September 1, 2013. That was the first time I saw y/n and I asked her with determination...
•September 1•
"Will you be my girlfriend?!". Just like that she had said no.
•December 14•
As time flies the snow has come to greet us. "Jungkook you ready to have lunch?" Yelled taehyung from out the door. "I'm tired, I'll just stay in". "Suit yourself! More for me" jimin said.
I wonder what y/n doing? She must have went to get food. "Hey Jungkook, if your not getting lunch you can have mine?" Says the girl slowly pulling on her own sleeves. "Do I know you?" I asked. "I'm tzuyu, we've been class mate since elementary school". "Oh, I never notice" I said coldly, handing her bento box back in her hand.
(But I didn't know y/n was watching in the corner by the doors)
As I fell asleep on my desk, I can hear faint sounds of things being moved beside me. Pen, papers? Isn't it still lunch? Maybe y/n came back from lunch.. I'm to tired to open my eyes.
The bell had finally ranged and I decided to open my eyes so I don't get into trouble but suddenly I hear sniffles. I look up to see that y/n had been crying. Why is she cry? Why is her desk such a mess? I remember she left everything clean before she went to lunch. Books, paper and her pens were destroyed. I wanted to say something but I kept quiet, only watching her put her pen back together. looking forward I see a guy smirking at her. Was it him?
•December 15•
~lunch time~
I stayed in class today instead of going to lunch again. Taehyung hyung and jimin hyung decided to stay and read manga at my seat, waiting for me. I had a few things I needed to finish before I can go eat. Writing in my journal, that guy came back to y/n seat. Taking out her note book from under the desk and fling her pens and pencils out her pencil box.
"Having fun?" I said coldly. "What is that suppose to mean" says the guy. "I dare you to touch her stuff again" I looked him dead in the eye. He gave me that smirk and slowly brought his pointer finger to her pencil box.
I quickly grab his wrist twisting it, yelling "are you having fun still?!" "ow, ow, ow, no" he screamed out. "No?" I tighten my grip. "Well yes, yes, yes.. let go please. Ouch!" "For now on nobody touches y/n things!" I yelled pointing at everyone around me. "Jungkook calm down" Jimin hyung said. I let go of him.
(That was the day I was going to get into my first fight)
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