
บท 47: Chapter 47

"Now that we have addressed the immediate security concerns of this nation, it is time to focus our efforts on reconstructing Silvermoon. Our food supply is secure for now, and in fact, we have an overabundance, however, it is building materials I am most concerned with." Varrus said, then changed the maps that depicted the Eversong/Ghostlands regions out for a map of Silvermoon. 

On the map, areas that faced total destruction were highlighted in red, serious damage in orange, moderate damage yellow, and undamaged in green. 

Based upon a percentage, the citywide destruction level looked something like:

Red: 10%

Orange: 30% 

Yellow: 30% 

Green: 30% 

The harm done to the city was like the aftermath of a tsunami. The epicenter, that being the direct path of the Scourge forces forming the Dead Scar, comprised all the red zones. Then, as distance from the Dead Scar increased, the less damage was done to the buildings further away. 

It made sense, but to Varrus, he was surprised that such a chaotic force like an Undead horde could keep its aggression focused in such a limited area. 

If anything, that level of control only spoke to the terrifying micromanaging skills of Arthas and the Lich King. 

Varrus swore that the Lich King must be some isekai pro Korean RTS gamer, bitter at life. Because the way he managed hundreds of thousands, or more likely, millions of Undead, was astounding. 

"You seem to have reconstruction well underhand, Vandercross. You mentioned some concerns, but is it truly necessary to include us in this diatribe?" Tae'thelon yawned. 

"At this time? No. However, I am quickly running out of supplies, and I doubt the 30,000 bricks I have cast are enough to reconstruct an apartment complex." Varrus said, furrowing his brow. 

"Analyzing the damage, I estimate at least 25 million bricks will be necessary for repairs." Telonicus spoke with his head down whilst he was performing even more math upon his folder. The document hardly resembled a professional looking folder anymore as scribbles and foreign looking characters threatened to give Varrus a headache. 

"My architect says I have enough clay in reserve to create 150,000 more bricks. We simply do not have the materials to rebuild the city." Varrus was quick to shake his head. 

"So we don't rebuild, big deal! Killing the Undead is all that matters!" Thaladred said in anger, squeezing his fists tight, and unclenching them like he was about to choke something. 

"And allow ourselves to live in squalor? Perish the thought! There must be some means to solve this issue." Tae'thelon admonished, then began to stroke his chin. 

Privately, Varrus agreed with Thaladred, leaving some of the city to ruins wasn't a terrible idea if it meant focusing on the very real, very deadly threat to the south. 

However, smug Elves were going to smug, and if Tae'thelon's reaction was anything to go by, then there could be riots should Silvermoon remain damaged. 

Besides, nothing said 'illegitimate government' than leaving your capital city in ruins. Rebuilding Silvermoon was important for morale, and stood as a symbol of civic pride. To show the Blood Elves that though they were beaten, they were unbroken. 

Varrus racked his brains for a solution, but he didn't know where they could get so much clay. 

"What about the Humans? The Kul'Tirans or the Gilneans have large fleets, perhaps they would be willing to trade with us?" Liadran suggested. 

"Unlikely. Our fleet out at sea attempted to recruit allies from Kul'Tiras to combat the Scourge, but we're rejected at Port. Their fear of plague has seen them isolate themselves. Meanwhile, the Gilneans shot upon us with cannon fire." Lor'Themar informed the council. 

"I suppose that kills the foreign diplomacy portion of this round table." Varrus bitterly chuckled. 

"As if we could rely upon the Humans in the first place. We never should have taught them magic, or the teachings of the Light. Without them, this Scourge never would've happened." Thaladred angrily growled. 

"Varrus, I mean, Highlord, I think I have an idea!" Koren excitedly shouted, like a child raising his hand to answer a question for his favorite teacher. 

"Let's hear it." Varrus perked up from his slouch as he finally heard some good news. 

"When I was a boy, my brother and I would fly around and inside these huge hallowed out caves. I didn't think much of it, but inside, there was tons of clay." Koren said with great enthusiasm. 

"Can you point out where it was?" Varrus said, once more unfurling a map of Eversong. 

"Somewhere off the east coast…here!" Koren pointed out a spot just a mile south of Duskwither Spire. 

"The place infested with Kobolds? We should prioritize the elimination of these vermin first thing! Let the Sunfury wet their blades upon those rats, I can think of no better creatures for the Prince's new army than them." Tae'thelon uttered in disgust, and open hostility. 

To be fair, Kobolds were literal humanoid rats given form, but Tae'thelon's naked hostility was quite overbearing for Varrus. 

Unfortunately for the elder educator, Varrus had alternative thoughts on this whiskered rave known for their superb mining ability. 

"Hold up on that thought, Headmaster. I think I've found the perfect labor force to mine this clay." Varrus said, rubbing his chin as a plan was coming together. 

"You cannot be serious Vandercross. The Kobolds? Really?" 

