Enjoying Rebirth As A Devil, Uzumaki And Otsutsuki Enjoying Rebirth As A Devil, Uzumaki And Otsutsuki original

Enjoying Rebirth As A Devil, Uzumaki And Otsutsuki

นักเขียน: GRZG12

© WebNovel

บท 1: 1

Chapter 1:Issei…"




"Issei-kun, come on, wake up." Kushina shook him a bit.

Issei groaned, he heard her the first time. It's just he really doesn't feel like moving from his spot. Why? Easy, he's being held against Kushina's chest with her fingers running through his hair. Who in their right mind would want to move?

"Ughhh…I don't think I'm going to school today." He said.

Currently Issei and Kushina are lying in their bed together, naked of course. They fell asleep after they had sex for a couple hours. Kushina is leaning her back against the headboard, when she woke up she positioned Issei so that he was laying on her boobs. She loved showing her affection for Issei.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Koneko-chan will be upset that you didn't bring her any sweets today if you skip." Kushina questioned him.

"Koneko-chan has her own stash of sweets she can eat out of, she'll be fine for one day. Besides it's not like I have any friends at school besides her, I still don't understand why you wanted me to attend high school. I literally haven't been to school since I was 9!" The 17 year old complained.

"I told you Issei-kun, you're only going to Kuoh Academy to make friends with your fellow Devils. Koneko-chan is a Devil even though she's also a Nekoshou, so you're already at a good start. Plus with the Fallen Angels who have been spying on you lately, it's only a matter of time before the Devils make a move on you. I wouldn't be surprised if that Rias Gremory girl already had plans in her mind for you." Kushina reminded him for the 20th time.

Issei Uzumaki or Issei Otsutsuki formerly known as Issei Hyoudou was once a regular human boy full of innocence and ignorance of the world. He used to live a good life with his parents, sadly it all got taken away from him when he was 9 years old. Issei never knew at the time but he had the blood of Devils running through his veins. Apparently his mother was a half Devil, though she was a weak power wise. She kept Issei's heritage a secret from him for two reasons. First is she wanted to protect him from becoming a target to other factions, she didn't want Issei to have anything to do with Devils. Second reason is Issei's Devil blood was weak, he showed no aspects aside from the longevity and the blood in his veins. Miki couldn't understand why Issei lacked so many characteristics of a Devil, however she was grateful for it.

Everything changed one night where 9 year old Issei was asleep in his room when he suddenly heard a loud noise that woke him up. Then he heard the screams of his parents and evil-like laughter from unfamiliar voices.

Issei ran in his parents room to see both of them killed in a gory manner. It terrified him seeing his parents killed before his very eyes, scarring him for life. Then the Fallen Angels who killed his parents turned their attention to him and started attacking him ruthlessly. Issei still remembers the scream he let out when one Fallen Angel severed his right arm completely.

Right before they were about to kill him with a light spear, Kushina saved him by suddenly showing up and killing the Fallen Angels. Issei vividly remembers Kushina offering him a chance to live, she would save his life in return Issei would become her soulmate once he was older. At the time Issei didn't fully understand what she meant due to not only being gravely injured but still having the mind of a child. All he remembered is agreeing to her terms before passing out in her arms.

Then next time he woke up….well he wasn't exactly the same kind of human he was prior to meeting Kushina. Before he could ask why he felt different, Kushina told him of his new situation and explained exactly who she is.

Everything happened so abruptly for Kushina, one second she was in the Pure Land with her husband, the next she was facing a goddess, this goddess introduced herself as Kaguya Otsutsuki. A godly being that Kushina became very familiar with during her time in the afterlife. She was scared shitless thinking Kaguya was going to erase her soul somehow, thankfully that wasn't the case.

Kaguya explained how she was revived and succeeded in her goal of taking her chakra from Earth, she became strong enough to kill the leader of her clan and anyone who stood in her way. However in the end it left her feeling like an empty husk, all this power yet she still felt unfulfilled in life. So she eventually came up with the idea to give herself a fresh start by reincarnating herself through someone. She would be giving her spirit, memories and power away in order to start a new life in a different universe.

