20% Fate/Stay Cursed: Cursed & Fated (FATE ROUTE) / Chapter 2: Chapter 1: After years, I found you

บท 2: Chapter 1: After years, I found you

The next morning, a sweet figure woke me softly. The room was still partially dark, with the curtains blocking most of the sunlight, but a presence beside me made me open my eyes slowly. Sakura was standing next to the bed, smiling with her sweetness, and her eyes shone with that same quiet energy she always realized when she was happy.

"Good morning, sensei." - She said in a soft, happy voice, her usual way of calling me. She was already dressed for the day, which indicated that she had gotten up earlier to help with the tasks. - "It's time to wake up."

I blinked a few times, trying to lighten the mind of sleep that still weighed on me. He let out a lazy sigh and stretched, feeling my still strict muscles from the night before. - "Is it already in the morning?" I muttered with a slight hoarseness in my voice. He felt he had barely closed his eyes, but Sakura's smile was enough to dissipate any tired trace he could still have.

"Yes." - She answered happily. - "I've finished organizing the kitchen and getting some things. I think I'm starting to enjoy helping with everyday tasks."

Smile lightly, watching the genuine happiness on Sakura's face. - "I hope this doesn't overload you." - There was something deeply comforting to see her so excited about the little things in home life. She, who had gone through so many difficulties, now found joy in simple gestures, such as helping to organize the house and sharing quiet moments.

She nodded, looking pleased with the compliment. - "I like to do that. It's something that makes me feel useful, besides being with you and also with Choso." - She added, like a natural reflection.

Hearing Choso's name, I raised an eyebrow and looked around noting that my brother was not around. - "Speaking of him, where is Choso?" I asked showing a slight curiosity.

"Ah!" - Sakura answered, still smiling. -"He went to get Fujimura-san to have breakfast with us. It looks like she was late and Choso decided to help her. They must come back soon."

I laughed imagining the scene. Taiga, always so full of energy, but with a tendency to get lost in time, especially when he had responsibilities. And Choso, always so responsible and attentive, going to her to make sure she doesn't delay even more.

"Very typical of taiga ..." - I commented on shaking my head with a smile. - "And Choso always playing the role of older brother. I think he got used to taking care of all of us, right?"

Sakura laughed with me. - "Yes, he always takes care of us. I think this is something that never changes, right? Even when he looks serious and distant, you can see that he cares a lot about us."

"This is true ..." I agreed to feel grateful for the constant presence of Choso in our lives. Despite all the chaos he had faced over the years, it was comforting to know that he could count on each other. This bond, though unlikely, was one of the things that kept me firm, and knew it was worth to Sakura.

As I got up from the bed, straightening my clothes and preparing for the day, I reflected on the momentary peace we were living.

We walked to the room where Shirou was sleeping. The young man always had a habit of getting up early to train or help with tasks, but that morning he seemed to have allowed himself to sleep a little more. Half-care, knocking lightly on the door before I joined, while Sakura remained by my side with a smile.

"Hey, shirou, it's time to wake up! ..." - Said in a friendly tone, opening the door carefully.

Sakura, always more delicate, approached the bed and, in a soft voice, said: "Good morning, Shirou. The breakfast is ready."

Shirou muttered something as he turned sideways, still wrapped in the heat of the covers. His eyes were half circled, but upon hearing Sakura's kind voice, he slowly opened his eyes, flashing against the weak light that entered the window.

"Ah, it's time?" - He asked, still a little sleepy, but soon sitting on the bed and rubbing his eyes.

Laugh lightly. - "Looks like you were enjoying the rest well, huh? Let's go boy, the day has started."

Shirou smiled back, still a little stunned by the sudden interruption of his sleep, but grateful for his care. He got up, quickly put a shirt and went to the kitchen with us.

Shortly after, Choso and Taiga arrived, just as Sakura had mentioned earlier. Choso, always quiet and with a neutral expression, entered with taiga by his side, which looked a little more lively and slightly hurried.

"Finally awake, huh?" Choso commented as he entered, looking at Itadori and shirou. - "Taiga almost was late, so I had to give a hand."

Taiga gave a shy laugh, running her hand over her head in an embarrassed manner. - "It seems like I'm always stuck in time... but I'm here, so it's okay!"

I just smiled, already accustomed to Taiga's carefree energy, and gestured for everyone to sit at the table.

Breakfast was laid out simply, but it was a welcoming meal. There was bread, fruit, eggs, and a boiling kettle for tea. Sakura, always attentive, had organized everything with Choso's help before coming to wake me up.

As everyone began to eat, Taiga, who never left the room in silence for long, spoke excitedly. - "You know, I always worry about taking care of Shirou. But I told you not to spoil him, Sakura!"

Sakura smiled as she picked up some rice. - "I'm not spoiling him, I'm just feeding my family."

Taiga snorted. - "That's why I have to come here every day, to remedy all of your madness..."

Before she could continue, Sakura gave her a playful look and said with a mischievous smile: "Or maybe you're always here because of Choso, Fujimura-san?"

Taiga instantly blushed, her usual energy draining away for a moment. She stammered out a response, completely embarrassed. - "N-no! That's not true! I just... well, Shirou needs me, and I... I...!"

