100% Deity of Destruction / Chapter 58: Enddd of Tensura

บท 58: Enddd of Tensura

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Reinhard's ascension brought him to the threshold of the Fifth Heaven, known as the World of Anima Entelechia, or Twilight Reincarnation. This realm, ruled over by Tasogare and Mugen, was unique in its ability to allow Hadou Gods to coexist without the birth of a Singularity. Its Law of Rinne-Tenshou embraced all beings, allowing them to fulfill their desires, and offering redemption through countless cycles of rebirth.

As Reinhard stepped into this heaven, he noted the absence of Mercurius and his own past self, both currently occupied by the events of his ascension. Only Fuji Ren, the guardian of Marie, remained. Reinhard's eyes narrowed as he regarded Ren, a formidable opponent who had once defeated him in a different timeline. But this time, Reinhard was no longer the weak version of himself that Ren had once known.

Ren stood firm, his gaze unwavering as he faced Reinhard."We have meet again"

Reinhard smirked, his confidence unshaken. "Karl's bastard som, I acknowledge your strength. You defeated me once, but that was a different me. Now, I am beyond that. Prepare yourself."

Marie, the gentle ruler of this heaven, stood beside Ren, her presence serene yet powerful. "Reinhard, this heaven is a place of acceptance and redemption. Do you truly wish to disrupt its harmony?"

Reinhard's eyes glinted with determination. "Harmony and redemption are luxuries I can no longer afford. My path demands complete dominance."

Without further preamble, the battle began. Ren's time-stopping ability, a formidable power in any confrontation, was rendered useless against Reinhard. With his mastery over time and space, bolstered by his Ultimate Skills, Reinhard manipulated the very reality, nullifying Ren's attempts to freeze him in place.

Ren and Marie fought valiantly, their combined efforts creating a dazzling display of power and skill. Ren's attacks, swift and precise, aimed to exploit any opening in Reinhard's defense. Meanwhile, Marie's serene influence sought to shield Ren and counter Reinhard's overwhelming assaults.

However, Reinhard's power was insurmountable. His control over Azathoth and Lord of Gods Yhwh allowed him to anticipate and counter every move. Ren's strikes were met with barriers of pure force, dissipating harmlessly, while Reinhard's retaliatory blows shattered Ren's defenses. Marie's attempts to soothe and shield were equally futile, Reinhard's power pierced through her barriers, forcing her back.

The heavens trembled under the intensity of their clash. Each strike from Reinhard sent shockwaves rippling through the Fifth Heaven, distorting its serene landscapes. The gentle cycle of rebirth and redemption that defined this realm seemed to waver in the face of Reinhard's unyielding might.

Despite their best efforts, Ren and Marie were ultimately overpowered. Reinhard's final blow sent Ren crashing to the ground, his strength spent. Marie, struggling to stand, looked up at Reinhard with a mix of sorrow and determination.

Reinhard's expression softened, if only for a moment. "You fought well. And Marie, your resolve is admirable. But this is where it ends."

Ren, breathing heavily, managed a weak smile. "You're strong, Reinhard. Stronger than ever. But don't forget what you once stood for."

Reinhard's gaze hardened once more. "I have not forgotten. But my path demands that I forsake all weakness. Farewell, Karl's bastard son"

With a final surge of power, Reinhard's will dominated the Fifth Heaven. The Law of Rinne-Tenshou began to shift, bending to Reinhard's overwhelming presence. The gentle cycles of rebirth and redemption were replaced by the fierce determination and absolute dominance that characterized Reinhard's ascension.

The Fifth Heaven, once a place of acceptance and endless second chances, now reflected Reinhard's indomitable will. Its landscapes twisted and changed, embodying the relentless pursuit of power and control. Those within the heaven found their existence reshaped by Reinhard's Law, their cycles of life and death now a testament to his unyielding supremacy.

As Reinhard continued his ascent, he felt a sense of satisfaction. Each heaven he conquered brought him closer to the ultimate throne. His power grew with every step, his will unchallenged and absolute.

Reinhard's steps into the Sixth Heaven, the Great Tengu Realm of Avarice Mahamara, echoed with a sense of purpose and anticipation. This was the heaven he had looked forward to the most, for it was created by Hajun, the strongest being in existence. The very air was thick with power, and the oppressive force of Hajun's will pressed down upon him, yet Reinhard moved forward with unyielding determination.

A voice, filled with irritation and disdain, reverberated through the realm. "Who dares to intrude upon my solitude?"

