46.15% DxD: Shattered Legacy / Chapter 7: Aftermath

บท 7: Aftermath

After Grayfia teleported everyone to the Vesperion family's home, Morgana took it upon herself to help Elysia and Albedo clean up. While Kaiser was having a shower and dressing up in what Grayfia gave him, she notified Kaiser's parents of their return and provided some information regarding the people they had brought with them.

Michael requested that once they are done cleaning up he wishes to meet everyone in the dining room.

It took Kaiser about 40 minutes to get ready. He spent 10 minutes in the shower and took another 10 minutes for dressing up. He spent the remaining 20 minutes integrating the absorbed energies into his own. After he was finished he broke through to the intermediate-level of satan-class.

'Just as I thought. I managed to skip the initial-level completely. Once I broke through it felt like a new world has been opened up to me. My senses got stronger and my energy reserves grew exponentially. I can't wait to test this strength in combat.' thought Kaiser as he stood up and looked over himself once again in the mirror.

Kaiser was currently wearing a completely black suit, but the shirt had designs on it and the suit jacket and pants also had stripes on them.

Kaiser nodded and left the room and was greeted by Grayfia who was standing just outside his door.

"Congratulation master. You have successfully defeated Beelzebub and also managed to break into the satan-class." said Grayfia.

"Thank you Grayfia. Have you notified my parents of my return?" asked Kaiser.

"Yes master. Lord Michael said that he wishes to meet everyone in the dining room. I have already notified mother as well and gave her the directions towards the dining room so she will be bringing Elysia and Albedo with her." said Grayfia.

"Perfect, then let's go and meet them." said Kaiser.

After a short walk, Kaiser and Grayfia arrived at the doors of the dining room. Grayfia knocked then opened the door and let Kaiser enter before entering herself and closing the doors.

In the dining room at the head of the table sat Michael and to his right sat Alicia. Across from Alicia was Elysia and to Elysia's left was sitting Albedo. They both got cleaned up and were given clothes. At the moment they were eating the food on the table like there is no tomorrow. Morganas was standing behind the two women and was serving them drinks.

Alicia petted the seat beside her and Kaiser went and sat down on it with Grayfia standing behind him. As soon as he sat down Alicia took his hand and refused to let go.

"Welcome back my son! I'm glad that you came back to us in good condition. We heard about some of your deeds from the ladies here, but I'm sure you could explain in more detail." said Michael with a big smile.

"Sure, what would you like to know?" asked Kaiser.

"Please tell the tale from the beginning." requested Alicia and Kaiser nodded.

Kaiser explained everything that happened after his departure, he talked about the first attack and his fight against Scias. He also talked about the attack on Lilith, how they rescued Grayfia's mother, and how he fought Beelzebub and killed him. He also talked about being hit by the [Power of Destruction] and how he landed in a basement after being blown away and met the two women who were now listening to him instead of gobbling down food.

"On that note, Elysia could you please explain your circumstances?" asked Kaiser.

Elysia looked a little hesitant, but after a few moments, she started speaking.

"I was once an angel, but during the Great War I was captured and I was biologically modified in some shape or form I'm not too sure about the details, but I know for sure that I'm no longer an angel and I also lost most of my magic powers. All I know is that they wanted to create a perfect hybrid between angel and devil, so the weakness towards light magic that devils have would be fixed, but I turned out to be a failure. Then they came up with an idea that if I were to get impregnated by a devil powerful enough my child could possibly be born immune to light magic, but still a devil. It is just as hard for my kind, whatever I am now to get pregnant as for devils, so they kept raping me until I was pregnant. Once my daughter was born they conducted some tests that showed that she just like me had very low magical power, so they deemed her as a failure as well and we were thrown into that basement you saw. They fed us the bare minimum to keep us alive and that's it. Albedo should be around 60 years old give or take. It was hard to keep track of time locked up there." Elysia explained with a sad expression

Before Kaiser could say anything Grayfia excused herself from the room for a few minutes before coming back.

"Master, Lord Zeoticus Gremory has asked you to attend the meeting held between the rebellion's leaders. He also mentioned that Zekram Bael was adamant about you bringing that 2 women with you. I can only assume that he referred to Elysia and Albedo." said Grayfia.

"You can tell them to go fuck-" before Kaiser could finish both his mother and father sent dangerous looks towards him.

"What?" asked Kaiser.

"I asked you to restore our family's name, not to trash it, young man." said Michael sternly.

"And that is exactly what I am doing, but on a wider scale. The first thing to do is to cut all relations with the devils. You did say to bring our back to where it once stood, but if you think that I'm going to subjugate myself to those clowns then you are sorely mistaken. I plan on building my own faction and allying with people of my own choosing according to my own judgement." said Kaiser.

"I understand but we are still devils at the end of the day." said Michael.

"And I couldn't care less." replied Kaiser.

"Fine, but please attend this meeting then I'll hand over the position of family head to you and let you do whatever you want." said Michael.

"Alright, but I'll also use this chance to announce that I separate ourselves from those bastards."

"That's fine with me." replied Michael.

Kaiser turned to Elysia and Albedo.