Everyone laughed softly at Sakura's comment, while Taiga tried, without much success, to hide her embarrassment. Choso, on the other hand, remained impassive, seemingly indifferent to the provocation, but there was a slight smile on the corners of his mouth that indicated that he had also found the situation funny.

Shirou, noticing the slight tension, decided to change the subject with a compliment. - "The food is great, Sakura." - he said between bites of his meal. - "You really know how to cook."

Sakura smiled, a glint of satisfaction in her eyes. - "I'm glad you liked it, Shirou-Bro. But I didn't do it alone. Choso-Bro also helped."

Shirou looked at Choso, surprised. - "Good job, then. You two did a great job."

Choso nodded, as if it were a natural gesture for him. - "I just followed her instructions. No big deal."

The meal continued with the typical family atmosphere. Conversations flowed naturally between small compliments on the food and occasional laughter at Taiga's attempts to disguise her embarrassment. Everything seemed calm and peaceful, as if it were just another ordinary day in life.

However, as always, Taiga suddenly realized that time was moving forward. Her eyes widened as she looked at the clock on the wall.

"Ah! It's almost time to go to school! I can't be late again!" - she exclaimed, her restless energy returning in full force.

Choso ever practical, immediately stood up to help her. - "I'll take you. It'll be faster this way."

He quickly grabbed Taiga's things as she ran around the room trying to get ready. Sakura, Shirou and I watched the scene with smiles, accustomed to that somewhat chaotic routine. Even with the rush, there was something comforting in seeing everyone together, sharing these simple moments in the morning.

Finally, with Choso helping, Taiga managed to get ready and the two quickly walked out the door, leaving the house in a brief moment of peace. Sakura, Shirou and I finished eating in silence for a few minutes, enjoying the tranquility that had returned.

"These breakfasts are never boring..." I thought to myself smiling as I finished my tea.


I walked next to Taiga, who today, miraculously, was not late. Which meant that, for the first time in a while, we could walk without rushing and even talk. The morning was sunny, with a light, fresh breeze, and the two of them moved calmly through the streets towards the school where Taiga taught.

As we walked, I, always a little more reserved, finally broke the silence with a question that had been making me curious for some time. I turned my head slightly towards her, maintaining my usual tone.

"Taiga, why did you decide to become a teacher?" - I asked.

Taiga, who was usually full of energy and jokes, surprisingly became serious with the question. Her eyes shone differently, showing that it meant more than it seemed. She looked ahead, thoughtful for a few seconds, before answering.

"You know, I've always been a curious girl about things. Thanks to my grandfather, I could always have everything I wanted... But nothing seemed to make sense to me, until your brother gave me a light, to be a teacher. I think, as a teacher, I can make a difference. I had important people who guided me when I was younger, and I feel like it's my turn to give back, to be that figure for others." - She paused, looking at me. "Besides, taking care of Shirou and Sakura made me realize how much I want to help others find their paths. Teaching is more than just passing on knowledge, it's about guiding and supporting."

I listened carefully, feeling the seriousness in her words. It was rare to see Taiga so focused and determined, but I respected this side of her, which was often hidden under her playful personality. I'm glad my little brother helped her in some way.

"I see..." - she said with a nod. - "You care a lot about the people around you."

Taiga smiled slightly, but continued walking at a slower pace than usual. We were so involved in the conversation that we didn't realize that time was passing quickly.

I was distracted by the weight of her words, that I also relaxed my pace, something I rarely did. We both walked slowly, without realizing the imminent danger of being late again.

"It's funny..." - Taiga continued, laughing a little. - "I always rush to be on time, but when I'm with you, it seems like time slows down." - She looked at me sideways, a slight blush rising to her cheeks, and quickly looked away, as if she had said something she hadn't intended.

I frowned slightly, confused for a moment, but soon realized what she meant. I gave a slight smile, something rare, but genuine.

It was then that Taiga looked at her watch and her face immediately paled.

"Ah! It's not possible! We're late again!" - She practically screamed, her eyes wide with surprise. - "We walked so slowly that time passed quickly!"

I looked at the clock as well, realizing that she was right. Without hesitation, I gently grabbed Taiga's arm.

"Let's run!" - I said, pulling her gently as we both began to pick up the pace.

Taiga, still a little dazed, ran beside me, laughing at her own distraction. - "I really can't help but be late, can I?"

Choso just smiled slightly, as the two of them ran together, once again trying to catch up to the time they had lost.


After breakfast, I decided it would be a good time to help Shirou train more on controlling his cursed energy. Ever since Shirou had started developing his abilities, as his mentor, I had always been keeping an eye on his progress, making sure he was prepared to face any challenge.

"Come on, Shirou..." - I called as I got up from the table. - "I think it's time we train a little. You're getting better and better at controlling cursed energy, but there's still a lot to learn."

Shirou nodded, he already had a good command of the Trace-On technique, his unique ability that allowed him to analyze and reinforce objects, but the use of cursed energy in conjunction with this technique was still something that needed more refinement. A mix of magic with cursed energy.

