58.77% Devil’s Music / Chapter 67: Chapter 67: The Leopard That Lost Its Fangs part 4

บท 67: Chapter 67: The Leopard That Lost Its Fangs part 4

Son Lin heard the news and tried to send Byeongjoon on a mission. However, feeling sorry for Byeongjoon, who would be alone at home all day while she was away for practice, she declined the mission, citing the reason of feeling sorry for him. Eventually, Fantagio agreed to handle the role of scheduling interviews for journalists. In return, Son Lin was greatly satisfied as they informally agreed to sign a contract with Fantagio exclusively for Northeast Asia if she debuts later.

Three days passed quickly, and finally, the autumn semester at Juilliard began. Geon Kim, carrying a simple set of writing tools in a hard case, headed to school. The journalists had all left, but when Geon arrived at the school, he saw that the majority of female fans surrounding the school were shouting.


"K! K! Look here!"

"K! K! K!"

Unlike Asian fans, mature American girl fans did not block Geon's path. They simply lined up near the school gate, shouting and looking at Geon. Grateful for such fan culture, Geon stopped and posed for various pictures, shaking hands and entering the school after about five minutes of posing.

Inside the school, the situation was the same. As Geon, who was just a student at the school, and everyone else, who were considered geniuses in instruments, composition, etc., were not openly asking for autographs or photos, but they all looked at Geon with admiration. The first day of Juilliard's fall semester for the guitar department started with all students gathering in the auditorium to listen to the professor's lecture, unlike the usual one-on-one lessons and individual practice that usually make up department life.

As Geon opened the classroom door, feeling the excitement of the first semester again, he noticed that students who had become friends during the summer were gathered, chatting with each other. However, when Geon entered through the back door, everyone quieted down. All eyes were on Geon, and he scratched the back of his head, feeling awkward.

"Uh... How's everyone doing?"

Awkwardly raising one hand to greet, some students unconsciously shook hands before retracting them in surprise. Feeling embarrassed by the continued attention, Geon quietly took a seat at the back. Even though he was alone, it became difficult to sit there when everyone was whispering about him. At that moment, a man with black long hair sat next to Geon. Geon looked at him.

"Pavio! Long time no see."

The man with black long hair was Pavio Marchetti, who played the guitar for Asperatu when they performed in the studio class. Smiling as if he was glad to see Geon, Pavio spoke.

"Hehe, I knew you were an extraordinary person, but I didn't expect you to become this famous in just three months of vacation, K."

Geon laughed, turning his head slightly while lying on the desk.

"Yeah, I never thought it would turn out like this. Thanks for pretending to know me, Pavio. It was actually a very awkward situation."

While Geon and Pavio were exchanging various stories during the vacation, Professor Sharon entered as the front door opened. Sharon, upon entering, looked around at the students gathered in the classroom. When her eyes met Geon's, Sharon subtly smiled and stood at the front of the classroom.

"How was your vacation, everyone?"


"Vacation is too short, right?"


Laughing, Sharon adjusted the remote control, and the large screen behind her lit up, revealing the presentation screen. Stepping away from the podium to stand in front of the screen, Sharon spoke.

"Since the beginning of last semester, some of you may have noticed that I threw a mission to you at the beginning of the semester."


Perhaps because it was the second semester, the students were expressing themselves more playfully than the tense atmosphere of the first semester. Sharon laughed at the students' natural change and adjusted the remote control again.

'Second Mission'

Pointing to the words on the screen, Sharon spoke to the students.

"I've seen many students who worked hard on practice during the semester and vacation. I've also seen students who practically lived in the school practice room during vacation. Now is the time to bear the fruit of your efforts. Moreover, it's the moment when your career begins."

When Sharon adjusted the remote control again, new words appeared on the screen.

'Prove Your Skills.'

When the students looked puzzled at the ambiguous statement, Sharon spoke.

"To put it simply, it's about proving the skills you've been practicing for the past six months. It's not a mission among students. I'll introduce teams suitable for each student's skills to participate as session members. Of course, becoming a member depends on your own abilities because you'll have to audition."

Sharon explained as she moved back and forth in front of the screen.

"Whether it's an orchestra, opera, or pop music, it doesn't matter. The task for this semester is to create the first career for students within their capabilities, whether it's getting their name as a session member on a record or appearing in a tour concert."

The students, hearing Sharon's words, were confused and murmured.

To the bewildered students, Sharon added an explanation.

