47.61% Flipping the Galaxy / Chapter 10: Chapter 10

บท 10: Chapter 10

As he watched the swirling lights pass by him, Renato couldn't help but feel giddy. He was finally going to other planets! While he knew that he already had been to another planet as he had been born on Empress Teta, this was different since this time he could actually explore another planet.

He wasn't afraid to do so because in the utility droid they had found in the temple, he got the galaxy map from the old republic and many hyperspace routes that were forgotten or lost and it even had the hyperspace route for Tython as well. Combined with the memory banks from R3, he had enough data to take a long route to go from Tython to the more travelled hyperspace routes.

While he knew that the planet he was going to wasn't exactly tourist material, he was still pretty excited. The planet that he was going to is Nar Shaddaa, this was because he had to collect some materials and chemicals needed for his future augments that he didn't have on Tython.

He took a hyperspace route from Tython to Alderann and used the quellor run to enter Hutt space, while he would have loved to stop at all the civilised planets, he decided that it wasn't time for a vacation just yet, with what he had planned for the future he would get enough time to indulge in some luxuries.

As he was going to a criminal world, he decided that he would be better off if he hid his identity, so he wore a basic ODST armour that he fabricated to keep his identity secret during his visit. As he was mentally doing a checklist on what to get from Nar Shaddaa while walking back to the bridge, his leg hit something.

"Beep beep boop fwoop" (Hey, watch where you are walking!)

"Sorry Orbo, I was lost in thought."

Orbo was Renato's attempt at making a droid from scratch, and he was very successful at that aim. Orbo, was an ORB series astromech he had designed from scratch, taking inspiration from the BB series and the omnidroid from the Incredibles. While he could have just made everything similar to the original BB8, he didn't like the fact that for the droid to climb up a slope it had to basically do a spiderman and shoot a string to a wall and pull itself up.

Thus, after searching for solutions, he ended up remembering the omnidroid from the Incredibles. That design was perfect for his idea, but the only major problem he had run into was that the omnidroid had to roll around blindly when it took its head inside. It was possible because it was on a stationary ground, but on a spaceship where there can be tilting, it could be a fatal flaw.

Thus, he took some inspiration from both the BB series and Omnidroid to make the Orb droid. Its main movement method was still the bb style rolling and the auxiliary style when it was on slopes or jagged terrain it could use its tentacle arms. It could even use its tentacle arms to move vertically giving it more versatility than other common astromechs and the fact that I integrated the various tools the astromech series used into the mechanical arm was just a bonus.

He was also fulfilling the promise that he made to himself to make a droid using the personality matrix of the R3 droid.

"Beep boop boop beep fwoop fwoop" (You should head to the bridge. We are ready to exit hyperspace)

"Oh, okay, I will be coming with you to the bridge."

As Renato came into the bridge and sat down and prepared for exiting hyperspace. With a slight jerk, the ship suddenly came out of hyperspace. As Renato slowly communicated with the spaceport authorities, he quickly landed on a dock.

As he got out of the ship, he was greeted by a rodian "Welcome to Nar Shaddaa, the space docking fee is 20 peggats"

Renato immediately used telepathy on the Rodian to get some basic info, and do's and don'ts during his time in Nar Shaddaa. After he went through the memories which contained this knowledge, he cut off the telepathy. As expected from a crime planet like Nar shada, the guy was trying to rip him off as the docking fee was only 5 peggat.

"I do not need to pay the 5 peggat docking fee."

"You do not need to pay the 5 peggat docking fee"

"You will pay the docking fee, while also refuelling and restocking the ship with your own money and not bother me anymore."

"I will pay the docking fee, while also refuelling and restocking the ship with my own money and not bother you anymore."

Finished with that, now he had to find another source of money to buy his materials. While he could do it the hard way and become a bounty hunter and collect some money, he was currently in a pinch and needed to get the items for the augmentations. So, he was doing it the easy way, using the force to play sabacc and then robbing whoever came after him to get their money back.

The fact that these people could defeat him didn't even cross his mind. Not even counting the fact that he had force, he also went through an insane amount of training these last few years. For the last 5 years, he has been constantly training his lightsaber skills and force techniques. While he wanted to say that everything went perfectly, he would be lying. His lightsaber skills have grown tremendously. He had a fortunate encounter with his preferred fighting style. He had originally tried as a joke to use two lightsabers.

But he was shocked when he actually had an easier time with two lightsabers. That is how he found out his preferred lightsaber fighting style. From there on he focused on Jar'kai so he practised Niman, Ataru, Shii-Cho, Ataru, Juyo, Djem so, Makashi, Soresu specifically in that order of priority.