We headed to an open space inside the house, a quiet place that I usually use to train with Choso, Sakura, Shirou or even alone. The wind blew lightly, and the sound of leaves rustling, a calm and focused atmosphere

"Let's start like this..." - He said adjusting his posture. - "I want you to feel the flow of your cursed energy, but at the same time, keep your focus on control. There's no point in releasing all the cursed energy at once without being able to channel it correctly. Think of it as an extension of yourself, and not as a force that you need to force out."

Shirou took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. He had already gone through this exercise several times, but each time he felt that he was closer to completely mastering the flow of his cursed energy. He began to focus inside himself, feeling the energy move inside him, flowing like a calm but powerful river.

Shirou reminded me a little of Yuta, an old friend of mine from a past world. Shirou had a lot of cursed energy, but he didn't know how to control it, just like Yuta Okkotsu.

With a controlled gesture, he let the energy escape slowly, enveloping his hands with a soft, almost imperceptible aura. I watched closely to see how Shirou was focusing on control instead of brute force.

"Good job..." - He said, crossing his arms. - "Now try channeling that energy into Trace-On. I want to see how your technique adapts with the cursed energy flowing at the same time."

Shirou took another deep breath and muttered the familiar words: "Trace, on." - With that, he activated his ability, feeling the waves of cursed energy merge with the process. He reached out towards a piece of old metal that was on the ground, and the technique began to replicate the object in his mind, unraveling its structure and replicating it.

However, there was something different this time. The cursed energy was present, almost as if it was filling in the gaps in the analysis, reinforcing the process. The object seemed to have been copied in his mind with greater precision than before, and when Shirou opened his eyes, he could feel the weight and strength of the replica in his hand. But it crumbled in his hands like a jelly.

Itadori shook his head, looking dissatisfied with what he was seeing. - "It's getting better and better, Shirou. I can see that your cursed energy is reinforcing the Trace-On process."

After a few minutes of intensive practice, Shirou lowered his hands and sighed, feeling the slight exhaustion that always came after using the technique in conjunction with the cursed energy.

I was always alert, I approached and gave Shirou a light friendly pat on the shoulder. - "So, how's your Trace-On?" - I asked with a curious expression. - "Are you feeling more confident with the technique?"

Shirou, still catching his breath, smiled a little before answering. "It's getting better... Before, I had to concentrate a lot... to be able to analyze the details of an object... Now, with the cursed energy... it seems that the analysis is faster and more accurate... But I still feel... that I'm using too much energy. I need to learn to balance it better."

Understanding the challenge, I comforted him. - "That's normal, Shirou. The cursed energy is powerful, but it also takes a lot out of you if it's not controlled properly. But the fact that you're already able to use the technique without losing too much control is a big step forward. In time, it will feel natural."

Shirou nodded, absorbing my advice. Training with him always made me more motivated, because I knew I was on the right path. Even though there was still a lot to improve, every day he felt like he was a little closer to mastering his skills.

"Let's keep practicing a little more..." - He said with a smile. - "After all, the more you train, the easier it will be to control the cursed energy and use Trace-On efficiently. And who knows... maybe you'll surprise me in the next fight."

Shirou smiled back, determined. "I'll do my best."

Some time later...

Sakura and Shirou got ready to leave the house. The morning was calm, the sky slightly cloudy, and the cool weather made the walk to school pleasant. Sakura, always helpful, made sure Shirou was ready, checking that he had brought everything he needed. She smiled when she realized how responsible he became every day, even though she still liked to take care of all the little details.

"Let's go, Shirou-bro." she said in her usual calm tone. "We don't want to be late, right?"

Shirou nodded and, after grabbing his backpack, the two of them headed out the door. As they walked, they talked about the day, the classes and the challenges that lay ahead. The relationship between them was natural and fluid, as if they were a small family dealing with the routine of everyday life.

Meanwhile, I stayed at home, I started to organize some things before receiving a call. As it was in the past, my cell phone was now a ridiculous cell phone with small buttons, a simple and sturdy model that I kept for special contacts, it started to vibrate and ring, catching my attention. The ringing was something I rarely heard, as I preferred to use other means of communication, but this phone had a very specific purpose.

I picked up the cell phone and, looking at the name flashing on the screen, saw that the call was from Masamichi Yaga, the man who allowed me to enter the Jujutsu school in another life and one of the main mentors in the world Jujutsu. Answering the call, Yaga's familiar voice sounded deep and direct, as usual.

"Itadori-san..." - Yaga began. - "We received information about a curse in a forested area. It is not something common, it seems to be related to an ancient lineage of curses that used to roam these regions. I want you to check it out."

I frowned worriedly. - "Understood. I will go there now."

Hanging up the phone, I sighed lightly. Although I was used to dealing with these situations, I felt that something about this call was different. It was not a routine mission, especially considering the nature of the curse mentioned by Yaga.

I put on my kimono and left the house, heading quickly to the indicated location, a dense forest on the outskirts of the city. The place was isolated, with tall trees and an air of mystery that seemed to accumulate as he entered deeper and deeper into the woods. There was a strange silence there, as if nature were in suspense, waiting for something to happen.