"Considering the labor shortage, it would be illogical to attempt and meet our demand with Elven hands. In fact, the last time an Elf mined ore, or other materials, was 2,111 years ago when teaching the Humans to do it for us." Telonicus said almost immediately after Tae'thelon's outburst. 

"Always with the logic, Telonicus. Why can you not see that we are better than relying upon those ingrates?" 

"You would begrudge others working for the Blood Elves, Tae'thelon? I didn't take you for that kind of Elf." Varrus said, switching gears from a pragmatic mind to one only a smug Elf would understand. 

"Hmm, the vermin are only fit for feeding my dogs, but very well, I will vote in favor of this idiocy." Tae'thelon waved his hand off, and barely seemed to maintain his composure. 

Varrus wondered why the guy had so much resentment, and naked vitriol towards the rodents, did they eat his wife or something? But Varrus wasn't curious enough to go RPG spelunking, and investigate the case or something. 

"It's settled then, we'll take the Kobolds of Duskwither Spire off the cleansing list, and I'll take a crack at getting them to see things my way." Varrus smiled. 

"Hah, good luck. I'very tried attempting communication with the bastards for centuries. Little beasts are nothing but trouble." Tae'thelon scoffed. 

Varrus barely held back laughter as this news came to light. It would seem Tae'thelon's grudge was due to wounded pride, and failure. 


"Do not think I cannot see your shoulders rise in laughter, Telonicus, you too Vandercross! Failure is the mother of learning, I shouldn't have to teach you two that which you have already experienced!" 

"Okay, you've made your point." Varrus chuckled at the affronted look Tae'thelon was throwing his way, and put his hands up for calm. 

"As discussed earlier, the few Human kingdoms nearby have been unresponsive to our pleas, and it's safe to assume that the worst has befallen the kingdom of Lordaeron." 

"What of Alterac, or Stromgarde?" Koren questioned. 

"From what little I know, Alterac has fallen to multiple factions. A tribe of Orcs known as the Frostwolves, a clan of Ogres, and Humans turned bandits are the primary forces controlling the snowy land. As for Stromgarde, that ancient seat of humanity's first empire is embroiled in a civil war. Information is sketchy at best, but it is safe to say that we can rely upon no allies from the realms of man." Varrus explained the situation, relying upon his meta knowledge to describe the current world events. 

"While the capital city of Lordaeron has fallen, that isn't entirely true for the outlying towns. Scouting reports detail a man named Garithos has claimed leadership of the Alliance, and is fighting the Scourge within the greater Lordaeron area." Lor'Themar chimed in. 

"Good, the more the Humans struggle, the greater the eyes of the Scourge shall be drawn to them. They may be a shortsighted race, prone to violence, but they are a resilient lot." Tae'thelon said with equal parts disdain, and grudging respect.

"What if we supplied them with goods such as clean food and weapons where we can, but otherwise focus on our own borders until we can find a better solution?" Varrus posited.

"Leave them to suffer, their own fool Prince brought this upon them, it is not our problem." Thaladred disagreed. 

"We cannot leave our fellow children of the Light to suffer, we must do something!" Liadran interjected, and said in an appeal to their emotion. 

"The logistics of transporting goods overland is impossible, only by sea could we deposit the foodstuffs in any meaningful quantity. Where is this Garithos, and could he meet our supply line?" Telonicus queried as he began plotting out possible drop off points on the map. 

"I can spare a few rangers to act as scouts for the Humans, and not much else. Tae'thelan has the right of it. The longer the Humans hold out, the more time we will have to restore the rune stone network, and secure Quel'Thalas." Lor'Themar suggested. 

Koren was about to speak up, but was cut off by Varrus.

"Don't even think about volunteering your dragonhawks beyond one or two to act as scouts, Koren. We have thousands of rangers, but only a scant few hundred dragonhawks. They are needed in defense of the mainland." Varrus held up a hand, forestalling any argument. 

"Lady Liadran is right, we can't stand by and do nothing. If the Alliance falls, the Scourge will come for us next!" Koren said in righteous anger. 

"We are doing all we can. Fresh food, and a scout's information supply half the equation to any successful military force. We will fight side by side with the Humans in due time. For now, however, we must clean up our own home before we can even begin to think of meddling in someone else's'." Varrus spoke calmly in an attempt to get through to the Liadran fanboy, as well as to soothe the red headed paladin's need for compassion.

"I know what you say makes sense, Highlord, but my heart bleeds for the innocent." Liadran said, placing a hand over her chest, and crying a single tear in pity. 

"Save us your tears my dear, they are all illiterate peasants! That, or so-called nobles who's only achievement is mimicking our society in some primitive apery. Even the poorest Elf can enjoy the benefits of running water, indoor heating, and the freedom of movement. Whilst I admire their resolve, that does not mean we should sacrifice ourselves for another!" Tae'thelon ranted, as he dismissed Liadran's plea. 

"As amusing as your mixed viewpoint is, Tae'thelon, the Humans have proven themselves to be valuable allies in the past, and effective trading partners. In fact, this directly transitions into the next topic, our low birthrate, and the difficulty we face with repopulation." Varrus said sarcastically, before pivoting towards another major topic of discussion. 

