96.27% Dual Class [Stubbed] / Chapter 207: Chapter 295: A Cold Reality 3

บท 207: Chapter 295: A Cold Reality 3

Drake pointed at the teacher, his blood beginning to boil at the mention of the names.

"That can't be real! That Dragon Bitch? A savior? A liberator?! Now I know this is horse shit! She and the rest of them are the ones that placed bounties on the Asurans and others! You expect me to believe this?"

"Whether you believe it or not is of no consequence to me. The memories you are reliving are your own and I have no influence on what they show, at least now that I have been caught by the bastard's child… Perhaps if they allowed this part of me to have my way I could be more helpful. But as it stands, as I said I am here to deter and hinder you. It is in my best interest to keep you from becoming a full fledged Asuran for as long as possible," Smokey hummed to themselves, "Whatever little stroll through memory lane Han Kol has provided," they raised two wisp-like hands, "My hands are metaphorically tied."

Drake's accusing hand fell to his side as he stared back at Smokey, "Ah… you're right. I keep forgetting you're a slithering snake. Just like that old, ugly, belly dragger…"

Smokey's eye began twitching slightly.

Drake sank to the floor, sitting next to his younger self and looked up at the boy.

"How much longer am I going to be here? How long have I even been here… Hours? Days? And I'm still so confused… Why is this happening now? What does this Han Kol want from me? It's not like I can just believe all of this at the drop of a hat."

He looked at the quest.

[Quest Update! Ghosts of the Past]

Follow the young Asurans to school.Observe the Youngest Son of Han Kol during his training.Reward: Experience, Temporary Weapon and Armor Set - Traditional Asuran Garb.

Half of the quest is done. I guess the only way to progress is just to follow along for now. But how is watching a kid pretend to fight going to help me at all? Drake thought, signing to himself.

The rest of the classroom revolved around mundane history. The teacher spoke more on how great Han Kol Asura was and how much was expected of all young Asurans to follow his example.

Drake didn't learn too much else from that point on. The teacher harped while the children began to lose interest. But Drake didn't fail to notice as his gaze surveyed the room, that many of the children were holding resentful expressions as they looked at a particular child.

His younger self.

"Well bullying has always been a part of the education system… Looks like even Primordial classrooms can't escape that," he with slight mirth as the classroom began to conclude.

"We will continue this tomorrow," the teacher said loudly, as the children began to exit, "Resuming with the previous Kings and Queens leading up to our current King. Do not forget what I have told you, as young Asurans you must live on with great pride and honor. Fight to bring that same honor to our ancestors and your children, for there is nothing greater!"

Drake let out a deep breath, "I remember some of this. So there has to be some truth here somehow… But I feel like there's more, Ahhhhh!" Drake grumbled scratching the back of his head in frustration.

He and Smokey followed his younger self as Drake went back and forth with himself, desperately trying to remember whatever it was that was currently at the far reaches of his mind.

Drake crossed his arms and scowled down at his younger self as they followed, "I know there's something else. I feel like I'm on the edge of a brainblast here."

"A what?" Smokey asked.

"You know, a eureka moment. Lightbulb going on? Switch flipping? Hamster wheel going full speed?"

Smokey stared back at him, obviously confused.

"Right… Nevermind," Drake sighed, "The kid seems to be going somewhere so all we can do is follow. I just hope he does this training thing soon, I don't want to be here longer than I have to. There's no telling what-" he paused, looking over his shoulder as he remembered Smokey.

Smokey wasn't an ally. Drake had almost forgotten even with the constant reminder. Because they were both temporarily stuck here, he at least considered them a conversation partner and had almost spilled his guts.

I'll have to be more careful about that. I never was good at keeping my mouth shut… He thought.

They finally exited the school a few minutes later. Younger Drake walking with purpose in the direction of his home, his younger sister, Celine, had joined him.

Taking in the scenery as well as the kids bickering back and forth left a small smile on Drake's face.

"I'm not fully sold on this being me and this being my little sister, but I do have to admit they do remind me of Travis and me back in the day… Yelling at each other while waiting for the bus… Sitting on opposite ends of the bus and ignoring each other at school until we got back home and argued some more. Ah those were the days.."

Reminiscing for a minute they followed closely behind the two children on their way to their destination. That was until trouble found Drake's younger self.

Drake scoffed, "That certainly didn't take long. Asuran kids don't waste any time in showing their displeasure huh?"