When I reached a more open clearing, I decided to sit on a fallen tree trunk, eyes attentive to the environment around me. I knew that in missions like this, the curse would not appear immediately. I would have to wait, observing the signs around me. The wind blew gently through the trees, swaying the leaves and creating a soft, almost calming sound. But I was alert, knowing that at any moment the atmosphere could change.

Sitting there, I remembered the conversation with Yaga. Ancient lineages of curses were not something common these days, and the fact that this one had appeared just now left him with the feeling that there was more at stake. I adjusted my posture, feeling the power of the cursed energy flow through my body, preparing for whatever was coming.

Time passed slowly as I waited. Even in silence, my instinct kept me focused. I knew that in a mission like this, the curse would reveal itself when it was ready to attack and I would be ready to face it.


After my training with Yuji-Sensei, Sakura and I went to school. My body was extremely tired, maybe at some point during the day I could take a nap.

I look to the side and see Sakura with her usual smile. - "Sakura-chan... I would like you to relax on the weekends too. I mean, I'm sure you and your friends go out and stuff like that." - I said a little worried.

Sakura shook her head. - "No, I don't have any plans. I don't go out just because it's the weekend... But I like to stay home with everyone." - she said while smiling.

We finally arrived at school. Some students passed by us, before I said goodbye to Sakura, I decided to talk to her a little more. - "Hm... Okay. But don't push yourself too hard."

Sakura stopped walking and looked at me. - "Sure, Brother-Shirou." - Sakura's expression changed, she looked... Scared. - "Shirou!... What is this?" - She said as she pointed to my left arm.

I looked at my arm and a red thread of blood was running down my entire arm. - "Huh? When did this happen?... Maybe it was during training with Yuji-Sensei or something..." - Sakura's expression didn't seem to have changed. - "Don't worry. It doesn't hurt, and it should stop bleeding soon."

She tried to ignore the situation and just agreed with me. - "If you say so... I'll tell Sensei to go easier on you next time."

"Emiya!" - shouted Mitsuzuri Ayako, one of my friends from the leader of the archery club. She waved at me, waiting for me to see her as she walked towards them.

Sakura paused for a moment, looking from Mitsuzuri to me. - "I think I should go to class now," she said with a gentle smile. - "See you later, Little Brother-Shirou." She waved lightly and walked into the school, leaving me and Mitsuzuri to talk.

As I approached Mitsuzuri, I could see a worried expression on her face. Ayako was known for being determined and direct, and something was clearly bothering her.

"Emiya..." Mitsuzuri began, crossing her arms as she spoke. - "I need your help with a little something."

"Sure..." - I replied curiously. - "What happened?"

Mitsuzuri sighed, tossing one side of her hair back. - "It's Shinji... He's causing trouble again! This time, he's bothering the boys in the archery group. I thought maybe if you talked to him, he'd listen to you."

I frowned when I heard the name Shinji Matou. I was already familiar with Shinji's arrogant behavior and knew that he often caused trouble, especially among the other students. Despite being friends with Shinji in the past, I was aware that my friend's behavior had changed for the worse in the last few months.

"What exactly is he doing?" - I asked worriedly.

"He's teasing the newbies, telling them they're not good enough to be part of the club and acting like he's everyone's boss!..." - Mitsuzuri explained, visibly frustrated. - "Some of the newbies have even thought about quitting because of him, and honestly, I can't take it anymore. I've talked to him, but it seems like he doesn't take me seriously."

I nodded, thinking about what Mitsuzuri had said. I knew that talking to Shinji wouldn't be an easy task, but I also couldn't let his behavior harm others. Besides, I felt responsible.

"I understand..." - I replied with a determined expression. "I'll talk to him. I don't know if I'll be able to make him change his ways, but I'll try."

Mitsuzuri relaxed a little, grateful that he was willing to help. - "Thank you, Emiya. You're the only one who can talk to him without him getting defensive. I hope this works."

I nodded, aware of the challenge that lay ahead. With the promise to talk to him, I said goodbye to Mitsuzuri and began to mentally prepare myself for the meeting with Shinji, knowing that I would need to be firm but fair.

As I walked through the school hallways, my thoughts were focused on the best way to approach the situation without causing even more conflict.

After a few minutes, I finally found Shinji during the break between classes. He was leaning against one of the walls of the hallway, as usual, with a relaxed expression and an air of superiority. When he saw me approaching, Shinji gave a slight smile, which seemed a little forced.

"Speak, Emiya. What do you want?" - Shinji said, without taking his hands out of his pockets.

I got straight to the point, without beating around the bush. - "A little bird told me that you've been bothering the newbies at the archery club... This person asked me to talk to you about it."

Shinji's smile disappeared for a moment, replaced by an expression of irritation. However, he soon smiled again, but this time with a touch of disdain.

"Oh, so it was Mitsuzuri who complained, wasn't it? I was just putting a little pressure on them, you know? They won't get better if there's no one to pull them along."

I crossed my arms, looking directly into Shinji's eyes. - "Pressuring others is not the same thing as humiliating them, Shinji. If you keep this up, you'll end up pushing people away, not helping!"

