5.4% Diary Of The Third Child's Mixed Bed In Campus / Chapter 2: Section 2 misfortune

บท 2: Section 2 misfortune

<p _msttexthash="9451" _msthash="2426">10

<p _msttexthash="68116997" _msthash="2425">晚上人很少,食堂显得很安静.

<p _msttexthash="137493421" _msthash="2424">这次老二也完全傻了,她从来没见过我这么生气.

<p _msttexthash="125517717" _msthash="2423">两个杯子立刻站了起来,面对面地靠近了我.

<p _msttexthash="88590125" _msthash="2422">哟?你想要什么?想和我打架吗?

<p _msttexthash="501927270" _msthash="2421">如果你想这样做,我会很兴奋.哦,我从初中开始就不怕打架了.早在高中时,我就是一个众所周知的老鬼.

<p _msttexthash="234659581" _msthash="2420">看到这位学长突然变成这样,我有些激动,忍不住笑着跟他打招呼.

<p _msttexthash="438675575" _msthash="2419">我们面对面,距离只有20厘米,他盯着我,咬牙切齿,如果眼睛能杀人,那我现在就走了.

<p _msttexthash="12835745" _msthash="2418">但这没用.

<p _msttexthash="356840328" _msthash="2417">当我看到他这个样子时,我真的很想这样做.距离也显示了高度的差异.我可以低头看着他.

<p _msttexthash="233949768" _msthash="2416">但是我在学校因为做某事而受到惩罚,所以很难乱来,忍耐吧!

<p _msttexthash="731759925" _msthash="2415">第二个孩子回过神来,看到我似乎变得严肃起来.他走过来,拉住我的胳膊,突然焦急地说:"别这样,大家都有话要说.

<p _msttexthash="90787788" _msthash="2414">我没有说话,只是瞥了一眼我的老二.

<p _msttexthash="550448327" _msthash="2413">紧接着,在二北学长学姐和同系其他专业的另外两名同学的注视下,我直接用力抓住了老二的手腕,把他拉开了.

<p _msttexthash="75841558" _msthash="2412">他没有回头,觉得自己有点别致.

<p _msttexthash="119938611" _msthash="2411">于是我牵着她的手腕,走在了回宿舍的路上.

<p _msttexthash="266124508" _msthash="2410">这期间,她挣脱了束缚,试图甩开我的手,但我不理她,什么也没说.

<p _msttexthash="189856849" _msthash="2409">和正午一样,一样的人,一样的方式,只是她不再不理我了.

<p _msttexthash="790366382" _msthash="2408">"你在干什么,你疯了吗?"第二个孩子试图用他的另一只手折断我的手.只不过,和我相比,她的实力就像一座小坡,一座巍峨的山峰.

<p _msttexthash="135252767" _msthash="2407">我还是没有说话.虽然路上人不多,但还是有人.

<p _msttexthash="356583734" _msthash="2406">老二可能为了防止尴尬或者被同学看成坏事,挣扎了一会儿,然后老老实实把他拖走了.

<p _msttexthash="58148714" _msthash="2405">到了卧室,我用力打开了门.

<p _msttexthash="156511199" _msthash="2404">只见大哥从后面抱着第四个孩子,看着阳台上的月亮.

<p _msttexthash="99004984" _msthash="2403">两人被我突然开门吓了一跳,急忙分开.

<p _msttexthash="138581716" _msthash="2402">他回头看着我和我的第二个孩子,表情略带惊讶.

<p _msttexthash="800617675" _msthash="2401">老二生气地甩开我的手,抬起头对我怒吼:"你今天生病了吗?先是中午惹事,晚上和前辈发生冲突.你不想去参加辩论比赛.我仍然想战斗."

<p _msttexthash="247756600" _msthash="2400">"你看不出那个胖子想干什么吗?你不知道他在想什么吗?"我说争辩.

<p _msttexthash="1016185313" _msthash="2399">老二走到她的床底下,拉开椅子:"好吧,我不想和你争论,我只想去参加比赛,中奖.我已经上过这所学校了,我需要努力证明我不是没用的好吗?」

<p _msttexthash="799413823" _msthash="2398">她抿了抿嘴唇,继续道:"你就是你,你想跟我做什么就做什么,不管是出去和女生调情,还是你动手好,都跟我没关系,我只想...」

<p _msttexthash="298086802" _msthash="2397">"那你为什么生我的气?当有人骂我是渣男时,你为什么生气?"我打断了她.

