33.33% Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure / Chapter 6: Potential Unleashed Successfully

บท 6: Potential Unleashed Successfully

Namek--- Unknown namekian House ---

---Krillin Pov---

I and Gohan, who had been trekking through the sky for what felt like an eternity, finally arrived at the Namekian Grand Elder house. As we cautiously approached the entrance, I felt a surge of immense power approaching our location swiftly, unmistakably emanating from none other than Vegeta himself. "Damn it! This guy never gives up," I muttered under my breath, shock creeping into my veins like icy tendrils.

Snapping back to the present, I focused my attention on the gallant Namekian warrior standing before me. He bore an uncanny resemblance to Piccolo, save for the distinct long blue vest adorning his back and a graceful white scarf wrapped around his neck. Urgently, I implored him, "Please, you must help Gohan. Take him to the Grand Elder and have his hidden potential unlocked without delay. I... I will confront Vegeta in the meantime."

Gohan, anxiety etched across his face, protested with genuine concern, "Krillin, it's much too risky! You can't face him alone." Summoning every ounce of resolve within me, I stepped forward, meeting Gohan's gaze with unwavering determination, and handed him my trusty blue backpack.

"You need to focus on unveiling your true potential, Gohan," I insisted. "Once the Grand Elder brings forth your untapped potential, I believe you'll surpass Vegeta in strength." Reluctantly, Gohan nodded, his expression a mix of apprehension and hope, as I watched him reluctantly make his way inside the Grand Elder's dwelling.

The Namekian warrior, whom I believed to be named Nail, looked at me with utmost confidence. His emerald green skin reflected the dim light of the surrounding landscape, while his solid build conveyed a sense of unwavering strength. As he spoke with a voice as calm and reassuring as a gentle breeze, he imparted his words of comfort, "Do not worry, earthling. As long as you are here by my side, no harm will befall you." Taking a moment to process his words, I shook my head in response, silently acknowledging that Nail, for all his bravery, had no idea how terrifying Vegeta, the looming threat, truly was.

Suddenly, a realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. In that moment, everything became crystal clear. I realized that if Vegeta, driven by his insatiable anger, were to succeed in his murderous intent on the Grand Elder, the very source of the Namekian Dragon Balls, our hopes and dreams would be shattered. The Dragon Balls, once a symbol of hope and possibility, would be reduced to mere lifeless stones, devoid of magic and unable to grant any wishes.

As this critical revelation sank in, my mind raced, desperately searching for a solution to our impending doom. In the midst of the chaos surrounding us, I found myself contemplating the fragile balance between life and death, the fate of entire worlds hanging in the balance. Thoughts flickered in my mind like fleeting stars in the night sky, each one more urgent and pressing than the last.

Then, a flicker of hope ignited within me. A small voice in the back of my mind whispered, "Wait, there must be another way." As I mulled it over, a plan began to form, fragile yet full of potential. I realized that Vegeta simply couldn't comprehend the collateral damage his actions would cause, blinded by his obsession for power and his pursuit of dominance. But if I could explain it to him, make him see the bigger picture, there was a chance, a slim glimmer of hope.

With newfound determination, I resolved to confront Vegeta and make him understand the consequences of his actions. I knew it wouldn't be an easy task, for his temper was as fiery as the scorching sun. But for the sake of our shared cause and the preservation of the Dragon Balls, I would muster every ounce of courage and persuasion within me.

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, I found solace in this newfound clarity. A glimmer of relief washed over me, like a soothing breeze on a hot summer's day. With a deep breath that carried with it a mixture of resolve and gratitude, I readied myself for the imminent challenge that lay ahead, heartened by the knowledge that there was still hope, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.

Soon enough, Vegeta's indomitable form loomed over us, his aura pulsating with overwhelming power that sent shivers down my spine. Fear consumed me, like icy tendrils gripping my heart, leaving me paralyzed in place, unable to muster even a single twitch of a muscle. He landed swiftly in front of me, the ground quaking beneath his formidable presence, and with unwavering confidence, he directed his steely gaze towards the Grand Elder house. His voice resonated with commanding authority as he declared, "Either give me the dragon balls or die now! Those are your only options, so you'd better choose quickly."

