<p _msttexthash="9451" _msthash="2426">10
<p _msttexthash="68116997" _msthash="2425">晚上人很少,食堂显得很安静.
<p _msttexthash="137493421" _msthash="2424">这次老二也完全傻了,她从来没见过我这么生气.
<p _msttexthash="125517717" _msthash="2423">两个杯子立刻站了起来,面对面地靠近了我.
<p _msttexthash="88590125" _msthash="2422">哟?你想要什么?想和我打架吗?
<p _msttexthash="501927270" _msthash="2421">如果你想这样做,我会很兴奋.哦,我从初中开始就不怕打架了.早在高中时,我就是一个众所周知的老鬼.
<p _msttexthash="234659581" _msthash="2420">看到这位学长突然变成这样,我有些激动,忍不住笑着跟他打招呼.
<p _msttexthash="438675575" _msthash="2419">我们面对面,距离只有20厘米,他盯着我,咬牙切齿,如果眼睛能杀人,那我现在就走了.
<p _msttexthash="12835745" _msthash="2418">但这没用.
<p _msttexthash="356840328" _msthash="2417">当我看到他这个样子时,我真的很想这样做.距离也显示了高度的差异.我可以低头看着他.
<p _msttexthash="233949768" _msthash="2416">但是我在学校因为做某事而受到惩罚,所以很难乱来,忍耐吧!
<p _msttexthash="731759925" _msthash="2415">第二个孩子回过神来,看到我似乎变得严肃起来.他走过来,拉住我的胳膊,突然焦急地说:"别这样,大家都有话要说.
<p _msttexthash="90787788" _msthash="2414">我没有说话,只是瞥了一眼我的老二.
<p _msttexthash="550448327" _msthash="2413">紧接着,在二北学长学姐和同系其他专业的另外两名同学的注视下,我直接用力抓住了老二的手腕,把他拉开了.
<p _msttexthash="75841558" _msthash="2412">他没有回头,觉得自己有点别致.
<p _msttexthash="119938611" _msthash="2411">于是我牵着她的手腕,走在了回宿舍的路上.
<p _msttexthash="266124508" _msthash="2410">这期间,她挣脱了束缚,试图甩开我的手,但我不理她,什么也没说.
<p _msttexthash="189856849" _msthash="2409">和正午一样,一样的人,一样的方式,只是她不再不理我了.
<p _msttexthash="790366382" _msthash="2408">"你在干什么,你疯了吗?"第二个孩子试图用他的另一只手折断我的手.只不过,和我相比,她的实力就像一座小坡,一座巍峨的山峰.
<p _msttexthash="135252767" _msthash="2407">我还是没有说话.虽然路上人不多,但还是有人.
<p _msttexthash="356583734" _msthash="2406">老二可能为了防止尴尬或者被同学看成坏事,挣扎了一会儿,然后老老实实把他拖走了.
<p _msttexthash="58148714" _msthash="2405">到了卧室,我用力打开了门.
<p _msttexthash="156511199" _msthash="2404">只见大哥从后面抱着第四个孩子,看着阳台上的月亮.
<p _msttexthash="99004984" _msthash="2403">两人被我突然开门吓了一跳,急忙分开.
<p _msttexthash="138581716" _msthash="2402">他回头看着我和我的第二个孩子,表情略带惊讶.
<p _msttexthash="800617675" _msthash="2401">老二生气地甩开我的手,抬起头对我怒吼:"你今天生病了吗?先是中午惹事,晚上和前辈发生冲突.你不想去参加辩论比赛.我仍然想战斗."
<p _msttexthash="247756600" _msthash="2400">"你看不出那个胖子想干什么吗?你不知道他在想什么吗?"我说争辩.
<p _msttexthash="1016185313" _msthash="2399">老二走到她的床底下,拉开椅子:"好吧,我不想和你争论,我只想去参加比赛,中奖.我已经上过这所学校了,我需要努力证明我不是没用的好吗?」
<p _msttexthash="799413823" _msthash="2398">她抿了抿嘴唇,继续道:"你就是你,你想跟我做什么就做什么,不管是出去和女生调情,还是你动手好,都跟我没关系,我只想...」
<p _msttexthash="298086802" _msthash="2397">"那你为什么生我的气?当有人骂我是渣男时,你为什么生气?"我打断了她.
