64.28% DC: The Kryptonian Knight / Chapter 16: Wayne Enterprises, a beacon for change

บท 16: Wayne Enterprises, a beacon for change

Patrick had earned another impressive win for his company.

The Oasis was already making headlines and reshaping the world as one knew.

Money had long stopped being a concern for him, even with his frequent multimillionaire projects he had been putting into motion.

The only thing he could do to go even higher was to become president of the United States of America.

And conquering the world after that.

'Global United States.' Patrick mused.

Almost coincidentally, his phone rang.

"Greetings Mr. President." Patrick said eloquently, already hearing a familiar heartbeat taking the elevator from the ground floor.

"As I said mister president, I've personally assured that preparations were progressing as fast and as effectively as they could possibly be." He lied.

"Of course I understand your concern with national security, but I assure you that Wayne Enterprises won't fail you. We'll find out eventually if he will pose a threat to our sovereignty." The person he was expecting arrived soon enough, thanks to Wayne tower's advanced elevator technology.

As his front door allowed her in, Patrick smiled at the gorgeous blonde entering his office. "Tell you what, I can provide you with more equipment and serums with a thousand more technicians, twenty billion dollars and permissions to initiate Project Fair Play."

Lutessa Vanaver Luthor approached his desk with mirth in her eyes.

Patrick simply shrugged and told her. "Just speaking with our president."

As Lena sat on his lap and placed both hands on his chest, Patrick said. "I have to go sir, something more urgent just came up."

Before he could receive a proper answer from the currently elected head of state, the young Wayne hung up his phone and elegantly stored it inside his breast pocket.

Lena appreciated the act and placed a gentle hand over his face. "I would say extremely more urgent, Rick." And then she kissed him.

No matter how hot she looked, he would never forget that this Luthor still possessed a level 9 intelligence.

Excluding their matches, she had won every chess game she had ever played and had designed a portable tape recorder during her coffee break, for instance.

She is also literate, having read Machiavelli's Il Principe, taught herself many languages and how to read lips.

There was no other human that excelled in mathematics like she did, testament to that was how she scribbled a formula to balance the federal budget and managed to provide a permanent cure for inflation.

Her skill as a business manager proved true given how she managed to make her family's company the second most successful one in the world.

Even though Wayne Enterprises was still the first by a considerable margin, Luthorcorp's distance from the third place allowed Patrick to be more bold with the inventions he felt safe to release to the market.

And like him, Lena also had ambitions for a state office and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

As they ended their kiss, Lena noticed the massive television in his office showing reports about Sentry and Faora.

"Doesn't it make you sick? That smug grin." She scoffed. "Doesn't their very existence diminishes us all?"

"Not at all." Patrick replied with a chuckle. "Honestly, their sight is a relief to me."

Lena looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "How so? Don't tell me you feel safer with beings like them, capable of casually flying around earth while carrying buildings and summoning lightning storms, roaming around the universe claiming to be gods."

"On the contrary, my dear." Patrick replied. "Safety was all I ever knew during all my life, always too smart for any of the challenges life could throw at me. Honestly, I was becoming bored before they decided to show themselves to the world."

"But won't they simply overshadow our greatness?" She said, this time referring to them both instead of the entire human race.

"If our greatness was so flimsy that it could be so easily threatened, it wasn't that great to begin with." He told her while caressing her hair. "Besides, with them around, so many opportunities have been made either possible or viable to happen in my lifespan."

"So, you won't destroy them? Wasn't that the new purpose of the Court of Shadows? What about the goal you had since you were a kid?" Lena questioned, visibly confused.

"You misunderstood me, my dear." Patrick teased her. "I was being honest about my plans to conquer the world. It just happens that this planet is much less valuable than I had given it credit for. If the Dark Knight wants to kill the self proclaimed god, that's his prerogative. Until then, I want to study him and others like him, learn what makes them so powerful, and if possible, have them do my bidding. I want to rule this entire solar system, then this galaxy and so on and so forth. We might even reach other dimensions."

Lena's confusion was replaced by awe as she smiled again. "I don't know why I'm not mad that you are so much smarter than me."

"Because I'm the challenge that drives you to evolve." Patrick said charmingly. "And because I'm just so good in bed."

That was enough to make her blush. "Y-you are too cocky."

"I know, and you love that in me."

Lena smiled before kissing him again. "Dinner at my house tonight?"

"Sure." Patrick nodded. "How's Alfred by the way?"

