"Huh?" Cleo froze as soon as she passed the barrier.
It wasn't a part of the plan.
'What's wro...' Tom thought, stepping through the barrier as well. Cleo wouldn't make a mistake like that. Either something already attacked her, or something bad happened. "Cleo?" Tom whispered as soon as he passed the invisible wall sealing the boss room away from the floor's corridor.
"Hey, Tom," Cleo turned her head away. Even though her avatar had no face at all, Tom could imagine what kind of face she wore. "Did you ever happen upon a boss marked as "Ranked type?" the girl asked. Her avatar's body turned completely still.
And then Tom felt it.
He didn't have any kind of system that would tell him that this boss was any special. As soon as he made his first step inside the room, a powerful aura shook his insides.
'This is nothing like before,' Tom thought. He was confident in his power, yet he turned still.
Finally, the last bonus chappie for the last week. This time, only 2 bonus :3