23.8% Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure / Chapter 4: The terror known as Zarbon

บท 4: The terror known as Zarbon

--Namek- Unknown Location--

--Zarbon's Pov--

Things are getting completely out of hand, surpassing anything I could have ever imagined would occur in the original timeline. At first, I couldn't help but think that this whole bizarre situation was something straight out of a poorly written fanfic. I even resorted to pinching my cheeks in an attempt to wake myself up from what seemed like a surreal dream. However, the pain I felt from my pinching reassured me that this was indeed very much real.

As I let the reality sink in, a sense of excitement started to creep in. Surprisingly, I found myself thinking, 'Wait a minute, this is actually pretty good!' It dawned on me that if I played my cards right, I could potentially benefit tremendously from this unforeseen turn of events. I turned in the direction of the cave, my heart pounding in my chest. Kuririn and Gohan stood just a few meters away from me, their eyes widened in shock and their mouths open agape, overcome with surprise at the unexpected turn of event. It was evident that they too felt the presence of the powerful ki, much like I did. In fact, among the myriad of ki signatures, there were a few that stood out, emanating an unmistakable aura of strength and importance.

I loudly cleared my throat, the sound echoing through the vast expanse as I gathered everyone's attention. "Guys, this is not the time to be afraid," I declared, my voice filled with a mix of determination and urgency. As my words hung in the air, Krillin nodded in agreement, his eyes scanning the horizon to try and catch a glimpse of the spaceship which landed in a place we could not see. "Do you feel those tremendous ki signatures?" he questioned, his voice laced with concern. "There are also a bunch of other smaller ki in there!"

My gaze shifted towards Gohan, whose clenched fist and gritted teeth were clear indicators of his mounting inner turmoil. "Yeah," he managed to say through his tightly clenched teeth, "there is a bunch of evil ki signature in that spaceship."

With a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach, I recalled exactly who this spaceship belonged to, and it did not bode well for any of us. The weird thing, however, was that the spaceship had landed on Namek, diverting from its original destination which was supposed to be earth. This unexpected turn of events only deepened the sense of foreboding hanging heavy in the air.

I immediately scraped my original plans, feeling a surge of new ideas rush through my mind. I turned my gaze back at Krillin, determination gleaming in my eyes as I muttered with unwavering resolve, "You and Gohan will proceed as initially planned, making your way to the Namekian grand elder. Meanwhile, I will take it upon myself to heal Vegeta. As for Bulma, our top priority is to relocate her and the dragon balls to a secure location, far away from Vegeta's reach."

The moment my words reached their ears, Krillin and Gohan nodded their heads in absolute agreement. Gohan, with a slightly worried expression on his young face, mustered his childish voice and asked, "But what about you? What do you plan on doing?"Without a moment's hesitation, I promptly replied, my voice brimming with conviction, "I will go to the very spot where that mysterious spaceship landed."

My statement was met with disapproval, evident from the worried and disapproving gazes of both Krillin and Gohan. Krillin, with his signature afraid facial expression, exclaimed, "It's too dangerous! Those guys' ki is no joke." Gohan quickly nodded, affirming Krillin's concerns.

"I understand," I replied, trying to reassure them. I took a step back toward the cave and proclaimed, "I have to go there to confirm my suspicion. But don't worry, I'll be fine. If things start going out of control, I won't hesitate to retreat." Soon after, we made our way back to the cave, diligently tending to our assigned duties.

---Planet Namek-- Frieza spaceship-- Frieza Pov

I was not particularly joyous with the way things were going currently. Ever since I landed upon Namek, a sense of ominous foreboding has been constantly looming over me. It was unsettling, especially for someone like me, Frieza, the ruler of the universe, to feel such. As I glanced outside the circular window, my eyes caught the sight of the wide hole at the center of the window, a result of that blasted Vegeta's ki wave. The window's circumference melted, a constant reminder of the damage inflicted upon my spacecraft.

In that moment, I swore to myself that I would not let that monkey, Vegeta, go unpunished. His torture would be thorough and relentless. Oh, how I longed for the arrival of the Ginyu Force, as they would bring my wish of Eternal life closer to fruition. With this anticipation, I let out a malevolent laughter that echoed in the emptiness of my spacecraft—"HO HO HO HO HO HO."