"Still treating me like a little kid." Lena replied with a sigh. "Not that I blame him, I bet he misses my parents just as much as I do. In the end, he is part of my family."

"I can respect that." Patrick told her as she got out of his lap. "Have you had time to study the project I sent you?"

"The one about the seismic device?" Lena asked. "Despite its lackluster technology, it does have its usefulness. Besides territory devastation, it helped me test some inbuilt isolation systems and dampers with satisfactory results protecting buildings on a large scale."

"Splendid. We need to push humanity forward to be ready for anything. Rather not be over reliant on our new 'deity'." Patrick told her. "Dr. Palmer is already working on a particle accelerator and Dr. Irons is working on my Warmachines alongside Dr. Stone."

"I understand, Luthorcorp won't be left behind." Lena replied with a smirk. "Well, if you excuse me, I will be on my way." She said and moved to leave his office, but stopped. "Oh, that reminds me! What a sweet secretary you have working for you. A little awkward, but very bright."

"Lena Luthor complimenting someone else?" Patrick grinned. "Perhaps Felicity is better than I gave her credit for."

Lena scoffed and left.


After his pleasant encounter with Lena, Patrick went to check on his employees.

First, his work in progress.

Edward had brown hair and was wearing glasses. He was wearing a white vest with his Wayne Enterprises' employee tag on his neck, a green shirt and purple tie, fingerless gloves, and on his left hand he wore two watches on his wrist. He also wore dark green pants and brown shoes.

In this reality, Edward Nashton committed his first crime when he was still in grade school.

Constantly belittled and called a moron by his abusive father, he entered a school contest to win everyone's approval; solve a puzzle and win a prize.

Nashton broke in late at night and put the puzzle together as many times as possible until he had the winning solution.

His father accused him of cheating and beat him for lying.

Undeterred, Edward dedicated himself to learning, and became a master engineer and computer hacking genius. Not to mention the large network of operatives he made constant contact with, who shared his preference for intellectual excellency.

He would've looked for employment as a member of the GMPD's Cyber Crime Division after being convinced that Gothic Metropolis' long history of corruption was the result of intellectual and moral failing rather than economics.

Instead, with the city he grew up shining as a beacon of success for the entire world to see, he was admitted into Wayne Enterprises as a valuable asset.

Edward was canonically defined by his insanity, inferiority complex, violent behaviour and intense narcissism, likened with hubris.

Added to that, he was extremely emotionally immature and his nature was that of an overgrown man-child as he was still traumatised by his cruel childhood and his abusive father who undermined him at every turn.

His image of self-awareness was extremely misguided as he deluded himself into believing that he was a flawless and infallible human "colossus" (or in his own words "The World's Greatest Everything").

Another of his recorded delusions was his incapability to understand his own insanity and when Batman once called him out on this, he gives a detailed definition before stating that he suffered from none of the sort.

Nigma displayed anti-social behaviour and his characteristics, even into adult years, were similar to that of an adolescent teenager.

Amongst these traits of his childishness were competitiveness, recklessness, stubbornness, pride, rash outbursts, fiery temper, aggressive tantrums and sullenness.

Despite being megalomaniacal, psychopathic and egocentric, at his core Nigma was deeply insecure and emotionally scarred.

Having never received the recognition he deserved (or at least he believed he deserved), it stands to reason that he pathologically has to prove how smart he is, especially to himself and displays what appears to be an inferiority complex in contrast to his overconfident demeanour.

He has made it his one and only goal to degrade others as being stupider than him with either arrogant insults designed to lower his victims self-esteem or using the unfounded results from his tests (death traps) as evidence of this.

In a moment of complete self-righteousness he claims his tests were for the good of society by weeding out those who are intelligent and those who fail, who are by Nigma's definition "stupid" always die.

Edward's magnificently over-fed ego was never damaged, ignoring that he has been defeated, humiliated and imprisoned multiple times, he constantly believed he would come out on top, never thinking history would repeat itself.

Though he was not above cowardice or dropping his arrogant facade by pathetically pleading.

He had often displayed hypocritical arrogance.

Undeniably his greatest weakness was that he considered himself undefeatable (ignoring that he has been countless times in the past) and his arrogance makes him grotesquely reckless and overconfident.

Aside from his signature tendency for riddles, Nigma was also highly knowledgeable of people's metaphorical "skeletons" in their closets, dark pasts and secrets due to having amassed an extremely complex web of spies and informants.

