23.8% Dragonball: The Primitive Human / Chapter 5: Chapter 5: Tragedy

บท 5: Chapter 5: Tragedy

(5 months later) (3rd pov)

"Are you ready" said the adult voice of Sonzai as he faced a smaller figure.

"Yup, and this time go all out, it won't be exciting if you don't" said the smaller figure well known as Genshi the protagonist of this story.

"If you want me to go all out then you have to be strong enough!" Sonzai answered back as blurred out of Genshi's vision.

Appearing behind Genshi, Sonzai striked at his back with decent power, but before the fist could make contact with Genshi's back he squatted down just barely dodging the blow and extending his feet before swiping at the legs of Sonzai whom already appeared a distance away from Genshi with a smirk.

"I guess that doesn't work anymore huh" Sonzai said with Genshi giving a smirk.

"I have gotten stronger" he said before disappearing and appearing on the air behind his father with a fist aiming for his father's head.

"You sure have..." Sonzai replied as he moved his head just far enough for the fist to miss his head before elbowing his airborne son in the stomach, making him grunt in pain, and not finished there he kneed him in the chin rendering him unconscious in seconds.

"But not strong enough" Sonzai finished as he caught his unconscious son in his hands before turning into an after image disappearing from the area.

(1st person)

"Dang it I lost again!" I complained with a broody face.

"Come on at least you lasted a few more seconds than 2 months ago" father answered back, with a grin.

"It wasn't even exciting if you knock me out so quickly" I replied.

"Well I can't hold back my power enough to not knock you out in two strikes.

"Oh well I will go to bed now" I replied as I walked into our cave home.

"Good night" he said as I walked in.

"Yeah good night" I answered back.

'Read ki signature' I mentally commanded.

PL: 180

Seeing my power level I smiled at my increase in strength in this 5 months.

How did I get so strong?, well after the day I figured out how to use my ki I started training in mastering it, and in two months I have already mastered shaping my ki into all kinds of shapes, am even on the level to create a ki blade, and with a little help from dear old father i learned to use ki to fly.

And it didn't end there after mastering that, I moved to boosting my physical strength with ki so I can further improve my martial arts which I can't improve anymore for a reason, and with that father told me about the Karada kyōka also known as physical enhancement and shortened to kyoka.

I asked father and he told me the maximum amount of enhancement/ kyoka anybody within the Ryu clan as done was 5 which kind of surprised because I thought they could have reached at least 10 with their abnormal body, but now I know how hard just trying to boost once was because i dont even know if i am anywhere close to kyoka times 2.

So theirs probably some secret way to use kyoka, or else with the way its described anybody with a good body could probably use the technique.

One day I asked father how much he could boost and he answered with a grin before a blueish aura enveloped him and he rose to the air and before I knew it his power level shot up

PL: 300 > 900

"I can enhance myself 3 times" he said as he landed back on the ground.

That was when I knew I had to get stronger.

(The next day)

"Ok for a while now have been only focused on multiplying my base power that I disregarded the existence of finishing moves/ signature attacks"

"And if I want to live in this world with excitement and not boredom then I have to add some cool techniques to my arsenal to go on par or get stronger than the many opponents to come" with this I powered up my ki.

"And to do that I need a technique of my own" I said as a yellow-ish aura covered my frame.

"1st outstretch both of your hands forward" I said as I outstretched my hands infront of body and distancing both my palms from each other.

"Then give your legs some space" spacing out my legs, left leg infront right leg tucked back.

"Then gather as much ki as you need into the center of your both your palms" saying that, a red ball started to form in-between my palms.

"When you are ready, you cock it back and fire!" with that I pulled my hands back and stroke it back forward releasing a red beam of ki towards the sky.

"Hmm... I'll name it eclipse wave namely because of its red color and similarity with the kamehameha-wave.

"Ok time to head back, I'll practice this tomorrow" i said as I started to head back home.

"You will be coming with us" I headed as I looked up and two men dressed in all green started to decend Infront me.

(10 minutes earlier) Sonzai's pov

"I have a bad feeling?" I said to myself and as I suspected a loud boom shook the cave.

"Get your ass out here Sonzai!!, or else I'll blow this dirty cave down on you" I heard from outside the cave.

