Mykel and the others went back to the United States by riding on Alpha, Beta, Charlie, Delta, and Echo. It only took them two hours even though they could go faster than that, but Beldathiel and Anathiel wanted to look at Earth that different from the one in the novel.
Their appearance in the sky shocked the world because they had never seen the massive dragons with their own two eyes. It terrified them, but at the same time, they were amazed by how majestic the dragons were. It became a hot topic around the world, and people thought that it would be impossible to kill those dragons even with the technology they had.
Alpha and his siblings were flying around above New York City, showing how majestic and terrifying they were. People were too scared to go out because of them, and they were being terrorized by the dragons' roars and how loud their massive wings were when they flapped them. It was Mykel's idea to inflict fear and subdue the people that stayed in his city.