"Greetings Mr. Wayne." Nashton greeted him as he entered his lab. "Mesmerizing success that Oasis of yours. Allow me to thank you again for the opportunity. It's truly a life achievement of mine making a planet dedicated to exercising people's minds. God knows how long humanity has been needing it."

"Don't mention it, Mr. Nashton." Patrick nodded. "I knew you were the right person for the job the moment I heard your ideas. As for the other projects I've asked for you to look into, have you had the chance to work on anything?"

"Actually, Lucius helped me finish them before beginning to work on the Oasis." Edward told him. "Don't worry, I'm not one to leave work unfinished."

"Excellent, keep up the good work Mr. Nashton." Patrick said before moving on. "And please, let me know if you find the other associates competent enough.

"Sure thing, boss." Edward said, his enthusiasm visible even to those without supervision.


While Cybernetics were Edward's forte, Patrick had also dedicated some of his resources to aid psychological research.

Chief among them… was Jonathan Crane.

Someone he was expecting to be valuable help in his understanding of fear.

That would not only help him increase his fear tactics efficiency, but might also help him with mastering a yellow ring.

When Jonathan Crane was a child, his father was a scientist who researched the emotion of fear.

Unable to use proper test subjects, Dr. Crane used his own son Jonathan as his guinea pig.

As part of the experiments, Jonathan was locked inside a little dark room while his father examined the effects on his son.

One day however, during one of the experiments, Dr. Crane experienced a heart attack and died, leaving young Jonathan still trapped in the pitch black test chamber.

Dr. Crane's employers at the University became concerned about his prolonged absence, and eventually, police were called to investigate.

When they arrived at the Crane's household, the cops spotted the test chamber and were horrified to find Jonathan alone down inside, having survived days of starving and being completely terrified.

As a result of this event, he was traumatized most of his childhood until, eventually, Jonathan decided that if he could control fear, he would never have to live in it again.

He soon developed an obsession with his goal and became a psychologist with a concentration in phobias.

Jonathan Crane became an expert in the field of psychology, specifically the study of anxiety disorders. He was literally a walking textbook on the study of fear, and could recite the name and description of nearly every known phobia.

Although initially not wanting to wait long to put his degree to use, Crane ultimately decided against risking his entire career by illegally using patients as test subjects, like his father did.

An acquaintance of his time studying abroad was responsible for his unexpected change of course.

Patrick Wayne had caught his curiosity by studying basically everything he could during his time outside of the USA, but earned his attention after their first casual meet, where the young Wayne approached him about fascinating theories about the nature of fear.

Framing it as a fundamental factor of life that without it, life itself would be meaningless.

He even mentioned a neuroscientist who had become Master of hypnotism and mind control before disappearing.

"Such a peculiar flower you've found Mr. Wayne." Crane told him without taking his eyes from his research. "And that hypnosis effect on the human mind you've shown me before is leagues beyond what I've been theorizing about. The trip itself is also quite a formidable experience."

"Fear it's a flower in eternal bloom." Patrick said, assimilating every progress Dr. Crane had made it in a fraction of a second. "But I'm glad that you appreciate the resources Wayne Enterprises is capable of providing you."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Crane told him with a smirk. "I'll be ready to advance towards the next stage of my research by the end of the week."

"Excellent. Please, let me know if you need anything else for your project, Dr. Crane."

"Absolutely." The doctor said, finally shifting his gaze towards Patrick. He had a grin children usually had during Christmas as they were opening their gifts.


Beyond his cybernetic and psychological divisions, Patrick was pleased to find someone perfect to lead his botany division.

Pamela Isley was born in Washington, the only child of a wealthy family.

Despite her wealth, she lived her life as a social outcast, cursed with social awkwardness and an inability to be noticed by others.

However, due to her lack of friends, Pamela managed to put all of her time into her work and eventually was accepted into college in Seattle to study botany, eventually earning a doctorate.

Later, Doctor Isley became a renowned scientist with a career in Gothic Metropolis.

She had manifested a fascination with plants and they have been the major direction in her career.

Her knowledge of botany allowed her to better manipulate plants through scientific methods.

Her specialization in Botany was Toxicology, which allowed her to use her knowledge for perfumes, make-up and medicine.

Later on New Years Eve, Pamela was invited to be a visiting specialist at Wayne Enterprises, by helping the company to develop strains of freeze resistant food plants for farming in cold climates and the possible colonization of Mars.

