92.85% DC: The Kryptonian Knight / Chapter 24: The Power of Will and Fear

บท 24: The Power of Will and Fear

We begin facing the void of empty space, when suddenly, a green, vibrant and verdant light shone brightly.

"As you all must already know by now, we are not alone in the universe." A steady voice announced in a dark room as his hologram presentation illustrated his words. "But I've gained knowledge of a prominent faction known throughout the galaxies."

"Billions of years ago a race of immortals harnessed one of the most powerful forces in existence…" As the shining light pulled back, it revealed an emerald Lantern, skyscraper tall and breathtaking. The central battery. "The emerald energy of willpower."

The man's audience seemed intrigued by his words, while most weren't aware of such existence, none seemed to doubt his claim.

Spiraling into an alien citadel, with blue-skinned robed small demigods floating in a ring, encircling the cosmos. "These immortals, the Guardians of the Universe built a world from where they could watch over all of existence…" Then the breathtaking liquid spires and towers over an alien planet, whipping past everyone. "The planet Oa."

"Our intel still has many gaps in regards to these extraterrestrial beings who patrol our universe, but I do know they have divided their jurisdiction over the universe into 3600 sectors. Together, they form the intergalactic police force of peacekeepers known as the Green Lantern Corps."

The image broke orbit only to reveal hundreds of Green Lanterns, standing like an army on the foothills of trinity canyon on OA. Aliens in a universe's worth of variety, each wielding their own Power Ring.

"In order to be chosen by their rings of power, it was said one must possess an indomitable will, immune to all forms of temptation and will refuse to surrender no matter how much the odds are stacked against them."

It showed Green Lanterns sparring with their light constructs, mastering assorted weapons of green light and performing acts of selfless heroism. Rescuing a crippled spaceship, evacuating a planet as a supernova bloomed, battling monsters and their grace "winning the day".

Their image then zipped past planets at hyper-speed, slaloming around suns and moons.

"Impossible to imagine? No more impossible than when a God stepped out of a lightning bolt to defend Earth from mighty and technology superior aliens, or when a King emerged from the depths of our oceans, bringing with him a long thought lost empire." The owner of said voice pointed out to two outstanding individuals seated opposite to one another while the large group of people were standing.

As familiar planets came into focus… Neptune, Uranus, Saturn, Jupiter… all raging past focus until they arrived at…

"With outsiders being more common than ever nowadays…" Images of Black Adam almost crashing against Wayne Tower were projected. "…I predict that soon enough we'll be making contact with these so-called guardians."

Patrick Wayne finished his statement while the biggest figures from both the Court of Shadows and the Pantheon of True Gods mulled over his words.

None dared speak before their respective leaders did.

Behind Sentry, his generals, children and angels were very interested in the prospect of making contact with such an intergalactic police force, either by admitting them into their ranks or by testing their own might.

Behind The Dark King, his Queens, hit squad and Demon Lords were already plotting to take control of their source of power and information database.

Meanwhile Patrick had his fiancée, Lena Luthor, smirking alongside both Dr. Quinzel, Felicity Smoak and many other highly intelligent individuals of Wayne Enterprises.


A ship shrieked by, it was a small, other worldly spacecraft.

With complex navigation displays being spread all around, operated by the legendary Green Lantern.

With noble features, magenta skin and shining blue eyes, Abin Sur led while his ring began to flicker.

As a Hologram of green light appeared before him, a prissy fin-headed fishman came into focus.

"You could have been there and back by now if you'd gone by ring." The other Lantern said.

"Markot deserves the proper return home. It is not often another of us falls." Abin Sur replied seriously, turning his gaze to a nearby metallic coffin in the corner.

"What will you tell them about how he was lost?" The hologram questioned.

"All that we know. He was overpowered in the service of his sector." Abin Sur told him.

"And that three Lanterns were slaughtered before him?"

"There's no cause to spread fear." Abin Sur said before a bump made his ship lurch, the navigation system went out.

"If you insist on traveling by ship, Abin, at least learn to operate one."

"We've been friends a long time, Tomar-Re, perhaps one day I'll understand why."

The hologram shut off as Abin's ring pulsed.

He was instantly enveloped in a brilliant green aura.

Minutes later, Abin, protected by that aura, floated outside his ship.

He took a moment to appreciate the view, a ballet of 63 moons, rotating around…


Small universe indeed.

