The sight unfolding before Emery's eyes was nothing short of extraordinary. The saplings slowly but surely grew. At first there was no distinct feature, but eventually what appeared to be four short limbs and one chubby body with a large rocky head manifested. Then, on its rocky head, right where the eyes should be, opened up two pitch-black eyes.
"Ku ku ku…"
As soon as it opened its eyes and saw its surroundings, it seemed to immediately try to speak. And if that was not miraculous enough, the two tiny limbs on its bottom began to move, waddling around and occasionally stumbling to the ground.
"Kuuuu… kuuuuu…"
Emery found it even more of a marvelous miracle, when he saw the tree creature exhibit something any infant creature had - emotion, such as pain when it fell to the ground.
To see what was once just a stationary sapling turning into a plant creature that bore resemblance to intelligent beings gave Emery a great sense of achievement.
I hope you like where teh story is going with the little creatures, anyway, this is the final weekend chapters 7 for 2 days. let's see if we can keep the top 10 for more mass releases next week. thank you, more picture on comments