During her second week working at the Wayne tower, Pamela accidentally opened her briefcase while walking, causing all of her paperwork and samples to sprawl over the floor.

Whilst picking it all up, she attempted to get help from nearby co-workers only to be completely ignored by all of them until her employer, Patrick Wayne, walked by and offered to help her.

Being so enlightened that someone had noticed her, Pamela asked (without considering how inappropriate it would be) if Patrick would want to get dinner with her later on.

But before she had the chance to apologize, he smiled and accepted. "Sure thing, though I've already got plans for tonight. How about tomorrow? I know plenty of restaurants nearby that I'm sure you will like, depending on what you like."

"I-I…" Pamela struggled to find the proper words to tell him. "I will eat whatever you're recommending."

"Great, nice to meet you Ms. Isley." Patrick said, handing her paperwork and samples.

"I-I… you remember me?" She asked surprised, noticing she wasn't wearing her employee tag. "I'm not that special."

"Of course I do." Patrick winked. "And you are indeed special Ms. Isley, otherwise I wouldn't have hired you."

"P-Pamela!" She almost shouted.

"Pamela." Patrick corrected himself with a chuckle before turning to leave. "I'll be in touch."


Victor Fries began his interest in cryonics at a young age.

As a child, he often wondered why his parents would just let their sick pets die rather than attempt to save them.

This bred in him a desire to help their respective conditions.

In his following experiments, he froze over a dozen of his neighbors' pets in an attempt to cure them of their sickness, and fully intended to revive all of them later.

When he was caught, Fries was sent to reform school and was disowned by his parents.

Fries proved to be more than just a delinquent.

He put himself through school studying biology and chemistry.

He turned his childhood fascination with cryogenics into a stellar career, writing his doctoral thesis on cryogenic stasis.

Fries joined the cryogenics division at Wayne Enterprises, becoming one of their top researchers.

He later met a woman named Nora, with whom he fell in love and later married.

Thankfully, due to Wayne Enterprises massive funds and astounding advanced technology, Victor didn't need to put Nora into cryostasis in order to buy time to develop a cure for her terminal illness, Huntington's Chorea.

Fries was renowned for his work, and, after Patrick Wayne's return to Gothic Metropolis the two men had the opportunity to discuss Fries' findings.

With Patrick introducing him to some of his own cryogenic technology.

Besides the traditional use Fries had for Cryogenics which basically focused on keeping his wife in stasis, it could also be used in a variety of applications.

It can be used to produce cryogenic fields for rockets, in MRI machines that use liquid helium and require cryogenic cooling, storing large quantities of food, special effects fog, recycling, freezing blood and tissue samples, and even cooling superconductors.

"How's everything doc?" Patrick asked as he entered the special lab he had designed for Victor. Even though he doesn't require cold temperatures to survive, his experiments very much do.

"Stupendously, Mr. Wayne." The bearded doctor replied, his breath visible thanks to the low temperatures. "The measurements of atmospheric carbon levels near the Arctic Circle have finally arrived. I will have the appropriate set of actions formulated soon enough. I've also aided Dr. Langstrom with his project."

"Excellent." Patrick said, not disturbed by the cold in the slightest. His excuse though, similar to Fries, was the anti thermal property of their clothes, which excelled in keeping what was cold cold, and what was hot hot. "Just don't overwork yourself Victor, your wife certainly wouldn't appreciate that."

"Don't worry, Mr. Wayne." Victor replied with a chuckle. "I'm almost done here. I will send my report to Felicity before I leave."

"Keep up the good work then." Patrick nodded and left.

He had a few other people to visit, like Ray Palmer and John Irons, but their projects required more than a brief visit.

For now, he had someone special in mind.


During her early life, Harleen had a criminal father who gave her distorted morals, but also led her to become fascinated by the secrets of mind.

Being academically intelligent, she therefore undertook a psychiatric medical degree at Gothic Metropolis University as this was the quickest method of being able to treat mental unstable behavior in institutions such as Arkham Asylum.

As a psychiatrist, Harleen was responsible, very caring, and strongly empathized with her patients, but despite her academic intelligence, she had distorted morals and lacked a great deal of common sense.

While at the university, Harleen may have developed her skills in gymnastics, which accounted for the acrobatic abilities she would've displayed later in her life if she became Harley Quinn.

To become a fully qualified psychiatrist, Harleen trained under the late psychiatrist, Dr. Hugo Strange as part of the psychiatric team at Blackgate Prison.