Abin surveyed his ship's hull, floating toward a broken dish.

As he does, he fails to notice a flash behind him, a golden blur that disappears just as fast as it appeared.

Abin's ring creates tools to fix the dish as he begins working.

The flash from earlier comes around, this time its golden light didn't evade the Lantern's notice.

He turns to face it, only to see a massive creature blocking out the sun.

With the size of a whale with tentacles of an octopus and a shark's killer grin, it was known as the dreadful Legion.

"Great Krona-" Abin Sur was startled momentarily before firing a full force ring blast, everything his ring had, deployed in one massive and magnificent pulse.

But… nothing happened.

His ring had no effect against Legion, which in response fired forth a series of golden blasts.

Abin's ring calls up a green shield deflecting the incoming fire.


Legion's tentacles lash out, grabbing Abin and curling him up to the yellow fangs of its dripping maw.

In quick response, Abin summons a huge green hand, grabbing a passing asteroid and sending it ramming into Legion.

Prompting the creature to drop the Lantern, and buying him time to retreat strategically back to his ship.

As Abin activated the ship's defense protocols, the outer guns began firing simultaneously at the aggressor.

It wasn't enough to harm Legion, but at least the force was more than enough to send it flying back while the ship was propelled ahead, bursting through one of Saturn's rings.

Leaving Legion lost in the distance.

Abin Sur looked to a gaping wound in his side, a purplish stain colors his uniforms.

Struggling for consciousness, his ring generated a faint light.

"This is Abin Sur, chosen protector of sector 2814. I have seen what hunts us… Legion… it lives. The ring holds no effect, no defense— you must take action! Legion is real and has come into contact with the Yellow essence!" After a raspy gasp, he continues. "I have escaped… but I believe my condition isn't survivable. Following protocols, I shall proceed to the nearest sentient planet for selection."

Some 820 million miles away, Earth, our comforting, familiar blue home.

Abin's ship shoots into Earth's atmosphere at destructive speeds, a dead weight spiraling, flaring up with the immense heat, so hot that pieces of it melted away.

Seconds before the ship hits the ground, Abin Sur witnesses a white clad large being effortlessly intercepting his crash and helping it land smoothly on the desert's sands.

"I thank you for the help." Abin Sur said as the front of his ship opened up, with him incapable of leaving his seat due to his injuries, only then noticing the one who saved him wasn't alone.

His Galactic Encyclopedia informed him that they resembled the long thought lost species from the destroyed planet of Krypton from sector 2813. Some even looked like the extinct Green Martians of Mars and…

"A child of the Dominion?" Abin questioned staring at the woman with golden features. But reading the situation he was in, the legendary Lantern turned back to his rescuers, only to drop to his knees in pain as soon as he managed to stand up from his seat.

The high temperature and dry air were really unkind to the agonizing pain from his injuries.

"I beg your pardon, but I don't have much time." Abin apologized, coughing purple blood while taking off his ring.

But before he had the chance to proceed with his mission, the white clad being that reached almost twice his height approached the dying Lantern.

"What are you…" Abin tried to inquire, but before he had the chance to complete his sentence, the giant of a man touched his forehead.

Immediately, his serious injuries began to vanish, as the green energy from his low charged ring blinked momentarily and retrieved a foreign object that had penetrated the Lanterns rib cage.

A piece of shrapnel, with a characteristic yellow glow. Trying and miserably failing to seduce and hypnotize Sentry.

Immediately sealing the golden fragment in a small sphere of force, he snaps his fingers and it disappears in thin air.

"Now that your injuries have been healed, I request that you explain your motives for landing on this planet without requesting permission first." The white clad man said, without showing any signs of aggressiveness nor worry that the Lantern could prove to be a threat.

"I-I…" Abin began, feeling his head slightly fuzzy for a moment before recovering. "My name is Abin Sur, the Green Lantern in charge of patrolling this sector of the universe. To be honest, I've come to this planet in order to find a worthy successor since my injuries seemed to be fatal."

Abin Sur noticed shadows flying over him, turning his head he witnessed more beautiful females surrounding them, this time with angelic wings much similar to Thanagarians.

Unbeknown to him, to some of these ancient angels, he wasn't actually the very first Green Lantern they have met.

"I had no idea Earth had evolved to such an extent." The Lantern remarked, still baffled that the primitive humans were living alongside such majestic beings.