His words, like a merciless blade against my throat, delivered a chilling reminder of the perilous situation we found ourselves in. The weight of the decision I had to make bore heavily upon my shoulders, and I knew that the challenges ahead would be far more arduous than I had initially assumed. In that moment, my mind raced, desperately searching for a strategy, a plan, anything that would lead to the right choice. But for now, all I could do was buy myself some time, hoping against hope that a moment of insight would guide me towards the path that held the key to our salvation.

I swallowed hard, trying to fight off the building nerves, before mustering as much confidence as I could. My voice cracked slightly, betraying my trepidation as I spoke, "Dra... Dragon balls?" His eyes glinted mischievously, amusement dancing across his face as he looked at me. His cunning smile grew, revealing a hint of his scheme, as he shifted his gaze towards the house. With a subtle but noticeable change in his demeanor, his eyes narrowed slightly. "I sense multiple people inside that house," he uttered, his voice dripping with intrigue. My heart skipped a beat upon hearing this, and an involuntary, barely audible sound of unease escaped my lips. Sensing my unease, his smile grew more menacing as he leaned in closer, his voice now laced with a mix of amusement and menace. "That's where you hid them, hmph!" After saying that, he ignored me and strode toward the door, leaving me filled with an ever-growing sense of dread.

But Nail, with his tall and stoic figure, who stood confidently next to the imposing door, spoke words that resonated with bravery and determination. "I cannot allow you to enter," he proclaimed with unwavering conviction, his voice brimming with power and dignity. Upon hearing that, Vegeta, with a fierce determination burning in his eyes, clenched his fist tightly. With a hint of disdain in his voice, he confidently stated, "Another fool who dares to seek my assistance, only to meet an early grave. How amusing."

I was completely taken aback, my heart pounding with fear as Vegeta's daunting words echoed in my ears, reverberating through the air. The weight of uncertainty pressed upon me, threatening to overpower my senses. Yet, amidst the tension, Nail's unwavering gaze met Vegeta's, their eyes locking in an intense confrontation. A flicker of unruffled confidence danced in Nail's eyes, a sheer belief in his own abilities emanating from his very being. With every ounce of unwavering determination, he calmly uttered those words that sent chills down my spine, "We will see who will meet an early grave." The atmosphere thickened with anticipation, as the battle of wills hung in the air, an epic clash between two formidable forces.

In an awe-inspiring display of power, Nail unleashed his ki, causing a fierce and blinding aura to radiate from his muscular body. The very ground beneath us trembled and quaked in response, unable to contain the sheer magnitude of the collision between Nail's overwhelming energy and the surrounding atmosphere. Waves of electric crackles filled the air, heightening the intensity of the moment. As I stood there, eyes wide with disbelief, I realized that the Namekian's strength surpassed even that of Piccolo, his veins pulsating with raw power. His indomitable might continued to surge relentlessly, surpassing every limit, until it completely eclipsed the once formidable strength of Vegeta, leaving me in awe of the incredible force that Nail possessed.

I gazed intently into Vegeta's eyes, studying every minute nuance of his expression, which was a perfect blend of shock and apprehension. The realization of his understanding, like a wave crashing into my soul, brought an overwhelming sense of satisfaction that I could not contain. A victorious smile tugged at the corners of my lips, radiating pure joy and contentment. In that fleeting moment, a flood of memories rushed through my mind, each one a reminder of the countless times I had experienced the same complex emotions whenever our paths crossed.

I noticed the unmistakable apprehension slowly creeping into Vegeta's eyes, his previously confident demeanor faltering as he beheld the overwhelming power emanating from the Namekian before him. The realization of his own inadequacy abruptly halted his advance, causing him to pause and assess the dire situation he found himself in. With every nerve on his forehead visibly pulsating and his teeth gritted in frustration, he managed to force out his words through clenched lips, "This is impossible! How can a mere Namekian possess such power?" As I silently observed this scene, a bemused smirk formed on my face, relishing in the spectacle of his baffled reaction.

After having effortlessly displayed his remarkable strength, Nail swiftly concealed it, ensuring that the awe-inspiring show of power vanished without a trace. Just as I thought the tension was gradually easing, a sudden surge of Gohan's ki caught my attention, causing my senses to tingle with anticipation. It elevated rapidly, surpassing even my own ki, leaving me pleasantly surprised and intrigued by the hidden potential within the young Saiyan. As the energy crackled in the air, I couldn't help but wonder what incredible feats Gohan would accomplish in the future, with his untapped power waiting to be unleashed.