At one point, she, under Strange's orders, contacted one of his patients, Alberto Falcone, the heir to The Falcone Crime Family, to notify him that he had missed his past two appointments, and gave the subtle, but clear threat that Strange and Quinzel would tell his father, Carmine Falcone, about Alberto carrying potentially untreated psychological issues if he didn't continue his appointments.

By the time of Christmas Eve, Quinzel was nearly finished with her psychiatric residency at Blackgate.

It was that day that she received a formal request letter offering her a job as a psychologist; in order to help them improve worker loyalty, satisfaction and efficiency by pinpointing aspects of the job that might be contributing to employee stress or dissatisfaction.

With the information she provided them, policies would be enacted to improve the work environment.

Harleen would've ignored the request if the person who had sent it wasn't Patrick Wayne.

The young genius intrigued her.

And the people he associated with spoke volumes of how peculiar he really was.

"Welcome, Ms. Quinzel!" The tall, muscular and handsome young man greeted her.

"Oh, thanks Mr. Wayne!" Harleen replied.

"Oh please, call me Patrick." He smiled before leading her on a tour around the Wayne tower.

"If you insist." Harleen blushed slightly as she adjusted her glasses. "Call me Harleen then."

Patrick nodded. "What a pretty name you have. Your friends call you Harley?"

"Oh… heh...I-I don't have a lot of friends." She replied, stuttering a little.

Feeling a strong yet gentle hand touching her shoulder, she heard Patrick say with a wink. "Well, Harley, you got one now."

Blushing even more, Harley smiled. "Wonderful."

After becoming familiarized with the place she would be working on, Patrick introduced her to his most notorious associates.

In little time, Harley became acquainted with some of them, and wrote psychological profiles of them.

"Patient 9. Edward Nashton. I cannot help but admire the complexity, and yet apparent simplicity, of the many conundrums and riddles Edward regularly presented me with in his spare time. Often I find myself working through them afterwards. Though his obsession with displaying his own intelligence might become the central trigger of some sort of mental disorder. Worst case scenario, he would be an outstanding jigsaw." Harleen jokes.

"Patient 16. Jonathan Crane. I've been impressed with his genius for psychology and biochemistry. He's valiantly battled a history of anxiety disorder, due to a difficult childhood and adulthood trauma, through an intense study of psychology and the causes of fear. Though he had shown a glove that reminds me of Freddy Krueger." Harleen remarked.

"Patient 20. Pamela is sweet and kind, somewhat awkward, but endearing, falling into relationships too fast and always unintentionally sabotaging herself during social interactions. She allowed me to look through her old research papers, many of which were never published. Gotta say, there is some fascinating work there."

"Patient 28. Victor Fries. Another surprisingly intelligent employee. Fries shows dormant signs of narcissism and antisocial disorders, but seems to have surpassed them thanks to his healthy relationship with his wife Nora and their children."

And those were merely some of them.


Wayne Enterprises would ease humanity's insecurities in regards to almighty gods and vigilantes with no jurisdiction.

With its own Security Force, trained in law enforcement and combat arms to protect and serve around the clock with similar responsibilities as civilian officers, including responding to emergencies, directing traffic and investigating crimes on base.

Security Forces being statutory organisations with internal security mandates. In the legal context of several nations, the term has variously denoted police and military units working in concert, or the role of military and paramilitary forces tasked with the internal provision of public security.

And Patrick knew the right person for the job.

Amanda Blake grew up in the crime-ridden Cabrini-Green area of Chicago.

At the age of 18 she married the 20-year-old Joseph Waller, and they quickly had a large family together.

Her first child was Joe, Jr., then Damita, then the twins Martin and Jessie, and then her youngest child Coretta.

Their lives were a financial struggle, and they relied on social programs, but they were happy.

Joe, Jr. was set to go to college on a basketball scholarship until he was killed in a mugging gone wrong.

Damita was raped and murdered in an alleyway on her way home from church. They knew who was responsible, but the police could not get a conviction with no witnesses.

Her husband Joseph Waller set out to kill the rapist "Candyman" and both men shot each other dead.

Amanda swore that the streets would take no more of her family.

She worked hard to put all of her other children through college, then she put herself through college and earned a political science degree.

Swiftly building up a fearsome reputation for herself, being nicknamed "The Wall" due to how ruthless, dominating, and unrelenting she was when dealing with others.