The Rabbit Goddess spent quite a lot of time thinking of a suitable vessel for her. At first her first choice was Hinata Hyuga due to the fact she's the Byakugan Princess as well a descendant of her son Hamura. A perfect fit one would think except Kaguya realized that the girl's gentle nature wouldn't match her spirit. Hinata in Kaguya's opinion just didn't have what it took to properly utilize her power, it was a massive disappointment to Kaguya considering Hinata is the Byakugan Princess as well as a Hyuga main family member. She should have been the perfect choice, this led to Kaguya coming across another vessel which surprisingly was a greater fit for her than Hinata.

Kushina Uzumaki was that woman, apparently Kushina is a descendant of the Otsutsuki Clan in a similar fashion as her son Naruto was. Instead of only being descendants due to being from the Uzumaki Clan. Naruto and Kushina had something else more that made them direct descendants, while Naruto was spiritually connected to Ashura and Hagoromo, Kushina was connected to Hagoromo and Kaguya, greatly shocking Kaguya herself.

After Kushina heard Kaguya's explanation, she agreed to take on Kaguya's spirit, memories and power since she wanted another chance at life herself. She loved the idea of going on an adventure to a completely different universe.

Centuries of traveling to different worlds and universes, Kushina eventually ended up in the Draconic Deus universe randomly. Coming to this world, the energy produced from it ended up having an effect on Kushina. Somehow she became part Devil, making her an Uzumaki, Otsutsuki and Devil all in one.

She traveled the world unnoticed by the supernatural due to hiding her power and presence from the world. It was also here where she decided she was going to find her a soulmate seeing as she wasn't in love with Minato anymore after being away from him for an excessive long period of time. Kushina could've revived him, though something always told her to leave Minato be.

It took time but she decided that her soulmate would be one of the Red Dragon Emperors. Why? Well they tend to be very strong and have potential to match the higher tier beings in power. The Red Dragon Emperors she came across were disappointments for the most part. Kushina only met Issei by pure chance because she was passing by and sensed the negative intentions of the Fallen Angels through the magic barrier they set up. She teleported to their location, Issei's parents were already dead when she arrived.

It would've been child's play for her to revive them, however the moment she laid eyes on Issei she knew he was the one she was looking for. Kushina could sense his dormant Sacred Gear as well as the dragon residing inside of him. She immediately deduced him to be the next Red Dragon Emperor and knew with the right training Issei would be untouchable. Sadly for all his massive potential he would only bring trouble to his family eventually, it was better off to leave them dead however Kushina gave Issei the choice to decide. Miki and Gorou Hyoudou were his parents after all.

So once Kushina explained her backstory and the reason why she saved Issei, said the boy was left in awe of the woman. She didn't hide anything from him, she told him the risk he would end up bringing to his family if she revived his parents. Imagine her surprise when Issei chose to leave his parents dead instead of having them revived. Almost any child his age would've immediately asked for their parents to be brought back no matter the consequences. Little 9 year old Issei chose otherwise in order to not take the risk of putting his mother and father through harm. Hell they were already unfairly killed just because his mother was a Devil.

Next Kushina explained the changes she made to Issei's body, basically she used a jutsu she learned from Hagoromo's spirit called Creation of All Things to create a brand new body for Issei. The reason being is because the humans of this world are weak in potential unless a Sacred Gear or Magicians are involved. While it's true the humans of this world do have chakra inside their bodies to serve as their life force, the chakra itself is a minimal amount and weak in potency. Literally it's only enough to sustain their lives and nothing more. Even if humans had the ability to unlock their chakra, it'd be pointless of them to use it in battle. She found it funny how the weak civilians of her old world had stronger chakra than the humans here.

Anyways this reason would have prevented Issei from reaching his true potential in the future, his human body would've been too weak to handle the power of the SekiryuuteI eventually breaking itself down, resulting in Issei self-destructing from his own powers. Kushina saw that as a very annoying hindrance to him, unless his Devil blood became stronger or he became another supernatural being, the brown-haired boy was done for.

