4.83% Futanari World / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 - First Day

บท 1: Chapter 1 - First Day


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PART 1 – Poverty even in the 2nd life!


That was weird!

Very strange indeed!

I was playing for fun, an R18 game, I didn't care about anything, I was having fun, unlocking new scenarios, until I heard the sound of a plane's engines, very close by.

Naturally I thought it was just a low flying plane, close to where I live there is an airstrip, so I wasn't worried.

In the next instant all I saw was my fucking bedroom wall being smashed and me being crushed, I think I even got crushed by that shit's front propellers!

And in the next instant, something like the blink of an eye, maybe less, I was hearing a mysterious voice in my head, saying a lot of things and asking me several questions.

How do I play? Futanari World? What?!

I'm very confused, but I accept it, it seems that this will revive me, I believe?

Anyway, I was given the option to decide what I look like, I'll get a dick, cool!

But knowing about the dice roll… I almost cried, but seeing that there will be 3 categories to choose from, I was happier.

Result, 20, 5 and 19, the best, having a maximum, another almost maximum and one minimum!

Simply put, I'm going to be poor even in my second life… fuck you! Cum! Stop chasing me you disgrace, did I kill your family? Fucked your husband? Why do you want to make my life hell?!

Almost crying, I could only accept it.

(Author: One thing I didn't mention in the prologue but I wanted to mention, is that in the 2nd result, there was 5, 5, 5... that is, the cursed bad luck of everything coming at the minimum! It seems absurd, it's a cursed absurdity, but It's real, unfortunately I didn't take a print to show it.)

(Author: Relevant to the result of 20, 5 and 19, I kept rolling until the 1st result was the maximum, I rolled a lot, until I fell for it!)

At least I'm hot, beautiful, wonderful!

Just looking at my new body makes me salivate, especially with that huge thing between my legs, after distributing my points and choosing my skill, it got bigger and thicker!

I may never have dated with men in the past, nor with women... I was a loner...

Well, I may not be the expert with personal experience, but understanding the logic called Hentai, bigger is better!


Opening my eyes, I feel amazing!

Before, I was skinny and sedentary, very weak, lacking Vitamin C.

But now… gosh, look at those gorgeous muscles, that defined belly, that huge dick, big breasts… fuck, look at that perky ass!

Not to mention I'm pretty good looking too, with that brown skin, beautiful red hair, brown eyes… gosh, thank you!

I get a basic introduction about myself, I'm Roxana Keller, 15 years old, a Futanari.

I attend the Academy of Sword and Magic, today I'll start my 1st year, I'm a peasant... curious, this world is a mix of modern concepts, with something medieval, magic and sword.

I lived in a small village further east, but due to my advantageous physical attributes and some talent in magic, not to mention that I have a slightly above average intelligence, I was able to pass without any problems and enter this Academy, one of the best in the Nation!

But here we will find members of the nobility, children of wealthy merchant groups, powerful politicians, S-Rank Adventurers or Mercenaries and much more!

Roxana, that is me, moved from my village 2 weeks ago, living in the comfortable Academy dorms.

I was one of the first students to start attending the Academy, I was poor, with no penny in my pocket, no political power or support.

I sigh sadly, but gladly accept it.

As for the parents of my body, they are dead, that is, I am an orphan!

Apparently 8 years ago, there was a Goblin attack in the village I lived in, many died and were taken, my parents were in the middle of it.

Since then, this has somewhat slavishly motivated me to train, which has distanced me from other children, even though I'm seen as a great catch, as Futanaris are very well regarded in this world.

Knowing about me, my attention lands on recent events, the arrival of the bourgeoisie!

The Academy, which was once calm with low-class youths, was soon being filled with high-class, very arrogant youths.

Somehow I distanced myself from the majority as I was seen as "special". How exactly was I "special"?

Apparently I'm very strong for my age and received several compliments from teachers, naturally I must have attracted the envy of a lot of bourgeoisie, not to mention that I'm dark, a skin tone that doesn't seem to be very well regarded.

I was confused, I saw white, black, Asian, indigenous people and so on, but I, who am morena, am I suffering prejudice? This does not make any sense!

But analyzing it better, I understood that a dark skin is seen as plebs, a body marked by manual work, a type of low-level mestizo.