Smokey grumbled next to him, "For mere commoners to show such disrespect even to mudpup royalty… They should all be gravely punished."

Drake grimaced, "They're just kids, how bad can it be?"

"Disobedience to your betters will only sow further problems. A populace must fall in line, but I suppose this is just how Han ruled, or perhaps Asurans…"

Drake's younger self and his sister stopped, turning around to meet their approaching classmates.

"What is it now Banwei? We are late for lessons," younger Drake said with slight irritation in his voice.

"Oh his voice got a little deeper? How long is this memory from the first one?" Drake said absentmindedly.

Banwei, the leader of the group of boys apparently, pointed one of his four hands at Drake's younger self.

"What are lessons going to do for you? The teachers sing your worthless freak father's praises, but how long has the campaign against the Titans lasted?" he spread all four of his arms angrily, "Our parents are lost daily for his ambition, his mission. While your brother! A War General stays here comfortably playing babysitter for years! Is your brother that desperate to stay safe?"

Well that answers that question… Drake thought, watching the argument between the boys.

"My brother is only here at the request of my father. May I remind you, your King! Take back your words!" younger Drake growled.

"Or you'll what?"

"Or I will make you take them back. My family is my pride and I will not let your insults against them stand."

Drake's brows rose, "Kids pretty feisty huh? Wait, I remember this. This kid is going to get seriously injured."

The fight between the children began to look troublesome. Drake recalling the memory he had seen earlier of his younger sister begging his younger self to stop.

But there was nothing for Drake to do without a physical body. He was forced to watch the proceedings as the memory unfolded in full.

The boys were still too young to be a part of the system, but what Drake underestimated was their strength as Primordials.

Both boys roared as they charged each other. Banwei attempted to grapple his younger self and push his advantage of having four arms.

However young Drake was nimble on his feet, far more than even the current Drake was, surprising him further.

Young Drake charged forward, getting into striking distance, then at the last moment hopped backward, dodging Banwei's grab. And just as quickly as he had maneuvered around the boy, moving to his side, throwing three quick, yet explosive jabs, folding the boy.

Banwei grunted loudly, falling to one knee while gripping his side.

The fight was over in that instant, there was no way for Banwei to regain composure. Young Drake wouldn't allow it.

From that point Young Drake gripped the other boy's head, throwing his knee square into his face several times. Letting go only for Banwei to slump to the ground.

Young Drake then pinned the boy to the dirt, gritting his teeth and hammered down precise blows to his face as Banwei tried to cover his body with his arms.

Drake, like the spectating boys and his younger selve's sister, saw how serious and far this fight was going. But the other boys hesitated to break up the fight. Fear of being beaten just as badly or putting their hand on a royal kept their bodies frozen.

But Young Drake's sister didn't seem to have such a problem.

"Dwake! Stahp, Dwake! P-Pwease stahp! Your gowing to kwill him!"

Young Drake however didn't seem to care, and only rained down punches with more fury.

"What do you know about it! What do you know of how my family suffers as my Father fights!" Young Drake roared, "Insulting my brother! My Father! Take it back! I said take it back!"

Banwei whimpered under the cover of his arms, "I-I'm sorry…! P-please! Forgive me! I-I didn't-"

Young Drake screamed louder, cutting Banwei's apology short. Throwing more and more punches at an attempt to break his defenses.

Celine pleaded with Young Drake again, "He said he was sowwy! Dwake! Stahp!" she begged, beginning to cry, "Dwake!!"

Drake looked at the now one sided beating perturbed.

"Is that really me…? He's just… He's just a kid. He fights better than I do… And where is all this anger coming from?"

The fight finally settled down. Young Drake had run out of breath and stood above the battered Banwei, his fists bloodied and his sister crying next to him.

Drake saw his younger selve's face shift from fury over to realization slowly. As if this wasn't the first time.

His younger self grabbed his sister, pulling her away.

"It seems it is true," Smokey said softly, watching Young Drake run away with his sister down the road.

Drake looked over to Smokey.

Smokey shrugged, "It is not a secret. Asurans' have an insatiable bloodlust. But I am astonished it is showing in one so young. It must be the potency of your royal blood. Han was quite the same when I met him."

Drake wanted to ask more questions. There was so much he didn't know. But he knew Smokey wouldn't always volunteer answers. And he had no way of knowing if what they said was fully accurate or lies made to mislead and hinder him.

"Let's go… We're losing the kids," Drake muttered, chasing after the fleeing children.


