"The air support is here already? Great!" James said as he looked at the fighter jets that flew past the buildings above him. "Everyone! Get back and let the demons taste the power of those beasts," James continued as he looked at the Awakeners that fought the imps and the ghouls that came out of the portals.
James helped the troubled Awakeners with the spear in his hands. He looked a bit disappointed by how weak his members were and that they were struggling to deal with imps and ghouls. He wished that his members were like what Victor had because at that moment the Oath Guild was the strongest compared to the others. The Oath Guild had three times more members compared to the others.
It was as he expected, it took him eight hours to stop the breakout and a few casualties. He then went back to Goldmane's headquarters with his members to report that he had stopped the breakout.
"Are you serious? The Oath Guild only took four hours to clear the breakout?" James asked after his trusted friend told him on the phone. "Well, Iowa is small so that's not really surprising, but still, that's amazing," James continued.
"The Silver Cross Guild and the Conquerors Guild are still fighting the demons if that makes you feel better," A man with a cut down his left eye said. He was Enzo Manuel, the vice leader of the Goldmane Guild.
"No. People's lives are depending on them, so let's hope that they clear it soon," James shook his head as he entered the building. "Anyway, I'll leave the rest to you and make sure that not a single demon is alive on your side," James said.
"You know me. Also, Victor should be there by now," Enzo said.
"Okay, good luck out there and be safe," James said and hung up the phone.
Before James could enter the elevator, he heard cars come and he looked at them with his eyebrows raised, "Wow, speaking of the devil. They're here already."
James went outside to greet Victor and the strongest members of the Oath Guild that he brought with him. He saw at least fifty Awakeners that Victor brought with him, and they all looked quite intimidating that enough to make the Goldmane's members avoid them.
"You just finished?" Victor asked and he sounded like he was mocking James.
"Yeah, but we did it better than last time," James answered and ignored the mockery. "Anyway, come in and get some rest since I know you guys are tired," James continued.
"Not really, but we will accept the offer," Victor answered.
James raised his eyebrows and led them inside the building.
It took two hours for the other guilds to clear the breakout after the Goldmane Guild. They all immediately went to Nebraska to gather with the others, and they were faster than they expected.
"The cars are ready, we can go now," James said as he looked at his phone.
They all left headquarters and entered the cars. There were a total of forty SUV cars that fit eight people at most, and they went to Nebraska which would take at least six hours.
It was nighttime when they reached the border between Nebraska and Colorado through the highway. They arrived two hours earlier than scheduled, and it was still noon so they could start hunting the demons that roamed in there. But to their surprise, they didn't encounter a single demon.
"Did you find anything?" Travis asked James who had just come back from the highest hill.
"There are no demons around here. Even the drones didn't catch anything," James answered with a confused look on his face.
"That's not possible. How can a deserted state have no demons around? We are so sure that there isn't a single person living here anymore because it was the first one who got attacked by demons and it has been confirmed that there was no survivor here," Travis said and he looked surprised by the fact there wasn't a single demon.
"If you want to waste your breath, go out there on your own and see it with your own two eyes. We use the information that we got, and not some speculation," Victor said as he rubbed his hair and made it messy.
Travis glanced at Victor and his gaze was enough to tell he was so pissed at Victor.
"Now now. Let's just go to Denver and check if the demons are in the city. We should keep moving and not waste our time debating or arguing for something trivial," Morris said with a gentle smile. "Now that we talk about it, our sponsors didn't request us to come here for killing demons. They wanted us to come here for something else, but what is it?" Morris pointed out.
Everyone immediately looked at Morris and started to think about it as well.
"I guess we will find out soon, so let's keep moving," James said and looked at them.
They all nodded and got back inside the car to continue their journey to Denver. It took them two hours to finally reach the city, and it was dead quiet.
"You know what's more eerie than a swarm of demons?" Travis asked. "This is more eerie than that," Travis continued as he looked at the city.
"Should we split up and check the city?" Victor asked after he drew his swords on his back.
"Don't be crazy. Do you remember those gargoyles that made this counter almost extinct? This city has been abandoned for a year, and do you really think you can handle hundreds of them?" James asked as he looked at how prepared Victor was to explore the city on his own. "Let's just stick together. I know you want to raise your level and become strong, but not like this," James knew what Victor intended to do.
"Fine..." Victor sighed and put the swords back on his back.
They all checked every corner, alleyway, and building that they passed by, but not a single demon could be seen. They gave up on looking for demons because they couldn't even sense them ever since they entered the city.
"Do you think someone or something killed the demons? And we are here to see or kill it?" Travis asked as he walked next to Morris.