<p _msttexthash="179675223" _msthash="2396">老二结结巴巴地说:"我...我不知道为什么,但我很生气."
<p _msttexthash="143700843" _msthash="2395">我轻声道:"别生气,咱们弥补一下,好吗?
<p _msttexthash="311834471" _msthash="2394">"是的,是的,和解.如果我们和解了,我们明天就出去参加聚会."老板笑着说.
<p _msttexthash="109812495" _msthash="2393">第四个孩子也说:"是的,二姐,或者..."
<p _msttexthash="1407178448" _msthash="2392">看到整张床都在为我说话,老二沉默了一会儿,才抬起头对我说:"希望你下次不要再发生这样恶心的事情了.在我眼里,那些不分青红皂白地借钱的人,无论出于什么原因都是可恨的."
<p _msttexthash="588138096" _msthash="2391">我笑着说:"嘿嘿,我知道你是最棒的,不会生我的气的.刚才看到那位前辈,我真的很不高兴.他显然对你有想法."
<p _msttexthash="22263709" _msthash="2390">The second son calmed down , and his tone gradually calmed down : " He has thoughts ? I can control it ? His brain is growing in his head . I can't just tell him to go away without giving him face . Besides, I don't like him . "
<p _msttexthash="2286050" _msthash="2389">I was inexplicably happy to hear my second child's last words .
<p _msttexthash="2795871" _msthash="2388">I said , " That 's right , it's okay , he won't be doing anything if I'm here . "
<p _msttexthash="5265897" _msthash="2387">The second child went on to say : " Go and apologize to the senior tomorrow , you are very rude today . "
<p _msttexthash="17511117" _msthash="2386">" Oh~ " I pretended to be in need of a beating . sorry ? Just kidding , poach me , can I apologize ? They also made things difficult for me . It's good enough to hold back your hands , so I apologize .
<p _msttexthash="927667" _msthash="2385">The second child was helpless : " You... "
<p _msttexthash="12348687" _msthash="2384">The boss and the fourth child clapped their hands happily . Fourth child : " Okay , reconciliation . Third brother , you look so handsome when you apologize ! "
<p _msttexthash="7692516" _msthash="2383">I smiled happily : " Ahem , it must be dripped , man , bowing down for that love , this is a manifestation of responsibility ! "
<p _msttexthash="1687309" _msthash="2382">The second child said : " Love ? Who is in love with you ? "
<p _msttexthash="14681095" _msthash="2381">I retorted : " Is there no friendship between us ? Why do you help me at noon if you don't care about me ? That's what you said to help me out of the sake of roommate friendship . "
<p _msttexthash="581841" _msthash="2380">The second child ignored me .
<p _msttexthash="3371394" _msthash="2379">The eldest was in a hurry , and said to the fourth : " What about me? What about me ? "
<p _msttexthash="1635205" _msthash="2378">The fourth child tilted his head : " Huh ? What are you ? "
<p _msttexthash="5860660" _msthash="2377">The boss smiled charmingly : "The third one is handsome , how about me ? Who is handsome between me and him ? "
<p _msttexthash="4166968" _msthash="2376">Fourth child : " Haha , of course you are handsome , in my heart you are the most handsome . "
<p _msttexthash="1162993" _msthash="2375">" Hey hey hey . " The boss smirked foolishly .
<p _msttexthash="14921816" _msthash="2374">Make trouble , sprinkle dog food in front of me . Can't stand it anymore : " yue~ Is there any mistake , every day is beautiful , isn't it boring ? One thing to say , I'm admiring it . "
<p _msttexthash="79196" _msthash="2373">Hahaha .
<p _msttexthash="12362077" _msthash="2372">The dormitory was as peaceful as before, and the peace was restored . After washing up quickly, everyone sat on the blankets and watched the variety show .
<p _msttexthash="3639350" _msthash="2371">It's just... the atmosphere between me and my second child is slightly awkward .
<p _msttexthash="28687802" _msthash="2370">As the most successful wingman in the atmosphere group, he will definitely not be silent : " Second brother , how about we go eat grilled fish when we have no class tomorrow afternoon ? Then we will not delay the game when we come back at night . "
<p _msttexthash="6576167" _msthash="2369">The second child said coldly : " No , let's eat at school tomorrow , and we will go out to eat after the game is over . "
<p _msttexthash="3443401" _msthash="2368">Others naturally had no objection when they heard what the second child said .