"Don't be confused. I don't mean you have to find and audition on your own. I will introduce you to places where you can get cooperation from various professors. If you fail the audition, I will introduce you to another place. However, your grades will be affected each time you fail the audition, of course."

A student raised their hand. When Sharon pointed, another student stood up and asked.

"Do you recognize sessions in pop musician's tour concerts?"

It was a relatively easy question since participation in a pop musician's session for a student at Juilliard.

Sharon nodded and said, "Yes. Of course. However, the score will vary depending on the role you play."

The student who asked the question continued, "So, does participating in album production give a higher score than a tour?"

Sharon shook her head.

"Not necessarily. Even if you participate in a tour, if you play a significant role, you can get a higher score than in album production. For example, there are guitars used in orchestras that are over ten, right? If you get the lead guitar among them, you will get a higher score compared to chorus guitar."

"Even if you participate in album work, it won't keep up with the proportion of playing lead guitar in a tour, right? In other words, the score will be divided according to the participation ratio."

This time, another student raised their hand. Sharon gestured, and the student stood up and asked, "So, does the score also vary depending on the popularity of the musician participating in the session?"

Sharon nodded and said, "Of course. The difficulty of the audition will differ between sessions of a rookie band releasing their first album and sessions of a well-known musician."

"Also, if you select a musician for audition and pass, you will receive extra points. Do you understand? Any more questions?"

Sharon looked around at the students, giving them a moment. Although the students murmured, no one asked any more questions. Sharon picked up the documents she brought and said, "Okay. If any student wants to audition themselves, come to the professor's office within a week. Other students will be designated audition locations by the assigned professor within two weeks. Well, everyone, I hope you do your best for your first career. That's it for today's information."

After shaking hands with Sharon and leaving the lecture hall, the classroom became noisy in an instant.

"Oh, this is crazy. What is this again?"

"Ugh, I couldn't even practice because I went to the Dominican Republic during the break!"

"I thought the first semester mission was crazy, but this semester is even worse, wow."

Pavio, who was sitting next to Geon, also rubbed his temples with a headache while speaking.

"Ah, this is something else. It doesn't seem like they'll give points for performing in a local band."

Geon laughed while putting his writing materials in Haku's hard case. Pavio, seeing Geon smiling, said as if he remembered something.

"By the way, K! K! You know famous musicians and hang out with them, right? Can you introduce me?"

Geon looked at Pavio with a grin, and Pavio, making an awkward expression while touching his temples, said, "Ah... Santana... Marilyn Manson... Tim Burton... right? It's not an area I can meddle in, haha. I'll just go to the place designated by the professor."

Geon laughed at Pavio's realization and stood up from his seat. Watching Geon stand up, Pavio asked.

"You'll find it yourself, right? What direction of musician are you going to be? Opera? Or orchestra?"

Geon, walking out of the classroom, grinned.

"Well, I'll have to think about it from now on. See you later, Pavio."

After stopping by Sharon's office for a chat and having a cup of tea, Geon left the school. While passing through Dante Park on the way home, wearing a mask he had prepared just in case, Geon thought about various things regarding Professor Sharon's mission.

'Ah, if I had worked with Tim Burton director now, I would have easily scored. What a shame.'

Geon walked into the house, craving a snack. He took out Logan's bread and milk from the fridge and headed to his bedroom, settling in front of the PC. As he bit into the bread and browsed the news, his phone rang.

"Hey, Shihwa."

"Oppa, where are you?"

"At home, why?"

"Can we video call?"

"Yeah, sure."

"I'll call again, answer it."


Geon glanced at the mirror on his desk, ran his fingers through his hair, and just as he was doing that, a video call request came in. Answering the call with his phone in hand, Shihwa's face filled the screen.


Startled by the exuberant scream resonating from the phone, Geon opened his eyes wide, and Shihwa playfully laughed, illuminating her surroundings. The screen showed chaos – it seemed to be Shihwa's school, with girls in uniforms going wild. As Geon waved and laughed, a louder cheer erupted. Amidst the uproar, Shihwa said something, but it was too noisy for Geon to hear. He gestured that he couldn't hear, and Shihwa, ending the video call, called back through a regular voice call.



"Yeah, what's up? Isn't it evening time at school now?"

"I'm in high school now, it's night self-study time."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, my friends wanted to see you, so I gave it a try."

"Oh, you did well then."

"Oppa, oppa, are you going to be a celebrity in the U.S. now?"

"Huh? Who said that?"