<p _msttexthash="179675223" _msthash="2396">老二结结巴巴地说:"我...我不知道为什么,但我很生气."

<p _msttexthash="143700843" _msthash="2395">我轻声道:"别生气,咱们弥补一下,好吗?

<p _msttexthash="311834471" _msthash="2394">"是的,是的,和解.如果我们和解了,我们明天就出去参加聚会."老板笑着说.

<p _msttexthash="109812495" _msthash="2393">第四个孩子也说:"是的,二姐,或者..."

<p _msttexthash="1407178448" _msthash="2392">看到整张床都在为我说话,老二沉默了一会儿,才抬起头对我说:"希望你下次不要再发生这样恶心的事情了.在我眼里,那些不分青红皂白地借钱的人,无论出于什么原因都是可恨的."

<p _msttexthash="588138096" _msthash="2391">我笑着说:"嘿嘿,我知道你是最棒的,不会生我的气的.刚才看到那位前辈,我真的很不高兴.他显然对你有想法."

<p _msttexthash="22263709" _msthash="2390">The second son calmed down , and his tone gradually calmed down : " He has thoughts ? I can control it ? His brain is growing in his head . I can't just tell him to go away without giving him face . Besides, I don't like him . "

<p _msttexthash="2286050" _msthash="2389">I was inexplicably happy to hear my second child's last words .

<p _msttexthash="2795871" _msthash="2388">I said , " That 's right , it's okay , he won't be doing anything if I'm here . "

<p _msttexthash="5265897" _msthash="2387">The second child went on to say : " Go and apologize to the senior tomorrow , you are very rude today . "

<p _msttexthash="17511117" _msthash="2386">" Oh~ " I pretended to be in need of a beating . sorry ? Just kidding , poach me , can I apologize ? They also made things difficult for me . It's good enough to hold back your hands , so I apologize .

<p _msttexthash="927667" _msthash="2385">The second child was helpless : " You... "

<p _msttexthash="12348687" _msthash="2384">The boss and the fourth child clapped their hands happily . Fourth child : " Okay , reconciliation . Third brother , you look so handsome when you apologize ! "

<p _msttexthash="7692516" _msthash="2383">I smiled happily : " Ahem , it must be dripped , man , bowing down for that love , this is a manifestation of responsibility ! "

<p _msttexthash="1687309" _msthash="2382">The second child said : " Love ? Who is in love with you ? "

<p _msttexthash="14681095" _msthash="2381">I retorted : " Is there no friendship between us ? Why do you help me at noon if you don't care about me ? That's what you said to help me out of the sake of roommate friendship . "

<p _msttexthash="581841" _msthash="2380">The second child ignored me .

<p _msttexthash="3371394" _msthash="2379">The eldest was in a hurry , and said to the fourth : " What about me? What about me ? "

<p _msttexthash="1635205" _msthash="2378">The fourth child tilted his head : " Huh ? What are you ? "

<p _msttexthash="5860660" _msthash="2377">The boss smiled charmingly : "The third one is handsome , how about me ? Who is handsome between me and him ? "

<p _msttexthash="4166968" _msthash="2376">Fourth child : " Haha , of course you are handsome , in my heart you are the most handsome . "

<p _msttexthash="1162993" _msthash="2375">" Hey hey hey . " The boss smirked foolishly .

<p _msttexthash="14921816" _msthash="2374">Make trouble , sprinkle dog food in front of me . Can't stand it anymore : " yue~ Is there any mistake , every day is beautiful , isn't it boring ? One thing to say , I'm admiring it . "

<p _msttexthash="79196" _msthash="2373">Hahaha .

<p _msttexthash="12362077" _msthash="2372">The dormitory was as peaceful as before, and the peace was restored . After washing up quickly, everyone sat on the blankets and watched the variety show .

<p _msttexthash="3639350" _msthash="2371">It's just... the atmosphere between me and my second child is slightly awkward .

