71.42% End of an Ordinary Life: Remake / Chapter 15: Misunderstood Monster

บท 15: Misunderstood Monster

I groaned softly as I sat under the waterfall and crossed my arms. I kept thinking about how I would go about the date with Bachiko. Yan Mei opened her eyes and looked at me. She noticed the Chi around my body even when I had my mind on something else. Melody noticed as well and smiled.

"Multitasking. He's calm, yet thinking of a strategy for Bachiko. He's exceptional." Melody said and sighed. She looked a bit serious and crossed her arms. "I can tell he's thinking about Bachiko. I don't blame him...he's going to have to pull out all of the stops to tame her."

"I know. I wish we could help him somehow...but there isn't much we can do." Yan Mei said then stood up. "Yoshida."

I opened my eyes and my Chi disappeared from my body. "I can't think of anything. I have little to no knowledge on her other than what she is. I can't tell if she really likes me like that...or if she's planning on taking my Monster Aura."

"You do have a very unique aura that comes directly from Theora herself. You see, not only can you tame a Monster and gain the knowledge of their power and abilities, but your aura can also boost the powers of a Monster." Yan Mei said.

"Wait so you're saying he actually has Esoteric Energy?" Melody asked.

Yan Mei nodded. "He's been connected to Theora, but...he can't awaken that pathway just yet. His lack of Inner Peace prevents that." Yan Mei said then lowered the boulder.

I got off the boulder and sighed. "She knows Orimi as well and most likely will target her first, and I can not allow that. If it's me she wants, I have to be the one to fight this battle. I won't stop at anything until I've won."

"Bachiko is a tricky monster though. You and Orimi seem to be the only ones immune to her Time Manipulation, but you aren't immune to her true power." Melody said.

"True Power?" I asked.

Melody nodded and walked onto the battlefield. "Chronos, her true weapon. Her true weapon is her heart that is a clock. That gives her the power to warp reality by warping and creating events. Although it does take a lot of her Personal Time to do so, it is extremely dangerous and she can use it at any moment."

I crossed my arms and looked at the ground. "How can I compete with that?"

"If you seal her powers, it will be the same as killing her. She needs that Personal Time to live. If you tame her, she will die no questions asked." Melody said.

"But I don't want to kill her." I said. "She is a monster and most likely being hunted by the MHF."

"That is why it is up to you to make her fall in love with you. I mean true love, but she's such a dangerous woman it might actually be impossible because she has a God Complex. She respects no one that is below her." Melody explained.

"To beat a person with a God Complex, you will have to be vastly stronger than her...mentally and physically. You are already stronger than her physically as she could not break out of your sonic boom, but mentally she's unstoppable as she's the smartest monster out there." Melody continued.

"So I have to play the reverse?" I asked.

Yan Mei nodded. "To beat her, you have to play her games. She'll definitely let her guard down if you do exactly what she wants because her only goal is you apparently. She doesn't even care that you're dating other people, she wants only you."

I began to think for a bit then smiled. "I think I get it."

"Don't worry, we won't leave you stranded alone. The MPT will assist you." Melody smiled.

I nodded and looked at Yan Mei and Melody. "Thanks...I'm gonna need it."


The night fell and soon the morning rose. I had finished getting prepared for my date with Bachiko. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a deep breath. I smacked my cheeks and smiled.

"Clear Mind, Self-Restraint, Focus. You can do this, Yoshida. You don't have to seal her powers. Just make her fall in love with you to prevent her from killing those you love. Come on! Let's go!" I said hyping myself up.

Yan Mei listened to me from outside the bathroom and smiled. "If you don't hurry, you're going to be late!"

I walked out the bathroom and looked at Yan Mei. She smiled at me and gently held my arm. She nodded at me and I nodded back. I hurried down the stairs and soon left the house to meet up with Bachiko in the main part of the city.


I made it and noticed Bachiko wasn't around. My earpiece beeped and I pressed it.

"Alright, Yoshida! It's time! Bachiko should be arriving any second. It's time for you to put your game face on and do your best." Himeko said.

"Mina believes in you!~" Mina said excitedly.

"H-Hey! Back up! You just manage the analytics!" Himeko said.

I heard crashing and Mina giggling. I sighed and placed my hand on my forehead. "I'm doomed."

"Yoshida. She's here.." Keishi said.

I watched Bachiko run toward me and waving. I looked at her and smiled. Bachiko wore a blue camouflage hoodie with a black hood and sleeves, light blue jeans and white shoes. She carried her white purse and wore some jewelry to look as stylish as possible.