"Everyone! You've gained that much popularity, why bother going to school?"

"Nah, I'll keep going to school. I don't have plans to be a celebrity yet."

"Oh, really? The kids will be disappointed. Can I tell it to Joohee unnie?"

"Yeah, it's fine. I mentioned it in an interview too."

"Got it. Oppa, I'll call again!"


Geon chuckled at the blank screen. He finished the remaining milk, briefly visited a Korean news portal, and as he was searching the news, the doorbell rang.

"Huh? Who could it be at this hour? Just a moment!"

Geon rushed downstairs and opened the door.

"Huh? Phillip?"

 In front of the door stood a big, black-haired man wearing a T-shirt and jeans, Phil, and a bulky man with a loud patterned shirt, his hat pushed back. Phil extended his fist to Geon and said,

"Hey, K, I'm here. You said to come, right?"

Geon, with a bewildered expression, responded as their fists collided,

"You should have at least called and let us know you were coming. Come on in. But who's this on your side..."

Phil turned around with a smile and said,

"This is Vinnie. I told you I'd introduce you. Vinnie, say hello. This is K."

Vinnie fixed his hat and raised his hand after stroking his chin,

"Heard a lot about you, K. Saw you on video, but you look even better in person."

Geon exclaimed in surprise,

"Oh, you're Vinnie Paul? Huge fan!"

Vinnie chuckled and said,

"Being a fan of mine is an honor, especially for guys like us."

Geon gestured dismissively and said,

"No, really, I'm a fan. Come on in."

As Geon opened the door and gestured, the two entered and looked around the house.

"Wow, it's cozy and nice. Perfect for living alone, isn't it?"

Geon led them to the sofa, saying,

"This is quite spacious too. In Korea, living alone usually means a small 1-room apartment. Living in a two-story house like this requires quite a bit of wealth in Korea."

Vinnie, placing his hat on the coffee table upside down, commented,

"Yeah, I visited Korea once. People are packed into a small country like sardines."

Geon, watching the two on the sofa, asked,

"Can I get you guys some tea? I don't have much, just milk and orange juice."

With a slightly disappointed expression, Vinnie said,

"No beer, huh?"

Phil nudged Vinnie and said,

"He's still underage. No beer for him. K, just two glasses of orange juice."

Geon chuckled, nodded, and headed to the kitchen. As he did, Vinnie whispered to Phil,

"Mind doing me a favor? School hasn't started yet, right?"

Phil, approaching Vinnie, replied in a hushed tone,

"I don't know. Bring it up, and if it seems impossible, try to persuade him."

Soon, Geon returned with three glasses of juice on a tray. As he set the glasses on the table, the two distant friends leaned in and exchanged whispers. Sitting on the opposite sofa, Geon asked,

"So, you came all the way to see me in Manhattan?"

Phil, taking a big gulp of orange juice, replied,

"Hell yeah, I said I was coming. Also, I wanted to introduce Vinnie. By the way, Vinnie lives in New York."

When Geon looked at Vinnie, he nodded as if confirming.

"Specifically, near Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. I was in Europe for a tour, just got back two days ago."

As Geon looked at Vinnie, he nodded as if confirming.

"Exactly, near Atlantic Avenue in Brooklyn. I was in Europe for a tour, just got back two days ago."

Geon, slightly surprised, asked,

"Oh? You know 'Hell Yeah'? They're not that famous."

Phil laughed and said,

"I told you, he's a fan. It's an honor for a misfit like us to have a fan like K here."

Geon, shaking his head as if to deny it, said,

"Oh, really, I'm a fan. Come on in."

Phil opened the door and gestured for them to enter. As they stepped inside, Geon asked,

"So, what are your plans for the future, Phil? Don't you have a band to be a part of?"

Phil, guiding the two to the sofa, said,

"Well, actually..."

Geon, with a puzzled look, inquired,

"What's going on? This doesn't sound like you, Phil. Spit it out."

Phil hesitated for a moment, then Vinnie spoke up,

"Actually, there are many fans waiting for Pantera to reunite, you know?"

Geon reflected for a moment and said,

"Yes, I'm one of them."

Seeing Geon's interest, Vinnie continued,

"After reconciling with Phil and auditioning several guitarists, we couldn't find anyone we liked. It's tough for Pantera to come back, and we can't disappoint the fans."