<p _msttexthash="2028702" _msthash="2367">I said , " That's fine , I'll finish class tomorrow morning . "
<p _msttexthash="12175683" _msthash="2366">Then he said aggrievedly : " You will still read the materials with that senior in the cafeteria at noon ? I will go too at that time . You can't leave me alone . "
<p _msttexthash="14492062" _msthash="2365">The second child opened a bag of potato chips : " Okay , just now I sent a message to the senior to apologize on your behalf , and he said it's okay , you can't do this tomorrow . "
<p _msttexthash="3634098" _msthash="2364">" Hey , it's good, it's you who care about me , it's all done for me , I love it . " I teased .
<p _msttexthash="5304624" _msthash="2363">" You are enough . If you do this again, I will really ignore you . It 's very annoying . " She said flatly .
<p _msttexthash="5540470" _msthash="2362">The tone is obviously different . I know she should calm down , but there is still a grudge in her heart .
<p _msttexthash="1904487" _msthash="2361">After watching the variety show, everyone fell asleep .
<p _msttexthash="88752352" _msthash="2360">Then it was another beautiful day , everyone still got up early habitually , not because they didn't sleep in late , but mainly because they couldn't fall asleep , so they got up and went to the cafeteria to have breakfast together , but this time they didn't meet that rambunctious little Caitou .
<p _msttexthash="899808" _msthash="2359">Then go to class normally , go to eat...
<p _msttexthash="11266177" _msthash="2358">After lunch, I went to see the senior who I was very upset with . Of course , I didn't do it again this time . Follow the second child and learn seriously .
<p _msttexthash="37622468" _msthash="2357">The senior saw me looking like he wanted to hack me to death , but he didn't talk to me during the period , and I just had an expression : Hey , you can't beat me , and you can't beat me either . Then sit next to the second child and listen to the senior talking nonsense about literature .
<p _msttexthash="657553" _msthash="2356">Everything went so smoothly .
<p _msttexthash="40208454" _msthash="2355">I have nothing to do in the afternoon , so I have been preparing materials in the cafeteria . After the qualifiers , the topic of the debate is announced, and everyone is preparing . There are a total of those topics in the debate , but it is determined in advance that we are the affirmative .
<p _msttexthash="53311349" _msthash="2354">And I finally returned to the position of the third debate , which is all due to the coordination in the middle of the second child . I also honestly did not speak and let my second child arrange it . The second child in this competition cares so much , I naturally can't refute her face , and I am also working hard to collect information .
<p _msttexthash="7143578" _msthash="2353">Soon , it was getting dark , and we finished our dinner in the cafeteria and went to the teaching building to prepare .
<p _msttexthash="9739054" _msthash="2352">Unfortunately , this time we are the first group against the fifth group . The second group was lucky , and went directly to the final bye .
<p _msttexthash="36862202" _msthash="2351">The level of the opponent in the first round made me unable to hold the slightest interest . It was not as good as the opponent I met in the qualifiers. The opponent could not even explain his own debate clearly . We crushed the victory and entered the finals in the courtyard .
<p _msttexthash="4853875" _msthash="2350">After the competition , we continued to sit in the back of the classroom and wait for the final .
<p _msttexthash="9025016" _msthash="2349">The question for the next competition is whether it is more important to read thousands of books or to travel thousands of miles ?
<p _msttexthash="5752422" _msthash="2348">We are still the affirmative , and we need to argue that it is more important to read thousands of books .
<p _msttexthash="3683004" _msthash="2347">The second child took the materials and continued to read , and heaved a long sigh .
<p _msttexthash="3307382" _msthash="2346">I sat on the edge and whispered softly to her, " What 's wrong ? Are you nervous ? "
<p _msttexthash="22624654" _msthash="2345">The second child changed his indifference from yesterday and nodded : " If you can't win the championship at the school level , you can't compare with other departments , and the final final is even more hopeless . "
<p _msttexthash="21022326" _msthash="2344">I comforted : " If you have me , I will leave the offensive stage to me . You can explain the problem well . Don't feel pressured . We are familiar with the principles of Marxism. These are nothing but soldiers . "
<p _msttexthash="306891" _msthash="2343">" Well , I trust you . "
<p _msttexthash="35196291" _msthash="2342">Following the second sentence, I believe in you , it was like a thunderbolt hitting my heart from top to bottom . At the same time , I was pleasantly surprised, and at the same time , it felt as if I was basking in the sun by the sea under the breeze and the sun , warm and happy .
