
I ran home and even finished my daily quest in running on the way.
At home, I ran to my room and was ready to start writing up my other plan. Our debut you could say, our first priority was to get our name out there and become known, even if it's a few people.
I grabbed two sheets of paper and a pencil from my bag. I started the sketch with a few buildings that would tell us where our plan would start and end, I then finished it up with some essential information and put it to the side.
Rising up from my bed I walked to the middle of where my room was and started doing my daily quest. I started my 100 pushups and then did my situps.
Next was the planking, which had risen from 5 minutes to 10, after suffering through 10 excruciating minutes I stood up and grabbed my dumbells.
I forgot to mention that I had recently purchased some dumbells for a cheap price on the streets. Where I lived there were always some junkies trying to sell you stuff and they surprisingly have some decent things in store.
But as I picked up the dumbells I started to curl them both while in good form. I set them down and took a rest on the bed. After, I gulped down the water that rested by my bed.
Now even though my body was already nearly perfect It was still my duty to take care of it. Just because my body progressed faster than most due to the system it could also deteriorate just as everyone else's if not tended to frequently.
After all of this, I knew it was time to get ready for bed and get some good sleep.
I went to the bathroom, took a shower, and brushed my teeth. I walked back to my room and sat on my bed once again.
With just a thought the system panel opened up.
[-----Gang System-----]
[Name: Yama]
[Level: 5]
(Exp: 350/3200)
[Gang(s): The Saints]
[Fighting style/skills: Basic Boxing Style, Aikido, Judo]
[Strength: 34]
[Agility: 40]
[Endurance: 36]
[Stamina: 33]
[Dexterity: 27]
[-Lottery-] (UNLOCKED)
I click on shop.
Looking around for a second I click on weapons, and multiple low-level options show up.
[Wooden Bat] - 75 Coins
[Rusty Knife] - 100 Coins
[Trash Pepper Spray] - 60 Coins
[Low-End Tazer] - 150 Coins
I would press the [Wooden Bat] 5x.
[Wooden Bat] (5x)
[Would the host like to proceed with the purchase?]
[Yes] [No]
I press yes and instantly 5 Wooden bats fall from thin air on my bed.
Picking them up, I sit them under my bed for tomorrow.
"This is going nicely."
The rays of the sun hit my face, waking me up before my alarm. I sit up on my bed with a dazed look on my face. I wipe my eyes and stand up, I decide to warm up my body by doing some stretches, pushups, and situps.
I then brush my teeth and fix my hair in the bathroom. I walk back out with an all-black Nike tracksuit that is just right for my new body, before I leave the room I grab my bag and head out the door.
As I step outside of my house I go the opposite way of school, I head to Zen's home and quickly climb through the back window which he told me about. Luckily his parents weren't home even though it was so early. I walked down the stairs into the basement and all five of the boys greeted me with a smile and wave.
"Hey guys, also from now on just refer to me as boss, got it."
Nearly everyone replied with a simple, "Yes boss."
Everyone except Julius, "Yes my king..."
I glare at him, "You're pushing it."
"Sorry." he apologizes with a sarcastic tone.
"Anyways thanks for being so early everyone, I'm glad everyone agreed to skip school because this day is important."
Grabbing my bag from the floor, I sit on the table and pull out all 5 wooden bats.
Riko examines the bat, "Woah boss, these look brand-spanking-new, where'd you get these?"
I quickly respond, "Don't worry about it, just know I got them."
Everyone smiles while holding the bats. We go upstairs, grab some dirty pillows, and put them up against the wall. Everyone grips their bat and swings it recklessly at the pillows, dust particles flying all around.
I sit back and wait for them to get finished.
"Everyone ready?"
In unison, "Ready!"
I grab my coat and put it on as we walk out the door.
After walking for a while we arrive in a grimy and raggedy neighborhood. Young teens stood around, all of them giving us dirty looks like we were up to something. And just as they suspected, we were.
Now before I went through with my plan I made sure that everyone standing around wasn't in any gang of any sort. How did I know this? well because the gangs in this area are supposed to be having a meeting right now we were safe to do whatever we wanted to this neighborhood.
With the bats, we went up to cars and buildings and just started to smash everything to pieces, Zen who had leftover spray paint would write <<The Saints>> On different walls. The people standing around instantly started to try to stop us.
"HEY! YOU BASTARDS!" One of them rushed at Riko with a right punch, he dodged left and hit the man in the gut.
After this, multiple boys started to run at us. Fortunately, there weren't a lot and we could all handle our own so we basically destroyed them.
After beating the boys to a pulp we dragged their unconscious bodies and put them together for the others to see. Now luckily for us, the gang didn't know who we were so that worked for us, and if they tried anything we would be ready and just easily ambush them. My plan was being executed perfectly, it couldn't have gone any better.
We made sure to tag every clean wall we could with our name on it, and the end product was pure mayhem.
Broken windows, doors kicked in, trash everywhere, spray paint on everything. They were sure to be more angry about us tagging up their neighbor than the broken stuff as it was already ugly out here.
And now if everything happens the way I think it will then it would be truly perfect.
My plan was to just trigger them and have them on edge about this new gang, and once that was happening we would frequently show up to ruin something again and again until they would probably order their men to stay behind and be on the lookout for this new gang. Once that happens we will start our ambush and slowly but surely take out the entire gang, until they submit and merge with us.
Now supposedly about 15+ people are apart of this small gang so it wouldn't be that many people but it would for sure be a whole lot for us.
And now all we had to do was wait. The <<Death Birds>> leader apparently gets angry quickly so I knew this would piss him off a whole lot.
Now you're probably asking how I know all this, well because I listen how else? I go around everywhere, in school, near my home, and sometimes near this area. I hear all about different gangs and gang activity, hell if I was a police officer I would have mountains of evidence on these guys by now, that's how unorganized they are. So they were sure to freak out and rush in blindly like idiots, and that works amazing for my plan.