"You are forgiven for your ignorance. We aren't that interested in drawing attention." The only male of the group told Abin Sur.

"Can't judge you for it… Sir." Abin replied, a little confused about how to call him.

"Please, call me Sentry." The tall figure said in a manner that reminded Abin of the Guardians. "And tell me, is it your aggressor that is roaming our solar system at this moment?"

Abin mused at his words for a moment before immediately recalling his recent fight with Legion. "It is, I've managed to escape it before arriving at this planet."

Usually, Lanterns were above any sovereign law of the planets they guarded and could proceed as they saw fit, but Abin Sur wasn't only very respectful to others traditions but also very thankful for being rescued and healed.

So he spoke respectfully. "With your permission, I must recharge my ring."

Sentry nodded without having to consider his request.

As Abin Sur made his way to enter his ship, one of the female beings approached him. She was just as tall as Sentry, with green skin and some cybernetic segments. "Your spaceship is severely damaged, to the point it might explode soon. Would you like for me to fix it?"

"I-I would very much appreciate it." Abin replied unsure of what she could do to his massive ship in a short amount of time.

But to his surprise, similar to how Sentry had healed his injuries, the green-skinned cyborg touched the outer hull of the ship and he heard metal and circuits rearranging themselves.

Instead of it returning to its original condition, the space ship that brought him was visibly enhanced, it was clear even to someone that wasn't a technology savant like him.

"Go on, the danger has been dealt with." The green-skinned woman replied before joining Sentry.

Abin thanked her with a nod and moved to search for an object of cold steel covered in verdigris: his Lantern.

Placing his ring against its surface, he began chanting their oath. "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power…" A surge of energy moved from his ring directly to his ring. "Green Lantern's light!"

Turning to see the steel coffin of his late fellow Lantern, Abin Sur decided to not break his rescuer's trust and didn't contact the Green Lantern Corp.

Emerging again from the ship, Abin notices the large crowd from before had increased.

Instead of more flying females, the veteran Lantern sighted several large black drones shaped like missiles with foldable wings, each dropping down six-legged vehicles, all armed to the teeth and ready for anything.

Abin hadn't noticed, but all those forces had been deployed from a nearby helicarrier before his spaceship had entered Earth's atmosphere.

"Don't mind them. Earth's government has learned that not all extraterrestrial visitors have come in peace." Sentry said while the green-skinned woman informed Amanda Waller, the one behind the operation of the unmanned vehicles, of Abin's situation.

"Please, hold the palm of your hand outwards while placing your fingers in a shape by separating the middle and ring fingers, while keeping the others together, with your thumb extended." Sentry requested. "I'm sure they are recording and that signal will do well to calm the masses."

"I see." Abin Sur nodded before replicating the Vulcan Salute, not noticing some of the nearby women snickering and chucking. "Might I be bold to request a favor?"

This drew some weird looks from the crowd of females, and a little bit of anger from the one with short black hair and blue eyes.

"Just like it was your justification for landing on this planet, it will depend on how reasonable this favor might." Sentry replied, nonchalantly calming Faora down with a gesture of his hand. "But perhaps we might come into an agreement. An exchange of favors if you will."

"Of course." Nodded Abin Sur, incapable of perceiving the subtle conversation Sentry was having with everyone else through mere body language. "I was on my way to deliver the body of a fellow soldier, but things with my sudden attacker have complicated my duties. I must return to my people and warn them of such a threat, this way the security of this solar system can be preserved."

"So what you are asking is that we deliver the remains of your companion to his homeworld?" Sentry summarized it, already signaling for Carina to approach. "Would you happen to know its exact coordinates?"

"Sure, I'm the Lantern responsible for this sector." Abin replied while displaying the coordinates with a holographic image through his ring of power. "But what would you ask in return?"

"Just to examine this peculiar ring of yours." Sentry said casually while turning his head to Carina, who in return was so glad she could be of help, and signaled for her to conjure a warp gate.

This would be the first time she had made one that connected an area so far away, but Sentry still found it a worthy challenge for her metapower.

"Is that…" Abin questioned, stunned by the large portal displaying the familiar planet he had been traveling to.

"You tell me." Carina spoke up with her usual Mexican accent. "I've never been to this place."

