61.9% Dragon Ball- Zarbon's adventure / Chapter 12: Goku Vs First form Frieza

บท 12: Goku Vs First form Frieza

—Namek— Goku POV

After my intense battle with Ginyu, Frieza, a humanoid alien, arrived on the scene. His body encased in several majestic purple carapaces, accentuating his imposing presence. As he floated in the air, his piercing gaze surveyed the transformed Namekian landscape, taking in every intricate detail. With a calculated grace, he descended gracefully to the ground, landing just a few meters away from me. With a swift yet elegant flick of his tail, he inquired, his voice laced with a hint of curiosity, "I detect no readings from Ginyu. Have you disposed of him?"

I smiled confidently as I responded " Who knows?" To which he laughed "HO Ho Ho HO" after that he stated " You uncivilized simian, It would seem you won't cooperate, until I teach you in a way that your Saiyan brain would comprehend"

I was taken aback, feeling a sudden jolt of surprise and rejection at his statement. However, without missing a beat, I quickly fired back with conviction, "I ain't no saiyan, I am an earthling!" The intensity of the moment was interrupted by his laughter, echoing through the air with a jolly "HO HO HO HO HO." As his laughter subsided, he wiped a tear from his eye, still reveling in the mirth. With a mischievous grin, he proposed, "That's truly humorous! How about I offer you a position as a jester? Surely, such a role would benefit you more than opposing me."

I chuckled at his proposal, finding it amusing, then grinned as I replied, "Thank you, I'll pass on the offer." A moment of tense silence hung in the air, enveloping the expanse around us. Both of us locked eyes, trying to assess each other's strength. Suddenly, without warning, he lunged at me with astonishing speed, his body propelled forward. His fist aimed directly at my face, but instinctively, I swiftly lowered my stance, barely evading the blow as it grazed my hair, sending a fleeting rush of air past me.

Without wasting a moment, he seamlessly transitioned into his next move. Twisting his body with remarkable agility, he launched an unexpected attack with his tail, catching me off guard. The impact landed on my mid-section, causing me to skid backward ever so slightly. The ground beneath me bore the evidence of this sudden movement, leaving behind two tiny trenches that marked the distance from where I previously stood to where I now found myself.

He did not immediately lunge at me after his initial attack; instead, he paused for a moment, his body slightly squatting while clenching his fist. With a confident yet ominous tone, he uttered, "Let me show you the stark difference between you and me, Frieza, Emperor of the Universe." As he began to slowly unleash his ki, a powerful purplish aura radiated from his body, enveloping the surroundings.

The sheer intensity of his aura sent shivers down my spine. "HAAAAAAAAAAAAA," he declared, his power escalating to heights previously unimaginable. The earth beneath our feet trembled vigorously, while small pebbles levitated around him, propelled by the sheer force of his ki. Continuing his power surge, he shouted, "HAAAAAA," the purple aura pulsating and swelling like a dancing flame in the wind. With immense force, the ground fractured, forming a crater-like shape beneath him.

As he unleashed his power He yelled "HYAAAAAH", the sheer force of his ki sent me hurtling backward through the air. With my instincts kicking in, I skillfully executed a series of mid-air backflips, tapping into my own reserve of ki to stabilize myself against the formidable force of his ki. Eventually, I landed firmly on solid ground, my eyes fixated on him, a triumphant smirk spread across his face. The magnitude of his ki overwhelmed me, and a surge of excitement coursed through my veins as the prospect of facing such an incredibly powerful opponent ignited a fire within me.

'Maybe that high Gravity training really did fry my brain,' I told myself inwardly, as a reaction to the excitement that coursed through my veins. This opponent was different. Not someone I could take lightly, like Ginyu. In an instant, I tapped into the depths of my power, surpassing its normal limits, as I let out a resounding battle cry, "KAIOKEN!" A fiery, reddish aura erupted from my body, enveloping me completely, as my life energy doubled in magnitude, my muscles expanded in size sightly as well.

"Kaio what?" I heard my opponent mutter, looking at me with a mix of disbelief and astonishment. He hurriedly brought up his scouter device, To inquire about my power level. As the numbers appeared on the screen, a grin slowly crept across his face. "What?! A power level of 180,000," he exclaimed, his voice laced with mocking laughter. " HOHOHO No wonder you eliminated Ginyu. But even with such power, it's still not enough to defeat me."

Chuckling in response, a sense of determination shone in my eyes. "I'm not done yet," I countered, my voice filled with confidence. "KAIOKEN TIMES FIVE!"