Who knew that because I was brown in the past and wanted more beautiful skin, that is, dark, I ended up becoming a kind of focus of racial prejudice in this world, not even to warn me!


PART 2 – Sword and Magic Academy!


"Welcome to all new students and old ones returning for another school year, I hope you all have great grades and results, that you have an amazing future like many of our legends!" - Said the Director on stage to all new students.

He continued with a long speech, I admit he can talk.

Soon some model students from the last year, as well as professors awarded in their fields, began to speak too, introducing themselves wishing everyone a great school year, that they make many friends, find reliable companions and obtain many opportunities for a promising future.

Each school grade is divided into 7 Rooms, going from A to F, but that doesn't matter that much, but due to A being the first letter of the alphabet, it's natural for nobles to want to stay in that Class.

As such, it was quite contentious to know that it will be in Room A, so A and B are considered the Bourgeoisie Room, I ended up in Room D, a good consideration from the teachers.

And each room has 45~50 students, totaling 270~300 students per school grade!

Just like in my past life… well, just like in my real life, since technically this is a game, I always sat in the back, so I decided to go to the back as well.

I was one of the first to arrive, as such I saw the room filling up little by little, where all the students avoided me, filling in the most distant accents, until the room started to fill up and there were no more spaces available, some conflicts began.

Some naughty bourgeois intimidated those of lesser rank, mostly commoners, making them go to the back, the only seats available.

I didn't bother and with all the chairs filled, soon the bell rang and a thin teacher entered the classroom.

"Put all the cell phones on the table, leave them in the corner, I don't want to see anyone messing with them, if I find out, the person will be punished!" - Said the professor immediately, without even introducing himself.

He turned and started writing on the blackboard, turned to everyone and said. - "I will be your History and Geography teacher, you will have my classes every day, unexcused absences will result in a decrease in your final score, regardless of who your parents are, I don't care and if you disregard my subject, finding it useless, go ahead, miss it, get bad grades, then I'll see how you repeat the year!"

Everyone was silent hearing this, as the teacher's aura is quite intimidating and straightforward.

"In 5 seconds I'll stop by each one's desk, asking them to empty their pockets and open their backpacks, whoever has their cell phone saved will have 1 point less in the semester average!" - Said the teacher, who started counting to 5 and then walked between the rows of tables and chairs.

Seeing the lack of cell phones, he asked and the young man in question said he didn't have them, making sure he didn't have them, he moved on to the next one, but as always, there's that clown who wants to be the funny one.

The teacher did not see any cell phone on the table, even though the young man obviously had a more remarkable appearance of a bourgeois, he soon made him open the backpack, but the young man, laughing, said mockingly. - "I'm not interested, go annoy someone else!"

"What is your name?" - asked the teacher.

"I am William, William Vontri!" - Said the young man full of confidence, the teacher nodded, going to his table and saying. - "-1 point in the final average in my subject, if you complain it will decrease to 2!"

"What?! You know who I am?!" - roared William getting up.

"Minus 2 points on your final average, know that if you get an average below 8, you lose benefits of a model student." - Said the professor not at all intimidated, making young William shudder in anger.

"And yes, I know who you are, son of Artion Vontri, brother of the Minister of Agriculture, but that's just it, he is not the Minister and even if he were, he has no power in the school, should even a prince dare try to touch a teacher at this academy, the National Law, created by the first Kings and Archmages, would put everyone involved in a mess, I doubt your father would lift a finger to do something to me, if in doubt, go ahead, we've dealt with enough arrogant brats like you!" - The teacher sneered and continued.

"There's always that clown who thinks he's the best, wanting to show that he has the biggest dick, unfortunately you have to show results, not hide behind dad or mom!" - Saying that, the professor continued to walk and this time, no one dared to hide his cell phone or make a scene.

William cowered in embarrassment, earning mocking glances from many around.

"Now I will formally introduce myself, I am your History and Geography teacher, Gonzales Flint, I have no interest in being friends with you, I will teach you, learn and study, keep yourself well behaved and with high grades, we will have no problems!" - Said the professor introducing himself formally.