<p _msttexthash="28687802" _msthash="2370">As the most successful wingman in the atmosphere group, he will definitely not be silent : " Second brother , how about we go eat grilled fish when we have no class tomorrow afternoon ? Then we will not delay the game when we come back at night . "

<p _msttexthash="6576167" _msthash="2369">The second child said coldly : " No , let's eat at school tomorrow , and we will go out to eat after the game is over . "

<p _msttexthash="3443401" _msthash="2368">Others naturally had no objection when they heard what the second child said .

<p _msttexthash="2028702" _msthash="2367">I said , " That's fine , I'll finish class tomorrow morning . "

<p _msttexthash="12175683" _msthash="2366">Then he said aggrievedly : " You will still read the materials with that senior in the cafeteria at noon ? I will go too at that time . You can't leave me alone . "

<p _msttexthash="14492062" _msthash="2365">The second child opened a bag of potato chips : " Okay , just now I sent a message to the senior to apologize on your behalf , and he said it's okay , you can't do this tomorrow . "

<p _msttexthash="3634098" _msthash="2364">" Hey , it's good, it's you who care about me , it's all done for me , I love it . " I teased .

<p _msttexthash="5304624" _msthash="2363">" You are enough . If you do this again, I will really ignore you . It 's very annoying . " She said flatly .

<p _msttexthash="5540470" _msthash="2362">The tone is obviously different . I know she should calm down , but there is still a grudge in her heart .

<p _msttexthash="1904487" _msthash="2361">After watching the variety show, everyone fell asleep .

<p _msttexthash="88752352" _msthash="2360">Then it was another beautiful day , everyone still got up early habitually , not because they didn't sleep in late , but mainly because they couldn't fall asleep , so they got up and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast together , but this time they didn't meet that rambunctious little Caitou .

<p _msttexthash="899808" _msthash="2359">Then go to class normally , go to eat...

<p _msttexthash="11266177" _msthash="2358">After lunch, I went to see the senior who I was very upset with . Of course , I didn't do it again this time . Follow the second child and learn seriously .

<p _msttexthash="37622468" _msthash="2357">The senior saw me looking like he wanted to hack me to death , but he didn't talk to me during the period , and I just had an expression : Hey , you can't beat me , and you can't beat me either . Then sit next to the second child and listen to the senior talking nonsense about literature .

<p _msttexthash="657553" _msthash="2356">Everything went so smoothly .

<p _msttexthash="40208454" _msthash="2355">I have nothing to do in the afternoon , so I have been preparing materials in the cafeteria . After the qualifiers , the topic of the debate is announced, and everyone is preparing . There are a total of those topics in the debate , but it is determined in advance that we are the affirmative .

<p _msttexthash="53311349" _msthash="2354">And I finally returned to the position of the third debate , which is all due to the coordination in the middle of the second child . I also honestly did not speak and let my second child arrange it . The second child in this competition cares so much , I naturally can't refute her face , and I am also working hard to collect information .

<p _msttexthash="7143578" _msthash="2353">Soon , it was getting dark , and we finished our dinner in the cafeteria and went to the teaching building to prepare .

<p _msttexthash="9739054" _msthash="2352">Unfortunately , this time we are the first group against the fifth group . The second group was lucky , and went directly to the final bye .

<p _msttexthash="36862202" _msthash="2351">The level of the opponent in the first round made me unable to hold the slightest interest . It was not as good as the opponent I met in the qualifiers. The opponent could not even explain his own debate clearly . We crushed the victory and entered the finals in the courtyard .

<p _msttexthash="4853875" _msthash="2350">After the competition , we continued to sit in the back of the classroom and wait for the final .

<p _msttexthash="9025016" _msthash="2349">The question for the next competition is whether it is more important to read thousands of books or to travel thousands of miles ?

<p _msttexthash="5752422" _msthash="2348">We are still the affirmative , and we need to argue that it is more important to read thousands of books .

<p _msttexthash="3683004" _msthash="2347">The second child took the materials and continued to read , and heaved a long sigh .

<p _msttexthash="3307382" _msthash="2346">I sat on the edge and whispered softly to her, " What 's wrong ? Are you nervous ? "

<p _msttexthash="22624654" _msthash="2345">The second child changed his indifference from yesterday and nodded : " If you can't win the championship at the school level , you can't compare with other departments , and the final final is even more hopeless . "

<p _msttexthash="21022326" _msthash="2344">I comforted : " If you have me , I will leave the offensive stage to me . You can explain the problem well . Don't feel pressured . We are familiar with the principles of Marxism. These are nothing but soldiers . "

<p _msttexthash="306891" _msthash="2343">" Well , I trust you . "

<p _msttexthash="35196291" _msthash="2342">Following the second sentence, I believe in you , it was like a thunderbolt hitting my heart from top to bottom . At the same time , I was pleasantly surprised, and at the same time , it felt as if I was basking in the sun by the sea under the breeze and the sun , warm and happy .