Shinji was silent for a few seconds, clearly not happy with the situation, but realizing that he was right. He let out a sigh and shrugged.

"Okay, okay, I get it!..." - he replied, somewhat disinterestedly. - "I'll stop, okay? I'm sorry if I caused any trouble."

Despite the somewhat indifferent tone, I knew that was the most I could get from Shinji at that moment. I didn't want to push him any further, and at least the apology had been made.

"Thanks, Shinji..." - I replied without any hard feelings. - "That'll make a difference."

With that, we both headed to our respective classes, and the rest of the day passed without further incident. However, by the time the last class ended, the sun was already beginning to set, and the shadows of night were beginning to take over the horizon. I was ready to head home, and I was heading to the school gate when I spotted a small crowd.

Shinji was in the center, surrounded by several girls who were laughing and complimenting him, all clearly enchanted by him. He stood out, as always, making the most of the attention. Upon seeing Shirou, he separated himself from the group for a moment and walked over to him, with his usual confident smile.

"Hey, Emiya!" - Shinji said, with a casual expression. - "I have a favor to ask you."

I raised my eyebrow, curious. - "What's wrong?"

"Can you clean the gym for me? I was supposed to do it today, but as you can see..." - I glanced at the group of girls, who were still laughing and talking among themselves. "I'm a little busy."

I looked at Shinji for a moment, realizing that he was using the same old excuse to avoid his responsibilities. Even so, I didn't feel angry or frustrated. I was already used to Shinji's behavior and knew that insisting that he fulfill his obligations wouldn't help at that moment.

"No problem..." - I replied calmly. - "I'll clean the gym."

Shinji smiled, clearly satisfied with the answer. - "I knew I could count on you, Emiya. Thanks a lot!" -With that, he went back to the group of girls, leaving me alone.

I sighed lightly, but I didn't regret my choice. Without any remorse, I headed to the gym to clean up, already used to these situations. While I gathered my things, my mind was elsewhere, thinking about how the responsibilities sometimes fell on me, but this made me feel a certain peace, as if it was helping to maintain balance around me.


As I sat in the middle of the forest, the sky began to turn orange and purple as night fell. I was in a clearing surrounded by trees, patiently waiting for the curse that I felt was approaching. The silence around me was disturbing, but I was used to this tension. I knew something was coming. And that it wouldn't be long.

Finally, I felt a presence approaching. It was heavy, almost suffocating. A figure appeared in the shadows of the trees, its steps soft but full of determination. When the figure finally emerged from the shadows, I could see it clearly.

She glared at him, her eyes cold and filled with anger.

"How insolent..." - she began, her voice thick with venom. "You sensed my presence and decided to wait for hours?!"

I didn't react immediately, keeping my gaze fixed on her. Until I finally recognized that figure immediately. A woman wearing a white kimono, with equally white hair. It was Uraume, Sukuna's faithful servant. Her loyalty to the king of curses was legendary, and so was her power. But what surprised me was seeing her there, alive, after so long.

Itadori frowned, trying to understand the situation. - "You..." - he murmured to himself, remembering Sukuna's memories, the connection they shared in the past. - "How are you here? How did you manage to reincarnate?"

The first possibility that came to my mind was Kenjaku. The one who had manipulated so many lives and situations, the master of reincarnations and body swaps. Could he be the one who brought Uraume back? I knew I couldn't rule out that hypothesis, especially after everything Kenjaku had done.

Uraume noticed my hesitation and smiled mischievously, as if she knew exactly what he was thinking. "You seem confused... But this is the first time I've met you, I could have imagined..." she said, crossing her arms. "Kenjaku has his beliefs... Who do you think you are to resemble Sukuna-sama?! But don't worry about that now. Unfortunately, Sukuna-sama is not here. And that... irritates me deeply."

She clenched her fists, and the anger she felt was almost palpable. To her, the fact that Sukuna was not with her, that he had been "replaced" by someone else, was a personal offense.

I remained silent for a few moments, processing the situation. Uraume clearly wasn't here just to talk. She was looking for something or rather, someone. Maybe she thought I was the replacement or a fake copy that Kenjaku mentioned. Either way, I knew that a confrontation was inevitable.

"So that's it?" - Itadori finally broke the silence. - "Are you here because Sukuna is no longer here? And you think I have something to do with it?"

Uraume's gaze narrowed. - "Kenjaku said that if I killed you, he would bring Sukuna-sama back. All I know is that you will be eliminated if you stand in Sukuna-sama's way."

I stood up slowly, stretching my body after hours of waiting. I was prepared to fight, but a part of me still wanted answers. - "Kenjaku... always him. Let's end this, then!"


As the sun set on the horizon, the city was already shrouded in shades of purple and dark blue. Taiga and I walked calmly through the streets, the soft lighting of the streetlights reflecting on the sidewalks. The path to Taiga's house was familiar, but the comfortable silence between them created a light atmosphere. The sound of footsteps and the rustling of leaves in the wind were the only sounds that filled the air.

Taiga was visibly tired. The school day had been long, and her responsibilities as a teacher were starting to weigh on her. Her thoughts seemed to be lost in the tasks of the next day. She appreciated my kindness in walking her home, even though it was late and she had other things to do.