Amidst the joyous laughter, my attention was abruptly drawn to a massive spacecraft gracefully touching down on Namek. The unexpected sight shattered my moment of bliss and further soured my mood. With a curious gaze, I observed the unknown vessel descending beyond my line of sight, its landing site hidden in the distance. Lost in contemplation, I raised my hand to my chin, pondering whether this ship could belong to the one I suspected.

Would he come to rescue his kin? No, sentimentality was never his strong suit. Lost in my inner world, I was abruptly brought back to reality by the arrival of one of my soldiers, their hurried footsteps echoing in my ears. Eagerly, they reported what I already knew. Annoyance flickered across my face as I glanced at them, contemplating whether it was time to dispose of their presence or not.

I ultimately decided against turning him into space dust, realizing that he was merely following instructions. Besides, killing my soldiers at this point was not an option, as there were only a few of them left. Moreover, if that Barbaric namekian is also here for the dragon balls, a clash between us is undoubtedly inevitable. Not that I am afraid, considering the fact that the average soldiers in my army possess far greater strength than his. Dealing with them personally would be nothing more than a bothersome nuisance.

I turned to the soldier with an air of authority and declared, "Raspberry." A pregnant silence filled the room as he knelt before me, responding, "Yes, Lord Frieza." "Assemble a squadron and ascertain the identity of the intruder on Namek," I commanded further. The soldier promptly rose and declared, "Your wish is my command, Lord Frieza," before departing, leaving me alone in the chamber.

I exhaled slowly as memories of the so-called super Namek resurfaced. My father had dealt with him long ago, but now it seemed he had returned. Escaping my grasp wouldn't be an option for him this time. I knew I was significantly stronger than my father ever was. Nothing would stand in my way. With a focused mind, I summoned my energy and effortlessly propelled a ki blast out of the window, without the need for physical force. The blast soared with astonishing speed until it collided with a towering mountain, unleashing a powerful impact that shook the earth and stirred up fierce winds. As the dust from the impact settled gradually, I beheld the spectacle before me - the mountain had been mercilessly obliterated by the sheer force of my blast. Satisfaction enveloped me, knowing my strength had brought about this mighty destruction.

-- Namek-- Peculiar spaceship Landing site----

Smoke, thick and hazy, mingled with swirling dust as it billowed around the spaceship's four landing gears. With an air of grandeur, a gigantic metallic frame gradually tilted down to meet the ground, gradually revealing a gleaming stairway, inviting and intriguing. As the hatch opened, a group of beings emerged, their peculiar uniforms captivating the attention of onlookers. Clad in sleek black jumpsuits, their white armored chest-plates covered most of their torsos, exuding an aura of strength. Their attire included white gloves and combat boots, adorned with shoulder guards and yellow armor straps connecting the back to the front, showcasing a sense of purpose. The white helmets they wore boasted impressive ear guards and an upside-down purple trapezoid-shaped visor, providing a mysterious allure. Completing the ensemble, a purple protective glass adorned the top of their helmets, extending slightly at the back as if accommodating their distinctively large craniums.

With a synchronized precision akin to the gears of a meticulously-oiled machine, the team elegantly disembarked from the spaceship. Each step they took on the solid ground was calculated and deliberate. One of the crew members, distinguished from the rest, confidently stepped out of the rank. With an authoritative voice, he commanded, "Squad one will embark on a search for the one star, while squad two will be tasked with locating the two-star Dragon Ball.... Remember, in the face of any adversity, promptly relay a distress message back to your fellow Squadmates. Is that clear?" The response came in unison as they all exclaimed, "Yes, Sir!" However, their commanding officer's voice carried an underlying weight. "Failure is not an option, for Lord Slug will not take kindly to it," he added, and for a brief moment, their apprehension was palpable. In anticipation of the consequences of failure, they collectively swallowed nervously, aware of the magnitude of their mission.

As the time drew near, anticipation filled the air. Excitement heightened as each warrior assembled with their already pre-assigned squad,. The sun's gentle rays illuminated their determined faces in the helmets, fueling their spirits for the impending mission. With a unified purpose, the squads took flight, their ki propelling them into the vast expanses of the Namekian sky. Like shooting stars, they streaked in different directions, their quest echoing through the heavens, in pursuit of the mystical Dragon Balls.

Meanwhile Within the spacecraft, the sight was immediately captivating. A regal figure sat upon a magnificent red throne, commanding attention and exuding an aura of power that seemed to permeate the air. The throne itself was a sight to behold, adorned with elaborate golden armrests and supports, reflecting the opulence of a ruler whose might knew no bounds.