"Mina sent you Bachiko's likes and dislikes. Everything you need to know about what she enjoys is there." Mina said.

I looked at my phone and pulled up the message.

{Bachiko Analysis}

{Likes: Flirting, Cute Animals specifically cats and dogs, watching the sunset, watching the moon and stars, helping innocent people surprisingly, looking at clocks, talking about the past, fighting monsters, lots of attention, being pampered...etc.}

{Dislikes: Tree of Death, Yaseo Sakamoto specifically, Apeiron, Dues Ex Mark VI, Evil Monsters, Evil People, Monster Hunter Force, Judgement, Her old family.}

'Sounds like...she's misunderstood...' I thought to myself.

"Yoshida!~" Bachiko said happily and hugged my arm.

I smiled at her and put away my phone. "Hey, I'm glad you made it..~"

"Like I'd miss this opportunity to go on a date with you..~ Where shall we go first?~" Bachiko asked.

"Okay, this is an IMPORTANT decision! Everyone choose your answer! We have Neko Neko Tea Time, Yahoma Cafe, and Masakage Diner!" Himeko said.

Everyone casted in their votes and nearly everyone chose Neko Neko Tea Time.

"Alright, Yoshida. Take her to Neko Neko Tea Time!" Himeko said.

I subtly nodded. "I believe we should go to Neko Neko Tea Time first. I hear they are pretty good~"

Bachiko nodded happily and smiled. "Lead the way~"

I nodded and began to lead her over to the Neko Neko Tea Time cafe. She held my arm as she walked with me there.

"Alright. Her happiness is rather high, not usual for a Monster, but this can turn out to be good if he can keep up the momentum." Himeko said as she sparked a cigarette.

"We just have to have faith in him. He's one of the smartest in our academy. I believe in him." Yan Mei nodded.


We walked into the cafe and Bachiko's eyes lit up as she looked around. She pointed at all the cute cat posters, chairs, tables, and gasped when she noticed the workers were animal girls.

"Welcome, Meowsters!~ My name is Miki and I shall be your waiter today!~" Miki said. She was a cat girl with white hair, white cat ears and tail, and wore a cute maid outfit.

"So cute!~" She said and pet Miki's head and listened to Miki purr. Her heart melted and she gave a pleased sigh.

"A table for two please." I smiled.

"Master, those two humans have power aura! They may be intruders looking to steal!" The wolf girl growled. She was a husky girl with gray hair, fur, and two different colored eyes.

"Stand down, Suki. They are literally just customers." The owner sighed and smiled.

Miki hummed as she led us to a table. We sat down and Bachiko sat next to me. Miki set down menus for us and her tail swayed. "If you need anything, I will be here for you, nya!~ Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"I'll have an orang-" I started and Bachiko covered my mouth.

"What would you recommend?~" Bachiko asked, excitedly.

"My personal favorite is the Neko Neko Tropical Lemonade!~ It's made with real lemons and has a bit of a tropical flavor with all the fruits and stuff!~" Miki said and smiled.

'And stuff? SHE DOESN'T KNOW THE RECIPE?!' I thought to myself.

"We'll have that!~" Bachiko smiled.

"Two Neko Neko Topical Lemonades coming right up!~" Miki wrote down and skipped off, humming.

"Seems like she's taking control." Keishi said.

"Yeah, we can't have that so we have to hope he can take control next time." Himeko smirked.

"Sorry about that..~ I got excited and wanted to hear her talk more..~ This is a perfect way to start a date! I'm glad you asked me out." Bachiko smiled.

I smiled and chuckled softly. "Well there's more to come..~"

Bachiko nodded and smiled. "I can't wait..~"

We looked over the menus and looked for what we wanted. I decided to break the ice between us.

"So can I ask you something?" I asked.

"Anything." Bachiko said and looked at me.

"You were here three years ago right? Does that mean you were once on this Earth as a human?" I asked.

Bachiko smiled and looked at her menu. "Yes. I was once a human reborn as a Monster due to Apeiron's power. I used to attend a school in Owari. I was the Student Council President of that school. I was the top. No one could amount to me.."

"So what happened that caused you to become a monster?" I asked.

"There was a big fight that I was apart of. A band of students went against me. I can't lie, I was a terrible person. I wasn't a good girl at all, and it's even worse now. One of the students pushed me off the roof." Bachiko started.

"All I could think of in my last moments was how beautiful the moon was and the clock tower that was on the building. I was really into Space and I had a knack for telling Time. Suddenly it happened...A star appeared in the sky and beamed down on me. Apeiron gave me another chance as a monster." Bachiko said.