"Right, apologies. It's just that it's so rare for one to see a wormhole as stable as this one." The Veteran Lantern pointed out, still recovering from the surprise.

"So what?" Carina questioned, only for Sentry to chuckle.

"He's complimenting your control over it." He told her. "As a matter of fact, I'm proud to see how far you've progressed.

"Y-you are?" Carina questioned blushing, and grinned at the muttering of jealousy coming from her sisters. "T-thanks."

As Sentry nodded, he turned back to Abin Sur. "As much as I trust in my children's capabilities, you would do well to hurry up and deliver the coffin yourself. I'm sure this companion of yours deserved the honor."

"Right, excuse me." Abin said before quickly moving towards his ship and taking flight towards Carina's portal.


Inside the Corps' training room.

Four glowing scimitars wielded simultaneously and expertly in the middle of a nasty fight.

A pink-skinned female alien parried hopelessly against her opponent, who was working through its weapons as though it was four individuals, not one.

Soon enough, the pink female alien hit the mat.


"I yield!" She announced while her native language was instantly translated by the ring of power in her possession.

"And who said you were anything but wise, Boodikka?" The sword vanished into the ring of a crimson alien resembling a male human in his 40s, with jet black eyes to match his hair and thin moustache.

With an upwardly elongated forehead, ears with tapering pinnae and wearing his wing of power in his left hand, most knew him as Green Lantern of sector 1417.

Their session was interrupted when Tomar-re entered the training room, with an urgent expression.

"Thaal-" Tomar said before being interrupted.

"Not today, Tomar. I'm too tired to fight underwater." The left-handed Lantern replied.

But Tomar's look said he was not there seeking fun.

Moments later, an intense Sinestro stormed down the great hall, passing an array of alien life as he did, all wearing versions of the same uniform.

He headed towards two enormous doors, flying a wild ring-blast that sent the great doors flying open.

The interior of the citadel, like the Roman senate, were set in starry heavens.

Above and looking down were, blue skinned with enlarged heads, two rows extending into the distance.

Their red and white robes billowed to the ground, giving them impossible stature.

The Guardians communicate telepathically, projecting their thoughts as one, directly into Sinestro's mind.

'Abin Sur has fallen!' The Lantern shouted mentally.

'We know—' One of the Guardians acknowledged.

'— we mourn with you.' Another Guardian added.

But there was no feeling to back the message.

'When the first Lantern fell I came to this council and was told to do nothing. Will you ask that same mindless devotion of me now? Something is out there, strong enough to kill three Lanterns, now four. We must fight back! We must arm ourselves!'

'We already wield the greatest weapon the universe has ever known.' A third Guardian argued.

'What greater arms would you carry?' A fourth Guardian questioned.

'You know better than I that there is a light more powerful than this.' Sinestro replied, almost threateningly.

He calls another green blast, exploding into the ground below, shattering the ancient marble.

Gross insubordination from his part.

'There was a time not so long ago that you stood before us and begged to be called a Ringbearer.' One of the Guardians remarked, prompting Sinestro to turn his head around to stare her in the eyes.

'Begged for the right to defend your sector with the very weapon you now deem lacking.' The one seated besides the previous Guardian added.

'My friend dies and that's your answer? To remind me of my obligations?' Sinestro questioned with cold anger.

'If you so wish to honor Abin Sur… train his replacement. It won't take long before his successor is chosen and summoned back to Oa.'

At that, Sinestro left, sensing his defeat.

And hating it.


As he manifested a much superior version of the iconic ring of power wielded by the Green Lanterns through using his miracle machine, the Fatherbox, knowledge of all universal sectors were flowing through his superior cerebral cortex.

Including all the languages it had knowledge of, which vastly increased his repertoire granted by both learning all the human languages on Earth and some long forgotten through Solomon's wisdom.

"Unbelievable, you really are capable of replicating the Guardians' work." Abin remarked, startled, again. "This uniform you now wear designates a being as one of our number."

Sentry nodded in acknowledgement, now wearing the green and black lantern uniform, with white gloves and boots, even coloring his own domino mask green, with his irises and pupils now being a gossamer white.

"The mask is protocol, though. Required to be worn by all Lanterns from planets still ignorant of life on other worlds." Abin openly admitted, not noticing the subtle influence casted over him. "Few Lanterns wear them."

Thanks to Sentry's supervision, he was able to notice all the subtle changes in the construction of light.