The chamber itself was a fusion of gothic and extraterrestrial aesthetics, creating an otherworldly ambiance. Dark, polished stone walls painted in a deep blue hue provided the backdrop for eerie luminescent symbols and intricate ornate carvings that seemed to come alive in the dim lighting. The vast ceiling, supported by grand twisted pillars, added a sense of magnificence and supremacy to the space as it loomed overhead.

Speaking of lighting, a dim glow cast a sinister greenish hue, adding to the mysterious aura that enveloped the room. It was as if one had stepped into a realm where power and enigma reigned supreme. Along the right wall, mounted trophies from conquered planets and vanquished foes were proudly displayed – a collection of weapons, armor, and artifacts that showcased the ruler's unparalleled might and dominance over the cosmic realm.

Positioned on either side of the dais, right where the throne resided, stood six individuals emanating an inherent air of power and enigma themselves. With each deliberate movement, it was clear that these individuals were integral to the ruler's regime. Below them, advanced technological equipment, including holographic displays and control panels, further facilitated conquest monitoring and maintained constant communication with subordinates, leaving no doubt that every minute detail was meticulously controlled and monitored by the ruler.

In this awe-inspiring chamber, every detail served to heighten the sense of power and mystique, immersing all who entered into a world where the ruler's power knew no limits.

Suddenly, one of the individuals positioned below the magnificent throne caught everyone's attention. It was a man, or rather, a being with a mesmerizing orange skin complexion. Standing tall with an admirable stature and a physique that resembled that of a bodybuilder, he exuded an aura of strength and power. As he spoke, his pronunciation was crystal clear, revealing a set of perfectly aligned teeth, including a pair of sharp canine teeth that added a hint of fierceness to his appearance.

"We have finally arrived on Namek," he proclaimed eagerly. "Soon, eternal life will be yours for the taking, my Lord." The mysterious being seated on the grand throne, known to be the master of these individuals, swiftly reached out his hand and retrieved a golden chalice placed nearby. With a swift motion, he grabbed and consumed a handful of yellow pills from within. The effect was noticeable as he continued to chew on what he had obtained, reinforcing his dominance.

"We must act swiftly before the Namekians catch wind of our presence," he emphasized, never ceasing to chew. "Keep your eyes peeled for the Namekian Warriors, for they are formidable foes whom you must never underestimate. Of course, they are nothing compared to me, Lord Slug."

All the individuals below the throne nodded in agreement and understanding, their heads bobbing simultaneously as a sign of loyalty. One of them, a figure concealed in a dark cloak that obscured their appearance, mustered the courage to inquire, "What should we do if we encounter resistance from them?" Their voice, soothing and gentle, projected an air of obedience and a desire to please.

"We are not here to make friends," their liege responded, gazing menacingly at the holographic display showcasing the Namekian landscape outside the ship. "Should they dare to resist, deal with them accordingly," he finalized, his tone laced with a hint of menace. Their obedient response came in unison, "As you wish, my lord. We are your loyal servants and will do whatever it takes to ensure your wish is granted."

Empowered by the resounding loyalty echoing in their voices, the individual seated on the throne nodded approvingly. "Excellent! Now go forth and assist the Slug-jins in their quest for the Dragon Balls," he commanded them with a tone that brooked no argument. Promptly, all the individuals, displaying discipline and order, exited the room to attend to their assigned tasks, leaving an air of anticipation and determination in their wake.

They soon arrived outside the ship, their footsteps echoing against the metallic surface as they slowly descended the stair ramp. The cloaked figure, with authority, stepped forward and began assigning tasks to each individual. "I'll go after squad 7 and 6," they announced, their voice carrying a sense of purpose. "Zeuun will follow squad 1, Angila will be with squad 2, Dorodabo with squad 3, Medamacha with squad 4, and finally Taroung will accompany squad 5." As the words hung in the air, the man named Angila, a tall and handsome figure with cyan skin, pointed ears, small horns, and shaggy long blonde hair, couldn't resist a subtle retort. "Since when did you become our leader?" he questioned. Without missing a beat, the cloaked figure fired back assertively, "Since the moment I became more powerful than all of you." A quick tch sound and an angry expression followed from Angila, while the rest of the group facepalmed in unison, a mixture of anxious laughter and apprehension filling the air. 'She has become so powerful,' they all thought to themselves, recognizing the importance of not provoking her. With the assignments given and understood, each member of the team set off promptly, following their respective squads, hopeful for a successful outcome.