He had also found out that with the understanding of combat tactics and the spartan training memories helped him to figure out the more uncommon fighting tactics like Trakata, Sokan and telekinetic lightsaber combat. Since he had found that he was more likely to use a double lightsaber based combat, he had started to train in double-bladed combat.

Training double-bladed combat was actually much harder with him learning it at a much slower pace than double sabre combat. Finally, what was left in his force training was the force techniques.

Training with force techniques was much harder than imagined. Heck, even his most powerful skill force telekinesis, he found, was actually brute forcing it. He had learned that the Jedi had developed a way to 'fold' force energy right before the technique to increase its density and ease of use.

This was particularly useful for people with 'normal' levels of force usage. But for people like him, with monstrous force levels, it was exponentially harder. Now he knew what people like Naruto or Anakin felt like. Having massive reserves but being unable to use them at anything other than brute-forcing was a bit sad.

But luckily, unlike Naruto, he didn't have a limit on the maximum amount of control he could gain with practice. But yeah, sense-based techniques were easiest to learn for him since he was so heavily attuned to the force. He had already learnt all of them: Force sight, Far-seeing, Force empathy and Force Telepathy. While the last two, he couldn't test on anyone until now, at least according to the instructions he was perfect. One thing that he noticed was that telepathy was far easier to learn for him, probably because of his occlumency.

Control based technique, which required control of himself and his body, was the next easiest. Abilities like Art of Movement, Breath control, Centre of being, Control pain, detoxify poison, Enhance Attribute, Tapas and Hibernation trance were coming easily to him but they required some practice.

Finally, Alter-based techniques were the hardest if they needed to be done the proper way. He found out that with his force reserves he could brute force most techniques, but he wanted to do it the proper way and learn and perfect his control over the force energy.

He was getting distracted trying to dissect his weaknesses again. Anyway, 5 years ago he had finished his basic education in the Star Wars universe and started getting into the real complex and deep technological knowledge.

He had focused on the knowledge that he can use in the spartan augmentations. It was around this time that he got scolded by Paddy for the first time.


"Young Master, you have to stop this! Otherwise, you will be wasting your talents!"

"What are you talking about?"

"I am talking about how you just make lazy blueprints and then give them to the huragoks."

"What is the problem with that?"

"The problem is that you forgot why you were learning technology in the first place. It is because the Huragoks cannot be creative!"

Renato knew he was sometimes lazy, but as he looked at his past actions, he found that what she said was mostly true. Sighing in defeat he said:

"Yeah, you are right. From now on I won't give them any blueprints that I am not ready to manufacture directly."

*Flashback End*

Thus, his first foray after that was an idea that Paddy had given to him one day after training.


"Young master, I have an idea to increase the efficiency of your workout. You can train multiple abilities at the same time."

Somehow, the way she said it sent chills down his spine

Her idea was to create a training room. That much was okay for him, but it was what was in the training room that sent chills down his spine, but even though it was scary, he agreed with Paddy that this would be the most efficient way to train. Sometimes he wondered if Paddy somehow sneaked in lessons of masochism into him throughout the years.

The room was supposed to have three areas, the normal flat practice area, the obstruction field and a medical centre with M3-D6 in case something went wrong. The entire room was to be fitted with a gravity field generator and a complete weather control system.

As he finished the design completely on his own, he now understood what Paddy meant by using his own creativity. He had two separate technology bases and he could combine knowledge of both technological bases to create something better.

While the Huragoks too had the same knowledge, they didn't combine the knowledge when they changed something. For example, during the creation process of this room, he tried combining the gravity technologies of both universes and succeeded wonderfully.

The star wars gravity field generators were great at generating gravity fields while also being capable of being scaled up enough to influence the gravity of an entire moon, whereas the gravity field generators of the Halo universe were great at gravity cancellation and repulsion fields.

Combining the two technologies allowed him to find the common ground and build a generator that did the work of both. The best part was that they could miniaturise the new generator enough that they could use it in situations where micro repulsor lifts were needed.

This meant that he didn't need to go through the expensive process of mining black holes for 'space-time knots' and could make gravitational levitation devices on the cheap and replaceable easily enough to be used in a military setting.

Another thing that was useful was the terraforming knowledge from Halo because he found out with some delving into the knowledge there were actual DNA blueprints for a lot of earth creatures.