<p _msttexthash="23518222" _msthash="2341">Don't worry , I will definitely do my best in my field of expertise . Then figure out how to prove that your reading thousands of miles is more important , and how to attack the opponent's traveling thousands of miles .
<p _msttexthash="1058278" _msthash="2340">There are many thoughts , and time flies .
<p _msttexthash="7801911" _msthash="2339">With the broadcast : the third group vs. the fourth group is over , please prepare for the first group and the third group .
<p _msttexthash="8246381" _msthash="2338">I followed behind my second child and kept whispering, " It 's all right , relax , I'll take care of everything , don't be nervous . "
<p _msttexthash="1945359" _msthash="2337">The second child did not speak , but kept nodding his head .
<p _msttexthash="8099754" _msthash="2336">Although I don't know why she attaches great importance to this debate competition , but what she values , I will also value .
<p _msttexthash="2327260" _msthash="2335">We sat down and waited for the referee to say the opening words .
<p _msttexthash="6667310" _msthash="2334">After the referee finished speaking , not only my teammates and the second child , but even me were dumbfounded .
<p _msttexthash="9667476" _msthash="2333">The pros and cons of the debate actually switched . I looked up at the senior who was sneering and the cheerful counterpart . heart rage...
<p _msttexthash="9555" _msthash="2332">11
<p _msttexthash="8012667" _msthash="2331">This time I was really angry , I don't need to think about it, I know it's the secret operation of the senior pig physiognomy .
<p _msttexthash="33084194" _msthash="2330">In fact, the school-level debating competition is just a small fight , and the school- level competition is the real gold content . The college-level competition is only to select a group of representative teams from different colleges and departments .
<p _msttexthash="2213848" _msthash="2329">With the sudden change , the second child's face was also pale .
<p _msttexthash="26228033" _msthash="2328">But these are small scenes for me, can this be more serious than being surrounded by a group of gangsters when I graduated from the third year of junior high ? I'm a man who is worthy of ten in one pick , although I was beaten a bit badly .
<p _msttexthash="15453477" _msthash="2327">Then I raised my hand neither humble nor humble : " Referee , I will report . Our leader gave us the affirmative debate in advance , how come this is reversed for us temporarily ? "
<font _mstmutation="1" _msttexthash="30459481" _msthash="2326">The referee teacher said coldly : "Your leader personally contacted our referee team to change the topic of the second rematch , and the opponent also agreed . He is the representative of your team and has the right to change it. The game continues . "</font>
<p _msttexthash="36980619" _msthash="2325">Sure enough , it was the senior's operation , and the second child trembled a little when he realized it . The other two people in the same group were also in a daze mixed with anger . Unexpectedly, the senior is this kind of person , even dogs have to learn how to be dogs from him .
<p _msttexthash="22072180" _msthash="2324">I didn't expect him to be so treacherous , maybe because he knew that he and his second child were impossible , so he just broke the pot and changed from a senior who carefully guided to a villain who hindered him .
<p _msttexthash="12245090" _msthash="2323">And because I am the third debater , the second is the first debater , and there is a second debater in the middle . This is very inconvenient to communicate .
<p _msttexthash="6458413" _msthash="2322">" Then I apply to switch positions with the second debaterThere is no reason and no reason . " I then said flatly .
<p _msttexthash="10511111" _msthash="2321">" Approved . " This is not a special request , you can change positions appropriately , and the teammates of the second debate naturally agree .
<p _msttexthash="4582214" _msthash="2320">This time I sat with my second child , and I moved the bench to be very close to my second child .
<p _msttexthash="13350493" _msthash="2319">I leaned close to my second child's ear and whispered softly : " Don't worry , straighten your back , and you will take the exposition you prepared as irony later . "
<p _msttexthash="4783142" _msthash="2318">The second child heard the voice : " Well , it was a bit sudden , I will say it the other way around . "
<p _msttexthash="32630026" _msthash="2317">I went on to say : " You can change how important it is to read thousands of books to how important it is to travel thousands of miles , and then change the case to say that although reading is useful in this way , traveling thousands of miles is more important . "
<p _msttexthash="2000726" _msthash="2316">" Okay . " The second child was surprisingly well-behaved .