As soon as I finished speaking, the dazzling reddish aura enveloping me, pulsated with intensified power. With each passing moment, my muscles swelled and bulged, gaining even more mass and strength. My base power surged, multiplied by a whopping five times multiplier. Without a moment's hesitation, I lunged at Frieza, whose expression turned to astonishment and disbelief at the sudden surge in my power. With unparalleled speed, I effortlessly closed the distance between us, my fist connecting with the right side of his face with a resounding impact. The force of the blow sent his body hurtling upwards, angling to the left as he struggled to regain control.

Swiftly, I pursued his figure as he desperately tried to regain stability in mid-air. Without hesitation, I unleashed a powerful double-footed kick towards his torso, propelling him forward even further away. Seizing the moment, I swiftly closed the distance beneath his airborne body and unleashed a second upward kick, this time targeting his upper body. The sheer force of my attack launched his form high into the expansive Namekian sky.

In one fluid motion, I gracefully ascended into the Namekian heavens, patiently awaiting the ascent of his body. As soon as it arrived, I delivered a mighty blow, hammering his head and causing his body to hurtle towards the ground in a chaotic frenzy. This time, I refrained from pursuing his tumbling form, opting instead to release the pain-inducing power up known as Kaioken in order to conserve vital energy. My muscles returned to their original size, the intense crimson aura that once enveloped me dissipated, fading into nothingness as if it had never existed in the first place.

On the ground below, Frieza's body made a resonating impact, creating an echoing "Boom!" which blanketed the surroundings in a cloud of dust. As he touched down, a crater formed, leaving behind intricate spider-like cracks. For some reasons, my ki alerted me to Krillin's presence in the immediate surroundings. However, consumed by the intensity of our battle, I remained steadfast and did not allow his arrival to distract me from the task at hand.

"You'll pay for this, you blasted monkey!" I heard Frieza bellow. As the dust settled, he launched himself up towards me with incredible speed. Reacting instinctively, I activated -KIAOKEN TIMES FIVE- and prepared for the incoming strike aimed at my abdomen. With my aerial skills, I managed to narrowly evade the punch mid-air, narrowly escaping a direct hit to my stomach. Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly countered with a powerful roundhouse kick aimed at Frieza's head. However, his small stature allowed him to effortlessly duck underneath my kick and deliver a devastating uppercut, sending me staggering backward. Witnessing the impact of his attack, Frieza capitalized on my momentary daze. Channeling his ki into his left hand, a small purple-hued orb of life energy was created then rapidly expanded in size until it resembled a soccer ball in size. With precision and speed, he unleashed the powerful ki blast aimed directly at my chest.

Thankfully, I recovered my senses before the blast reached my chest. by channeling my ki into my right hand, I backhanded the blast away, thus deflecting it just in the nick of time. The ki blast travelled away at tremendous speed till it reached a medium sized island not too far away resulting in a massive explosion, that sent shockwaves everywhere and cast dust and smoke all over that island. once the smoke and dust cleared, there was a massive crater on the island and small debris were scattering in all directions.

Seeing that I deflected his sudden ki blast, a mix of surprise and amusement flashed across Frieza's face. Undeterred, he unleashed a relentless barrage of rapid straight punches, each one aimed with precision at my midsection. With grace and agility, I effortlessly evaded every strike, wondering why he persisted in attacking the same region.

But then, in a split second, Frieza's fist landed directly on my ribs, causing an involuntary release of saliva from my lips. The sudden pain jolted me, leaving me momentarily dazed. Before I could fully recover, he struck again, and again, each punch intensifying the torment I felt.

As I winced in agony, Frieza seized the opportunity to capitalize on my vulnerability. With a swift and powerful knee strike to my abdomen, my breath was knocked out of me, leaving me gasping for air. Struggling to regain my composure, I groggily saw Frieza clasping his hands together, a wicked grin spreading across his face. In one swift motion, he delivered a bone-crushing blow to the back of my head, propelling me towards the ground with an alarming speed.

In that moment, as I fell in a daze toward the Namekian grassy ground rapidly, my instincts kicked in. Utilizing my ki, I skillfully used my energy to halt my descent, while executing a series of acrobatic front flips to decrease the momentum of my descent and finally ensure a safe landing on the solid ground below.

I soon landed on solid ground while catching my breath, I immediately heightened my ki to sense, scanning my surroundings for any sign of Frieza's impending attack. Surprisingly, none came. Bewildered, I instinctively turned my gaze upward, only to be met with an unsettling and horrifying sight that sent chills down my spine.