Anyway, as he combined the terraforming knowledge of Halo with that of Star Wars he found an interesting thing. He now had the technology to terraform a previously inhospitable planet in 30-40years, a planet that has been barely hospitable in 15-20 years and could repair a recovering previously hospitable planet in 5-10 years. This holds great promise for some of his future plans.

The reason he had dwelled in the terraforming technologies was because of the climate control mechanisms of the room and he just got lost in the so-called tinker fugue. As he finished the blueprints for the room. He gave a copy of the finished blueprints to his personal assistant huragok Brad (Bounces-randomly). As Brad quickly polished the blueprints, he gave them back to him, Renato said thank you in huragok sign language, which he learnt throughout the years.

There was another aspect that Paddy suggested, that was making the huragok polish a copy of the blueprints, then comparing them to his original ones and seeing what all had been changed and why it had been changed. Learning from the Huragoks instead

As he finished understanding the changes they made and why, parallelly, Paddy was making a grumbling C2 use the construction droid to make the room.

*Flashback End*

From then on, he was practising all physical activity in the room which got increasingly harsher until he reached the limit of his body at 4.5 g's and survival in pressures alternating from low pressures such as 0.118 atm to 2.5 atm and hostile climates like heavy storms, high heats, cold blizzards, etc. In a way, it was a preparation for the augmentations.

He also made sure that he did all the spartan training. While he didn't need the physical conditioning, as he already had it covered with Alchaka and his Lightsaber training, the other skills he had to practice and he did.

He practised all the skills he could practice by himself, starting from shooting all the way to wilderness survival. It was, however, easier than the force training because of the simple fact that his occlumency and his peak trained body helped greatly. The only skills he had to put some effort into were shooting and grenade throwing. Throughout this whole training, however, he took great efforts not to use force except for meditations during the recovery periods.

So yeah, even discounting the force abilities, he wasn't afraid of losing a fight here. As he entered a cantina, he went up to the bar and asked for some Ryll beer. As he was drinking the beer, he quickly observed around the cantina for suckers to cheat from.

He quickly spotted a large table with multiple species playing sabacc. Each of them had some slaves with them, so Renato knew that he had his targets. He quickly pickpocketed the person sitting beside him for his money and sabacc deck flirting and groping the twilek waiter, then paid for his drink and went to the table.

As he slammed the money on the table, he said: "Let's play a game, I have 20 Peggat over here."

"Of course,",

As he quickly shuffled the cards, he followed the force's instructions to place the cards above and he followed the instructions and they started the game. He quickly won the game and the next few rounds, winning an overall of 300 peggats.

Which was a lot considering that it was the price of a small starfighter.

"Thanks for the money my friends but I am afraid it is time for me to go."

As Renato left the building, he felt some thugs following him. He smirked under his helmet and went inside an alley. Slowly, the thugs followed him and had him encircled.

"You should not have messed with Ples Bronk"

"Oh? What are you going to do? Rob me? Kill me? Enslave me?"

"Hmph, Enslave you? Ples Bronk wants to make an example of you. Die!"

Before the thugs could shoot, however, Renato pulled out his blasters and did a quickshot using force speed, and the 3 thugs fell down dead, unmoving.

"Don't you know the first rule of hunting an unknown is to make him a known and plan accordingly?"

Renato said as he started searching them for valuables and took their blasters, 90 peggats each, and their comm-links. While in one of their clothes, he found what looked like spaceship keys.

Renato felt with his force sense and didn't find anyone else following him, so he went back into the market and started getting stocked up on various chemicals and items he needed for his augmentations.

While most of the things he needed weren't that hard to get, he came specifically to Nar Shaddaa because it was easier to find some of the questionable items for the right price here.

Now that he completed his shopping, he quickly came back to his ship and then quickly loaded everything up. After loading everything up on his ship, Renato searched for the ship he took from the thug. Following the force's suggestions, he reached another spaceport where there was a beat-up YT-1300.

Watching the familiar but unfamiliar light freighter, Renato couldn't help but become nostalgic. While he spent a few seconds reminiscing and scouting the ship through force. Finally, confirming that the ship was empty, he entered it and started working to try to slave its commands to his ship Precision. The ship he was on was named Barve. It astounded Renato that people were open to using what was generally a curse word for a ship name, that too a vulgar name.

As he finished slaving the ship's controls to his ship, he returned to his ship and took off from the planet with a new ship in tow.

As the ships prepared for jumping into hyperspace, he once again looked at the crime-laden moon, knowing that the next time he would come here, it wouldn't be as peaceful as this visit.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








เขียนรีวิว สถานะการอ่าน: C10
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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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