After a few minutes of sprinting, Drake and Smokey had caught back up with his younger self and his sister.

Celine had somewhat calmed down, only sniffling and rubbing her eyes. While his younger self stood in front of his older brother, Darri.

"It happened again?" Darri asked calmly.

Young Drake was silent.

"It is not the first and it will not be the last Drake. But you need to talk to me if I am going to help. Or do you plan on staying this way forever? I thought you wanted to be a great warrior?" Darri sermoned.

Young Drake bit his bottom lip before speaking, "I will. But… Banwei insulted father… Insulted you… He said you were scared to go to the battlefield with father."

Darri placed a hand on Young Drake's shoulder.

"Do not hang on the words of a child who does not know war," Darri chuckled and smiled, "I crave to fight, yes. But I am afraid."

Young Drake frowned.

Darri laughed more loudly, "What? Did you not wish to hear the truth little brother? To fight and die against a stronger opponent is befitting an Asuran. But I do not wish to meet my end anytime soon. And just as father asked, my place is here protecting our home for now. But we are losing daylight. Enough talk of war and father. We must deal with the matter at hand."

Darri moved to stroke Celine's head, "No more crying Celine. Great warriors do not shed tears over such small fights. Wipe the water from your eyes and watch how I punish your mean older brother."

"What!? Why am I being punished! Banwei insulted father. I was only defending you and him!" Young Drake shouted.

"As well you should," Darri hummed, "But from what you told me Drake, the fight was long over after your first strike. Your fight with the other child was not to the death. It was not a duel. We Asurans must stay united and not aim to cripple each other. We have enough enemies lurking in the vast space of the void. Not only that," he smiled, "We must get that anger out of you. It is the only way to maintain your sanity until you can use the Serenity Mixture to free you. Now take your stance, mother is cooking stew for dinner."

Darri waited a moment for Drake's younger self to put up a stance and after a bewildered moment he did. In that split second Darri was already on his younger self, an adult sized fist slamming into the side of his face.

Young Drake tumbled to the ground, kicking up dirt and debris.

"You're slow to react, little brother. Have all these weeks of training been for nothing?" Darri laughed.

A roar came from the dust cloud where Drake's younger self settled after skidding across the open area, the next moment a blur bursting from it.

Drake's head snapped to follow the figure shooting across to close the distance, his mouth wide in amazement.

The figure collided with Darri who couldn't seem more relaxed even if he was on a beach in the Hawaiian Islands.

Drake's expression focused as he watched the exchange. Something inside him resonated with the fight and he began drinking in every blow, every counter, every feint thrown, blocked, and landed between the two.

"Susmaryosep… What is this Sayian training camp?! And isn't this kid supposed to not even have a class yet? He can't be- I mean, I can't be- This kid can't be more than 12 years old!"

His surprise returned as the fight continued, Darri still just as relaxed as when the fight started, if you could call it that.

"He's playing with me- I mean him," Drake grumbled, feeling somewhat annoyed.

"Yes. Do you expect a child to compete with a B-Rank Primordial? I might despise Darri, but his moniker as a War General. And one of the coldest killers I have ever met. Is not just for show," Smokey sighed, looking uninterested.

"You've met him…? Just how old are you?" Drake asked, raising a brow.

"It is neither your business, nor the point. This can hardly be called a fight. Darri is simply letting this boy exercise."

Drake turned back to the fight. His younger self sent flying across the area once more after taking a kick to the midsection. And after landing back on the ground shooting off to return to the fight.

He pointed, "That's exercise?"

"Please…" Smokey sighed, "What else would you call it? A Primordial child of royal blood, even disgusting Asuran blood, could fell cities. And Darri? Planets. I seem to recall a few occasions on which he did just that. Nasty business keeping the Insect Queen in check…"

Drake couldn't keep his eyes from the fight. Learning more and more from each exchange from a small boy and this supposed brother.

"This mixture Darri mentioned. What does it do?" he asked, remembering the conversation prior to the fight.

"How would I know? I'm not an Asuran…" Smokey scoffed, "And even if I did, you would be the last to know. Better you go insane just like the rest of them. Makes it more fun to watch."

Drake ignored Smokey's animosity and refocused on the fight that was coming to a close. The small boy simply couldn't keep the exchange going for too long. Young Drake was amazing but he was still a child with significantly lower stamina than an adult.

"Good, you are getting better little brother," Darri smiled, "But you are still too stiff. You keep to one fighting form for too long. You must learn to meld them together, make them fluid as if an extension of yourself. They must become second nature, only then will you find how to use them to surpass your limits as a fighter."