His contempt for students is obvious, along with his lack of will towards everything, he is probably around 35 years old, I heard that teachers' salaries are good, but sometimes it's not even a salary issue.

Being a teacher of commoners and bourgeois, it is obvious that he must have dealt with many problems, having been threatened and etc., losing his passion for teaching, understandable.

But anyway, he gave the cue for the students to introduce themselves before he touched on an important subject.

"As you know, there are several events during the school year, many being inter-class competitions, field trips, hunting, exploration and much more. So you better get along, because classes with better results, will give better benefits to your students and many extra points, which will help them when they graduate."

"Since you are still in the 1st year, it may seem like it is not important, but understand that most of you will continue with students in the following years, maybe some will leave and others will join, but regardless, the essence will be the same!" - Gonzales said calmly, until a student raised her hand.

"He can talk!" - Said Gonzalez.

"Professor, isn't it unfair? Rooms A and B, even Room C, wouldn't be the best since it has the most nobles!" - Asked the student frowning, being the concern of many.

"It may seem like it, but it's not! Nobles have an early learning advantage, but it's just an early advantage that will soon be ignored as you practice in your areas, not to mention the school divides students with better physical and mental aptitudes evenly, so the Room you're in it doesn't matter, the important thing is your performance, which can make it better or worse! But one thing I guarantee you is that Rooms A and B will be the worst in team and even individual competitions!" - Said Gonzales laughing and I have an idea why.

"Why? Aren't they the best?" - Asked a student.

"No! Most of the competitions will be in teams, in Rooms A and B, the main High Class are focused, all young people arrogant and overconfident in themselves, wanting to be superior to the other, no matter what, as a result, it takes at least a few months until they have the due shock of reality, only then will they be more dangerous having a leader, but there are rare cases where a leader emerges from the beginning, in their majority it is due to someone from royalty or a very high hierarchy, no This is the case this year." - Said Gonzales shrugging, then continued talking more about the school, its rules and so on.

He spoke specifically about the Infertility Barrier, about 100 years ago, Gyms around the world had serious problems with the birth rate, their students getting pregnant very easily, harming the future of many students.

As such, Archmages have developed an Infertility Barrier, which covers the entire Academy and its students, preventing pregnancy, but is not 100% guaranteed, so condoms are urged.

He even had a box with the name of every student who has a penis.

He called one by one to come get his box.

"Don't worry, all the boxes are similarly sized so the approximate size of your genitalia is not discovered, now if you take your condoms and see your size, then it's your problem!" - Said Gonzales shrugging.

I went to get it, no one was surprised, it was pretty obvious and I'm not the only Futanari in the room either.


PART 3 – Bullying!


Professor Gonzales' class was very enlightening, many questions were answered.

Already in the 2nd class, it was physical education, our teacher was a woman named Klara Lemerur, a tall woman with short hair and a toned physique.

She introduced herself as a B-Rank Ex-Adventurer, she is certainly quite strong, unfortunately I don't know the right comparison of levels.

Anyway, our initial activity was to test our physiques.

Klara wanted to know about her new students, categorize them and of course, help them train their bodies, regardless if they are warriors or mages, she will give different training intensities.

And I, with my Special Skill [Divine Stamina(SSS)], naturally had the best results, I didn't even break a sweat!

I ran 10 laps of the running track with no problems, did push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks and more!

While others are dying, I'm just sweating a little, but I can still keep going, I have 4 Stamina, that becomes 400 when it comes to my Stamina.

So as long as I have enough strength, it wouldn't be wrong to say that I could take on an army of 1,000 men and potentially emerge victorious.

For example, me being Level 20 and my enemies being Level 5, 1,000 of them, I would win, depending on the situation… I believe?

Anyway, Klara praised me a lot, saying that she would prepare a special workout for me, saying that I have a lot of stamina, which must be a trait I was born with, which is not far from the truth, but what I lacked was due body workout.

Lucky there's a gym in the Academy, I'll have access to it.

I want to know about Dungeons, the System that brought me to this game gave me information about the gameplay, there's a lot I can explore, a lot of it being possible in the gym.

After Physical Education, everyone was tired and covered in sweat, so we went to shower in the locker room, naturally having the female and male, but what about the Futanaris?