In order to remedy that is why Kushina made him a new body, he was still mostly human. However his human body wasn't like the humans of his world anymore. No, Kushina gave Issei's new body its own chakra network, allowing him to have the ability to produce chakra the same way a shinobi of her old world once could do . So while he may have still been part Devil and human, Issei is now an Uzumaki and Otsutsuki as well. This is from Kushina sharing some of her blood with him, though she made it so they weren't directly related.

All of that information had understandably blown Issei's mind to shambles, he wouldn't have believed Kushina if not for her showing him her Rinnegan and he himself feeling his own chakra coursing through his new chakra coils. Kushina also explained what she meant by Issei becoming her soulmate, seeing as that was the deal for saving him. Issei blushed heavily once he understood what she meant by being her soulmate. He had no choice but to accept although Kushina made it clear that he wouldn't become her lover until he was several years older. So until Issei became 15, Kushina played the role of being a big sister and a sensei to Issei.

The last 8 years have been full of crazy and loving times between the two of them. Kushina trained Issei in all aspects of the shinobi arts, his mastery over his chakra was absolutely perfect. When it came to magic, she taught him many forms of magic that she learned during her long journey, she also took Issei to different worlds where magic was popular in order for him to learn from other magic users up close or at a distance. Thanks to his Devil blood being enhanced greatly by Kushina, Issei was able to train how to utilize his demonic power efficiently. According to Kushina, Issei was above Kage level in terms of his skills as a shinobi. But when it came to measuring his raw power output? Oh the supernatural has no idea what kind of monster Kushina turned Issei into over the last near decade.

"I think she does, over the last few weeks I've felt her staring at me from a distance more than once. Well she could just have a crush on me, I did sense her that she was very attracted to me surprisingly. Though with all the fangirls I tend to get, I'm not too surprised. I'm pretty positive she has some ulterior motives." Issei said.

Kushina nodded. "With all of your power and most of your presence being suppressed, it's no surprise you come off as a regular human to everybody in your school. Koneko-chan can't pick up anything even with her being a Nekoshou, other than you leaking a tiny amount of your draconic aura 'subconsciously'. It's likely Rias plans to get you to join her peerage either before or after the Fallen Angels attack you. Both must think you have some kind special Sacred Gear that could potentially be a dragon type.

"You think she'd let me die just to have me in her peerage?" Issei asked, Rias didn't seem like the type though he could understand that she may have reasons for needing to take such a desperate route.

"Definitely if the situation calls for it, you know that's just how Devils work." Kushina answered nonchalantly.

"…I'm guessing you want me to confront Rias to stop her from continuing her pointless and stupid actions." Issei figured.

"My beloved fiancé catches on quick." The redhead teased him.

Issei rolled his eyes. "Fine, I hope Koneko-chan won't be upset that I kept all of this from her for this long. I hope you don't want me to willingly join her peerage?"

"It's up to you but I would do so because of the opportunities it can present. For starters you can have a group of friends and start to make yourself known to the supernatural world. You do want to be known as a legend for your battle prowess, an heiress like Rias can definitely help you out and you won't have to be worried about being hounded down by other factions. Not that you need it but you'll have the protection of her family. This will also be a good opportunity for me to finally reveal myself to the supernatural world too. Trust me when I say that there will be a lot of benefits, if Rias turns out to be an unworthy, terrible King then leave her peerage. By that point you should have the attention of a few in the Underworld once they know you're the Red Dragon Emperor. Who knows Rias could end up in your growing harem." Kushina voiced in amusement.

Issei groaned. "Why do I feel like you planned this?"

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." Kushina grinned.

He sighed. "Well it's not like I dislike the idea, at least this way you'll stop bugging me about making more Devil friends other than Koneko. But why exactly do you want me to have a harem when we are soulmates, Kushina-chan?" The 17 year old Devil asked his fiancée.