<p _msttexthash="23518222" _msthash="2341">Don't worry , I will definitely do my best in my field of expertise . Then figure out how to prove that your reading thousands of miles is more important , and how to attack the opponent's traveling thousands of miles .

<p _msttexthash="1058278" _msthash="2340">There are many thoughts , and time flies .

<p _msttexthash="7801911" _msthash="2339">With the broadcast : the third group vs. the fourth group is over , please prepare for the first group and the third group .

<p _msttexthash="8246381" _msthash="2338">I followed behind my second child and kept whispering, " It 's all right , relax , I'll take care of everything , don't be nervous . "

<p _msttexthash="1945359" _msthash="2337">The second child did not speak , but kept nodding his head .

<p _msttexthash="8099754" _msthash="2336">Although I don't know why she attaches great importance to this debate competition , but what she values , I will also value .

<p _msttexthash="2327260" _msthash="2335">We sat down and waited for the referee to say the opening words .

<p _msttexthash="6667310" _msthash="2334">After the referee finished speaking , not only my teammates and the second child , but even me were dumbfounded .

<p _msttexthash="9667476" _msthash="2333">The pros and cons of the debate actually switched . I looked up at the senior who was sneering and the cheerful counterpart . heart rage...

<p _msttexthash="9555" _msthash="2332">11

<p _msttexthash="8012667" _msthash="2331">This time I was really angry , I don't need to think about it, I know it's the secret operation of the senior pig physiognomy .

<p _msttexthash="33084194" _msthash="2330">In fact, the school-level debating competition is just a small fight , and the school- level competition is the real gold content . The college-level competition is only to select a group of representative teams from different colleges and departments .

<p _msttexthash="2213848" _msthash="2329">With the sudden change , the second child's face was also pale .

<p _msttexthash="26228033" _msthash="2328">But these are small scenes for me, can this be more serious than being surrounded by a group of gangsters when I graduated from the third year of junior high ? I'm a man who is worthy of ten in one pick , although I was beaten a bit badly .

<p _msttexthash="15453477" _msthash="2327">Then I raised my hand neither humble nor humble : " Referee , I will report . Our leader gave us the affirmative debate in advance , how come this is reversed for us temporarily ? "

<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="30459481" _msthash="2326">The referee teacher said coldly : "Your leader personally contacted our referee team to change the topic of the second rematch , and the opponent also agreed . He is the representative of your team and has the right to change it. The game continues . "</font>

<p _msttexthash="36980619" _msthash="2325">Sure enough , it was the senior's operation , and the second child trembled a little when he realized it . The other two people in the same group were also in a daze mixed with anger . Unexpectedly, the senior is this kind of person , even dogs have to learn how to be dogs from him .

<p _msttexthash="22072180" _msthash="2324">I didn't expect him to be so treacherous , maybe because he knew that he and his second child were impossible , so he just broke the pot and changed from a senior who carefully guided to a villain who hindered him .

<p _msttexthash="12245090" _msthash="2323">And because I am the third debater , the second is the first debater , and there is a second debater in the middle . This is very inconvenient to communicate .

<p _msttexthash="6458413" _msthash="2322">" Then I apply to switch positions with the second debaterThere is no reason and no reason . " I then said flatly .

<p _msttexthash="10511111" _msthash="2321">" Approved . " This is not a special request , you can change positions appropriately , and the teammates of the second debate naturally agree .

<p _msttexthash="4582214" _msthash="2320">This time I sat with my second child , and I moved the bench to be very close to my second child .

<p _msttexthash="13350493" _msthash="2319">I leaned close to my second child's ear and whispered softly : " Don't worry , straighten your back , and you will take the exposition you prepared as irony later . "

<p _msttexthash="4783142" _msthash="2318">The second child heard the voice : " Well , it was a bit sudden , I will say it the other way around . "

<p _msttexthash="32630026" _msthash="2317">I went on to say : " You can change how important it is to read thousands of books to how important it is to travel thousands of miles , and then change the case to say that although reading is useful in this way , traveling thousands of miles is more important . "

<p _msttexthash="2000726" _msthash="2316">" Okay . " The second child was surprisingly well-behaved .