Standing in mid-air, Frieza held an immense sphere on his finger, radiating with a dazzling mix of dark orange and yellow colors. The sphere exuded an overwhelming amount of power, as Frieza exclaimed with a mischievous tone, "Ho ho ho ho! I hope you're prepared for a spectacular display of fireworks, MONKEYYY!" With a slight tilt of his finger, he launched the energy attack directly towards me.

A surge of panic rushed through me as I quickly realized the dire situation. "Oh no, this is really bad," I exclaimed in distress, my mind racing for a solution. In a split second, I gathered my inner strength and charged up a quick -KAMEHAMEHA,- forcefully propelling it upward in the direction of his incoming energy sphere, all happening with incredible speed.

The two powerful ki attacks collided in an epic clash, the impact reverberating through the air. However, it soon became evident that my Kamehameha was being overpowered by the sheer power of Frieza's attack. Every ounce of resolve surged within me as I recalled my reason for being on Namek. "Come on, I can do this!" I yelled, pouring more and more of my ki into the Kamehameha wave.

But despite my efforts, it seemed futile. Frieza had been given ample time to charge up his attack, leaving me at a disadvantage. Feeling desperate to turn the tide in my favor, I knew there was only one option left to save my life. Summoning all the strength I could muster, I let out a mighty scream, "KAIOKEN TIMES 7!"

In an instant, the power of my ki multiplied within me, sending my ki levels soaring to unprecedented heights. An even more intense crimson aura enveloped my body, blazing with an indomitable fierceness. As a result, my muscles strained and expanded with an excruciating pain, growing in size.

With the tables now turned, my Kamehameha effortlessly repelled Frieza's sun-like ki sphere back towards him. Frieza fought ferociously, using every ounce of his energy to propel his attack toward me as he roared, "DAMNED MONKEY! LORD FRIEZA WILL NOT BE MADE A FOOL BY THE LIKES OF YOU!" My determination not faltering, I bellowed back , "YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE MAKING A FOOL OF YOURSELF! HAAAAAAAA!"

Channeling my entire focus and ki, my Kamehameha intensified, surging forward with an unstoppable force. The strength of my counterattack, fueled by my incredible ki, forced Frieza to recoil, stumbling backward. Our attacks clashed, creating an overwhelming surge that consumed him entirely. The ensuing explosion reverberated with a deafening roar, unleashing a massive plume of smoke that billowed, obscuring the sky in its entirety. As the smoke gradually dissipated, revealing glimpses of the battlefield, shockwaves rippled throughout the land, resonating against my very core, compelling me to brace against the trembling ground.

When the tremors finally subsided and the smoke cleared, Frieza defiantly emerged, his body bearing the unmistakable scars of the devastating impact. His once formidable battle armor lay shattered, scattered in complete dust, a mere relic of his former dominance. His upper body, lower body, and face bore searing marks, vivid reminders of the epic clash that had just transpired, 'man this guy is though, He managed to survive that' I thought with my blood pumping with excitement for some reasons.

"It seems I must take this battle seriously," he said, his eyes filled with rage. I didn't say anything, just looked back at him with a stern look in my eyes. Then, Frieza charged down toward me and tried to deliver a right hook punch but I managed to dodge it by ducking under his arm and pushing him away at the same time. After that, I propelled myself into the air, then launched a series of ki blast toward him, Frieza flew away from my ki blast as he skillfully weaved through the barrage. As soon as all my attacks missed him, He retaliated with two powerful and incredibly fast narrow energy beams which he fired from his eyes, I narrowly avoided them since they were so fast and they whizzed past me.

With a rapid motion I descended toward him from the sky. As I closed the distance between us, ready to face him head-on. An ominous smirk spread across his face as he fixed his gaze on me and unleashed those rapid piercing beams from his eyes once more. This time, I effortlessly evaded them, having learned his devious tricks.

Swiftly, I materialized before Frieza, leaving him stunned by my speed. Unleashing a barrage of punishing blows, I struck his face and ribs, exacting revenge for his earlier actions. As payback, I followed up with a devastating heel kick to his right leg, forcing him to kneel involuntarily.

Seizing the moment, I launched into a flurry of acrobatic movement. Spinning and twisting in mid-air, I utilized my acrobatic momentum and delivered a crushing roundhouse kick to his face, causing him to spew saliva in response. The impact sent his body hurtling across the Namekian landscape, shattering hills with every collision. Eventually he tumbled onto a hill that remained partially intact. His body skid on the hill and descended slowly until it became concealed beneath a cascade of shattered debris and tiny stones upon impact with the ground.

next chapter
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