"Baka it's not like I want you to have one for the hell of it, I just know it's inevitably going to happen. People are attracted to lust, money and power. Women are attracted to men with power, especially women who are powerful themselves. This holds especially true to Devils, power attracts them. It's even worse for you because of your draconic qualities. Besides I told you plenty of times that powerful dragons usually attracts attention whether good or bad." Kushina explained.

"I just so happen to be attracting both, somewhat good attention from the Devils and bad attention from the Fallen Angels. Yep, you so planned this shit, with the situation as it is this is the perfect chance for me to reveal myself. You just love getting us involved in crazy ass shit don't you?" Issei told her in a sarcastic tone, he's dealt with plenty of craziness of the other worlds Kushina took him too. Now he's come back to deal with his own world's bullshit, again.

Sensing his annoyance, she decided to help boost his mood. She could feel that today will be the start of Issei and herself getting involved with the supernatural of this world. Not wanting him to go to school annoyed when he already doesn't like going to school in the first place, she made a suggestion to Issei.

"Hey I'm an Uzumaki dattebane, crazy and unnatural runs in our blood I'll have you know. We thrive in that kind of atmosphere which is something you know very well being an Uzumaki yourself, Issei-kun. Anyways, enough about that, how about we go take a nice hot bath in the bath house and have a little fun before you head out to school." Kushina suggested to him in a seductive tone.

Issei felt his stiff morning wood become stiffer against her leg. "I'll be late for school if we do."

"Since when did you care about being late to school?" She traced her soft fingers down his broad, muscular back that she had a major hand in building up.

Issei nearly growled in lust from what she was doing, though he kept himself under control. "I don't, Sona on the other hand does care if I'm late. If I'm lucky she won't give me detention."

"You'll be fine, who knows you may not even be late." Kushina said.

Not needing to say anything anymore, the couple got up and made their way to the hot springs. When they arrived back in this world 10 months ago, it was decided that they would reside in Kuoh Town. Kushina used creation magic to create a mansion for them to live in, they had a few neighbors who didn't pay them any attention thanks to a magic spell Issei used. Their home is a six-story house with three large basements (Hyoudou Residence), their bedroom is on the third floor with an indoor onsen right across from it. That's not the say it's only one onsen in the entire house, there's another bigger indoor bath on the first basement floor. Funny thing is they have so many unnecessary rooms in their mansion that it's still plenty of rooms they've yet to discover. For some odd reason Kushina put two interconnecting doors in their room two walls in their bedroom that connect to the rooms next to theirs. Issei didn't understand what was the purpose of it, but he started getting the idea when Kushina brought up the whole harem situation to him.

Walking into the onsen, both sat down in the water, relaxing against one another.

"Did you have any homework last night?" Kushina asked while she was leaning against Issei.

"Yeah I had a shadow clone take care of it, I wanted to focus on a new variant of the Chidori that I showed you the other day." Issei replied, his eyes were closed as he felt the hot water soaking his skin.

"Oh! That was cool when you showed it to me. Did you think of a name for it yet?" Kushina wondered curiously.

Issei shook his head. "Other than having the name Chidor in it, I got nothing. Naming techniques was never my forte."

"You wouldn't believe the names my ex-husband Minato used to come up with for his jutsus. I'm the one who actually named the Rasengan the Rasengan, he wanted to name it Spiraling Power Chakra Ball Of Death or something along those lines." Kushina giggled lightly thinking back on the memory.

"Not gonna lie as much of a badass Minato is, that is kinda lame." Issei admitted. He's witnessed countless of Minato's battles due to Kushina showing him some of her memories, she's also shown him a portion of Minato's own memories.

"He used to get so depressed whenever I told him how ridiculous the names he suggested to me sounded. Even my son Naruto agreed with me when it came to that about his father."

Soon their small conversation became a continuation from last night as Kushina could be seen riding Issei's huge cock, the combination of her feminine fluids and Issei's precum mixing into the hot water. Sounds of the water, skin-clapping together and moans reverberated throughout the bathing area. The Red Dragon Emperor had his hands resting on Kushina's ass while Kaguya's reincarnation has one of her hands on her fiancé's shoulder while the other is going through his long, brown locks lovingly.