I looked at Bachiko and noticed her bittersweet smile. "What happened next?"

"Like any monster...I caused a Collosal Burst because I couldn't control my power at first. The MHF captured me. They tortured me until I couldn't take it anymore. I awakened my true Abilities of Space-Time Manipulation. I grew more powerful than any monster known. I was able to warp reality itself because of my power." Bachiko answered.

"Then Apeiron split you into two." I said.

Bachiko smiled and looked at me. "Exactly. I am still not a good person at heart. Apeiron said she would reverse what she had done if I had found you and Orimi and killed you both. I went on a rampage asking everyone if they knew you...suddenly desperation lead me into killing lots of people..."

"I was on my last moments of life again...then I discovered that I could steal people's time via their Lifespan. The average person lives up to 77 years...but I only receive up to 1-3 years of time from each person." Bachiko said.

"Wow...she's telling him everything isn't she." Melody said and crossed her arms.

"Her comfort meter is maxed out. She trusts Yoshida." Yan Mei said.

"Why do you hate Apeiron?" I asked.

Bachiko closed her menu and looked at the table. "Because she lied to me. She would never make me whole again...she used me just so she could have you and Orimi to herself once again. That's when I vowed to find you...and make you mine. I don't want to kill you. I don't want to hurt you, but her voice lives in my head. Telling me to kill you. To destroy your body and spirit. She fears you and Orimi because you two are The Knowledge."

"When I did find you the first time...It was when you tamed Rimuri and from there..I knew the power you held. I understood why she was afraid...then you disappeared from my sights again." Bachiko finished.

I stared at Bachiko. "So what do you really want from me?"

Bachiko stayed silent.

Miki came back with our drinks and set them on the table. "Okay!~ What can I get for you two?~"

Bachiko was about to speak, but I covered her mouth. She blushed and looked at me.

"We will have the Neko Neko Special, I mean the most special dish you have for breakfast." I said.

"That Special includes our signatures Neko Pancakes, Waffles, French Toast, with the special syrup and on the sides there are sausages, eggs, and...and other stuff, nya!~" Miki smiled and her ears flicked.

I nodded. "Let's have that."

"The Jumbo Plate or two separate?" Miki asked.

"The Jumbo, the biggest you have!" I smiled.

Miki nodded and wrote all of it down in her notepad then took our menus. "Okay!~ It will be out soon!~"

Bachiko watched Miki trot away and looked at me. "I guess we're even..?~"

"I guess so..~" I smiled.

Himeko and Yan Mei nodded as they watched.

"Yes...we need him to take control. He's playing her game perfectly and even bending the rules to impress her. That's what I like to see..~" Himeko smiled.


Bachiko looked at the massive plate of food and drooled a bit. "Wh-Whoa...this is a lot of food. Even my Time Manipulation can't help me digest all of this at once.."

"You're not going to be the only one eating." I chuckled and cut a piece of the pancake and picked it up with the fork. I held it toward her.

Bachiko looked at the fork then back at me. She smiled and opened her mouth. I placed the piece of the pancake in her mouth and she began to eat. She made a happy sound as she enjoyed the food.

I smiled at her and ate some food as well. Bachiko and I made small talk as we ate then she began to grow full and didn't want to eat anymore. I chuckled and requested the check and paid for it. After I got my card back, we left the cafe.

"Wanna take a stroll together?" I asked.

"Yes..~" She nodded.

I held out my arm and she held it gently, sticking close to me. We began our stroll around the area and went window shopping along the way. I would buy her a few gifts here and there whenever she would ask for something as I had no problem doing so.

Along our stroll, she saw a stray cat trotting along the sidewalk and wanted to follow it. I allowed her to do so and followed behind. The cat looked back at us and sprinted off.

"E-Ehh?! Wait up!" Bachiko said and sprinted after the cat.

"Wait up!" I said and sprinted after the two.

The cat looked back at us once more then took a sharp right around the corner. Bachiko slid forward then sprinted after the cat. I ran after them and wondered where the cat was going.

"Well this is certainly an interesting way to burn calories." Himeko said and crossed her arms, watching.

"I wonder where the cat is leading them or where they are chasing the cat toward." Yan Mei said.

I panted as I ran after them. "You forget..! I am still...half human!"

Bachiko looked back at me and took out her pocket watch. "Infinitum! Refresh!"