When we arrived at Taiga's door, the sky was already completely dark. I stopped a few steps in front of the door and turned to her, with an expression that seemed indifferent, but to Taiga, it had something soft and affectionate. Maybe it was the way I saw her; I was genuinely concerned for her well-being.

"We're here." - I said in a calm and somewhat serious voice, while my eyes remained fixed on hers.

Taiga gave a slight smile, a little shy, but she seemed happy to have spent this time with me. For her, those walks at the end of the day had become something special. There was something comforting about being by her side, even though I wasn't the talkative type. His presence conveyed security.

When I turned to leave, Taiga called him back, hesitantly. - "Choso..."

I stopped and looked over my shoulder, waiting for her to continue.

She gathered her courage and said, with a sparkle in her eyes that mixed affection and uncertainty: "I'm part of the family... aren't I?"

I paused for a moment, as if I was processing the question. I wasn't the type to talk about feelings openly, but I knew what Taiga meant. Without looking away, I answered simply but sincerely: "You don't have to say the obvious... You've always been part of..."

The answer took Taiga by surprise, and her heart raced. For her, those words were like an emotional blow, in a good way. Feeling that she was part of something, of a family, it made her smile in a way she couldn't control. Her eyes sparkled a little more.

I said goodbye in a simple way, but for Taiga, the farewell was sweet, especially coming from someone so serious and reserved.

On the way back, the night air seemed colder, but that didn't bother me. I was lost in thought, perhaps reflecting on the conversation with Taiga. My footsteps began to echo through the almost deserted streets, when suddenly, a figure appeared in front of me. It was a girl with snow-white hair, who stood out in the darkness around her.

She looked young, but there was something strange about her presence. Her gaze was intense and full of urgency. Without beating around the bush, she spoke quickly, as if time was running out.

"It seems that someone is in danger... At school..." - she said, her voice serious and without hesitation.

The school... could it be Taiga? No... probably one of the students? Sakura or Shirou. Without wasting time, I turned towards the school, my body already ready to run.

"Who's in danger?!" - I asked the girl, but she was already starting to disappear into the shadows, without giving any more details.

My heart raced, and I couldn't allow myself to hesitate now. I began to run toward the school, the urgency growing with each step. What was happening? Who was that girl, and how did she know about the danger? These questions raced through my mind as I hurried.

As the city lights passed me in a blur, I sensed something more sinister was at play. The night, once peaceful, now felt charged with tension, and I knew that every second was crucial.


I had spent the end of the day in the school gym, silently cleaning as the last rays of sunlight disappeared over the horizon. The room was quiet, except for the sound of the broom scrubbing the wooden floor. The work wasn't heavy, but I had accepted without complaint when Shinji asked me to. It was typical of him to take on tasks without question, without remorse. When I finished cleaning the gym, I looked outside and realized that it had already grown completely dark.

Wearily, I gathered my things, ready to head home, when a strange sound caught my attention. It was like a distant echo, a noise that shouldn't have been there at that time of night. Something between the sound of metal clashing and a slight tremor in the ground. Alarmed, I went to the exit door, pushing it slowly to peer outside.

As I crossed the threshold, I looked around, trying to identify the source of the sound, but found nothing. My gaze wandered to a darker part of the schoolyard, where the shadows seemed to be moving in an unusual way. There, in a distant corner, I saw two strange figures moving quickly. They seemed to be fighting, and the blows exchanged between them made the air vibrate intensely.

"W-What is this?!" - The figures didn't seem normal humans, their movements were too fast, too precise, as if they were beyond human capabilities. I could barely make out their shapes in the darkness, but the glow of the weapons they carried was evident. An almost supernatural aura surrounded the two combatants, as if the very atmosphere around them.

As I watched, trying to understand what was happening, one of the figures seemed to turn his face slightly in my direction. It was at that moment that I realized that he had been noticed. The look he felt on me was almost palpable, as if the predator had found its prey. My heart raced, and fear hit me hard.

Without thinking twice, I turned around and started running. I knew that if I stayed there, I would be caught, and something told me that being in the path of these figures was not a good idea. The sound of the fighting still echoed behind me, I didn't even dare to look back. My feet hit the ground hard, and my breathing became labored as I ran as fast as I could.

The sound of the footsteps that chased me was like a constant hammering in my ears. Getting closer and closer. I could feel the fierce presence behind me, a force that seemed to vibrate in the air, as if it were predestined to reach it. I had no idea who or what was chasing him, but my instincts screamed at me to keep running.

Suddenly, a voice cut through the air, cold and full of authority: "You run well, but it's not enough."

Before I could even react, a tall, imposing figure appeared before me, blocking my path. It was a man in blue armor and holding a glowing red spear, his equally red eyes fixed on me. His presence was almost suffocating, the aura of murder emanating from every movement.

Without hesitation, the man in blue advanced, his spear cutting through the air with inhuman speed. I barely had time to process what was happening before I felt a sharp pain pierce my chest. The spear struck me straight in the heart. The impact sent me falling to the ground, my body paralyzed by the intense pain. I tried to breathe, but each breath felt like a colossal effort.