"Are you two fine with coming along? I can assure you that no harm will befall you while you are with me." asked Kaiser.

The mother and daughter duo looked at each other before turning their heads back towards Kaiser.

"It's fine." replied Elysia.

"Thank you. So Grayfia when is this meeting held?" asked Kaiser.

"It's today master. It would be wise to depart as soon as possible." answered the maid.

"Why are they in such a rush dammit. Alright, we finish our meal then we can go." said Kaiser and Grayfia nodded.

After 20 minutes everyone was ready to go to the Gremory estate where the meeting would be held.

Albedo was wearing a white dress with gloves and golden accents and the dress had openings at the sides of her thighs. Elysia was wearing a similar dress but in purple.

Everyone was currently in Kaiser's study room.

"Alright, everyone please stay as close to me as possible because I'll be putting a barrier around us." said Kaiser and he snapped his fingers.

"Excellent. Grayfia please teleport us." said Kaiser and the maid nodded and a purple teleportation circle appeared beneath them and they disappeared from the room.

They arrived at the front gate of the Gremory estate and were instantly let inside and approached by a maid who led them to the meeting room. The maid knocked and opened the door before announcing Kaiser's arrival as he and his companions entered the room.

"The heir of house Vesperion has arrived." said the maid and bowed. After that, she left the room and closed the door behind her.

"I hope I wasn't late." said Kaiser with a small and confident smile.

"Of course not, please take a seat. Now that everyone has arrived we shall start this meeting." said Zeoticus and while he was talking Kaiser took a seat and the 3 women stood behind his chair.

"First of all, I would like to congratulate everyone on successfully achieving our goal. The four Satans are gone and the new generation shall take their place." said Zeoticus and looked at Isaac who nodded and started speaking instead of Zeoticus.

"Lucifer was killed by Sirzechs Gremory, Beelzebub was erased from existence by Kaiser Vesperion, Asmodeus was ended by Ajuka Astaroth and finally Leviathan was defeated by Serafall Sitri. Our proposal is that they take over their position, but they must abandon their family names and inherit the titles in order to evade the four Satans abusing their position to further elevate their families. Any objections?" said Isaac.

"I object!" Kaiser spoke up and everyone looked at him surprised.

"And why is that?" asked Zekram.

"Because I have no plans of becoming one of the Satans, so I pass this opportunity to whoever wants it." said Kaiser.

"It's not as easy as that and you know it. It is a tradition that either a family member of the previous Satan inherits the title or the one who killed him does." said Sirzechs.

"Your traditions don't concern me in the slightest." said Kaiser.

"Your arrogance knows no bounds, huh? Do you think that you can go against devil traditions just because you feel like it? You have been acting arrogantly ever since you showed up out of nowhere bearing the name of such a disgraceful family." asked Zekram.

"Oh shut the fuck up you senile old dog. You talk like you could actually do something against me." said Kaiser.

Suddenly out of the shadows, four ultimate-class fighters appeared and lunged for the ladies behind Kaiser, but as soon as they got within a 2-metre range of them they burst into purple flames and after a few moments only their ashes were left.

Kaiser kept looking at Zekram before breaking out in a fit of laughter.

"HAHAAHAHAAHA! That was fucking comical! Is there anything else or are you ready to follow them?" asked Kaiser as he let his power leak letting everyone know his power level.

"I killed a Satan and you think four ultimate-class little shits will be able to even approach me?" asked Kaiser as he raised his right hand and black lightning started crackling around his palm.

"Perish." said Kaiser before unleashing a bolt of lightning that was about to hit Zekram, but a red orb blocked it.

Kaiser seeing this clicked his tongue in annoyance and looked at Sirzechs.

"What are you interfering for?" asked Kaiser the crimson prince.

"He is an important part of the devil society with a lot of influence he can't die just yet, so please be indulgent regarding his actions. You know he has a vendetta against your family and seemingly against those horned women as well. There was no harm done, and the attackers have already perished." said Sirzechs.

"I couldn't give less of a shit about the devil society. I came here with the intention to announce me cutting ties with the devils as a whole because I'll be starting my own faction, but that fucker had a little too much ambition LET ME SHOW HIM THE CONSEQUENCES OF FUCKING WITH MY FAMILY." said Kaiser but at the end he was shouting.

"You know I can't let you kill him." said Sirzechs.

"Fine, I'm content with just crippling him for now." replied Kaiser.

"How about letting him go?" asked Sirzechs.

"You know I kinda started to like you, but here you are ruining it." said Kaiser as he stood up and his eyes began glowing void-purple and a dangerous aura started rolling off of him which started to pressure the people around the room except for the 3 ladies behind him because they were still covered in his barrier. Sirzechs narrowed his eyes and his eyes also started glowing, but his eyes glowed red instead of purple. The whole estate was shaking and the people in the Gremory territory felt a wave of dread wash over them.

"Fuck! Someone stop them before they release their full aura or we will all be blown sky-high." shouted Zeoticus as he put all of his effort to stay conscious.

The three other satan-class fighters covered their families in their aura to ease the burden on them, but they were also on high alert.