"I tried to communicate with my sponsor, do you want to know what he said?" Morris asked as he looked at the notification in front of him. "He said, there's someone that will turn our world upside down," Morris continued.
Travis and the others stopped walking and immediately looked at Morris with their eyes wide open.
"What do you mean by that?" Victor asked with his eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm not sur-" Before Morris could finish his sentence, he saw something that made him fix his glasses and looked up high in the sky. "Look, there's a giant smoke over there!" Morris said as he pointed at the sky.
They all looked at the smoke and realized that might be a sign of life. They all hurriedly ran toward the smoke which was on the other side of the city, and it was quite far away from they were.
On their way, they started to see gargoyles and other winged demons that they had never seen before. They were in disbelief when they saw dozens of them lay on the ground dead with wounds, cuts, and even lost some of their body parts. They didn't have the time to check and observe the bodies because they might find the ones who did that to the demons.
"Now we know what happened to all the demons..." James said under his breath as he looked at the headless gargoyle next to him.
"Whoever did this, they're out of our leagues. Just look at how many of those giant demons," Morris said and looked at the demons that stuck and hung on top of the buildings.
Victor walked ahead of the others since they were fascinated and terrified at the same time by the scenery. He then suddenly stopped walking and the others stopped looking around because of it.
"Over there," Victor said and pointed at something in front of him.
They all stood next to Victor and saw twelve people standing in front of a giant pile of demons that were being burned to ashes.
"Looks like we found our objective," Morris said as he walked to the front and stared at Mykel who stood in the middle, smoking his cigarette with a bottle of vodka in his left hand.
"We got company," Aurea said as she glanced at James and the others who were slowly walking toward them.
Mykel turned around and looked at the hundred Awakeners who walked toward him. He didn't know who they were, but looking at their armor and the weapons on their bodies, they weren't ordinary Awakeners.
"Excuse me, why are you burning down the demons?" James asked as he pointed at the pile of demons' dead bodies.
"You came here and ask a question without introducing yourself first? That's quite rude isn't it?" Sven asked back as he put down his scythe that he had created from the demon's claw.
"You don't know who we are? Seriously?" Travis asked as he scoffed in disbelief.
"No. We don't. So introduce yourself," Elena answered straight-forwardly and stared Travis in the eye.
Victor chuckled quietly and he found it fascinating, especially when he saw Elena. He was interested in her and how she used her words.
"You must have heard about the four guilds, right? We are the guild masters of those guilds. Let me introduce myself. My name is James Chase, of Goldmane," James said as he put his right hand on his chest.
The others introduced themselves, but when Victor did it, his eyes couldn't stop staring at Elena. He didn't realize that both Mykel and Lyneth were giving him deadly stares because of the way he looked at Elena and her body.
"I'm going to ask you guys again. Why do you burn the bodies? Do you know one of those bodies worth a fortune?" James asked.
"Worth a fortune? Do you see anyone else here that would be interested in these?" Rozan asked back. "Also, it would only spread disease that you don't even want to know," Rozan pointed out.
"In that case, can we take the remaining ones for ourselves?" Morris asked as he pointed his thumb at the road that they came from.
"Well now that you mentioned it, why should we do that? We are the ones that killed them. So it's ours," Aurea answered with her arms crossed. "Unless you want to pay for it, then they're all yours," Aurea continued.
"I'll buy all of them," Victor said as he kept staring at Elena. "How much do you want?" Victor asked and tried to impress Elena.
Elena smirked and lifted her index finger and middle finger, "Two billion dollars."
Victor was taken aback by the answer, but he immediately got back to his composure and looked around. He looked at the remaining bodies and tried to remember how many dead bodies he had seen before.
"I don't think it would be worth that much," Victor said.
"What's the matter? You're trying to impress me, so impress me," Elena smiled and raised her right eyebrow.
Victor licked his bottom lip as he chuckled and nodded his head. "Fine, I'll buy them for two billion dollars."
"That's a deal then," Elena smirked, and then she turned around and winked at Mykel.
"Hold on. You haven't told me your name," Victor said as he nodded his head up.
Elene slowly turned around and said, "Elena, Elena Alester."
"What about you guys? We don't know your names. I also believe you're the one who leads them?" Morris asked as he looked at Mykel.
"Mykel Alester," Mykel answered.
They noticed that both Elena and Mykel had the same last name, and they couldn't help but wonder.
"Elena is my little sister," Mykel said before they could ask the question.
Lyneth, Jeanne, and the others immediately glanced at Mykel and were surprised that he said that. They didn't say anything and decided to play along and remember to not misspoke about who Mykel and Elena were. They then introduced themselves to James and the others.
