Mykel raised his eyebrows and looked at Aevia since he never thought the target would be the Queen herself. He then glanced at the door and he knew what Elestria looked like, and she was in her early thirties, quite young for a ruler but it was because her older sister dethroned and gave it to her. The older sister was dethroned because she was infertile, so she decided to give up the throne and let her sister become the ruler.
"Is there a time limit?" Mykel asked as he crossed his legs.
"None, but you can't use your power. You can't manipulate her, only using your words and actions," Aevia answered as she leaned forward toward Mykel. "It should be hard, but that's the point and it's more challenging for you," she added.
"Since this has nothing to do with your goal, it would be fair if I could get what I want in return," Mykel said as he put out the cigarette.
"Sure. What do you want?" Aevia asked as she tapped her fingers on her right cheek repeatedly.