Going on to explaining the different uses of itself and the sewing kit, the box talked about the materials, operations, and products of using the sewing kit.
To keep it nice and simple, it's nothing. Just sew like you normally do and it'll imbue the skill onto the item through the needles.
"So... what about things that don't need to be sewn? Does the magic kit not work on that stuff?"
Really wanting to know, Kiyomi almost stuffed her entire face into the box to look closer at the eyes that are plastered inside the box walls.
[...For things that don't need to be sewn... you... take a guess?]
Feeling the need to replenish his status, the box teased Kiyomi.
And~~ it'll soon come to regret its decision.
"Just tell me already!" said Kiyomi, the dangerous glint in her eyes intensified.
Scared, the box obediently obliged, if it had a face, it would really want to cry without tears.
[Well.. you also use the needle to sew the things that usually don't need to be sewn.. and the materials used are also the same... so I don't really ... know..]
The voice of the box got smaller and smaller towards the end, to the point where it sounded like a mosquito buzzing in your ears.
If Kiyomi hadn't been turned into a demon hybrid, she might really not have heard the tiny decibels that were released by the box.
"I can use materials to sew things that aren't made by sewing... like using wood to sew a mask? What the heck?"
Extremely dissatisfied, she decided to use to box as an experimental experiment.
Looking like a mad surgeon, Kiyomi smiled sadistically.
She took the tools from the magic sewing kit and separated and put them into different pockets of her haori, which she had personally sewn in.
As if the system had predicted her sadistic personality, the kit also came with a complete set of surgeon tools with masks, disinfectants, everything!
Buy one get an entire set free~!
The box stared at Kiyomi without a word.
It could only watch as Kiyomi got closer and closer to dissecting its body to rebuild it into something different.
Holding up the box in her hand, she examined it and designed the mask that she will later use when in her hybrid form.
Can't let people assuming that her human identity is somehow related to a demon can she?
Kiyomi's destined to one day expose her demon persona to others if not already. And she doesn't want any potential trouble knocking on her door when that happens.
Well, she doesn't know that Urodaki has already written a letter and sent it to the demon slayer headquarters.
But hopefully, her appearance and figure would be completely different the next time they see her.
Finishing up her preparations for a successful surgery - ahem, rebuilding, Kiyomi picked up the carver and smiled at the box.
"Let's start, little guy~!"
[Please no? I don't think I can feel pain but HOLY F*CK THAT HURTS!"]
Sawing through the box, Kiyomi felt strangely happy hearing the screams of pain let out by the box.
'That what you get for teasing me... only I get to tease people!'
She didn't need to make extra cuts to make the box feel more pain, because she needed to completely cut him up into strings before sewing him back into a mask.
After a long eight-hour surgery, the box, now a mask, looked even better than its original appearance, which was already quite pretty and exquisite.
It still kept the same colors, black, gold, and purple.
But the mask, instead of her previous mask, which would only cover half of her face, the new mask covered her entire face, not letting a single ray of sunlight hit her face.
Oh? What's that you ask? The eyes? The head?
No need to worry! This is where the special skills of the items specifically made by the Magic sewing kit comes in!
The first choice is to let fate decide! You can randomly get any skill that is applicable to the object or item you have created.
Or... you can actively ask for one skill you want! But it does come at a price....
..Extra Materials!
You need to pay the same kind of material that is used to make the object. But hundredfold!
Well actually, it depends on the skill you want, but every skill is at least tenfold the amount of materials!
This means that you have to create the same object tens if not hundreds of times before you can request for a skill.
And the extra objects you make will directly disappear, so sadly, she can't make some extra money while making her exclusive "Equipment".
But if any unique parts of the material are sacrificed, you will still be able to actively ask for the skill.
And... that's exactly what Kiyomi did.
[You did not just do that! You did not!]
"Oops? I did it anyway! Heheheh!"
Holding the mask in her hand as if it were her masterpiece, Kiyomi saw an eye in the middle of the mask on the forehead looking at her with an inexplicable sadness and anger.
"I mean cmon! You didn't need so many eyes anyways! Just one eye on the mask looks much better!"
Cleaning her tools, Kiyomi continued.
"Plus, now you can let my entire head be safe from the sun! Though I still need some other pieces of clothing before I can finally complete my set of 'Equipment', it's still a great start!"
That's right! She sacrificed three of the four eyes that the box originally had!
[... Can't I have at least two eyes?] The mask complained.
"Watchu need two eyes for anyways? One is enough! You look much better with only one eye don't you think?"
Before the mask could retort, Kiyomi stuffed it into her box full of other things.
"Now, now Miyu, be a good girl and wait in the box. Until I can find something that is more convenient to hold you with than the box, or if I need to wear you, you stay in that box like a good girl okay? Good girl~!"
[????] The mask seems as if it wanted to die.
'Even though I'm an inanimate object, I still have thoughts okay, woman?! And how come I suddenly became a girl?! I'm gender-neutral!! And change my name this instant!'
Is what Miyu would have said.. IF.. she wanted to feel the sadistic "Care~" of Kiyomi again.
"Now let's go back home! I wonder how Tanjiro is doing? He must've been lonely with me gone for half a year! Hehe... I must give him some special care once I get home!"
Walking under the starlight, she moved towards Mt.Kumotori, her home.
Who wants some chibi art to warm your hearts? I posted them in the comments. Which one do you guys like most?