In that pivotal moment, I couldn't help but notice the intense fixation in Vegeta's gaze as it locked onto the nearby house. His usually aloof expression shifted, morphing into one of wide-eyed astonishment, a clear reflection of the surge of emotions coursing through him. It was as if time itself had slowed down, the air crackling with anticipation.

In a voice thick with disbelief and astonishment, I heard Vegeta mutter in hushed and barely audible tones, as if struggling to comprehend the sight before him, "It's Kakarott's son's ki... It suddenly escalated, surging beyond what it was before." The revelation of Gohan's unprecedented power surge sent shockwaves through the air, leaving everybody, including Vegeta, utterly dumbfounded and perplexed by the remarkable transformation and the awe-inspiring energy coursing through the young saiyan-earthling.

Unable to contain his astonishment any longer, Vegeta's voice boomed through the air as he yelled from the depths of his lungs, "Get out here Right Now!" His demand echoed with raw urgency and a hint of annoyance for what this newfound power might mean.

As the intensity of the moment registered within me, a surge of exhilaration rose from deep within. 'Woohoo,' I exclaimed inwardly, my thoughts alight with excitement at witnessing the astounding increase in Gohan's power. The young half-Saiyan soon emerged from the house, standing shoulder to shoulder with Nail, the towering Namekian figure dwarfing him in comparison. Gohan clenched his fists tightly, a mixture of apprehension and determination etched across his face as he met Vegeta's gaze head-on.

I soon heard Gohan's voice, a mix of adorable determination and unwavering courage, as he boldly declared, "I won't let you lay a finger on my precious friends, no matter what!" His words echoed with a resolute determination that seemed to shake the very foundation of his opponent's confidence. Vegeta, however, paid little heed to Gohan's unwavering spirit and launched an inquiry with a prickling curiosity, his eyes gleaming with intrigue, "What on Earth did you do in there? How did you manage to attain such an astounding increase in power?" Before Gohan had the chance to respond, I caught Vegeta interjecting, his tone laced with a mixture of arrogance and determination as he crossed one of his arms defiantly, "Your battle power may have risen, but you're still not on my level. And as for you, Namekian, don't think for a second that I am even remotely afraid of battling you. I may not be as strong as you, but I am confident that I can inflict a lot of damage before you defeat me." The tension in the air became palpable.

Suddenly, as I peered intently into the Grand elder house doorway, my eyes locked onto a Namekian child who emerged from the doorway. He stood there, slightly shorter than Gohan, yet exuded an aura of innocence and curiosity. This young Namekian was adorned in a flowing robe, pure and white, which elegantly contrasted with his long, regal purple vest. As a gentle breeze caressed his appearance, a soft white scarf gracefully wrapped around his neck, adding to his sense of regality. It billowed enchantingly with every movement he made, as if dancing to its own rhythm.

In that moment, as time seemed to stand still, the child's eyes widened in genuine fear, reflecting the weight of his words as they echoed through the air in a booming crescendo. "The Grand Elder has relayed a message," he proclaimed, his voice carrying both urgency and importance, "stating that another newcomer is en route to Namek!"

I felt a surge of adrenaline course through my veins as the weight of this unexpected announcement jolted me. My gaze instinctively rose towards the sky, my senses sharpening to their peak, searching for any signs of approaching ki signatures. Every fiber of my being anticipated the arrival of this newcomer, the one anticipated by the Grand Elder himself.

And just as the Grand Elder's words resonated in my mind, a surge of profound joy lit up my face, my heart pounding with anticipation. It was as if I could hear Goku's familiar voice, his infectious enthusiasm, resonating in the depths of my mind. "It must be Goku," I exclaimed with excitement, unable to contain my anticipation any longer, "he has finally arrived!"

With each passing moment, I could feel the air crackling with an electric energy, an aura of anticipation that surrounded me.

But alas, just as I was about to fully indulge in the euphoria of anticipation, Gohan swiftly shattered my elation with a disapproving shake of his head. His words struck a disquieting chord within me, leaving a lingering doubt that gnawed at my thoughts. "No," he uttered, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "It can't be him. The aura feels different, as if it belongs to multiple individuals."