'So you've finally made your move' I thought with a serious face already realizing who it was.

As I walked outside I thanked god that Genshi went out earlier to train up a technique, so I can go all out if I have to result to that.

"What do you want Dansei!!" I roared as I exited the cave immediately I was surrounded by 6 males.

"I am here to claim what belongs to me!" he roared back.

"And what is that" I replied unfazed by the 6 that surrounded me.

"Genshi" he said with a smile, that infuriated me.

"What do you mean, Genshi is my son!!" I roared as I released my pressure, which blew two of the six away, while the other four could barely stay on their feet.

"You have always had everything, first the mystical ball of dreams that was supposed to be mine, then you ran away with Akemi, my fiancee that I was destined to marry, then you came back after 4 years with a baby conceived through you and Akemi!!, I endured damn it, I truly endured but now am tired of enduring so I am here to claim your son as mine and draw out his true potential that you have failed to do even after all this years" he finished as a red aura suddenly burst out from within him.

"Genshi belongs to no one but himself and how did you find this place anyway" I replied as a white-ish aura covered my frame blowing away the remaining four that were still trying to hold on.

"You two find the boy and bring him here and the rest of you will follow my orders and aid me in erasing this bastard off the face of this island" Dansei commanded.

"Yes lord!" they all replied.

"You think I'll let you touch my son?!" I roared as I sped towards the two whom were about to leave.

"Not so fast!" instinctively I dodged a red beam of energy that impacted the ground I was about pass through, completely destroying the area and forming a large crater.

"Your battle is with us" Dansei said with a smirk as he rushed towards me with a burst of power the other four following right after him.

"Damn it, they are already too far gone" I cursed as I saw the disappearing silhouette's of the two bastards.

"Hyah!" blocking the blow of an incoming fist I quickly striked back with explosive power that sent the attacker crashing towards the cave me and Genshi called home.

'Don't worry Genshi, father is coming' I mentally thought as Dansei approached me with a fist that I easily blocked and readying my counter attack I felt something approaching my back.

"Ha!" quickly I dodged to the side as a green beam flew past me and grazed my cheek.

"Hahaha good job now it's time I took this up a notch!" Dansei praised one of his minions which I guess shot the beam, as he started to charge, a red aura quickly encasing him as his power rose.

" Ky-oka times 3??!!" I gasped in surprise.

"Hahaha do you think you are the only one that reach the third level??!!" Dansei roared in laughter.

"You three enhance yourselves, it's time to take this bastard down" Dansei said as the other three went Ky-oka mode themselves.

"Tch" I clicked my tongue in an aggrieved manner before I enhanced myself three times, a blue aura replacing my previous white-ish aura.

"Come at me!" I yelled as I faced them head on.

(back to the present) 3rd pov

"Who are you guys?" I asked warily as I checked their power levels.

PL: 200


Looking at their power level I grew even more wary.

"You don't need to know" the one with the higher power level said as he walks up towards me with the intent to knock me out in one blow.

"Back up!" I yelled as I jumped back.

"Don't make this hard for us kid and just stop resisting" said the weaker one as he disappeared from his previous location and appearing behind me he tried to strike at my neck but I was able to barely place a hand behind my neck effectively blocking it.

"Seems like he has mastered the prime arts" the stronger one said and before I could do anything else I fell into darkness, the only I could see before I was knocked out was three digits.

PL: 220 > 440

(3rd person Pov)

"ah, ah, ah" breathing with difficulty a bloody battered Sonzai looked at Dansei whom was also greatly injured, with a grin he proceeded to talk.

"Your... the only... one left" he said in between ragged breaths.

"Tch, how the hell did you get so strong!" Dansei yelled with frustration, even with the might of himself and four other Ryu clan members he didn't lose but instead beat one of them with one strike and kill three others and currently in a stalemate with himself.

"It isn't that I am too strong, but that you guys are too weak" Sonzai replied with a smirk that even his bloodied face couldn't hide.

"Ahhhhh!!, dammit" Dansei yelled in frustration as he rushed towards Sonzai with the intent to end it once and for all.

"Goodbye brother!" Sonzai yelled as he flashed towards Dansei ready to finish him off.