<p _msttexthash="11142118" _msthash="2315">I withdrew my face from her ear , looked at her fair side face , it was the first time I was so close , my heart was so excited , I really wanted to kiss her .

<p _msttexthash="4133155" _msthash="2314">Before I knew it, I liked her so much . From this moment on , I decided that I must chase her .

<p _msttexthash="561691" _msthash="2313">Referee : "The match begins ! "

<p _msttexthash="1196000" _msthash="2312">Our team as a whole has low morale except me .

<p _msttexthash="4265144" _msthash="2311">This time, since the opponent is the affirmative , they speak first in the first debate .

<p _msttexthash="10402405" _msthash="2310">As soon as the affirmative stood up for the debate, he chattered on and on about introducing his own debate topic , erecting his point of view .

<p _msttexthash="3399643" _msthash="2309">Our second defense quickly made small notes in an attempt to find loopholes .

<p _msttexthash="11435801" _msthash="2308">The affirmative's first defense was very strong , with a loud and confident voice : "The above is our statement for our defense , thank you everyone . "

<p _msttexthash="16158545" _msthash="2307">I whispered to the second child from the side : " It's your turn , come on . Don't be nervous , if you really can't stand the pressure, it will fail , and I will earn back the points later . "

<p _msttexthash="17392947" _msthash="2306">The second child ignored me , perhaps because he was so nervous that he had selective deafness . I saw her clenched her small white hands like jade , took a deep breath , and stood up slowly .

<p _msttexthash="30863872" _msthash="2305">" Hi everyone, I'm the first debater on the opposite side. We think it's more important to travel thousands of miles... " When introducing the debate topic, the second child was neither humble nor overbearing , calm and calm , quite a strong demeanor .

<p _msttexthash="47331115" _msthash="2304">I looked up at her . In my eyes, looking at her slightly pointed chin from this angle , she kept slightly opening her red lips and talking about her own debate . The hair swaying with the fan is really beautiful . I was in a trance for a while , as if I was not in the game , so I really wanted to watch more quietly like this .

<p _msttexthash="2920021" _msthash="2303">But because of the exchange of pros and cons , the accident finally came .

<p _msttexthash="47675810" _msthash="2302">After the second child introduced the topic of the debate , he was not familiar with it after all when sorting out his views . It was difficult to reverse his previous views . In addition, the second child was a little nervous about the competition , and his brain couldn't react for a while . Explained stuttering .

<p _msttexthash="38803687" _msthash="2301">" Reading is important but...but it has to be applied in practice . It is not as intuitive as traveling thousands of miles . The above is my point of view , thank you everyone . " The second child ended hastily , and sat down with a dazed expression , as if the game had already been lost up .

<p _msttexthash="27298869" _msthash="2300">Immediately afterwards, the opponent's second argument began to attack : " Don't you think that reading is not important ? Reading is a good experience , so it must not have traveled thousands of miles to see the outside world, okay ? "

<p _msttexthash="109518162" _msthash="2299">It was our turn for the second defense to start attacking , and his mind was full of the previous attacking problems . Suddenly , he could only say anxiously : " Our side didn't say that reading is not important , and the experience in the book is often the author's experience. The record of what I saw and heard when I traveled thousands of miles , so it is important to travel thousands of miles . "

<p _msttexthash="266909929" _msthash="2298">The opponent's third argument is to fill in the loopholes and attack. When he comes up aggressively , he doesn't seem to be here to compete , as if someone owes him five million : " I think the opponent's second argument is very problematic . We have already talked about reading It is important , and it is also important to travel thousands of miles . But if you travel more and see more , time efficiency is low . I can save so much time you have experienced by reading books , and a person's life is limited , don't you think about it ? "

<p _msttexthash="131006018" _msthash="2297">I stood up unhurriedly, looked at the referees and judges and smiled , then looked into the eyes of the other party's third debate and said unhurriedly : " First of all, thank you for agreeing the importance of traveling thousands of miles. Traveling thousands of miles is like practice . Read Thousands of books are more like experience . Marx said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. You should have heard this sentence, right ? I said the same thing last time . Do you think what Marx said was wrong ? Hmm ? "

<p _msttexthash="135161039" _msthash="2296">I glanced at the referee and said : " Marx has a guiding role in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics , which extends to the study and travel of this topic . Whether it starts from the history that makes people learn , or the change from capital to proletariat , it has proved that practice The importance of reading . Reading is just for better practice . So practice is more important... 」

<p _msttexthash="6558123" _msthash="2295">I sat down slowly , and the second child turned his head to look at me . Her eyes were full of light and full of hope .