Their kiss was passionate and hot, eventually this lead into Issei releasing his first orgasm of the day deep within her womanhood.

Kushina moaned loudly as Issei's fierce orgasm triggered her own, both of them shared a look with each other that said this was only the beginning on their morning sex.

(Kuoh Academy

Sona could only sigh, again sitting in the Student Council's office in front of her desk is none other than Issei Uzumaki. Issei isn't a bad student, he's just late to school half of the damn time, a part of her wonder if he's late on purpose to irritate her.

"Care to explain why you are late, Uzumaki-san?" Sona asked Issei her usual stern tone.

Issei had a very muscular build due to his intense shinobi training over the last 8 years, it wasn't the total lean fit Shinobi type of body that is typical for shinobi to have. He had some more bulk to him though not bulky or bulgy, Issei's training made his muscles seem like they were carved from steel or even diamond. He stood tall at the height of 6'2, making him the tallest student in the school. His eyes were light-brown, his hair was brown with red highlights he inherited from his Uzumaki heritage, said hair also is very long because of his Otsutsuki heritage reaching to his knees. Sometimes he wears his hair in a pony-tail, today he's just wearing it naturally. Obviously he was wearing his school uniform.

"Do you really wanna know?" Issei asked her knowing very well her enhanced senses as a Devil can pick up the scent of sex coming off of him. It was a minimal amount but it still enough for someone with an enhanced sense of smell to pick up.

Sona didn't know if he was referring to the smell of sex she can smell coming off of him or something else entirely, so she chose to answer this way.

"Truthfully, no I do not Uzumaki-san."

"I figured, so how are you today Souna?" Issei questioned out of curiosity.

Sona sighed, aside from being late, Issei never calls her Kaichou like every other student does. It didn't matter how many times she told him to refer to her as Kaichou, the brown haired boy never listened.

Another thing she was trying to understand is why can she now feel a difference in Issei's aura compared to yesterday? Sure she, like Rias, suspected him to have a Sacred Gear, possibly a dragon-type since Issei sometimes releases small amounts of draconic aura only for a very short period of time. Now she's starting to wonder whether he was doing so subconsciously or not.

'What is this power I'm feeling radiating off of him? It' feels somewhat similar to a Youkai but he feels mostly human. I can also feel Demonic Power oozing off of him but that's impossible. Uzumaki Issei isn't a Devil, at least not that I know of. I can understand if he completely suppressed his Demonic Power, still that doesn't explain how he was able to mask his Devil heritage from his aura? Making himself come off as 100% human. I must see Rias about this immediately.' Sona thought to herself.

Issei figured if he was going to reveal himself, he may as well start by unmasking his Devil heritage out of his aura and release a small amount of his power. Only his chakra and Demonic Power could be sensed.

"How I am is unimportant, this is the 9th time this month you've been late to school Uzumaki-san. You do understand with two more late arrivals to school you'll be suspended for 5 days correct?" Sona informed him.

"So we get 11 times to be late before suspension? Huh that's good to know. Guess it's a good chance I'll be getting a small break from school soon. Well it's not like I'm worried about my grades dropping or anything." Issei responded with a shrug.

Sona cannot understand how his grades are excellent, if Issei's isn't late he's skipping class most of the time.

"Regardless, please try to fix your tardy habits Uzumaki-san. I won't give you dentition this time seeing as it's pointless with you. You're free to go to your class now." Sona dismissed him, she had a lot of thinking to do about Issei. She hoped that he wasn't a threat.

"Alright, see you Sona." Issei stood up and left the office.

Once he was gone, Tsubaki Shinra, the Vice-President of the Student Council finally spoke up. She had been there the entire time.

"Kaichou…" Tsubaki said.

"I know Tsubaki, I have a feeling we'll get an answer to our questions soon so all we can do is wait." Sona replied, already knowing of Tsubaki's concerns.

Classes went on until lunch eventually came up, instead of eating in the cafeteria Issei is sitting outside, leaning against one of the big trees in the school courtyard. He was facing the old school building of Kuoh Academy, enjoying nature as he can feel the natural energy in the air brushing past his skin.