<p _msttexthash="11142118" _msthash="2315">I withdrew my face from her ear , looked at her fair side face , it was the first time I was so close , my heart was so excited , I really wanted to kiss her .
<p _msttexthash="4133155" _msthash="2314">Before I knew it, I liked her so much . From this moment on , I decided that I must chase her .
<p _msttexthash="561691" _msthash="2313">Referee : "The match begins ! "
<p _msttexthash="1196000" _msthash="2312">Our team as a whole has low morale except me .
<p _msttexthash="4265144" _msthash="2311">This time, since the opponent is the affirmative , they speak first in the first debate .
<p _msttexthash="10402405" _msthash="2310">As soon as the affirmative stood up for the debate, he chattered on and on about introducing his own debate topic , erecting his point of view .
<p _msttexthash="3399643" _msthash="2309">Our second defense quickly made small notes in an attempt to find loopholes .
<p _msttexthash="11435801" _msthash="2308">The affirmative's first defense was very strong , with a loud and confident voice : "The above is our statement for our defense , thank you everyone . "
<p _msttexthash="16158545" _msthash="2307">I whispered to the second child from the side : " It's your turn , come on . Don't be nervous , if you really can't stand the pressure, it will fail , and I will earn back the points later . "
<p _msttexthash="17392947" _msthash="2306">The second child ignored me , perhaps because he was so nervous that he had selective deafness . I saw her clenched her small white hands like jade , took a deep breath , and stood up slowly .
<p _msttexthash="30863872" _msthash="2305">" Hi everyone, I'm the first debater on the opposite side. We think it's more important to travel thousands of miles... " When introducing the debate topic, the second child was neither humble nor overbearing , calm and calm , quite a strong demeanor .
<p _msttexthash="47331115" _msthash="2304">I looked up at her . In my eyes, looking at her slightly pointed chin from this angle , she kept slightly opening her red lips and talking about her own debate . The hair swaying with the fan is really beautiful . I was in a trance for a while , as if I was not in the game , so I really wanted to watch more quietly like this .
<p _msttexthash="2920021" _msthash="2303">But because of the exchange of pros and cons , the accident finally came .
<p _msttexthash="47675810" _msthash="2302">After the second child introduced the topic of the debate , he was not familiar with it after all when sorting out his views . It was difficult to reverse his previous views . In addition, the second child was a little nervous about the competition , and his brain couldn't react for a while . Explained stuttering .
<p _msttexthash="38803687" _msthash="2301">" Reading is important but...but it has to be applied in practice . It is not as intuitive as traveling thousands of miles . The above is my point of view , thank you everyone . " The second child ended hastily , and sat down with a dazed expression , as if the game had already been lost up .
<p _msttexthash="27298869" _msthash="2300">Immediately afterwards, the opponent's second argument began to attack : " Don't you think that reading is not important ? Reading is a good experience , so it must not have traveled thousands of miles to see the outside world, okay ? "
<p _msttexthash="109518162" _msthash="2299">It was our turn for the second defense to start attacking , and his mind was full of the previous attacking problems . Suddenly , he could only say anxiously : " Our side didn't say that reading is not important , and the experience in the book is often the author's experience. The record of what I saw and heard when I traveled thousands of miles , so it is important to travel thousands of miles . "
<p _msttexthash="266909929" _msthash="2298">The opponent's third argument is to fill in the loopholes and attack. When he comes up aggressively , he doesn't seem to be here to compete , as if someone owes him five million : " I think the opponent's second argument is very problematic . We have already talked about reading It is important , and it is also important to travel thousands of miles . But if you travel more and see more , time efficiency is low . I can save so much time you have experienced by reading books , and a person's life is limited , don't you think about it ? "
<p _msttexthash="131006018" _msthash="2297">I stood up unhurriedly, looked at the referees and judges and smiled , then looked into the eyes of the other party's third debate and said unhurriedly : " First of all, thank you for agreeing the importance of traveling thousands of miles. Traveling thousands of miles is like practice . Read Thousands of books are more like experience . Marx said that practice is the only criterion for testing truth. You should have heard this sentence, right ? I said the same thing last time . Do you think what Marx said was wrong ? Hmm ? "
<p _msttexthash="135161039" _msthash="2296">I glanced at the referee and said : " Marx has a guiding role in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics , which extends to the study and travel of this topic . Whether it starts from the history that makes people learn , or the change from capital to proletariat , it has proved that practice The importance of reading . Reading is just for better practice . So practice is more important... 」
<p _msttexthash="6558123" _msthash="2295">I sat down slowly , and the second child turned his head to look at me . Her eyes were full of light and full of hope .