"It was a very short battle..." - Said the man, looking at me, fallen indifferently. He twirled the spear in his hands, ready to finish the job, but an unexpected energy began to emanate from me.

Despite the excruciating pain, something inside me, I refused to give up. Yuji-Sensei's lessons came back to me, the training on how to reinforce weapons with cursed energy. Even on the verge of death, I forced myself to concentrate. My fingers trembled as I tried to channel the energy into the reinforcement of an improvised weapon, but something was wrong. My cursed energy was completely out of control, oscillating violently inside me, threatening to escape chaotically.

Desperately, I tried to conjure a cursed blade with the last of my strength. But the weapon was not stable, the energy around it was irregular, vibrating, as if it could explode at any moment. He raised the blade with effort, trying to defend himself, but he only smiled cruelly.

"So you're a mage too?... Well, all the more reason to finish you off!" - The man sneered before attacking again. His spear flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he struck me with precision. I was thrown backwards, his blade disintegrating into uncontrolled energy. My body fell heavily to the ground, once again on the brink of death.

My vision was beginning to darken, I could barely hear another sound echoing through the night hurried footsteps, accompanied by a familiar voice.


When I finally reached the school, I was filled with a sense of urgency, my heart pounding as I tried to sense the presence of someone within the school. The cursed energy I had sensed moments ago was now weak, almost gone. I knew something was terribly wrong. I ran through the hallways, checking room after room, growing more and more anxious.

The lights in the school building flickered dimly as I walked through the long, empty hallway. Finally, in a dark corner near the exit, he saw what he feared: It was Shirou who was lying on the ground, with a pool of blood spreading around him.

"Shirou!" - I shouted! as I ran towards him. The young man was unconscious, his face pale and his breathing irregular. The sight of the blood made my heart tighten. I knew there was no time to waste. The wound in Shirou's chest was serious, and the blood was still slowly dripping, threatening to take his life with every second.

"No brother of mine will die today!" - Without hesitation, I knelt down next to Shirou and placed my hands over the wound. With my blood manipulation ability, it was essential at this moment. With extreme concentration, I began to use the technique to at least stop the bleeding, controlling Shirou's blood flow. The boy's breathing became more stable as it made the blood clot, creating a temporary barrier that would prevent excessive blood loss.

"What happened here...? Who did this to you?!" - I whispered to myself, fury mixing with worry in my heart. I looked around, searching for signs of the culprit, but the hallway was deserted. The presence I had felt before, so strong and threatening, had disappeared. The only thing left was Shirou's weak and weakened presence.

With the bleeding under control, I knew I needed to get Shirou out of there. Lifting him carefully, I placed the boy's arm over my shoulders, supporting him as I carried him towards the school exit. The walk was slow and careful, each movement measured so as not to worsen Shirou's condition even further.

As I walked through the almost deserted streets, the silence of the night was broken only by the sound of hurried footsteps and Shirou's weak breathing. - "Calm down, Shirou... We should have taught you Reverse Cursed Energy..." - The cold night air seemed suffocating, and the moon in the sky cast a pale light over the path ahead. My concern grew with each step, who could have done this? And why was Shirou alone?

Finally, we arrived home. As I approached, I noticed that the living room light was still off, which suggested that no one was home. As soon as I pushed open the front door, I found a note on the table. It was from Sakura.

"I went to the grocery store. I'll be back soon." - the note said in delicate handwriting.

I sighed in relief, but still worried. I carefully carried Shirou to the couch, laying him down as carefully as possible. Shirou's face was still pale, but at least the bleeding had stopped. Now he needed to rest, but I knew that this night would not end any time soon.

As I covered him with a blanket, I felt an immense responsibility weighing on my shoulders. I couldn't let this happen next to Shirou, watching his breathing, waiting for Sakura to return. The room was silent, except for the soft sound of Shirou's breathing and the occasional sound of footsteps on the street outside.

"Who could have done this?" - That attack was not something common, and I knew there was something much bigger behind it. As I sat on the floor next to the sofa, I tried to process what could have caused all of this. Maybe Itadori knew what was happening.

What I couldn't deny was the growing feeling of anger inside me. Whoever had attacked Shirou would pay for it. I promised myself that I would protect those who mattered to me, and Shirou was part of that promise. - "They will pay!..."

A few minutes later...

The pain in my chest continued. As Choso stood guard, watching. My eyes slowly opened as I rested on the sofa, he felt a familiar and menacing presence approaching quickly. His heart raced, and he immediately stood up, his eyes fixed on the door. There was something in that energy that could not be ignored - the same dangerous feeling as before, but even more intense now.

"C-Choso..." - Before I could fully react, the front door was thrown open, and an imposing figure entered the house. The man in blue armor and holding a spear, the man exuded a certain arrogance and power.

"Who are you?!" - Choso muttered, clenching his fists as he placed himself between the man in blue and the still half-conscious me. - "You won't hurt anyone here."

The man with the spear smirked, swinging the spear like it was a toy. - "Hurt? Sorry, I was just doing my duty. If you insist on intruding, I will gladly finish you off as well."