*Pew* pew*pew*

"Uhh?" Sonzai looked at his hand in horror as an open hole in his hand greeted his bloody face and before he could explore farther, more holes appeared on his body, untill he fell to his knees.

"Uhh?" Dansei looked around untill he found the person responsible.

"I have done my best, my lord" said one of Dansei's minions as he breath his last air of life.

"You have done good" Dansei said before he looked at his brother with a maniacal grin.

"Look at you now, kneeling Infront of me and breathing your last air of life.

"I warn you Dansei, don't touch my son or else I'll come back to life and come hunt you down" Sonzai said with strong killing intent even as he was at death's door.

"Tch" Dansei clicked his tounge in anger, before kicking Sonzai to the ground.

"We have arrived my lord" said the voice of two individuals as they landed on the ground.

"You have finally arrived, where is the boy!" said Dansei impatiently.

"Right here my lord" said one of the minions as he showed the unconscious body of Genshi.

"Genshi!!" Sonzai yelled as he tried to desperately stand up.

"Bring him here, I have a plan" said Dansei with a maniacal grin.

Listening to his command the two minions brought Genshi forward.

"Make him kneel" said Dansei as he picked Sonzai with his hair.

"Dansei..." Sonzai could was barely staying consious the fact that he was even alive and able to talk even with so many holes opened on his body and the fact that there isn't blood gushing out of him was even more shocking.

"Wake him up" Dansei said as a red aura covered his left hand before turning into a blade of pure ki.

(Back to Mc pov)

"Uhg, what happened" I groaned as I tried to adjust my memories.

"Wait a minu..." not able to finish my word, I was greeted with a horrifying sight of my father being held from his hair and with several holes on his body.

"Father!!" I yelled trying to wake myself from this most definite nightmare.

"Am... sorry son... I couldn't protect you, like I promised your mother *cough*" he finished as he coughed up a mouthful of blood, in which some stained my face.

"Don't tell me your almost done" said a man that held my father up.

PL: 840 > weakend state > 420

"I couldn't help but look hatefully at the man and the other two people who kidnapped me and were currently holding me down.

"Well it's time you die brother" the man said with a grin as the red ki made blade moved closer and closer to my father's neck.

'Why!!, why am I so weak!! I have been so naive thinking this world was all fun and games and that if I did my best I would be the strongest.

How naive, so naive, now I have made a loved one hurt and on death's door, if only I was stronger... much more stronger!!.

"Ahhhhhh!!!" roaring with anger a golden aura coated me and as if something in me clicked I felt my power rise and two individuals that were holding me down were flung away, and out of nowhere two golden spikes impaled them

"Incredible!, this is the power you failed to draw out Sonzai but I Dansei have awakened it ahahaha" completely uncaring of the death of his minions and hearing the laughter that was coming from him I turned my rage filled golden eyes towards him with the most bloodthirsty look I could make, which apparently stunned him.

"I'll kill you!!" I roared as I appeared Infront him and before he could react I held his neck.

"Ahhhhhh" he screamed as I held his neck "Die!" I yelled as I threw him into the air.

"Eclipse-wave!!!" I yelled as I fired the red beam that that was layered in a golden light towards the hateful bastard.

"NOOOO!!" he yelled as the red and golden beam engulfed him clouding the sky as a golden dragon roared into the night sky.

"Don't let the anger consume you" I heard a voice making me turn back quickly.

"Father!" I yelled unable to control myself as tears started dropping from my face.

"Don't forget what I told you a few months ago" he said as his body started to be covered in crimson blood, his wounds finally taking effect.

"Father, father!!!" I yelled into the sky as the tears kept falling, untill I eventually fell into darkness holding my dead father.


Name: Genshi Ryu

Race: primitive human race/ Ryu clan

PL 180 > [power released]> 1080


Martial arts- prime dragon arts

Current state - enraged, sad and unconscious


A/n I'll be doing this stat showcase every five chapters, maybe?

Arekuruu_Tento Arekuruu_Tento

So for those who notice, the kyoka is like the technique master roshi uses to make him buff, but the differences will be more apparant the more the story goes.

And yeah this technique/ power up ill be exclusive to the mc.

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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