<p _msttexthash="38353406" _msthash="2294">The debate competition is based on a point system , so she will lose a lot of points if she is not as good as the opponent in that part . But the debate competition, the debate competition , and more importantly, the debate , I have the bottom line , and this point is quickly overtaken .
<p _msttexthash="9060961" _msthash="2293">The referee said in a broadcast tone : " Now enter the free debate session , a total of 8 minutes , four minutes for each side . Start now ! "
<p _msttexthash="17670588" _msthash="2292">The opponent's three arguments were like a mountain cannon . He stood up and pointed at me and retorted : " I didn't say that Marx was wrong . I meant to save time and cost . Life time is limited . "
<p _msttexthash="5824377" _msthash="2291">I glanced at the other three members of our team and found that they didn't intend to stand up and refute .
<p _msttexthash="968669" _msthash="2290">I stood up and said slowly , " Oh ? Really ? "
<p _msttexthash="4223674" _msthash="2289">He looked like he didn't pay attention to him , and he really did n't pay attention to him .
<p _msttexthash="6942819" _msthash="2288">" We're arguing about reading more books and walking more roads . How do you argue about time and life ? " I continued .
<p _msttexthash="38354251" _msthash="2287">The second debater on the other side stopped the third debater who wanted to stand up and retort : " Reading is not as important as traveling. Why are you still studying here ? Instead of traveling ? "
<p _msttexthash="5387304" _msthash="2286">I took another look at our team . Sibian directly shook his head to express that he could not return .
<p _msttexthash="1729364" _msthash="2285">The second child also showed an anxious expression .
<p _msttexthash="2668172" _msthash="2284">Well , this time I have to come alone . Why not just pick four ? Fake you ?
<p _msttexthash="255074443" _msthash="2283">I stood up and said , " First of all, what you just said in the three debates is to save time . From the perspective of time , the truth and experience are not dependent on time , but on the truth . I am learning the truth, which does not mean that I have to create the truth . And this question simply asks about reading or walking, that is, which is more important than reality . If you can't walk and summarize practice , do you still have books to read? If you don't even have a single book , how can you talk about reading thousands of books ? "
<p _msttexthash="81168386" _msthash="2282">The opponent gradually struggled . And I didn't know what to say for a while . Reluctantly, a little girl who was arguing against the other side stood up and said : " As far as the matter is concerned , you are studying here instead of walking , which already means that reading is more important . So this alone can prove it . And your point of view is based on your reading. You don't know that until you read the book . "
<p _msttexthash="16049605" _msthash="2281">When I heard it, I was overjoyed. Didn't this directly hit the muzzle that I am good at . Epistemology, this is , it exists in the principles of Marxism, and I am too familiar with it .
<p _msttexthash="39085462" _msthash="2280">I smiled and said : " This kind of debate topic is inherently contradictory , and the contradiction has always been unified and opposed . Don't you just ignore this point of view when you say that? Is n't it more important to take a look at practice ? Because this is what Marx said. yes . "
<p _msttexthash="13207155" _msthash="2279">She went on to refute me : " You always like to mention Marx . This is his point of view . You have to find your own point of view . Marxism is not necessarily correct . "
<p _msttexthash="39495677" _msthash="2278">In fact, I made a mistake here . She wants to say that since the contradictions are unified and opposed , why can't reading be more important , and I have nothing to say . But she actually denies Marxism. You must know that denying what Marx said is the most taboo in debate competitions .
<p _msttexthash="2679222" _msthash="2277">Naturally, there will be destruction in the back , one against four .
<p _msttexthash="1178970" _msthash="2276">The referee couldn't even add points to me .
<p _msttexthash="1249612" _msthash="2275">No way , we are so powerful , what should we do ?