Her watch shined and fired a small bolt of time at me, rewinding my stamina and replenishing it. I felt rejuvenated and nodded then we chased after the cat once more. It was like the cat was taunting us. The cat jumped over a fence and turned around to look at us. The cat taunted us with a meow.

"Heh...you underestimate me!" I said and looked around to see if anyone was nearby then summoned a void. I grabbed Bachiko's hand then ran into the void and another opened on the other side of the fence then we hurried out of the void.

The cat was surprised then sprinted off again. Bachiko ran ahead and dove forward to get the cat. She stood up and held the cat out toward me.

"Da da da daaaa!~ Finally we caught the cat!~" Bachiko giggled and looked at me happily.

I smiled at her and gave her a thumbs up. "Good job."

The cat meowed and just didn't even try resisting Bachiko.

"I'm gonna name him...Yoshi!~" Bachiko smiled at me.

I chuckled softly and shrugged. "Yoshi it is I guess..~"

Bachiko smiled happily and felt genuine happiness for the first time in a long time. I noticed how happy she looked and it made me happy.


As our date continued the sun began to set and we sat at an outlook and gazed upon the sunset together. Bachiko held Yoshi in her arms then leaned against me. I looked at her then wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

"Yoshida..?" Bachiko started.

"Yeah?" I responded.

"I had fun today..~" Bachiko smiled.

"I did too..~ We should go on another date sometime..~" I said and looked at the sunset.

Bachiko sat up and looked at me. "Is this the part where you tame me..?~"

I looked at her then smiled and shook my head. "I can't...because I'll end up killing you. If I sealed away your powers...you'll die."

Bachiko smiled softly and looked down a bit. "So you know my draw back...It is true that I will die if my powers were to be sealed, so what will you do?"

I made her look up at me then leaned forward and gently kissed her lips. My body shined and I gave her some of my Energy in exchange for acquiring her Time Manipulation. Bachiko looked a bit surprised and noticed I was pulling away then brought me back in to kiss her again.

We soon pulled away from the kiss and she had a wild blush across her face.

"In exchange for your Time Manipulation, I have given you some of my energy...It isn't enough to truly empower you, but it allowed me to tame you without killing you. I placed my Monster Aura around your clock heart so you wouldn't die after I obtained your power.." I said.

Bachiko smiled at me. "Yoshida I-"

I heard a gun fire and all I saw was Bachiko get her head blown off from an Anti-Energy beam. Himeko and the others looked surprised as they watched. My eyes widened and I turned to see who it was.

"That was for my sister you Monster!" The woman yelled.

My heart thumped as I looked at the woman. I looked back at Bachiko's body and heard Yoshi's cries. I stood up and stared at her lifeless body. My heart thumped harder and my eyes shined a bright blue with purple pupils.

"You...you killed her.." I said and watched Yoshi nuzzle Bachiko's body trying to get her to get up.

"Kill Yoshida as well, Unit N411A." Yaseo said in Nana's earpiece.

Nana took aim at me then grunted when she felt my Monster Aura. She pulled the trigger and fired an Anti-Energy bullet at me.

My monster aura deflected the bullet and I turned around to look at Nana. I grunted and panted. Smoke came from my mouth as I panted.

"His Monster Aura is growing out of control!" Himeko yelled. "I have to go stop him!"

"Wait." Yan Mei said.

I roared and my monster aura surged powerfully around my body.

{Warning! Warning! Level ??? Threat has appeared in Yahoma! All citizens of Yahoma retreat to the nearest MPT Shelter!}

Nana looked at me in fear then groaned as a powerful wind pushed her away. She grunted as she looked at me and her eyes widened.

I used the wind to levitate in the air and was about to attack until...

"My darling, Yoshida!~" Bachiko said.

I looked down and noticed Bachiko. I watched her past dead body turn into energy particles and entered her body. My eyes returned to normal and I landed on the ground gently. "Bachiko.."

Bachiko smirked and snapped her fingers then her original outfit appeared on her. "Yoshi, get out of here. It's about to get messy." She said as she watched more MHF Units appear.

Yoshi ran off in a hurry.

"How dare you all ruin my perfect date with my new boyfriend?! You all must really want to die huh?!" Bachiko said and her red eyes shined.

"You don't deserve to live after what you did to Nene! You bastard!" Nana roared.

Bachiko smirked then summoned her Naginata. "This is the reason why I want to kill Humans. You serve no purpose in this world!"

"YOU serve no purpose! Now how about you stay dead this time?!" Nana bellowed.

"Let's see how long you last against me and Yoshida..." Bachiko smirked.

To Be Continued...

next chapter
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