Namek--- unknown Location--- Zarbon's POV

It is truly remarkable how the power of ki enables extraordinary abilities, such as flight and energy attacks capable of obliterating opponents. It also grants amplified strength beyond ones limits. Utilizing this ki, I soared through the skies with astonishing speed, my senses heightened.

As I soared through the vast expanse of the Namekian sky, my gaze fixated on a colossal dinosaur below. This creature, with an imposing stride, seemed determined to reach an unknown destination. Eager to put my newly discovered ability to the test, I gracefully descended towards the ground, landing right before the towering reptile.

The dinosaur, resembling a fearsome T-rex, immediately locked eyes with me. Saliva dripped from its menacing jaw as it lunged towards me, fueled by aggression. Without a moment's hesitation, I stood my ground, not even bothering to evade its attack. To its astonishment, the creature's razor-sharp teeth shattered upon impact with my impenetrable armor. It reeled back, clearly shocked by the unexpected turn of events.

Taking advantage of the moment, I extended my hand and firmly grasped the dinosaur's snout. The creature's eyes widened with pain and its desperate attempts to free itself from my grip were in vain, as my strength surpassed that of the mighty reptile.

Intrigued, I focused my thoughts and called forth the power within me, verbally and mentally commanding it to absorb the life force of the dinosaur. Almost instantaneously, my ability activated, and a luminous aura enveloped the creature. Gradually, the dinosaur's life force was drained away, leaving behind nothing but shimmering particles of light, as if it had never existed.

The encounter left me in awe of the untapped powers that lay within me, and I continued my journey through the Namekian sky, eager to uncover more secrets that awaited me.

After a few stops during my search, I finally managed to pinpoint the exact location of the individuals I had been relentlessly looking for. With great care, I swiftly descended to the ground, ensuring that my presence remained concealed and my immense power was reduced to nearly insignificance. Taking cover atop a small hill nearby, I silently observed the scene unravel before my eyes. The remnants of a once-thriving Namekian village lay strewn about, a haunting reminder of the devastating aftermath left behind by Frieza and his merciless forces. It was an eerie sight, with lifeless Namekian bodies serving as the only witnesses to the savagery that had unfolded.

As I observed these mysterious individuals, adorned in identical attire, memories of the formidable Slug-jin warriors under the command of Lord Slug rushed back to my mind. Their ki, though feeble, emanated a sense of vulnerability that belied their appearance. However, I knew better than to underestimate their power. Caution became my guiding principle, for I could not afford to recklessly launch an attack without considering the possible presence of Slug or his cunning henchmen lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike.

I increased my power level to a level far surpassing theirs, instantly moving with a speed that would leave anyone bewildered. With silent finesse, I stealthily sneaked up on one of them from behind, remaining unseen by anyone else. Swiftly and precisely, my hand reached out to grab him firmly by the back of his neck before vanishing as quickly as I had appeared. Reappearing at a safe distance from my previous location, I ensured his voice would not reach his comrades, even if he screamed in futile despair.

With a sudden surge of power, I activated my ability, swiftly leeching his life force. In less than two seconds, his body dissolved into shimmering specks of light, leaving only his clothes behind—a haunting testament to his demise. This marked the third occasion on which I deliberately wielded my unique gift. The initial trial involved a dinosaur resembling a mighty T-rex, its energy absorbed and its existence prematurely extinguished. For the subsequent experiment, I directed my attention to a distinct creature resembling a Pterodactyl, but exercised restraint to ensure its life persisted, refraining from complete consumption.

Through my meticulously conducted experiment, involving rigorous analysis and observation, I have deduced a profound truth: the absorption of all the lifeforce within an individual inevitably leads to their imminent demise. It is a fact that cannot be ignored, for lifeorce is inseparably intertwined with one's very living existance; the depletion of lifeforce or ki ultimately culminates in death itself. These eye-opening discoveries have not only deepened my understanding of my own extraordinary abilities but have also made me acutely aware of the inherent dangers they possess.