In a way, similar to his Sentry's suit made of pure magic, the concept on which the ring of power operated was fully at his disposal.

'Fashion was never my forte, regardless of how high my intelligence gets, but even I can say this is just plain ridiculous.' He thought with a small sight. 'Thankfully in my case, it's definitely the man that makes the suit.'

'But still…' He stood still for a fraction of a second, checking his spandex-like uniform before taking action.

The previous uniform was reshaped into an emerald copy of the latest version of his Dark Knight armor, the Dark King Armor, with a fitting black mantle and the symbol of the Green Lanterns.

In the end, it somewhat resembles the Green Lantern from the Kingdom Come storyline.

"Already reshaping the construct of your uniform?" Abin pointed out with a surprised expression. "That's usually only achieved by the most experts of the Lanterns."

Going through a quick selection of weapons, from medieval to modern arsenal and even alien technology, he noticed thanks to his will and intellect that they were no joke.

Not only could he now effortlessly cut the Earth in two with a single swipe of his energy sword, or pull the entire moon into collision with earth from where he stood by simply grasping it, but even strengthen his constructs with his own aura.

Which would make him completely superior to any Lantern.

However, being restricted to the green spectrum of emotions was still limiting his overall output of power.

'The 'greatest weapon' in the universe, and they use it to make cartoonish constructs. Typical of superheroes, they scratch the surface and never think to look within.' Sentry mused before flying upwards, using the ring instead of his infinitely superior flying capability.

As the rings led him and Abin Sur to Oa at the center of the universe in less than a minute through a wormhole, Sentry had plenty of time to reflect.

Undoubtedly, Will was the spinal cord of everything, even Ra's Al Ghul knew about it, given the Emotional Spectrum came from the energies created by sentient life.

But it couldn't match the synergy of them all together, which was by itself much stronger than the sum of its individual parts.

Fear itself shouldn't be ignored nor destroyed.

It is one thing to be brave without it, but a completely different matter in spite of it.

Take Batman as a prime example.

The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.

Hell, even some of the caped crusader's rogues achieved some variation of it.

Scarecrow wanted to study it, Bane wanted to use it to gain power over others, perhaps even Joker fell into insanity due to hopeless fear.

Fear helps protect us.

It makes us alert to danger and prepares us to deal with it, especially against matters so usually underestimated.

And thanks to his mastering of the power of law from Hades, empowering his vast arsenal of fear tactics, he was sure that the yellow essence would feel just as natural to him.

As for Anger, it can motivate us to enact active change rather than remain passive.

Whilst some of the more joyful emotions tended to guide us towards the positive outcome, anger could guide us away from the negative, which was just as important.

Anger has the power to move us away from dangerous or destructive people, places or even systems or beliefs.

And also serve as a bargaining tool, because just like the Green Goliath once said: You won't like me when I'm angry.

Like fear, it was designed to promote survival.

But also made us aware of injustices while also energizing us to fight them.

This might be one that would pose a challenge for him, not that it would matter in the end, but he certainly hadn't reached a low point where fury pumped through his system.

Thankfully, Ares's power of law over war and the sin of wrath should be of great help.

Incidentally, Greed was good not just for one's own life, but for others as well.

By elevating one's life, one could radically elevate their family's life, their community, and yes, even the world they lived in.

One needed to focus so intently on what it is they wanted that their desires seeped out of their pores.

Greed was the foundation for many countries' births, since the brave souls who risked their lives to settle in new, and most likely inhospitable, lands did so out of self interest.

We have an unalienable right to pursue our goals.

Look no further than Lex Luthor's limitless ambition for both power and fame.

And if he was being completely honest, up till that point, greed was a major factor for why he took the path he did after waking up as a baby.

Not to mention the sin of greed to seal the deal.

Having hope gives us the courage to think that things would get better with time despite the odds being not in our favor.

Hope is the only thing that keeps us moving forward when the odds are terribly stacked against us.

It gives us the strength and ability to bounce back from whatever the obstacles we are going through.

House of El claimed that sentiment as theirs, but I would be remiss to not point out how All Might made use of such emotion to not only save people's lives, but their hearts as well.

Although he wouldn't describe himself as someone who dwelled in hopeful dreams, his second life could only be described as such.

Now, Compassion gives us the ability to understand someone else's situation and the desire to take action to improve their lives.