We can choose between the men's and women's bathroom, besides me, there are 2 other futanaris in my room, we all went to the women's room and as if the girls already expected it, in the end, there were 3 spaces available.

We went there, I didn't mind myself, but when the jet of water came down on my body, holy shit, that feels good!

"Hey half-breed!" - A voice sounded from behind me, I frowned and turned around.

"Are you talking to me?" - I ask the girl with the straight nose, one of the Futanaris, she was accompanied by 2 other girls.

I believe she is a noble or something.

"Yes, it's up to you, damn half-breed! Because of her, the teacher picked on everyone!" - She said fiercely and I noticed something, she and the other girls are naked, well, it's the bathroom, so am I…

"And what's wrong? Do you want me to stoop to your level?" - I ask smiling, I decided that I will have a confident and a little arrogant attitude, I want to gain notoriety.

"You bastard! Dare you answer me?!" - She clenched her teeth in anger, I laugh as I move the door and step forward to the amazement of the trio and then the others who were interested in the show.

The noblewoman in front of me stutters, shocked by my size, I admit I'm shocked too, but I smile as I say it. - "What it was? Are you so impressed with the half-breed body? If you want to play a real one, I'll let you, but make sure you don't fall in love!"

The noblewoman shuddered, looking at me angrily, she pointed at me and said. - "Just wait, you damn half-breed!"

So she went with her minions to the furthest showers, I shrugged, went back to bathing, haaaa~ what a nice shower!

As for whether I mind showing my penis? Well… until 6 hours ago I didn't, so it's weird to have a heavy member hanging between my legs, which was empty before…

But actually I'm proud to show it off, seriously, seeing her shocked expressions and her stuttering, her eyes glazed over me, not to mention not just my dick but my breast as well.

I, of course, always kept an eye on how everyone looked at me, even though I was a brunette, a "mixed race" to them, it doesn't change the fact that I'm beautiful, attractive and hot!

Many young men made eyes at my big breasts and ass, the same for girls, even more so with me running in front of everyone, it's only natural that I became the focus of attention for many.

After the shower, we went to the cafeteria, it was time to eat and the Academy to nurture their young talents, allowed them free and high quality food, as much as you think you can handle eating, you can take it!

And I didn't manage, even if it's not explained, I see that having 100 times more stamina has its price, I need to replace it and for that I need to eat a lot!

Therefore, I filled a large tray with what I thought would satisfy my hunger to the fullest, but looking at the full tray, I believe it is not enough, but I am just testing it for now.

The good thing is that the System gave me useful information, is that monster meat, because it has more Mana and Vitality, has more nutrients, so in the future as I get much more powerful, I will naturally need to eat a lot more to keep myself energetic, but if so, I would need to eat a truckload of food every day.

Therefore, eating the meat of monstrous animals or magical vegetables will greatly satisfy my hunger, which is only 100 grams, could be equivalent to 500~1000 grams of other meat or vegetable.

Anyway, I ate a lot, enjoyed the food, better than the Instant Noodles I ate most of the time, sometimes I made sausages, ordered some snacks, pizza and etc., I didn't have the healthiest diet, like it's obvious to notice!

But because I was eating so much, I got a lot of stares, of course, there were others who ate in large amounts too, but I was the only "half-breed", seriously, wait until I reach Level 100, I'll beat everyone here!

As impressive as it sounds, no one bothered me during lunch, perhaps because everyone in my class was tired of Physical Education and students in other classes wanted to know more about me before they acted.

Anyway, I believe this is the calm before the storm?

Classes continued, beginning with our literature teacher and ending with a combat studies teacher.

It was interesting, I learned a lot, even I got a package of the language of the world, there's still a lot I don't know, so learning literature will be a big help.

And not just for me, but there are many commoners who only entered this Academy because of their physical talents, it's natural that they need to learn to read and write.

After that, we have a good part of the afternoon to enjoy ourselves, we can access the canteen, gym, dormitories, library and much more.

Wondering where to go first, I decide on the library.

But when I was going there, I ended up being surrounded by 7 people, 4 men and 3 women, including the one who approached me in the shower was here.

"Come with us!" - She said arrogantly, I'm scared, I've never fought before, but… I feel confident!

Smiling, I follow them, but someone please save me!

