"Why is life so boring?" asks our MC as he rolls over his bed with his phone in his hand. One can see the login screen to the FGO game.
"Oh god why!? Why must i be like this do nothing!? Even in a normal good do it is boring and on top of that i have to stay lock-down for months because of this dammed COVID. The only thing that lets me feel somewhat alive are the anime and this FGO." He is complaining to roof trying to scold god for his problems.
"I am tired now. I don't care weather I sell my soul to the devil in exchange for getting some adventure or summoning these fgo characters real life. If any Devil hears me then please answer my request!!" blabbers our mc hoping to spend his time at least this way. but, He did not know that his fate is sealed with these words.
"Hello young man. though i may not be the the devil you seak, i might able to give you a good entertainment if you agree what do you say." a voice which can at most be said as whisper yet clear can be heard. Our MC being in his own dream world had subconsciously answered yes. but, He did not know that his fate is sealed with these words.
The greatest calamity which can happen in clock tower has occurred! Zelretch is bored. when he realized himself that he is bored, the clock tower was ready empty! It was thanks to El-Melloi the second and few other lords who guessed this fact with their intuition and cancelled their class and ran away with some case as excuse, they realized that something was going wrong and also ran away.
"Where did every one go? maybe finding and troll others might give me some entertainment." Zelretch thought and about to stand when he received some kind of message from a parallel universe.
"So the three main families are dead and these Yggdmillennia clan have declared war against the clock tower.and this time 7 vs 7 grand battle between servants will occur and a ruler will monitor the battle. This is similar to other universe, but there must be something missing. at least some minute change, what is it? ... Oh the one who gets saber of black's heart is not born. then, the whole battle will change and red will win for sure." Zelretch was seeing all the possibilities of that universe.
"I dont care what happens to that universe but, they have killed the Tohsaka whom i personally thought. this means that I can interfere" Zelretch was happy that he can mess something.
"Now lets see who is ready to take the task" was the final words he said before disappearing.
The chapters may be short, but it easier to write and upload quickly. the next chapter will be up within few hours.