Geon nodded in agreement, and Vinnie added,

"I was somewhat giving up, thinking it would be challenging for us, older guys, to handle the powerful sound and performances of Pantera again. But then, Phil discovered you. Someone had uploaded a performance from Crocodile on YouTube. I watched it too."

Geon, slightly surprised, asked,

"Huh? Are you telling me to join Pantera? I'm still a student, Vinnie."

Vinnie shook his head and said,

"No, K. The thing is, this winter marks the 13th anniversary of my brother Dimebag's death. I thought about doing a Pantera tribute concert tour around that time."

Geon, taking it more seriously, thought for a moment and said,

"A Dimebag Darrell tribute tour. When are you thinking about it?"

Vinnie, nodding, replied,

"Dime passed away on December 8th. I'm planning to tour around the Americas, Europe, and Asia about a month before the anniversary."

Geon checked his calendar app on his phone and said,

"So, starting from early November?"

Vinnie nodded and said,

"Yeah, it's September now, so we need to start practicing right away. Can you help us out?"

As Geon hesitated, Phil and Vinnie looked at him with tense expressions. In Geon's mind, the mission given by Sharon earlier today came to him. Geon decided to call Sharon and ask her questions related to the mission. Phil and Vinnie, watching Geon making a sudden call, looked at him with puzzled eyes.

After Geon smiled at them, he placed the converted speakerphone on the table. A few ringing tones later, a gentle female voice was heard.

"Hello? Geon?"

"Oh, Professor Sharon, it's Geon."

"Yes, I know. Have you had dinner?" "Yes, have you had yours, Professor?"

"I was just about to eat. What's the matter?"

"Well, it's about the mission you gave me today. May I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"Is it possible to earn credits by participating in a rock group's tour?"

"Rock group... Is it a format like the previous tour with Santana?"

"No, it's not a one-time performance. It seems like we'll be touring in the Americas, Europe, and Asia."

"What? Really. What band is this?"

With tension, Phil and Vinnie listened, leaning forward as if trying to get closer to the phone. Geon continued:

"It's Pantera, Professor Sharon."

Upon hearing the rough and robust voice instead of Geon's voice, Sharon's surprised voice came through.

"What? Pantera? Who is this?"

Phil, leaning towards the phone, spoke firmly.

"I'm Phil Anselmo, the vocalist of Pantera, Professor."

Sharon's bewildered voice echoed.

"What?? Phil Anselmo? Are you with Geon right now?"

"Yes, Professor. Please come to our house."

After Sharon took a moment to catch her breath, she said:

"Geon, you always choose surprising things. Pantera, really. How did you happen to meet them this time?"

Geon, after glancing at Phil and Vinnie, chuckled and said:

"Well, I don't know what to say. We just met by chance during my trip."

"Phew, you either have good luck or you're destined to meet people. Pantera is a legendary band, and if it's a worldwide tour, you should definitely get credits."

With an excited expression, Phil, close to the phone, said:

"By the way, Professor, Geon. I'm not sure if you'll consider it, but Pantera disbanded over 15 years ago. I assume you don't have a record label. Have you signed a contract?"

Vinnie, after laughing, suddenly fixed his expression. Looking at Phil, Vinnie said:

"Um... I wasn't thinking about that."

Phil asked, "What's the problem?" with a puzzled expression.

"Why bother with such concerns? It's a Pantera reunion! Even if it's a one-time tour concert, a company will surely offer you a contract."

Geon raised a finger and said:

"I have one more request. If you do decide to sign a contract, can you please let my acquaintance's company handle the Asian tour?"

Phil asked, surprised:

"You know a company? Weren't you just a student?"

Geon chuckled and replied:

"Actually, I had activities in Korea and China before entering Juilliard. I'm still connected with a Chinese company I worked with there. They have some highly capable people."

Vinnie shrugged and added:

"Well, if it's just the Asian side, it should be fine. You can leave that part to me when signing the contract. I'll leave it to you."

Geon nodded and then made another request:

"There's one more thing. You must listen to this."

Phil, leaning towards the phone eagerly, said:

"What is it? Tell me."

Geon, looking at Phil and Vinnie alternately, said:

"Let's go with the complete lineup of Pantera. Include Rex Brown, the bassist. Please let him join as well."

Phil, caught off guard, glanced at Vinnie and burst into laughter.

"Hahaha!! Of course! Why wouldn't we? It's Pantera's concert; he should definitely be there! We might be disappointed if he doesn't show up!"

That day, the three of them gathered at Geon's house, laughing heartily together.

next chapter
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