Celine clapped happily on the sidelines. Her tears dried and a smile replaced her worried expression.

"I guess she really knew that poor kid Banwei was about to die… If he can exercise with his brother like this, that kid didn't stand a chance…" Drake grimaced.

"Now, let's move onto your real training," Darri said evenly, his smile disappearing and an item appearing in the palm of his hand, "Celine, remember to stay where you are, once you leave the area you can't come back in alright?"

Celine nodded.

"And we don't talk about this to anyone right?" Darri added.

Celine covered her mouth, nodding more fervently.

"What is he doing?" Drake asked.

"He's putting up a privacy zone. By the looks of the item, an A-Grade one," Smokey explained, suddenly interested.

"I thought you said Asurans didn't like the system?"

Smokey inched closer, "They do not…"

Darri activating the item, a thin translucent barrier veiled over the surroundings.

"This isn't much of a privacy screen. I can see right through it," Drake scoffed.

"Of course you can. It is from your memory… What purpose would this serve if you couldn't see or hear what is going on?"

Drake shrugged, Smokey having a point.

"Now Drake, focus," Darri instructed, "I can only guide you to increase the destructive power of your spells. At least until Father returns."

"What?!" Smokey screeched, "There is no possible way-"

Younger Drake threw his hands forward, producing an ear shattering gust of wind that collided with Darri.

Drake smiled amused, "Not bad for a kid!" he laughed, turning to see Smokey's reaction.

The wispy black figure had produced a gaping maw from its ink-like body, obviously in shock.

"I-i-i-innate Magic Talent…" it stuttered, turning to Drake, "What kind of monster are you…?" then its expression turned sour, settling on a firm look of determination, "Once I leave this place, you must be killed at all costs!"

Drake scoffed, "Why so serious all of the sudden? It's just a bit of magic."

"Have you not been paying attention this entire time? A full blooded Asuran using magic is the entire problem! It was what could have made Han Kol Asura the most powerful Primordial if he was allowed to continue growing!"

Drake took a long look at Smokey. His mind was not lingering on their words but more the direction of them. Smokey had continued to let slip small bits of information eluding to their true self.

And with this last outburst, Drake was relatively sure who it was now.

"Then why did you turn-"

But Drake was cut off. The sound of shattering glass pulling his attention.

The privacy zone that Darri had erected had been destroyed and the look Darri was currently making could kill.

"Vandalieu, what are you doing here? How did you get past the guards at the teleportation crystal?" Darri asked, or more so demanded.

Drake could feel the warmth being pulled out of the air, even without a physical body as he watched the newcomer walk closer to Darri and the children.

"Why is that old retch here?" Smokey quandered.

The newcomer slowly wobbled forward, covered in rags with holes in them. Drake able to see clean porcelain like material through the holes.

"Guards? You call these rude younglings guards?" Vandalieu chuckled, rolling out several heads to the ground, "To stand in the way of Death's plans. Not very smart were they?"

Darri's aura began to leak out, the force so strong it physically manifested. The air and light bent, Drake finally witnessing the brunt of a pinnacle B-Rank Primordial's skill up close.

It was suffocating.

Drake was unable to move, unable to blink, nor tear his eyes away. His only saving grace was that this was simply a memory and his body was not yet made real here.

The sound of a notification pushed through.

[Partial Quest Complete]

[Quest Updated! Ghosts of the Past]

[Experience earned]

[Experience Stored]

[You have received Asuran Traditional Garb]

[You have received Asuran Recruit Set [F-Grade] [Uncommon]]

[Pseudo Mage x Warrior Level Increased to Level 2] [28 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]

[Pseudo Mage x Warrior Level Increased to Level 3] [28 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]

[Pseudo Mage x Warrior Level Increased to Level 4] [28 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]



[Pseudo Mage x Warrior Level Increased to Level 9] [28 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]

[Pseudo Mage x Warrior Level Increased to Level 10] [28 Temporary Free Points have been awarded]

[Temporary Class improved to F-Rank]

[Temporary Class Upgraded to Weakened Magic Tempered Asuran Initiate [Unique] [F-Rank]]

[Temporary Primary and Secondary Skilltrees are now unlocked]

[Quest Update! Ghosts of the Past]

Witness the destruction of the Asuran Race and the downfall of the Asura Bloodline.Reward: Experience, Unique Title

next chapter
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