One of the many perks of being a Sage.

Issei smiled when he sensed and saw Koneko approaching him, she sat next to him before saying. "You were late again Issei-senpai." Koneko spoke in her usual low monotone voice.

The boy lightly popped her on her forehead with his thumb and middle finger causing the white haired girl flinch slightly from being suddenly hit. "I told you about calling me senpai, it makes us sound like we aren't close friends." Issei scolded her with humor in her tone.

Koneko slightly glared at him before rolling her eyes. "Fine, you were late again Issei-kun."

"Now that's better, I was late because I overslept. I found out from Souna that if I'm late two more times I'm suspended for a few days. Sounds like a great vacation to me." Issei said.

"Do you have any sweets?" Koneko asked.

"I do but I can't give all of them to you right now, just take this candy bar I bought from the vending machine." Issei handed over his candy.

Koneko took it and immediately started eating it, her demeanor definitely reminded Issei of a cat. "Thank you, Issei-kun how come you don't like coming to school?"

"Hmmm I find it to be a waste of my time seeing as I already know the entire curriculum. I'm only here because it was suggested to me that going to school I'll make friends. Unfortunately I'm not making much progress as I hoped even with being here for several months already. You're the only friend I made so far, which I'm grateful for since you are a lot more tolerable than most of the other students. I'm going to be honest with you Koneko-chan, you're honestly my best friend." Issei told her.

This caught Koneko by surprise, she was happy to know he thought of her in that light since she thought of him in a similar light. She always wondered why did her and Issei always seemed to click so easily? Maybe it has something to do with his chakra she's sensing.

Wait…chakra? Since when did Issei, a human, have chakra?

'W-W-What? But how can Issei have chakra when he's a human? It doesn't even feel like the small amount of chakra inside humans to keep them alive. Issei's chakra feel a lot stronger than human chakra should. Why am I now just noticing this when we've hung out plenty of times with each other?!' Koneko was freaking out inside of her mind.

"I feel the same, Issei-kun." The white Nekoshou had a small blush on her face, over time she has also developed a crush on her best friend. She was going to have to report to Rias about the new development with Issei.

Koneko wanted Issei to join Rias peerage in order to spend more time with him, she just didn't know how Issei would feel about giving up his humanity. Since she was already close to Issei, Rias assigned her to watch over Issei once they learned Fallen Angels were targeting him. Koneko didn't agree with the route her master was going in order to obtain Issei into her peerage. She knew Rias didn't like it either, however Rias is growing desperate because she's running out of time to come up with a solution to get out of her arranged marriage. She's essentially banking on Issei having a powerful Sacred Gear to greatly boost her peerage's overall battle power. Although Rias had absolutely no intentions of forcing Issei to join her peerage if it turns out he's very upset about being a Devil. She'll try her best to convince him though. Akeno didn't approve of Rias's chosen route either.

"I'm glad, since we are on the topic of honesty, I haven't been completely honest with you Koneko-chan." Issei voiced.

"What do you mean?" Koneko wondered if he found out about her.

"I know you're a Nekoshou and a Devil." His answered confirmed it, he knew she was a Devil.

Her eyes widened in shock. "How did you…?"

"Easy I can sense your chakra and Demonic Power, plus your scent gives you away." Naruto answered.

"Does this have to do with why I can sense chakra inside of you?" Koneko asked him.

"Yeah I figured it was time to reveal myself to the supernatural, I wanted you to be the first person I told. See I'm not just human, I'm also part Devil and part alien." Issei sheepishly told her.

"….Alien?" Koneko repeated.

"Uh huh."

"Prove it."

"Hmmm ok."

Issei activated his Byakugan, he smirked seeing Koneko's stunned expression.

"This is a bloodline ability that I inherited from my alien heritage called the Byakugan, I'll give you details about it at a different time. I just know that it grants me near 360 degree field of vision including the ability of seeing through almost anything. Before you ask, no it's not a Sacred Gear, I already unlocked and trained my Sacred Gear." Issei gave her a brief explanation.