<p _msttexthash="38353406" _msthash="2294">The debate competition is based on a point system , so she will lose a lot of points if she is not as good as the opponent in that part . But the debate competition, the debate competition , and more importantly, the debate , I have the bottom line , and this point is quickly overtaken .

<p _msttexthash="9060961" _msthash="2293">The referee said in a broadcast tone : " Now enter the free debate session , a total of 8 minutes , four minutes for each side . Start now ! "

<p _msttexthash="17670588" _msthash="2292">The opponent's three arguments were like a mountain cannon . He stood up and pointed at me and retorted : " I didn't say that Marx was wrong . I meant to save time and cost . Life time is limited . "

<p _msttexthash="5824377" _msthash="2291">I glanced at the other three members of our team and found that they didn't intend to stand up and refute .

<p _msttexthash="968669" _msthash="2290">I stood up and said slowly , " Oh ? Really ? "

<p _msttexthash="4223674" _msthash="2289">He looked like he didn't pay attention to him , and he really did n't pay attention to him .

<p _msttexthash="6942819" _msthash="2288">" We're arguing about reading more books and walking more roads . How do you argue about time and life ? " I continued .

<p _msttexthash="38354251" _msthash="2287">The second debater on the other side stopped the third debater who wanted to stand up and retort : ​​" Reading is not as important as traveling. Why are you still studying here ? Instead of traveling ? "

<p _msttexthash="5387304" _msthash="2286">I took another look at our team . Sibian directly shook his head to express that he could not return .

<p _msttexthash="1729364" _msthash="2285">The second child also showed an anxious expression .

<p _msttexthash="2668172" _msthash="2284">Well , this time I have to come alone . Why not just pick four ? Fake you ?

<p _msttexthash="255074443" _msthash="2283">I stood up and said , " First of all, what you just said in the three debates is to save time . From the perspective of time , the truth and experience are not dependent on time , but on the truth . I am learning the truth, which does not mean that I have to create the truth . And this question simply asks about reading or walking, that is, which is more important than reality . If you can't walk and summarize practice , do you still have books to read? If you don't even have a single book , how can you talk about reading thousands of books ? "

<p _msttexthash="81168386" _msthash="2282">The opponent gradually struggled . And I didn't know what to say for a while . Reluctantly, a little girl who was arguing against the other side stood up and said : " As far as the matter is concerned , you are studying here instead of walking , which already means that reading is more important . So this alone can prove it . And your point of view is based on your reading. You don't know that until you read the book . "

<p _msttexthash="16049605" _msthash="2281">When I heard it, I was overjoyed. Didn't this directly hit the muzzle that I am good at . Epistemology, this is , it exists in the principles of Marxism, and I am too familiar with it .

<p _msttexthash="39085462" _msthash="2280">I smiled and said : " This kind of debate topic is inherently contradictory , and the contradiction has always been unified and opposed . Don't you just ignore this point of view when you say that? Is n't it more important to take a look at practice ? Because this is what Marx said. yes . "

<p _msttexthash="13207155" _msthash="2279">She went on to refute me : " You always like to mention Marx . This is his point of view . You have to find your own point of view . Marxism is not necessarily correct . "

<p _msttexthash="39495677" _msthash="2278">In fact, I made a mistake here . She wants to say that since the contradictions are unified and opposed , why can't reading be more important , and I have nothing to say . But she actually denies Marxism. You must know that denying what Marx said is the most taboo in debate competitions .

<p _msttexthash="2679222" _msthash="2277">Naturally, there will be destruction in the back , one against four .

<p _msttexthash="1178970" _msthash="2276">The referee couldn't even add points to me .

<p _msttexthash="1249612" _msthash="2275">No way , we are so powerful , what should we do ?

