Usually, my day will be relatively peaceful, I wake up, hunt, bathe, hunt some more, experiment, hunt even more, and so on before I head to bed.
This time however, for the past few days I didn't leave the tribe after killing them both to bring down the suspicion of me killing them as every living being here hates my guts.
The only time I'll leave is to hunt small game near the Tribe to keep my hunger at bay until I show them the 2 heads, but even that barely did anything.
I was going crazy, I started to become more chaotic but tried to control myself and sleep most of the day to ignore my constant hunger.
I was suggesting to go and sneak out at night to go hunting, but I was being extra cautious these past few days.
So after waiting and suffering a few days of constant torture, I placed the heads down in the middle of midnight with extra precaution in placing them there without being spotted in the slightest. I didn't want to be caught after coming this far, so it's understandable for my cautious behavior.
Once I was done with that, I tried to go to bed but couldn't be able to until hours later when the sun began to rise.
Knock! Knock! Knock!
The sudden loud knocks woke me up from my 1-hour sleep.
I was confused and angry at the same time, Although I don't feel all too tired, I didn't want to wake up to experience this horrible fucking feeling.
"Open up now!" I heard someone shout.
Wait for a second, why are they knocking on this door, there's no way anyone could discover that I did it, and if they did, they would've told everyone right away when placing the 2 heads.
"May I help *Yawn* you all?" My "Mother" yawns as I watch her answer the door.
You old fool, don't answer the door! Can't you see they are here for me, you bitch.
"Did you know your spouse and daughter have been killed?"
So they did find it, well, which is understandable since it was easy to find.
"They have been gone for a few days due to Elena's first hunt, was it an animal?"
Yes, it was an animal now, telling them to get out of here before I get killed.
"No, we believe your son did it."
Shit! Don't believe them, lady, don't believe them!
"T-that da-"
Fucked this shit, I'm out of here before I can be killed by those fuckers and if I can't escape then I'll kill them all until I'm dead
Before I was about to punch the wall to get out of here, I heard a voice.
Peeking out the window, I saw a man that looked refined and gave off the vibe of a true leader.
"E-elder, welcome"
What, Elder? That's the Elder? The one that barely comes out of his house and only does when it's something of great deal importance? Why is the one who decided to let me live here? What is this fuckers goal?
"I can see you all have caused trouble in front of this house, may I ask why?"
Oh, I see, he's here over the noise the idiots were making, make sense as I would do the same too.
Someone explained the situation to him and all I can say is when this whole thing is over, he's the one I'm going to kill the slowest. What a fucking turd.
Looking at the Elder, I could see he is for some reason amused by the current situation. Although I should leave, as leaving sooner is better, I'm quite curious about what he will say.
"He didn't do it."
"Excuse me?"
Excuse me?
He seems to believe I didn't do it 100% percent. Strange, very strange.
"He's been either inside the tribe or near it on the outside of the tribe for the past few days, even before they both went out"
Wait, has been keeping tabs on me, I mean the part of me staying in or near the tribe is true, but I did leave before they left, has he been keeping tabs on me or not?
"Plus you didn't look at the poor souls closely enough at all, you could see there is a letter on their head"
Wait what letter, I didn't put any letter. Honestly, I should've put some kind of note, but my forgetful self forgot to. Anyway, back to the topic, not once did I put a note attached to her head.
At this point, I wasn't listening to the outside any longer, instead, I started thinking
'That elder, he's suspicious, even to my liking. I don't like him already as he's keeping me alive for a purpose, but what though? Does he know what I've been up to? If he was then he would've killed me but… didn't.'
My worst enemy is smart individuals. I don't like them, and he's one of them which I don't like. Actually no, mysterious individuals are the ones I don't like, and he screams full of mystery as if he's trying to hide something. I will find out soon.
A full day has passed, and I have been woken up by multiple footsteps outside. Looking out, I could see many armed with Bows and Spear, plus some more stuff. If they are doing what I'm thinking they are doing, I can't miss this opportunity to feast.
After they left, I sneakily went out the window and followed them by using my sense of smell and hearing, so I won't need to get close to them and get caught.
'They are moving rather fast' I thought as their scent path grew larger and larger
I begin to go a bit faster, so I won't lose them.
'They are not even using their torches to see through the dark. Fucking bastards, at least let me see how far you are.'
After a few minutes of traveling, I saw some light from ahead and stopped.
*Sniff* *Sniff*
I sniff while closing my eyes to have more concentration on what I'm smiling
After a few seconds, I smelled more people besides the 5 groups I was following.
'So they really are doing it' I thought with a grin
They are about to decimate a bunch of tribes, which will soon be my food.
Am I worried in the slightest that the 5 groups sent out will lose? Ha, no, and I can even bet no one will even die. Will accept the opposing Tribe.
I got a bit closer and looked and saw 2 people talking to each other, unaware of what would happen.
Oh, it looks like they notice, but it's too late as arrows flew down from above and managed to get one of them.
"*Sigh* I wish I had popcorn to see the show. Well, whatever."
I looked on as I saw more and more arrows being shot until it stopped.
I looked towards the distruzione group direction and saw more lights than before.
"Well, shit, they're fucked. Rest in peace, at least you will have a purpose by being my food." I whispered while putting my two hands together and praying.
Got to pray before you pray, right?
*Sniff* *Sniff*
"Aw shit" I cursed
I just noticed something, I won't be able to eat some bodies due to them being burnt to a crisp. Let's just hope their bodies stay intact, as I don't mind eating them overcooked. Can't be picky, can't I?
Seeing some survive the onslaught, even that annoying old man whom I presume is an Elder in that Tribe I was glad since some of them won't be overcooked after
'Be patient, you bitch, just wait a bit more before you cause me a serious ruckus.'
"As of today, the Udu tribe was no more"
I heard Navaor say before killing the last person in that tribe. Good!
Of course, I can't go down there and say hello to them while eating everyone's bodies. They will kill me for sure, so I need to wait until they leave.
"Go look around the tribe to see if there's any left," Navaor ordered
'Do they really need to look around? I mean I know it's necessary, but I don't want to wait here for long. *Sigh* whatever, let's go hide.'
I don't know how long I've been hiding, but I know it wasn't for long as I can smell all their scent moving in the direction back to the tribe. I sound like a creep when saying that.
After they left, I left my hiding spot and went where the Udu tribe once stood and look around with a grin on my face.
rip to all of those who died in the 9/11 event.