Without waiting, Choso jumped towards the man, releasing his cursed energy. The blood around him began to take shape, molding itself into sharp blades that he threw at Lancer. However, Lancer was incredibly fast. He dodged the blades with ease, spinning his spear with superhuman dexterity. Lancer's every move seemed fluid, as if he were simply dancing on the battlefield.

Choso advanced once more, trying to attack Lancer at close range. His claws covered in cursed energy clashed against Lancer's spear, sparks flying with each impact. But Lancer was relentless, counterattacking with frightening precision. He delivered quick, powerful blows, forcing Choso to retreat.

My nervousness began to get the best of me. As the fight continued to increase in intensity, I had hidden myself in a small room in the back, struggling with my own thoughts. Adrenaline was still coursing through my veins, and I could barely process what was happening. The spearman's attack, Choso's struggle to protect me, it all seemed like a nightmare that I couldn't wake up from.

His mind was in turmoil. - "Why is this happening? How can I be useful in a situation like this?!" - I knew I wasn't strong enough to face an enemy like him, and the frustration inside me was eating away at me. - "What can I do?!" - I remembered the teachings of cursed energy, about standing firm in dangerous situations. But, try as I might, something inside him was out of control.

And it was at that moment, as my thoughts continued to spin wildly, that something extraordinary happened.

A soft, almost ethereal light began to shine on the ground in front of me. It was a circle, magically engraved, and from it emerged a female figure. I watched in amazement as the woman's form solidified, and soon she was standing before him. A young woman with black hair, dressed in elegant black and red armor, her red eyes shining with determination and strength. She was undeniably a warrior, but there was also something deeply respectable about her presence.

She looked at me and, in a firm voice, said:

"I am Tachie... your Servant. I am here to fight by your side, Master."

I stood frozen for a moment, still processing what had just happened. Had I summoned... Someone? And now she was here, I had never imagined such a thing was possible, but somehow, I knew that this was my only chance to face the threat that was at her door.

Tachie stepped forward, her huge black shield gleaming in the dim light of the room. - "Stay here, Master. I will protect you." - She said robotically.

Without waiting for an answer, Tachie left the room towards the battlefield where Choso was bravely fighting the man in blue. The fight between the two was in full swing, but Tachie's arrival completely changed the dynamic. She launched herself at the spearman with impressive skill, her sword cutting through the air with deadly precision.


Uraume fiercely exchanged blows in a secluded field, where the darkness of the night and the surrounding trees became silent witnesses to their fight. The cursed energy of both collided, creating shockwaves that destroyed the ground and split the nearby trees.

I tried to speak between blows, her voice serious, but with a touch of urgency. - "Why are you doing this, Uraume?"

But Uraume ignored me completely, her eyes filled with rage and determination. She moved with superhuman agility, her attacks relentless and precise. Her only response was a cold look, full of contempt.

"Do you think you can replace Sukuna-sama?" -Uraume roared, advancing on Itadori with an ice blade in hand. "Your existence is an affront! I will kill and destroy you!"

The two of us fought intensely, I blocked an ice attack and tried to counterattack with a curse-powered punch, but Uraume was incredibly fast. Each attack seemed to be more aggressive, driven by anger and blind loyalty to Sukuna.

I still tried, with a desperate effort, to break through the hostility barrier. "Uraume! Kenjaku is behind this! He's using you! We don't need to fight!"

For a moment, I thought my words might have an impact. Uraume hesitated briefly, but only for a second. Her anger quickly consumed any doubt, and she gave a cold, cruel smile.

"Empty words from someone who doesn't understand anything. You don't even deserve to speak his name!" - Uraume moved with absurd agility with her ice ability to right behind me at an almost impossible speed, her movements so fast that I barely had time to realize what was happening.

When I turned around, it was already too late, realizing that my last attack had been a false one. Uraume struck me from behind with an ice blade, piercing my defense and knocking me down with a blast of icy energy.

"D-Damn... This curse... is hindering me..." - Pain shot through my body and I ended up falling to my knees, still panting. The cold spread through my body, paralyzing my movements. Uraume smiled wickedly, walking slowly towards him, ready to deliver the final blow.

But, before she could finish her attack, something unexpected happened.

A bright glow appeared around me, illuminating the darkness. The magic circle formed on the ground below me, and from it emerged a radiant figure. A woman in silver armor, holding a sword that shone as if imbued with divine light itself. Her presence was overwhelming, and her posture, firm and resolute.

A beautiful woman with golden hair, standing right in front of me, looked at me with her emerald green eyes. - "I ask you. Are you my Master?" - Her voice illuminated the darkness.

My eyes... It was as if I was dreaming... She had returned, and was right here in front of me, now. - "A-arturia?!" - I stammered through small tears.

"I have come in answer to your call. From now on my sword will accompany you, and our destinies are intertwined. With this, our contract is concluded."

My heart was pulsing and beating in ways that seemed unimaginable. The moonlight still illuminated the darkness. Time stood still, a scene that didn't last a single second. A scene that I will never forget... The golden hair shines under the moonlight...

"It seems to be a matter of fate..."

End of chapter 1

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง








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Stone -- หินพลัง



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