Soon we are behind one of the school's warehouses, I have my arms crossed and the 7 young people around me, spread out.

"What you want?" - I ask with crossed arms.

"Stay arrogant even in this situation, you really need to learn your lesson, trash!" - She said fiercely.

"And who will teach me? You?" - I ask mockingly. - "Or all your cowardly lackeys? Come all then!" - I say laughing, seriously, what's going on and me?!

"She's really arrogant, looks like we'll have to teach her a good lesson!" - A cheerful voice sounded and looking, I see a young man who resembles the annoying leader, I already understand that they must be brothers.

But the problem is that his uniform, it has 2 stars, it means he's a 2nd year… fuck, fucked me!

I shudder, but then grit my teeth and smile.

"Even in this situation, aren't you afraid? Praise your courage, let's see if it continues after being beaten!" - He said before moving forward, I widened my eyes with the punch coming and defended using my arms.

It hurts even when defending, but I don't even have time to recover when another punch lunges and lands in my face.

I take several steps back… I regret having a high Stamina!

"At least you know how to take a few hits!" - Said the young man laughing, then he advanced and attacked, I defended, but the punch didn't come, what came was a feint, since he kicked my leg, a pain arises and I can't keep up.

With that I fall backwards, a fist covers my vision and soon my back and neck hit the soft ground, burning pain across my fucking face! That hurts!


I groan in pain, but soon I notice the bastard's foot coming towards my face, I use my arms to defend myself.

"He arrives!" - A cold voice sounded, giving me a chill and the foot did not go down, nor did it dare to go down.

The young man from the 2nd year looked with fear at who was approaching, the owner of the voice.

A young man who has 2 stars on his shoulder, black skin, light blue eyes and white hair.

[Image] →

He has a cold and imposing look... damn, he's hot!

"Renner, what are you doing here?" - Asked the young man frowning.

"I walk where I want, trash!" - Said the young man called Renner full of disdain and stopping in front of the young man.

The young man clenched his teeth, before looking at the others and saying. - "Let's go!"

And so they leave, I'm surprised and I look at the cool young man beside me, so I say. - "Thanks…"

He looks at me and says. - "Were you there?" - I see the disdain in his eyes, before leaving, ignoring me.

What the fuck was that?!


PART 4 – Lucky Strike!


Luckily I didn't break anything, but I lost 2/3 of my HP, that's dangerous… I need to be more careful with my attitude, it would be better to have some kind of tutorial for me to level up, or missions…

In the end nothing appears even if I complain, fuck off!

Well, I'm off to the library, that was my original goal anyway.

Once there, I go to the bathroom, where I wipe the blood from my face, before going to a touch screen, something very technological, there are several of these, there I could search for the type of book I want by category.

In fact, I don't know for sure, but I decided on [History], I need to know more about this world, the kingdom I'm living in and stuff like that, then I access the internet to better know who the strongest nobles are, to know which children are at the Academy and stuff like that.

I need to be cautious from now on, I don't want to be ambushed again and end up in even worse shape.

In the history section, I skimmed through the books, doing a quick read about world-changing historical facts and such.

I've been reading for almost 2 hours, getting hungry, I decided to go to the canteen, but first, I'd return the books to their places.

But as I did, I found a book that shouldn't be there, it was small, hidden in the corner of the shelf, I tried to put a book there, thinking it belonged there, but it didn't fit.

I took out the small book called [The Vicar's Tale].

A small book, the size of my palm, curious I read it, it was just a very rough story, but lowering it to put it in the right place, something fell, I looked curious and saw that it was a piece of paper.

Picking it up, I immediately read its contents.

[Luck 19 took effect!]

A System message came through and I smiled, skimming the paper.

{Letter from Jeremiah}

-If you're reading this, I'm probably dead and those responsible for my death are Julius and his group… sorry Stella…

- Before going on the expedition, I hid the Grimoire next to what I found in the Treasure Chest of the Dungeon in the orange stone, 20 steps to the left, 5 to the right, in front of the hollow tree!

- I hope this helps you, one last gift from me to the person I loved most in my life!

I read it with surprise, there are some drawings too, as if it were a kind of treasure map… the problem is that the only clue I have is "Orange Stone".