As a result, many frightening stories about Waller are told by those who have encountered her (as a warning), but practically everyone disbelieves them until dealing with her personally.

She eventually decided to go into politics, and she approached a congressional candidate to become his campaign director.

The congressman was elected thanks to her efforts, and he took her to Washington as his aide.

Her abilities included, but were not limited to, espionage procedures, firearm handling, advanced Hand-to-Hand Combat, talent for intimidation and manipulation, and great tactical analysis.

But her best asset would be her indomitable will to do what she believed to be right.

Would she be more worthy of a green or yellow lantern ring?

Question for the philosophers.

The Oswald Cobblepot of this dimension would do well as her second in command, having an impressive history as a British special operations forces specialist.

Patrick was already in talks with Hal Jordan (who had just been kicked out of the military for assaulting an officer and reduced to an engineer giving planes tune-ups), John Steward (who had just been promoted to Sargent), Steve Trevor and Rick Flag.

Waller would receive two bodyguards, who had just recently been recruited, Waylon Jones and Matt Hagen.

The former being on the cusps of giving himself up to his inhuman persona and accepting his primal instincts.

Jones was born with an extreme form of Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis (that caused his appearance to develop progressively into that of a crocodile) and was treated as an animal his entire life.

Thomas Elliot had become fascinated by the nature of metahumans, and thanks to Patrick's contributions to the medical field he was able to give Croc the ability to attenuate or accentuate his unnatural physique at will.

Clayface might have an impressive morphing ability, but his power came with a price. The tragedy of Matt Hagan was a blend of Phantom of the Opera and Cronenberg film. He wasn't just a man-made monster, he was an addict in need of treatment.

Hagan didn't choose his life, it was literally forced down his throat.

By being treated like an addict in need of recovery rather than a lunatic at Arkham, he now had a better chance of being more than a mere villain.


Since the Dark Knight took over Ra's Al Ghul's place, he had waged war against crime as he mercilessly executed high profile targets that were too dangerous to be left alive.

The less dangerous (and possibly even redeemable) criminals would be spared and allowed to go through due process, sending a message that federal justice was still a thing to be relied upon.

The most relevant figure in that effort was none other than Harvey Dent.

Grew up in Gothic Metropolis, raised in a normal household until he was 16, when he first caught his mother, Lily Dent, cheating on his father, Gordon Dent.

Not wanting to hurt his father's feelings, Harvey did not tell him about it and watched his mother's indiscretions in silence for the next two years.

Eventually, she left them. Prompting Harvey to reevaluate his previous decision and setting his mind for defending truth and justice.

Patrick Wayne met and befriended Harvey while Dent was still working in the mailroom of Gothic Metropolis City Hall.

Patrick helped pay for Harvey to go to Harvard Law.

After graduating 1st in his class from Harvard Law, Patrick wanted him to gain "trial experience", so he recommended that he work as an assistant for a trusted Gothic Metropolis District Attorney for the next 2 years.

Rising to the position of District Attorney himself and eventually earning a reputation as one of the most respectable D.As.

"Young Lawyer Puts a 'Dent' on Defendants. Assistant District Attorney Harvey Dent has successfully prosecuted yet another highly contentious case. This time with another self proclaimed 'King of the Streets' Wilson Farmer. Farmer has avoided prosecution for more than 10 years in spite of being brought up money laundering and racketeering charges 3 separate times during that same period. 'The credit goes to all my witnesses' says the young A.D.A.. 'It was my job to convince them to participate and once I did, the conclusion was inevitable'. Wilson Farmer was sentenced by the judge to serve 15 years for 11 separate charges and will serve his time in federal prison. This is not the first time Harvey Dent has been responsible for locking up a well known defendant. Earlier this year Harvey led the case against notorious real estate owners Jack and Danny Redman. They were each handed sentences of 10 years for fraud, embezzlement, witness tampering and disturbing the peace."

After Patrick returned from his studies abroad, Dent was finally invited to join Wayne Enterprises' law firm as an associate.

And soon enough, thanks to his personal competence and merit, went up the ranks, from being promoted to Senior associate, junior partner and later becoming a senior partner.



*Hope the chapter is of your liking. If there's anything that you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

If there're any problems with my writing, just point them out and I will correct them as soon as possible.

** Really sorry for the constant delays, my college classes have resumed so I'm having a hard time organizing my time to write my fics. 😓

*** Please, tell me your opinion about this fic's current cover picture. I was aiming for something better than the previous one.

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