Kaiser was about to start conjuring an attack and the fabric of reality started shaking, but before he could finish conjuring his attack his left shoulder was grabbed.

"Master please don't! We can be civil about this! There is no need to make this into a physical confrontation!" shouted Grayfia urgently while holding onto his left shoulder.

"Grayfia you should have already realized by now that my hatred runs deep." said Kaiser.

"I understand master, but there is no need to make the innocent suffer even more just after we attacked the capital!" said Grayfia trying to convince Kaiser to let the matter of killing Zekram rest for now.

"That shit has nothing to do with me! Everyone stood aside as my family members were massacred, so what if a few dies?" asked Kaiser.

Hearing this Grayfia took a deep breath and stood in front of Kaiser facing him.

"The Lucifuge family also didn't do anything to help the Vesperion family during its time of crisis, so end me as well then! The Lucifuges didn't go out of their way to antagonize the Vesperion family but also had no choice but to watch everything go down due to sheer powerlessness! Master, please! You don't have to go down the path of genocide and sink into the abyss of vengeance! I understand where you are coming from, but please let us handle this matter like civilized people." asked Grayfia.

'Fuuck, I wanna rip that bastard's head off of his shoulders so badly. It wasn't easy to hold back before, but now that he has taken against my person as well. But Grayfia does make a good point and I don't want to kill her because she has helped me a lot, but on the other hand, I feel anger like I have never felt before. I would also need to fight my way through the other four satan-class in this room and that would be nigh impossible because one of those fighters is Sirzechs. I can take him in a one-on-one I'm sure of that, but a 4 versus 1 is a big disadvantage. Plus I wouldn't be able to focus on protecting Elysia and Albedo while focusing on fighting.' thought Kaiser as he gritted his teeth and withdrew whatever little aura he let out and his eyes stopped glowing. Grayfia let out a sigh of relief and Sirzechs also withdrew his own aura and his eyes also stopped glowing. Grayfia went to stand behind Kaiser again.

"I'm waiting for offers." stated Kaiser.

"What kind of offers?" asked Zeoticus as everyone was recovering.

"Compensation of course." said Kaiser.

"Compensation for what?" questioned Zadicus.

"For not killing that sack of shit called Zekram Bael." answered Kaiser.

"Don't you think you are a little bit unreasonable? What can you give us to prove that you won't kill him in the future?" asked Ajuka.

"Am I being unreasonable? Even if I am I can't find it in myself to care. And for your other question, I can't give you anything because I'm about 99% sure that I will end his miserable existence." said Kaiser.

"How about we let you keep those two disgusting failures? We were originally going to take them back, but we can give them to you as servants" asked Zekram.

'This bastard had no sense of danger and keeps pushing his luck.' thought Kaiser.

"Are you talking about Elysia and Albedo?" questioned Kaiser.

"Correct" replied Zekram.

"Give them to me? I don't know if you failed to notice but they are under the protection of house Vesperion so speak about them with respect. They are not some objects you can just use and then toss away. Both of them are people with the same rights as everyone." said Kaiser.

Zekram gritted his teeth.

"Then what do you want?" asked Zekram.

"Since I am a magnanimous person I'll be satisfied with receiving three-quarters of the Bael treasury." said Kaiser leaving the people in the room dumbfounded.

"You little shi-" Zekram started speaking but his mouth was covered by Isaac and he was held down by Nicolas.

"We can agree to those terms." said Zeoticus with a nervous smile.

"Kaiser! What will your faction be called?" asked Serafall with a bright smile on her face.

'Damn, I hadn't come up with a name yet. I need to quickly come up with something. Should I use something referring to my [Power of Annihilation]? Maybe I should, at least I need to come up with a temporary name to go by. Order of Nihility? That sounds like a cult and it's also kinda edgy. But I don't have a better alternative for now. I need to seriously sit down and talk it over with someone who has a better naming sense than me.' thought Kaiser.

"For now it will be called Order of Nihility." said Kaiser.

"That's so cool!" said Serafall with stars in her eyes.

"Thank you." said Kaiser with a strained smile before turning to Zeoticus.

"Is there anything else to discuss?" asked Kaiser.

"None that I know of." said Zeoticus.

"Then we will be on our way. You can contact Grayfia once you are ready to hand over the compensation the deadline is 3 days." said Kaiser and nodded at Grayfia. A purple teleportation circle appeared beneath them and Kaiser disappeared from the room alongside Grayfia, Elysia and Albedo.

Once they reappeared in Kaiser's study Kaiser instantly plopped down on the couch, leaned back and closed his eyes. Grayfia went to stand behind him. The three females in the room sent awkward glances at each other before Albedo decided to approach Kaiser and sit beside him. Seeing that Kaiser didn't react Albedo was unsure if she was crossing Kaiser's boundaries or not, but she took a leap of faith and spoke up.

"Lord Kaiser. May I ask what happened to your family?" asked Albedo.

Kaiser opened his eyes and glanced at Albedo and sighed.

"Sure." said Kaiser and began explaining what he knew.

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And we will know what happened to his family in the next chapter

next chapter
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