Awakened from my deep thoughts, I swiftly discarded my clothes and stored them safely in a compact capsule, offering silent thanks to Bulma' dad for his ingenious invention. To my immense relief, the slug jins outfit fit perfectly, akin to most armor found in the galaxy. After Donning the attire, I harnessed and elevated my power level to unfathomable heights, traversing the vast expanse with astonishing agility, seeming to disappear into the ether until I arrived at a secluded abode, possibly inhabited by a namekian whose pulse had long faded, hidden from prying eyes. In order to blend seamlessly, I skillfully suppressed my power to match theirs, approaching a lone figure while ensuring they remained oblivious to the watchful gaze of the surrounding group.

Placing my hand gently upon their shoulder, I initiated my extraordinary ability once again, triggering an almost instantaneous disappearance. Tiny brilliant particles, shimmering with a resplendent radiance, enveloped my form before swiftly dissipating . Reacting with remarkable swiftness, my fingers extended with precision, seizing their garments mid-air, preventing even the faintest brush against the ground and ensuring no one would be alerted to my presence.

Carefully, with painstaking attention, I stepped into the namekian house, tiptoeing silently to avoid drawing any attention. With a cautious glance around, I gingerly placed the clothes on the ground, obscuring them from prying eyes. Making sure every inch was well concealed, I exited the house, moving with utmost stealth, mimicking the fluid grace of my previous encounter with the slug-jin.

Suddenly, the sound of a voice crackled through my comms, cutting through the silence. "Bameru, turn off your damn comms," a frustrated voice exclaimed, "I don't wanna keep hearing you breathe." Startled, I froze in place, trying desperately not to make a sound as my breathing grew more erratic and my heart pounded in my chest. Moments later, the same voice spoke again, this time with even more urgency, "Bameru, don't make me repeat myself. Turn off your damn speaking comms! Damn it!" It dawned on me that the first slug jin I had taken care of, the one known as Bameru, was the source of their annoyance. In a flurry of panic, my fingers rushed over the buttons on the arm pad buttons, desperately trying to find the right one to silence the unwanted noise. Amidst the tension, a new voice chimed in with relief, "Phew, finally we don't have to smell Bameru's nasty breath through the comms." Laughter erupted from several other voices, a mocking chorus that ignited an unexpected wave of anger within me. Yet, I suppressed my emotions, determined to stay focused on the task at hand.

After this debacle, I moved with meticulous precision, seizing every opportune moment when nobody was watching. With silent steps, I would stealthily appear behind a slug-jin that remained unnoticed, gently touching them, absorbing their energy without a trace. As their existence faded into the realm of the unseen, I would discreetly retrieve their clothing and carefully tuck it away inside a namekian house or under the lifeless bodies of the deceased, ensuring my stealth remained unbroken and my presence concealed.

I continued with my task, meticulously eliminating each target until a voice emerged from the comms, urging everyone to gather at a specific location. Something was amiss. HQ had just confirmed the disappearance of several of the Slug-jins.

"What's going on, Captain? This can't be true," another voice interjected, followed by a chorus of questions over the comms. Amidst the chaos, a commanding voice boomed, "Quiet! Execute my orders."

A tense silence filled the air as the slug jins moved swiftly towards the captain's location. I trailed behind, absorbing everything while staying discreet. Upon reaching the captain, one of them looked back in disbelief, scanning the surroundings, and exclaimed, "Where is everyone else?"

The remaining members, a mix of confusion and alarm on their faces, gradually realized the shocking reduction in their squad size. Panic spread like wildfire among them. It was an inexplicable situation; in one moment, their squad was abundant, and in the next, only seven remained, excluding the Captain.

Beneath the protective helmet that encased my determined face, a sly smile tugged at the corners of my lips, eager to seize the opportunity that lay before me. As the group around me grew panicked and fearful, their collective anxiety only worked in my favor. For in the midst of their distress, I knew their judgment would falter, and mistakes would be made.

The figure presumed to be the captain, now clearly identified, swiftly regained his composure and commanded, his voice firm and authoritative, "Quick form a circle around me! Stay vigilant, my team, and keep your intercoms on high alert. Report any suspicious signs of activity promptly!" With unwavering obedience, they echoed in unison, "Yes, Sir!" and without hesitation, we surrounded the captain forming an almost perfect circle.