The weight of Gohan's words settled heavily within me, causing subtle beads of sweat to form on my impeccably clean-shaven, strikingly handsome forehead. It was a moment of deep contemplation, as the gravity of the situation sank in with increasing urgency. My mind echoed with a flurry of questions, each fueled by a mix of frustration and concern. Why on earth were so many evil people coming to Namek? Their ki, their energy, felt sinister and malevolent, leaving an ominous cloud hanging over this otherwise serene planet.

I steeled my resolve, the burning determination to protect the sacred dragon balls and revive my dear friends enveloping every fiber of my being. The weight of the responsibility rested on my shoulders, as I prepared myself to face any challenge that dares cross my path, no matter the cost.

With a fiery passion in my voice, I shouted to Gohan, "Come on, let's gather our strength and prepare for the impending battle!" The intensity in my words mirrored the fire in my eyes, as the gravity of the situation sunk in.

Just as the tension escalated, I noticed a shift in the atmosphere. Vegeta, who had been brooding in silence, suddenly erupted with a realization. His eyes widened with a mix of urgency and frustration as he exclaimed, "No... it can't be! The Ginyu Force... Frieza, that wretched tyrant, has actually called them here to do his bidding!"

With a sudden turn towards me, he sprinted in my direction, his eyes fixed on me. In a swift motion, he grabbed the collar of my Gi, lifting me effortlessly off the ground. The intensity of his gaze pierced through me as he yelled, "Give me the dragon balls NOW!!!" Shocked by his unexpected outburst, I composed myself and firmly responded, "Never! I'll never let a guy like you lay hands on the dragon balls." Undeterred, he pleaded, "I swear, if you give them to me, I'll leave you alone. Now, hurry before it's too late." My fist clenched in determination, and I bit down on my teeth, defiance seeping through every word as I retorted, "You think we're fools? Come on! Even a child wouldn't fall for such a cheap trick as this."

He took a deep breath, released my collar, and with a firm stance, he uttered, "Listen, you filthy Idiots! Each member of the Ginyu Special Corps is an elite warrior, fueled by sheer power and untamed strength. They command respect and strike terror wherever they go. They possess a level of power that could even surpass mine!"

I was slightly bewildered at his words, as an incredible wave of anxiety washed over me, causing my heart to race and my palms to become clammy. Several beads of sweat formed on my forehead, tracing a path down from my magnificent head, highlighting the intensity of the moment.

Summoning every ounce of courage, I mustered the strength to utter, "You're lying! This can't be true." His penetrating eyes locked onto mine, a piercing gaze that conveyed a sense of urgency and impending doom. And then, with deliberate slowness, he slowly lifted his fist before his face, emphasizing his point and amplifying the gravity of his declaration.

"They are coming," he stated, his voice filled with a grave seriousness, "with brand new cutting-edge Scouters." My heart skipped a beat as the weight of his words sank in, sending shivers down my spine and leaving me with an unsettling sense of apprehension.

"And guess what they'll do with those," he continued, the gravity of the situation becoming heavier with each passing moment. "They will locate us and kill us." A shiver ran down my spine as the reality of our impending doom set in. In this dire moment, he proposed a seemingly impossible solution. "The only possible way to survive is to make me immortal," he said, his voice now filled with determination, "so I can defeat them."

Suddenly, a grave voice filled the area, echoing through the air as Nail spoke, "He might be saying the truth, considering the presence of five evil ki approaching Namek." A moment of silence shrouded us, allowing the weight of the situation to sink in. Finally, breaking the silence, I calmly stated, "Fine… But let's make sure Gohan gains immortality." In response, Vegeta raised his hand, pointing it towards Gohan, and declared, "Although he possesses some power, he lacks the necessary experience."

The frustration welled up inside me, causing my fists to clench tight and my jaw to grit. Through gritted teeth, I continued, "Everything we've sacrificed so far will be…" Before my words could reach completion, Nail interrupted me, speaking reassuringly, "The Dragon Balls have the power to grant up to three wishes. I'm confident that your wish can be granted as well."