Koneko looked on in fascination of Issei's eyes, they changed from light-brown to featureless white with veins bulging out near his temples. She's never seen an ability like this prior to now. What did Issei mean by bloodline ability?

"It looks weird but kind of cool at the same time, I can tell it's not a Sacred Gear from the chakra I sense in your eyes. But why does it feel like human chakra if you said it's from your alien heritage?" Koneko wondered.

Issei deactivated his Byakugan. "Let's say my chakra is intertwined with my alien heritage. I don't exactly produce the same kind of human chakra like every other regular human does."

"Yeah it feels a bit different, human but different. How are you a Devil?"

"My mother was a half-Devil and half human, my father was fully human. They were killed by Fallen Angels nearly a decade ago, I was nearly killed by them until I was saved by my sensei. You can say she's the reason why I am how I am. I was born a regular human, I used to have a regular human body until I met her." Issei explained.

"So what you're saying is that the body you have now isn't your original body?"

"Yep, long story short the potential of my Sacred Gear would've caused me to self-destruct once I obtained a certain level of power. You know how humans have weak bodies and all."

Koneko understood, the human body isn't meant to handle an excessive amount of power.

"Ok I believe you, not that it changes anything between us. Do you know about Rias and the rest of her peerage?"

"Yeah I already had information about her and Sona before I applied to the school. Just so we are clear, I'm not a threat, I only obtained information due to there being a lot of supernatural beings in Kuoh Town period." Issei told the Nekoshou.

Koneko rolled her eyes, she didn't need him to tell her that it was obvious Issei's not a threat. Though the others might feel different until they hear his story.

"No need to tell me, I already said nothing changed between us Issei-baka. But you'll probably have to talk to Rias soon, I hope you understand I have to report you to her now that I know you aren't a regular human." Koneko hoped he did not hold it against her, she'd be crushed if Issei broke off their friendship.

"Yeah I figured I would have to once I revealed myself, don't worry I don't hold it against you. I know she assigned you to watch me."

"Issei-kun…she didn't mean to-"

Issei waved her off. "I get it, she must be in a fucked up situation if she's being this desperate. Seriously, letting me be possibly killed by the Fallen Angels so she could revive me into her peerage? There's no way in hell she didn't think her route would have major potential to backfire on her harshly. Luckily I'm aware of how Devils work sometimes, so I don't hold it against her, I understand she was most likely running out of reliable options if she had to go by it this way. Preferably I'd rather she'd be upfront and honest with me, but hey whatever works."

Koneko honestly was very surprised by Issei's reaction, she expected him to be mad at Rias for her actions. Then again what's the point of being mad over something that's not going to happen, clearly everything Issei told her changes things. Rias no longer needs to watch Issei from a distance.

Still Koneko hopes her master apologizes to Issei, despite being desperate it doesn't justify the fact that Rias possibly would've let Issei die to get him into her peerage.

"You're odd Issei-kun, I expected you to be angry." The white-haired loli said to her best friend.

"Trust me if I was still a weak, ignorant human then it's a good chance I would've been furious. It's useless being mad over something that didn't take place yet. At least it's useless if you can prevent the situation from happening yourself, otherwise then it might be ok to be upset." The Red Dragon Emperor stated.

From then on, Issei and Koneko kept conversing with each other until much period ended.

One beautiful red-haired woman known as Rias Gremory was watching the two from the window in her club room. She always found it interesting how Koneko seemed comfortable around Issei, more so than she did around Rias and the others. It didn't upset Rias, it actually made her very happy that Koneko found someone like that.

Something told her that she was going to become very involved with Issei sooner than she thought, her belief strengthened as she and Issei made eye contact with each other that only lasted for a moment. She gazed at him while having a seductive smirk, the red head blushed slightly when he returned it with a smirk of his and a wink before he turned his attention back to Koneko.

"Issei Uzumaki…just who are you?" Rias wondered to herself curiously.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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รีวิวโพสต์สําเร็จ! อ่านรีวิวเพิ่มเติม
โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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