<p _msttexthash="63390756" _msthash="2274">"The game is over , the opposing side wins , please leave in an orderly manner . " Until this moment , all the team members, including me, breathed a sigh of relief . It's not because I'm tired , but because the opponent is too weak , and I haven't had enough fun yet . I also want to show my skills in front of the second child , otherwise how can I show my master's strength ?

<p _msttexthash="4857476" _msthash="2273">The second child said to me with a little surprise : " We actually won , we won , haha , that 's great . "

<p _msttexthash="103346009" _msthash="2272">Then I pretended to have a wretched smile on my face : " Ahem , awesome ? You can give me two kisses as a reward for such an awesome roommate . It's not too much , just give me a kiss on the left cheek and a kiss on the right cheek . Oh yeah , if it doesn't work, just kiss me once ." Well , let's not take advantage of it , just give me a bite . "

<p _msttexthash="19559852" _msthash="2271">The second child changed his face in an instant : " Go away , I just wanted to praise you , you are not in shape , is it itchy , believe it or not, I will beat you . " He raised his small fist and said as he exited .

<p _msttexthash="2581709" _msthash="2270">And I glanced at the fat senior with gloomy eyes in the auditorium .

<p _msttexthash="5214781" _msthash="2269">The fat senior muttered something trash in his mouth, and left in a hurry . I don't know where I went .

<p _msttexthash="38676664" _msthash="2268">The next two games are nothing to watch . Just like my last game . Although everyone has prepared for the following debate topics , there is no exchange of pros and cons . Not to mention me , even without me , the three of them can barely compare , plus I directly give them all a numbness .

<p _msttexthash="15053194" _msthash="2267">Champion... take it ! The certificate will be issued on the spot, and the name will be written on the certificate tomorrow , sent to the counselor , and then forwarded to us .

<p _msttexthash="22323574" _msthash="2266">After a burst of applause , the game ended tonight , and the representative team of the Department of Computer Science was our team . Leaving the game site with everyone and preparing to go back to the dormitory .

<p _msttexthash="1104818" _msthash="2265">Out of the teaching building , at the door .

<p _msttexthash="12976054" _msthash="2264">" Okay , everyone worked hard tonight and finally got a good result . Let's see you later in the school competition . " I mainly said to the other two team members .

<p _msttexthash="46761416" _msthash="2263">I still don't know the name of one of the boys . After all, I've only known him for a day or two , and I didn't ask my second child . He said , " Damn , we won by lying down. Why is that senior like this ?

<p _msttexthash="2653313" _msthash="2262">" That's right . " The girl who came to form a team with him also echoed .

<p _msttexthash="2117193" _msthash="2261">I said , " Okay , it 's okay , it's over anyway , we'll go back , bye . "

<p _msttexthash="6396611" _msthash="2260">The second child was also very angry with the fat senior, so he said " then go back " and did n't say anything else .

<p _msttexthash="10867415" _msthash="2259">I walked beside my dick with my hands on the back of my head from behind , and I asked , " How is it ? Let's get excited tonight . Is our comeback handsome ? "

<p _msttexthash="12884378" _msthash="2258">The second child pouted and said , " Cut~ you're not handsome , or you'll have to fart again in a while , and you're going to say something that doesn't make sense . "

<p _msttexthash="2848963" _msthash="2257">" Okay , I'm that kind of person in your eyes, right ? " I said aggrievedly .

<p _msttexthash="10719904" _msthash="2256">She suddenly smiled and said , " That's not it . But... I still have to thank you . It 's really reassuring to have you by my side . Thank you very much . "

<p _msttexthash="13208481" _msthash="2255">" Oh , a family doesn't speak different languages . No... I mean that people in one bed don't talk in two . You...you are too polite . " I teased her with a playful smile .

<p _msttexthash="1901016" _msthash="2254">I stretched out my face : " If you really want to thank me... "

<p _msttexthash="8514558" _msthash="2253">Seeing this, the second child directly twisted my arm super hard : " Can you be a little serious , can you , I really convinced you . "

<p _msttexthash="15858934" _msthash="2252">I pretended to be in pain : " Oh , it hurts, it hurts... Lightly, lightly , stop kissing, stop kissing , I don't want to kiss , it's okay . Why is violence , it 's detrimental to the image . "

<p _msttexthash="9390797" _msthash="2251">" Hmph , let's see if you dare . Forget it, I'm in a good mood tonight , let's treat you to dinner . " She let go of her hand and said with a smile .