<p _msttexthash="63390756" _msthash="2274">"The game is over , the opposing side wins , please leave in an orderly manner . " Until this moment , all the team members, including me, breathed a sigh of relief . It's not because I'm tired , but because the opponent is too weak , and I haven't had enough fun yet . I also want to show my skills in front of the second child , otherwise how can I show my master's strength ?
<p _msttexthash="4857476" _msthash="2273">The second child said to me with a little surprise : " We actually won , we won , haha , that 's great . "
<p _msttexthash="103346009" _msthash="2272">Then I pretended to have a wretched smile on my face : " Ahem , awesome ? You can give me two kisses as a reward for such an awesome roommate . It's not too much , just give me a kiss on the left cheek and a kiss on the right cheek . Oh yeah , if it doesn't work, just kiss me once ." Well , let's not take advantage of it , just give me a bite . "
<p _msttexthash="19559852" _msthash="2271">The second child changed his face in an instant : " Go away , I just wanted to praise you , you are not in shape , is it itchy , believe it or not, I will beat you . " He raised his small fist and said as he exited .
<p _msttexthash="2581709" _msthash="2270">And I glanced at the fat senior with gloomy eyes in the auditorium .
<p _msttexthash="5214781" _msthash="2269">The fat senior muttered something trash in his mouth, and left in a hurry . I don't know where I went .
<p _msttexthash="38676664" _msthash="2268">The next two games are nothing to watch . Just like my last game . Although everyone has prepared for the following debate topics , there is no exchange of pros and cons . Not to mention me , even without me , the three of them can barely compare , plus I directly give them all a numbness .
<p _msttexthash="15053194" _msthash="2267">Champion... take it ! The certificate will be issued on the spot, and the name will be written on the certificate tomorrow , sent to the counselor , and then forwarded to us .
<p _msttexthash="22323574" _msthash="2266">After a burst of applause , the game ended tonight , and the representative team of the Department of Computer Science was our team . Leaving the game site with everyone and preparing to go back to the dormitory .
<p _msttexthash="1104818" _msthash="2265">Out of the teaching building , at the door .
<p _msttexthash="12976054" _msthash="2264">" Okay , everyone worked hard tonight and finally got a good result . Let's see you later in the school competition . " I mainly said to the other two team members .
<p _msttexthash="46761416" _msthash="2263">I still don't know the name of one of the boys . After all, I've only known him for a day or two , and I didn't ask my second child . He said , " Damn , we won by lying down. Why is that senior like this ?
<p _msttexthash="2653313" _msthash="2262">" That's right . " The girl who came to form a team with him also echoed .
<p _msttexthash="2117193" _msthash="2261">I said , " Okay , it 's okay , it's over anyway , we'll go back , bye . "
<p _msttexthash="6396611" _msthash="2260">The second child was also very angry with the fat senior, so he said " then go back " and did n't say anything else .
<p _msttexthash="10867415" _msthash="2259">I walked beside my dick with my hands on the back of my head from behind , and I asked , " How is it ? Let's get excited tonight . Is our comeback handsome ? "
<p _msttexthash="12884378" _msthash="2258">The second child pouted and said , " Cut~ you're not handsome , or you'll have to fart again in a while , and you're going to say something that doesn't make sense . "
<p _msttexthash="2848963" _msthash="2257">" Okay , I'm that kind of person in your eyes, right ? " I said aggrievedly .
<p _msttexthash="10719904" _msthash="2256">She suddenly smiled and said , " That's not it . But... I still have to thank you . It 's really reassuring to have you by my side . Thank you very much . "
<p _msttexthash="13208481" _msthash="2255">" Oh , a family doesn't speak different languages . No... I mean that people in one bed don't talk in two . You...you are too polite . " I teased her with a playful smile .
<p _msttexthash="1901016" _msthash="2254">I stretched out my face : " If you really want to thank me... "
<p _msttexthash="8514558" _msthash="2253">Seeing this, the second child directly twisted my arm super hard : " Can you be a little serious , can you , I really convinced you . "
<p _msttexthash="15858934" _msthash="2252">I pretended to be in pain : " Oh , it hurts, it hurts... Lightly, lightly , stop kissing, stop kissing , I don't want to kiss , it's okay . Why is violence , it 's detrimental to the image . "
<p _msttexthash="9390797" _msthash="2251">" Hmph , let's see if you dare . Forget it, I'm in a good mood tonight , let's treat you to dinner . " She let go of her hand and said with a smile .