Hajun's presence manifested before Reinhard, his expression twisted in annoyance. His realm, designed to be a sanctuary of absolute isolation, was disrupted by Reinhard's intrusion. Hajun's form radiated a terrifying power, the embodiment of a god who had once stood unmatched.

Reinhard took a moment to inspect the Sixth Heaven, his eyes gleaming with interest. The power here was immense, but something felt off. As he scanned the surroundings, a realization dawned upon him, and he burst into laughter, the sound echoing through the realm like a taunt.


"So, this is how far you've fallen, Hajun. You, who were once invincible, now reduced to this state. I can sense it—the existence of a Seventh Heaven. You were defeated, weren't you? And by the very ones you underestimated."

Hajun's face contorted with fury. "Silence! You know nothing of my power. I was betrayed by my own Tumor, ripped from me in a moment of weakness. You, worm, are merely a pest to be exterminated."

Reinhard's laughter ceased, and he fixed Hajun with a piercing gaze. "You were careless, Hajun. Your arrogance led to your downfall. Now, you will pay the price for your hubris."

The two gods clashed with a force that shook the foundations of the Sixth Heaven. Hajun, even without his Tumor, was a formidable opponent. His attacks were fierce, each blow capable of annihilating entire realities. But Reinhard had grown immensely since their last encounter. His power, now bolstered by the essence of Azathoth and Lord of Gods Yhwh, dwarfed Hajun's might.

Reinhard moved with incredible speed, his spear a blur as he deflected Hajun's attacks effortlessly. Each strike from Hajun was met with a parry or a counter that sent shockwaves rippling through the realm. Reinhard's mastery over time and space allowed him to anticipate and nullify Hajun's every move.

Hajun's rage grew with each failed attempt to overpower Reinhard. "You think you can defeat me so easily? I am Hajun, the strongest soul to ascend to the Throne!"

Reinhard's expression remained calm, almost mocking. "You were the strongest, Hajun. But now, you are merely an obstacle."

With a final, decisive motion, Reinhard flicked his spear, and Hajun's form was shattered. The god's essence began to disintegrate, his power fading as Reinhard's Law began to devour the remnants of Hajun's realm.

As he lay on his deathbed, Hajun chuckled darkly. "You may have defeated me, but you still haven't noticed it. This victory will be a curse upon you later on."

Reinhard watched as Hajun's form dissolved into nothingness, his eyes narrowing at the cryptic message. "Your curses hold no power over me, Hajun. I will forge my own destiny."

With Hajun's defeat, the Law of the Sixth Heaven began to shift, merging with Reinhard's own. The oppressive isolation was replaced with a new order, one of absolute dominance and control. Reinhard's presence expanded, his will reshaping the realm to reflect his unyielding authority.

Reinhard took a moment to savor his victory, his gaze turning upwards. The Seventh Heaven awaited, and with each step, his power grew stronger. The path to the ultimate throne was clear, and nothing would stand in his way. As he prepared to ascend further, he carried with him the knowledge and strength of every heaven he had conquered.

The universe trembled as Reinhard's journey continued, his presence a force that could not be denied. The ascension was far from over, but Reinhard's resolve was unwavering. He would reach the throne, and his will would reshape existence itself.

Reinhard ascended into the Seventh Heaven, expecting it to be the final threshold before he claimed the throne. However, he was taken aback by the presence of yet another heaven above this one, a realm that hinted at true omnipotence. His curiosity piqued, but for now, his focus remained on the task at hand.

As he stepped into the Seventh Heaven, his eyes were drawn to the massive Sakura tree at its center, a symbol of the Shoko Mandala-Yaoyorozu. Souls milled around the tree, selecting their next reincarnations based on their past lives. Reinhard watched this process with a mix of disdain and amusement.

"What foolishness," he muttered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Giving mortals the right to choose their own paths, to determine their own fates. It's nothing but stupidity."

The Seventh Heaven's Law, with its focus on reincarnation and the freedom to choose one's destiny, was utterly abhorrent to Reinhard. He loathed the very concept, seeing it as a weak and ineffective way to govern existence. Without wasting any more time, he ignored the presence of Hirume and Amaterasu, deeming them irrelevant and incompetent.

With a single, decisive action, Reinhard's will surged forward, devouring the Law of the Seventh Heaven. The essence of this realm was absorbed and replaced with his own, reshaping it to reflect his absolute dominance. The great Sakura tree withered under his power, the souls that once floated around it now falling under his control.

Reinhard then turned his gaze upward, towards the final heaven. As he ascended, his anticipation grew. What he found there brought a wide grin to his face, a mixture of amusement and satisfaction.