"I do not follow. Are you suggesting that there is some correlation between the Humans and increasing our populace? Because if you are, that is a sick suggestion." Tae'thelon shook his head in disgust. 

"Really? Telonicus, can you tell us the average birth rate?" Varrus raised an eyebrow, and turned to the mathematical savant. 

"200 Elves are born every year on average. Over the last 5,000 years of Quel'Thalas' history, this has led to barely more than 1,000,000 Elves." Telonicus boredly intoned, as if listing off the information barely stimulated him. 

"And between all of the Eastern Kingdoms, there are what, 30 million souls?" Varrus said, crossing his arms. 

"70~ million in total, as far as my estimates go. 25 in Lordaeron, 18 in Stromgarde, 2 in Alterac, 15 in Gilneas, 9 million in Kul'Tiras, and a few tens of thousands within the city state of Dalaran." Telonicus droned on. 

"Thank you Telonicus. So as you can see, the Humans-who arrived on this continent long after us-have more than seventy times our population at its peak." Varrus held his hands wide in explanation. 

"Are ye suggesting we fuck the Humans?" Thaladred asked, tilting his head to the side, and asking with a peculiar tone of voice. 

"Is that possible? I've heard rumors of halfbreeds, but most families hush things up before any conclusive evidence could come to light." Lor'Themar questioned, and stroked his goatee in thought. 

"It is a viable means of reproduction. Furthermore, there is a half-Elf child who looks identical to an Elf, sharing no obvious traits from his Human father. The Hero who closed the Dark Portal, and Lord Commander of the Alliance, Turalyon had a child with Alleria Windrunner. The product of their love is Arator, a boy residing in Stormwind. His life is proof of our two species' compatibility." Varrus pulled upon his knowledge of canon to explain. 

"I knew the Prince was a human sympathizer, but a Vandercross as well?! Oh, how your father would be rolling in his grave my dear boy." Tae'thelon clicked his tongue, and tiredly wiped his monocle clean for the thousandth time. 

"While it is…strange, the Light calls for love amongst all sentient beings. I hold no judgemental biases over this suggestion." Liadran slowly added on. 

"How intriguing. Is the fertility rate increased? Will an Elf male impregnate a Human female as she menstruates? This concept serves for further study." Telonicus said with some energy, and for the first time since he sat down at the table,seemed to be enthused. 

The scandalized look on Tae'thelon's face, and subtle grin on Lor'Themar's wanted Varrus to face palm, and bury his head in the table. 

But at the same time, he somehow…won?! 

He expected condemnation…but why did half the Elves at the table react with horniness!? 

Hell, even Mr. Doom and Gloom, Thaladred the Darkener was seemingly lost in thought at the implications! 

Leave it up to a race of immortals to be interested in spreading their wild oats. Now he knew why there were so many myths of Demigods spread across Earth. 

Long life led to boredom, but horni lived on forever. 

Well…at least the low Elf population in 20 years would no longer be a problem…right? 

Was Varrus actually going to pass a law or policy encouraging Human copulation? 

"Then, does this resolution to explore newfound means to expand the population of our race pass?" Varrus said in confusion as he put forth an official document detailing the possible benefits towards their races resurgence. 

Tae'thelon pulled out a flask of some mystery fluid from his coat pocket, and drank it like some jaded cop. He raised no objections, but he also looked like a man who had lost a piece of himself. 

Liadran and Lor'Themar abstained from voting, and the rest were ayes.

Thaladred and Telonicus, despite both being fully decked out in full plate armor, were giving off the most excited vibes. 

The Darkener was no longer silently brooding at the cookies that Syra had baked, but was instead sitting like the thinker, with his fist resting on his chin. 

Whilst the Chief Royal Engineer was busy drawing all sorts of scribbles regarding anatomy, and other reproductive factoids. 

It was honestly the least expected outcome from such a smug, and elitist race. 

Varrus didn't foresee half-bloods becoming popular per se, but from what he overheard from the communal pleasure halls in his mansion, the Blood Elves got freaky. 

Who knows, maybe there would be another generation of post war super rebirth like the Baby Boomers after WW2.

Varrus could only hope that there weren't any negative consequences to this decision. 

"Okay, this memorandum is a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one. I look forward to your reports, Telonicus. If they are confirmed to be positive, then this document encouraging interspecies copulation as a means to rebuild our race shall be released." Varrus said in amusement. 

"I will be thorough, you can count on me." Telonicus said with great seriousness. 

"Riiight. Well, let's knock the next couple of topics out of the way then, shall we? Every second we delay is time that could be spent on reinforcing Tranquillien, or clearing out plagued land. Onto the next topic!" Varrus said with false gusto. 

The sooner Varrus could move on from this touchy subject, the better! Already he could see the Headmaster getting a little tipsy. It was time to close out this meeting. 


AN: Read 25 chapters ahead at: patreon.com/KarpQQ

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