Sighing, I put the letter away for now, return the books to their places, and then head to the canteen for something to eat.

In these few hours, my face has improved a lot, [Divine Vigor(SSS)] is amazing!

After eating, I was thoughtful, until I decided to approach someone older, a chubby boy who seems to be bullied.

"Hello!" - I say smiling, he shyly looks at me, shaking.

"So, I wanted to know some information, I heard someone talking about an orange stone, I didn't quite understand and now I'm curious, do you know about something?" - I ask and he nods, before running away and I sigh.

Soon I decide to approach the school officials, most of them didn't know what it was or didn't remember.

But finally I came across an old janitor.

"Orange Stone? Ahh! The Amber Stone, it was a tourist spot that you young people loved to go to, it was a very famous meeting place, but 7 years ago, a group of juvenile delinquents destroyed the stone, now nobody goes there anymore." - sighed the old janitor.

"Where is?" - I ask curious and he tells me the location.

While at dusk, I go there, I use an oil lamp for that.

I arrive at the place I was told, where I find a huge orange rock, it should be much bigger, really a shame, as it seems to stand out a lot.

But then I look around, hollow tree… so… there are like 3 hollow trees here…

Hesitantly, I step forward and start counting my steps, seeing what best fits the 25 steps and being in front of the hollow tree.

Soon the most to the right reached these requirements, the problem is that I don't know for sure the size of who wrote it, but well, I start digging in the ground.

And obviously I spend a lot of time digging, I don't know how deep, but I got all my nails dirty.

And finally I find something, digging around, it was a relatively large metallic box, I pull it out and look at it, before opening it and inside I find items!

[Congratulations on finding a Treasure Chest!]

[You have reached Level 2!]

[You have 2 Free Points!]

I feel energetic and the pain I was feeling is gone. Smiling, I allocate 1 Strength and Stamina!

I clench my teeth and feel comfort wash over me, I'm getting stronger, what a wonderful feeling!

Soon my attention lands on the contents, first being a thick cover book with metal accents.

{Grimoire of Fury}

- Description: When consumed, it will give the user Rank B Skill [Berserker]!

One skill, I like it, so I look at the rest of the content, some Gold Coins, Gems and a single ring.

{Ogre Heart(Rare)}

- Type: Accessory(Ring)

- +2 RES

- +2 STR

- +0.3 HP regeneration per second!

A smile appears on my face, I don't hesitate to put it on and I even have the option to make it invisible, I happily agree, where for me the ring looks transparent but for others it will be invisible.

I already feel my power increasing, being amplified, not to mention I feel healthier, it must be the regeneration.

Smiling, I take a look at the Grimoire and see that with one click, I can learn it and well, I do!

[You have acquired the Rank B Skill, Berserker!]

{Berserker(B): Spend Stamina 5 times faster, in exchange for a frenzied increase in your physical power! +50% STR, +30% RES and +30% AGI! Duration: Indefinite!}

I'm surprised by his knowledge flooding my mind, along with an intense tremor as a reddish aura exhaled from my body.

I felt much stronger, but I deactivated it and with that, a sharp pain dominated my whole body, which was short-lived and I quickly recovered.

Knowing that the Stamina cost is multiplied by 5, I believe Berserker is a perfect Skill for me since I have 100x more Stamina!

With joy I activate it, putting pressure on my whole body, I move and heavens, it's incredible, it's intoxicating!

But I disable it and groan in pain, falling to my knees.

Taking a deep breath, I fill my backpack with all the valuable items, return the box to its place, plug the hole and leave.

I'll find a way to sell these items for good money, so getting a cell phone, as well as some clothes, even though it's forbidden to wear anything other than the school uniform at school, on weekends or free time, no problem, no mention that the school is in a city and students can leave as and when they want.

Now, about that Stella and Jeremiah, thanks for the gifts, but that's it, goodbye!

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C1
ไม่สามารถโพสต์ได้ กรุณาลองใหม่อีกครั้ง
  • คุณภาพงานเขียน
  • ความเสถียรของการอัปเดต
  • การดำเนินเรื่อง
  • กาสร้างตัวละคร
  • พื้นหลังโลก

คะแนนรวม 0.0

รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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