As I followed suit and seemingly obeyed his order, I waited patiently, allowing my power level to surge gradually. Once everyone had their gazes fixated on the surroundings, I seized the opportune moment. Swiftly, I propelled myself into action, moving so rapidly that it appeared as though I phased out of existence. Before anyone could react, I materialized behind the person closest to me on my right. Like a well-rehearsed routine, I aimed for his vulnerable neck, jabbing my thumb between the vertebrae, rendering him unconscious.

'This is too easy!' I inwardly gloated. Once more, I drained the slug-jin of his energy, leaving nothing but his discarded clothes, which I carefully incinerated into ashy dust using my focused energy. However, a sense of frustration washed over me as I realized my carelessness. I could have easily employed the same tactic with the previous slug-jins. Nevertheless, there was no use dwelling on the missed opportunity; the past could not be undone.

Upon witnessing the alarming turn of events, the squad captain, with a mix of shock and determination, unleashed a relentless barrage of rapid-fire ki blasts in my direction. As the squad joined in, their combined attack seemed overwhelming. However, with a calm yet resolute demeanor, I extended my open palm forward, serving as an impromptu shield to absorb each incoming ki blast.

The squad members, their faces filled with both awe and fear, continued firing ki blasts at me as if driven by a collective symphony of panic. As the smoke and fumes emanating from the intense encounter began to shroud my form, their vision of me was obscured. Sensing the opportune moment, I swiftly seized the chance and lunged at the captai, seemingly materializing behind him in a blink.

With lightning-fast reflexes, I firmly grasped the back of the captain's neck, activating my unique ability. In an impressive display of skill, his body simply dissapeared, leaving behind his tight battle suit and chest plate armor. The remaining Slug-jins, witnessing the armor and battle suit of their leader slowly drifting down to the ground, ceased their relentless assault upon my previous location. The comms were filled with the unmistakable sound of fear-laced yells, reverberating the deeply rooted trepidation that had taken hold of them.

I methodically repeated my actions on the other slug-jins, reducing them to mere remnants, only one of them stood defiantly. Frantically, he continued calling out to his fellow teammates through the coms, his voice trembling with palpable fear. Seizing the perfect moment to instill terror, I appeared behind him, my hand resting gently on his shoulder, as I uttered in a tone laced with ominous intent, "Knock, knock."

Startled beyond measure, the man's heart raced as his eyes widened in terror. A scream escaped his lips, piercing the air and echoing through the eerie atmosphere. In that haunting moment, his gaze fixated on me, a mixture of fear and hatred in his eyes. He hesitated for a brief instant, before uttering words laced with bitterness, "You! I haven't even lost my virginity yet, damn it!" The words hung in the air, a desperate attempt to regain control.

However, his façade of bravado quickly crumbled, and an involuntary tremor shook his body as he took a step back, his voice now trembling. "You're not Bameru," he stammered, fear evident in his voice. "You are an imposter! Bameru would never engage in such heinous acts. He was always so painfully shy." The realization sank in, replacing his initial outburst with a profound sense of confusion and disbelief.

I let out a slow, deliberate exhale, for words were unnecessary at this point. In the blink of an eye, my hand closed around his throat, effortlessly lifting him off the ground. Just as I was about to absorb his energy, a surge of immense ki signature abruptly registered in my senses. Without a moment's delay, I swiftly absorbed every last trace of his energy, leaving his body suit and armor behind in my grasp which I turned into ashes with my ki.

Universe_Buster Universe_Buster

And Cut! Hola dear Readers,

As you immerse yourself in this chapter, you'll notice my definitive preference for a specific format of dialogue. I sincerely hope you found delight in Zarbon's stealthy utilization of his extraordinary speed, as he cunningly terrorized the formidable slug jin. Reflecting on it now, I wish I could have provided even more intricacies and vivid descriptions of that exhilarating encounter. However, life has its twists and turns, and here we find ourselves, collectively exploring this enthralling narrative.

Furthermore, let me assure you that I am resolute in not diminishing the intelligence or prowess of any other character simply to elevate the main character. It is my firm belief that every character, be it a mastermind or a steadfast ally, contributes uniquely to the tapestry of this tale. I hold a disdain for narratives—fanfics or novels—where secondary characters are purposefully diminished, their potential untapped, solely to highlight the brilliance of the main character. Rest assured, such a narrative approach will never find solace within this story, as I remain vigilant to uphold integrity and fairness.

So, dear readers, fasten your metaphorical seatbelts and continue this literary journey with confidence, knowing that every character will behave like they have a brain!

next chapter
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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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