Both Gohan and I exclaimed simultaneously, "Eeeeh! Thr… Three wishes, not just one?!" Our eyes met, filled with elation at the prospect of soon being able to revive our fallen comrades and be reunited with them. However, the urgency of the situation resurfaced as Vegeta screamed at me in frustration, his face etched with desperation, "HURRY UP! IT'S GOING TO BE TOO LATE IF WE STALL ANY LONGER!"

A sense of frustration washed over me, realizing that I had no other choice but to reluctantly align myself with this horrible guy who had inflicted harm upon me and my friends. Recalling that I had gained a new ally on Namek, Zarbon, I hastily tried to sense his ki signature but soon gave up, realizing that even if I were to find him, I had no means of contacting him.

Reluctantly, I turned to Vegeta and said, "Fine, follow us… But remember, we'll hold you to your promise." With unwavering determination and a deep breath, I took off into the skies, feeling the wind rush against my face as I dashed at incredible speed towards the location of our current temporary residence. Vegeta, his fiery aura flaring, and Gohan, his determination written all over his face, soon followed suit, effortlessly matching my flight speed. Together, we soared through the vast expanse of the sky, a blur of energy and urgency propelled by the gravity of our mission. Every beat of our hearts echoed the weight of our purpose, as we pressed forward with unwavering resolve, ready to face whatever challenges awaited us on our path.

--Namek-- Nail's Pov as soon as the earthlings and Vegeta left--

As soon as the earthlings had departed the vicinity, I paced with purpose back into the Grand Elder's abode, accompanied by little Dende, who eagerly followed my lead. Each step echoed through the chamber as we strode forward, traversing the expanse until we reached a circular platform. Together, Dende and I ascended upon the platform, watching with anticipation as it slowly elevated us towards the magnificent Grand Elder chamber.

The Grand Elder himself, a towering figure adorned in a robe akin to Dende's, awaited our arrival. His colossal namekian seat loomed before me as I approached, earnestly listening to his low mutter, "Seems like they left." In response, I affirmed, "Yes, but the tides have turned, and their chances of emerging victorious are extremely low."

With a nod of his head, the Grand Elder acknowledged my assessment and uttered a strained yet comforting instruction, "Nail..." A twinge of worry coursed through my veins as I interjected, "Grand Elder!" His gentle wave of dismissal signaled that I need not fret over his well-being, reassuring me, "Go with them..." A fit of coughs interrupted his speech momentarily, but he quickly regained composure and continued, "You should be able to aid them to some extent."

Though I harbored reservations about leaving the Grand Elder's side, duty compelled me to protect and serve him. I yearned to voice my dissent, but he spoke again, his countenance kind and understanding, "Don't worry about me. My life force will endure a little while longer." Reluctantly, I acquiesced, bowing ever so slightly as I replied, "As you wish!"

Thus, a renewed sense of determination embraced me as I prepared to embark on the voyage alongside the earthlings, unsure of what lay ahead but steadfast in my resolve to fulfill the Grand Elder's trust.

--- Namek--- Narrator Pov

Five circular pods, sleek and streamlined, were hurtling through the vast expanse of outer space, their velocity nothing short of remarkable. With each passing moment, they drew closer to their destination - the planet Namek. As they pierced through the outer layer of Namek's atmosphere, the friction caused by their tremendous speed created a fiery spectacle reminiscent of meteors plunging to the ground.

Gradually, the pods began to decelerate, their velocity decreasing as they battled with the resistance of the air surrounding them. The result was an explosive collision, a clash between the swift pods and the atmospheric currents. Dust clouds billowed up into the air, an ephemeral shroud that concealed the scene below.

As the thick smoke gradually dissipated, revealing the aftermath, a faint glimpse bestowed upon the onlookers a sight both awe-inspiring and fearsome. The mysterious pods had descended from the heavens, their metallic surfaces glimmering under the fading twilight. Coming to rest a mere few meters away from Frieza's colossal spaceship, their touchdown was marked by a colossal explosion, shaking the very ground beneath and sending debris soaring through the air. The impact had formed craters, deep and ominous, like ancient scars etched into the Namekian landscape.

In that moment, the air hung heavy with anticipation, electric with the energy of an impending clash. It was as if the universe itself held its breath, signaling the arrival of a confrontation that could forever alter the course of destiny on Namek.

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง








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