The moment the clock and Aevia disappeared, everything disappeared as well, leaving Lyneth and the others in an empty space of nothingness. They were floating aimlessly and they lost their powers since their powers came from the clock. But then Lyneth clapped her hands and created a whole universe from nothing, and she gave their powers back like it was nothing.
To their surprise, Lyneth brought them all to the Empyrean World, and everyone was brought back to life by her as well. When she was done, she staggered, and Mykel immediately held her in his arms.
"What were you sorry for?" Mykel asked because he had a hunch something bad was happening the moment Lyneth erased the clock and Aevia.
Lyneth was holding her head because of the massive headache that she was having. She furrowed her eyebrows and she was unable to speak because of it, so Mykel brought her to the cabin.