<p _msttexthash="17456673" _msthash="2250">" As expected of the second sister , she is very particular about people . I want to eat... eat... eat you~ " After I finished speaking, I avoided my arms to prevent her from pinching me again .

<p _msttexthash="5831176" _msthash="2249">The second child was a little serious and said : " If I do this again , I will get angry . I ca n't talk properly . "

<p _msttexthash="27031706" _msthash="2248">I quickly said : " Okay, okay . Actually, there is no need to invite me to dinner , as long as you don't get angry . How about it ? You have to agree not to be so angry with me in the future , or don't get angry and ignore me , we will pull the hook ... "

<p _msttexthash="8488740" _msthash="2247">I put away my joking attitude , stopped in a serious manner , stretched out my little finger , and waited for her to pull the hook .

<p _msttexthash="5909007" _msthash="2246">The second child also stopped . He looked up at me : " Well , good . But you can't be so dishonest in the future . "

<p _msttexthash="14650233" _msthash="2245">After all , pull my little finger . I still muttered in my mouth : " Hanging on the hook , not allowed to change for a hundred years~ " . Then stamped a stamp firmly on her thumb .

<p _msttexthash="264056" _msthash="2244">I'm in a good mood .

<p _msttexthash="20089043" _msthash="2243">Alas , a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart . Yesterday and the day before yesterday , I was so noisy with the two of us that I almost thought that I was going to break up with me . It will be fine tonight .

<p _msttexthash="1158196" _msthash="2242">Sure enough , the girl... needs to be coaxed !

<p _msttexthash="26682760" _msthash="2241">And I understand that the second child likes powerful people . Need to conquer with action . Instead of kneeling and singing conquest . Just wait , I'll prove it with facts . Sure , this is the first girl who really walked into my heart .

<p _msttexthash="770185" _msthash="2240">So happy to go back to the bedroom .

<p _msttexthash="10240750" _msthash="2239">As soon as I entered the door, I heard the fourth brother almost crying and yelling at the boss : " Tell me , what is your relationship with her ? "

<p _msttexthash="1797458" _msthash="2238">When the second child heard it, he asked , " What's wrong ? "

<p _msttexthash="10001082" _msthash="2237">The fourth child saw the second child coming back : " Second sister , I saw that he was replying to a girl's message , but he didn't show it to me . "

<p _msttexthash="2639403" _msthash="2236">The second child snorted coldly : " Sure enough , men are unreliable . "

<p _msttexthash="3874000" _msthash="2235">I know the boss , he must have his own reasons . And he's not that kind of scumbag at all .

<p _msttexthash="3648294" _msthash="2234">The boss just scratched his head like a piece of wood : " Oh , it's not what you think . "

<p _msttexthash="40278758" _msthash="2233">I saw that the atmosphere was a bit bad , so I pretended to be eccentric and said , " Oh , what's wrong with you , boss ? The red flag at home is not down , and the colorful flags are fluttering outside ? The fourth is so cute , so kind , and manages the house like this . What's the matter with you, you ? "

<p _msttexthash="1254318" _msthash="2232">The boss is as stupid as he is : " What can I do , I... "

<p _msttexthash="3361735" _msthash="2231">The fourth child looked at me , and seemed to agree with my compliments on her .

<p _msttexthash="28723487" _msthash="2230">Then I interrupted the boss and said , " Oh , I understand . Keep one , keep two , and develop three, four, five, six, seven, right ? Talk about one in the dormitory , one in the hometown , and a few more outside . Hiss... okay, boss , look. " I can't come out . "

<p _msttexthash="3769428" _msthash="2229">The boss was in a hurry : " Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . "

<p _msttexthash="2684747" _msthash="2228">" I don't show it to the baby because... " the eldest said to the fourth .

<p _msttexthash="9444968" _msthash="2227">The fourth child looked fierce , crossed his hips , puffed out his small chest and said , " Why? Tell me quickly ! Is it your ex-girlfriend ? "

<p _msttexthash="560937" _msthash="2226">Boss : " Because...because... "

HerRoyalHighness HerRoyalHighness

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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