After they all got to know each other, Mykel created a fake story about why they were the only ones in the city. He made up a story that he found Rozan and the others from the city except for Elena and Lyneth. He told them he was from New York, and he wasn't lying since he was indeed from there.
"So you guys have been surviving on your own for a whole year here? That's amazing," Morris said as he enjoyed his beer and looked at the bar he was in. "But why don't you guys go to Nebraska since you know that it's safe there? Why stay here?" Morris asked with curiosity.
"We can manage ourselves here. We got here everything and we don't really need protection either. We found this place comfortable," Mykel answered.
"Are you planning on staying here?" James asked.
"Not anymore," Mykel stood up as he walked to behind the counter. "Since we have two billion dollars now. I think we are going to use it and enjoy ourselves with that money," Mykel answered as he poured himself a glass of vodka.
"Great! Then you should come along with us back to Nebraska. I believe the President wants to see you and your team because you guys are extraordinary," Morris said as he raised his beer.
Mykel didn't say anything and just chuckled.
James and the others spent the night near the bar and it was so peaceful that it terrified them. The next morning, they all went back to Nebraska after they informed Richard and sent him pictures of what had happened in Denver.
(In the temporary White House in Nebraska)
"My God. These twelve people are enough to stop a breakout? Who are these people? Have you identified who these people are?" Richard asked his secretary as he looked at the pictures on his tablet.
"I have, but I can only identify one of them. Please have a look, Mister President," The secretary gave the document to Richard.
Richard opened the document and saw a photo of Mykel Alester and the information about him.
"Mykel Alester, an author of his popular novel called The Towers of Demon..." Richard read the information out loud and kept reading until the last page. "He has criminal records, quite a lot of them..." Richard said with his eyebrows furrowed.
"The novel went downhill and it changed his life drastically," The secretary explained.
"The Towers of Demon. Have you read the book?" Richard asked.
"Unfortunately I haven't. I'm not interested in a fantasy book," The secretary answered.
Richard shrugged his mouth and then his phone rang. He picked it up and it was James, informing him that they should be arriving in the White House in an hour. He then told his secretary to prepare a room to welcome Mykel and his team.
(Somewhere inside the bunker in New York)
A man shrouded in a dirty blanket as he sat at the desk and stared at his laptop with the sound of a TV in the background. He was scrolling through the forum to find information about Awakeners and how to become one in his dark room.
"Man, this sucks. Why everyone is awakened while I'm not..." The man said as he sighed and stretched his body.
The man was blankly staring at the wall as he peeled his bottom lip's skin, but then he heard the breaking news music in the background. He turned around to turn it off because he felt envious whenever he listened to how being an Awakener was the best thing in the world. When he was about to turn off the TV, he saw the headline and it got his attention.
"Mykel Alester, a famous author that becomes a hero that survived for a year in Denver and defeated the demons..." The man said as he lowered his remote and put it away. "Mykel Alester? Isn't he the one who wrote Towers of Demon?" he continued as he furrowed his eyebrows.
"A new hope has appeared, and this time there are twelve of them. Who would have thought that good news keep coming, Ricky?" The woman newscaster said as she looked at her co-host. "I believe everyone wants to hear who these people are, and we have the names of the Awakeners that have saved Denver from demons," she continued and looked at the giant monitor behind her.
The man looked at the names and his eyes and mouth slowly widened. He immediately turned around and checked the Towers of Demon novel.
"Jeanne Dvar, Lyneth Leonis, Gunnar Fenmayer, Rozan Aubern, Gerrard Tal..." The man was shocked when the names matched with the names on the news. "These people are the characters from his novel..." he was speechless.
Suddenly a notification appeared in front of him.
[You have been chosen by the higher being]
[You have Awakened and become an Awakener with strength and the ability to defeat demons. You are given an opportunity to save Earth, and those who prove themselves will be rewarded]
[To access your strength and ability, you can say "Status" to check]
The man was so shocked and startled that he fell from his chair and lay down on the floor. He rubbed his eyes over and over until he was convinced that it wasn't a dream and that he wasn't imagining things.
"Status..." The man said.
Name: Anzel Rasmussen
Level: 1
Condition: Healthy (Rested)
Blood Type: A
Age: 22
Strength: 1
Agility: 1
Stamina: 1
Dexterity: 1
Vitality: 1
Skill: [Seventh Virtue: Diligence (Lv.1)]
[Seventh Virtue: Diligence (Lv.1): One of the seven virtues skills that allows the Awakened to never feel tired and increases recovery by 100%. The higher the level, the more benefits will be unlocked that will help the Awakened to become strong]
Anzel was chuckling in disbelief as he held his forehead, "I have awakened!"
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