He laughed, the sound echoing through the void as he approached the magnificent throne that floated before him. The sight of its occupant filled him with both delight and surprise. "So, it is you," he chuckled, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. The identity of the owner of the Eighth Heaven was revealed to him.

Reinhard gazed at the being sitting on the throne. He knew this man too well, and the familiarity brought a mix of amusement and anticipation. He had expected this encounter, but the reality of it still took him by surprise.

"Welcome, my son," Veldanava said, his voice warm but powerful, the word "son" carrying a weight that only Reinhard could understand.

Reinhard stepped forward, acknowledging his father with a slight bow. "Father," he greeted, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Are you here to test me as well?"

Veldanava's smile widened, a mix of pride and anticipation in his eyes. Reinhard could see that his father had been waiting for this moment, the culmination of a plan set in motion long ago.

Veldanava had always been an omnipotent being, the creator of millions of multiverses. Reinhard had never believed that his father's power had diminished merely from creating those multiverses. He had always suspected that Veldanava's demise was never permanent. With omnipotence, one could create many hyperverses. If Reinhard, with his current power, was capable of such feats, what could be said about his father?

Reinhard knew that Veldanava was a boundless being, existing in a dimension beyond all dimensions. The concept of death for someone like him was incomprehensible. It was like trying to imagine a person dying at the hands of a cartoon character within a cartoon—a paradox multiplied endlessly. Veldanava's existence transcended such limitations.

Veldanava had sought a way to end his existence, thinking that expending his powers might suffice. But it had been futile because power was merely a word to him. Even he could not imagine his own death, so he searched for another way. And he found one, a being named Reinhard Heydrich, the Golden Beast, one of the three guardians of the fifth heaven.

Reinhard felt a surge of pride and determination, knowing that his journey had led him to this pivotal moment. His father had created a destiny for him, an irreversible one, ensuring he would be reborn as Veldanava's child. That was all Veldanava had done, letting everything else flow naturally. He had not interfered, allowing Reinhard to rampage as he wished. And now, he was not disappointed because his son had truly reached this place with his own powers.

Veldanava was satisfied with the arrangements made by Reinhard's son, Yuuki Nava. Yuuki had evolved the skill Singularity, then was devoured by Rimuru. Ciel had upgraded the Ultimate Skill even more, turning it into a Manas. After Rimuru was siphoned by Reinhard, he naturally gained all of Rimuru's skills, including the Manas Singularity. This skill was the key to Reinhard's greatest evolution and perhaps a curse he would never be able to remove.

With a flick of Veldanava's finger, the Manas within Reinhard trembled and began to rampage. Displeased by its erratic movements, Reinhard attempted to erase the skill, only to be shocked when it latched onto his soul like a leech. He cursed as the deed was done, a tumor created within him. His Law began shaking violently, affecting even the other heavens.

Reinhard sensed the presence of his own son, Yuuki, within his Law, starting to mess with it. His Law, which had previously been erasing the Ghetto of Foreknowledge, was now replaced by Perfection because he was no longer connected to Mercurius. This new Law was being corrupted by the imperfection latching onto it. Reinhard had no way of removing it, and his frustration built up. Anger, love, destruction, pity—all of Reinhard's emotions were stirred by this phenomenon.

His power soared to unimaginable heights, surpassing even Hajun with his Tumor. His displeasure with the imperfection in his Law became a trigger, making his Law even stronger in an attempt to overpower the imperfection. Sadly, the tumor was directly connected to Reinhard, so no matter how strong his Perfection Law grew, the imperfection kept growing as well.

Veldanava watched as his child struggled with the imperfection, his powers growing bigger and bigger. Reinhard's presence now dominated the entire hyperverse and continued to grow at an insane rate. His Taikyoku number became infinite, and his power was reaching the heights of omnipotence. Veldanava observed with anticipation and bitterness. Reinhard was surpassing him, and there was no sign of his growth stopping. It was a never-ending cycle.

Reinhard's Law simply washed away Veldanava's own, his omnipotence destroyed by Reinhard's mere presence. Veldanava gave a final smile as his existence was finally erased. His heaven, "Firmament of Pandemonium," was overtaken by Reinhard as he ascended and finally reached the throne. Reinhard's gaze was filled with both displeasure and satisfaction. Displeasure from the fact that he could not attain true Perfection, and satisfaction because he had reached the Throne. The throne acknowledged Reinhard's being, unlike before, as he finally sat on it.

And thus, Reinhard Heydrich Nava, the Golden Beast, ascended to the Throne, his power boundless and his reign unparalleled. The heavens trembled, the universes quaked, and all of existence bowed before his might.




Asthoglho Asthoglho

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