<p _msttexthash="17456673" _msthash="2250">" As expected of the second sister , she is very particular about people . I want to eat... eat... eat you~ " After I finished speaking, I avoided my arms to prevent her from pinching me again .
<p _msttexthash="5831176" _msthash="2249">The second child was a little serious and said : " If I do this again , I will get angry . I ca n't talk properly . "
<p _msttexthash="27031706" _msthash="2248">I quickly said : " Okay, okay . Actually, there is no need to invite me to dinner , as long as you don't get angry . How about it ? You have to agree not to be so angry with me in the future , or don't get angry and ignore me , we will pull the hook ... "
<p _msttexthash="8488740" _msthash="2247">I put away my joking attitude , stopped in a serious manner , stretched out my little finger , and waited for her to pull the hook .
<p _msttexthash="5909007" _msthash="2246">The second child also stopped . He looked up at me : " Well , good . But you can't be so dishonest in the future . "
<p _msttexthash="14650233" _msthash="2245">After all , pull my little finger . I still muttered in my mouth : " Hanging on the hook , not allowed to change for a hundred years~ " . Then stamped a stamp firmly on her thumb .
<p _msttexthash="264056" _msthash="2244">I'm in a good mood .
<p _msttexthash="20089043" _msthash="2243">Alas , a needle in the bottom of a woman's heart . Yesterday and the day before yesterday , I was so noisy with the two of us that I almost thought that I was going to break up with me . It will be fine tonight .
<p _msttexthash="1158196" _msthash="2242">Sure enough , the girl... needs to be coaxed !
<p _msttexthash="26682760" _msthash="2241">And I understand that the second child likes powerful people . Need to conquer with action . Instead of kneeling and singing conquest . Just wait , I'll prove it with facts . Sure , this is the first girl who really walked into my heart .
<p _msttexthash="770185" _msthash="2240">So happy to go back to the bedroom .
<p _msttexthash="10240750" _msthash="2239">As soon as I entered the door, I heard the fourth brother almost crying and yelling at the boss : " Tell me , what is your relationship with her ? "
<p _msttexthash="1797458" _msthash="2238">When the second child heard it, he asked , " What's wrong ? "
<p _msttexthash="10001082" _msthash="2237">The fourth child saw the second child coming back : " Second sister , I saw that he was replying to a girl's message , but he didn't show it to me . "
<p _msttexthash="2639403" _msthash="2236">The second child snorted coldly : " Sure enough , men are unreliable . "
<p _msttexthash="3874000" _msthash="2235">I know the boss , he must have his own reasons . And he's not that kind of scumbag at all .
<p _msttexthash="3648294" _msthash="2234">The boss just scratched his head like a piece of wood : " Oh , it's not what you think . "
<p _msttexthash="40278758" _msthash="2233">I saw that the atmosphere was a bit bad , so I pretended to be eccentric and said , " Oh , what's wrong with you , boss ? The red flag at home is not down , and the colorful flags are fluttering outside ? The fourth is so cute , so kind , and manages the house like this . What's the matter with you, you ? "
<p _msttexthash="1254318" _msthash="2232">The boss is as stupid as he is : " What can I do , I... "
<p _msttexthash="3361735" _msthash="2231">The fourth child looked at me , and seemed to agree with my compliments on her .
<p _msttexthash="28723487" _msthash="2230">Then I interrupted the boss and said , " Oh , I understand . Keep one , keep two , and develop three, four, five, six, seven, right ? Talk about one in the dormitory , one in the hometown , and a few more outside . Hiss... okay, boss , look. " I can't come out . "
<p _msttexthash="3769428" _msthash="2229">The boss was in a hurry : " Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh . "
<p _msttexthash="2684747" _msthash="2228">" I don't show it to the baby because... " the eldest said to the fourth .
<p _msttexthash="9444968" _msthash="2227">The fourth child looked fierce , crossed his hips , puffed out his small chest and said , " Why? Tell me quickly ! Is it your ex-girlfriend ? "
<p _msttexthash="560937" _msthash="2226">Boss : " Because...because... "
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