For individuals who are dependent on others for help and support, compassion is often the most important factor in allowing them to lead fulfilling lives.

It allows us to think of others instead of always focusing on ourselves.

It refused to be selfish, it was willing to forgive, and it accepted people for who they were.

And if the individual filled a certain criteria, he knew how to be very generous.

Now this would be, in my opinion, the spectrum of which the original Superman excelled at.

Thanks to how his human parents raised him, this virtue was as natural to Clark Kent as breathing.

Like all of its counterparts, safe for Will and another special exception, it was powerful when balanced.

Otherwise, just like the Man of Steel, you might find yourself bound in servitude to others.

In the same way, Love is another form of dedication, passion is energy.

And we could say that happiness was indirectly proportional to love.

Happiness was not something that could be bought or coerced, it had to be achieved.

Love is not a relationship between nations. It is a condition of mind brought about by the serenity of the soul.

The original Wonder Woman was created to embody that virtue, stating that only love could save the world.

Come to think of it, she even became a Violet Lantern at one point.

Regardless, with Aprodite's power of law, controlling this spectrum would probably simply be a formality.

Safe from the other two outliers, Death and Life, which certainly could be attributed to his vast list of feats, he was ready to start collecting those embodiments.


After an immense long shot of a resplendent aquamarine planet, its tranquility was broken by individuals shooting out of a wormhole.

The individuals skidded along the atmosphere like a stone across a pond, until they were floating in the stratosphere.

They looked down at Oa, then at the approaching Green Lantern, Sinestro.

To the Korugarian Lantern, the two figures were backlit against the Oan suns.

"Welcome back to Oa." Sinestro announced, his expression being a mixture of emotions. "It seems the rumors of your death had been greatly exaggerated. Shouldn't have expected less from the greatest Lantern the corps has. Oh, it seems you've brought someone with you as well."

"Sinestro my good friend, it's good to see that you hold me in such high regard." Abin Sur replied, descending to face the other Lantern. "But I'm not afraid to confess that if not for this fellow aid, I wouldn't be able to come back alive."

Sinestro inspected the approaching figure with interest. "Impressive control over your uniform's construct Lantern. But since I don't recognize you, you must be a new recruit. Which Sector are you from?"

Sentry decided to indulge the iconic villain's question. "I'm from the region known as Sector 2814."

"2814? But that's…" Sinestro's expression was filled with confusion.

"It's complicated." Abin Sur remarked while scratching his head.

"I have plenty of time." Sinestro quickly replied with a serious face.

"So you are the guardian of Gaia." Sinestro concluded, after hearing the convoluted explanation from Abin Sur, not knowing about some details that were kept from him.

"Earth." Sentry corrected him, having no trouble keeping up with the two veteran lanterns.

"Is that what they call it now? Do they still believe that their planet is flat?" Sinestro mused, curiosity clear in his words.

"As a matter of fact some still do." Sentry admitted with some level of mirth. "But such knowledge has already been discovered a couple of thousand years ago."

"Interesting." Sinestro remarked.

As the trio flew over Oa's surface, Sentry witnessed several Green Lanterns of a limitless variety hovering past them, some even joking around.

The buildings in the distance were as tall as mountains, liquid towers of living silver, the Emerald city of Oz being a dump by comparison.

"I've seen sights in this universe to make the blindest eye water, and I can tell you…" Abin Sur said, assuming the role of guide for Sentry. "There is nothing to compare with Oa."

Instead of disputing the legendary lantern's claim, Sentry focused on the approaching figure of a prissy fin-headed fishman Lantern, one of the native species of Xudar.

"Ah, Abin Sur! It's so good to see your ring hasn't failed you." The newcomer said, saluting his fellow Lantern before turning to Sinestro. "Apologies for delivering false bad news."

"Much appreciate the concern, Tomar-Re." Abin replied, not ready to repeat the story he just told Sinestro.

"And who might you be? A new recruit?" Tomar-Re asked Sentry, ignoring the fact that he easily towered over him. "Another warm blood, I see. I am Tomar-Re, chosen protector of sector 2813."

"The sector of Krypton." Sentry recalled, prompting Tomar-Re to lower his head in shame.

"My greatest failure. I tried to save the planet by collecting Stellarium, a compound I believed would absorb the tectonic shocks that tore Krypton apart. But I did not make it back to the doomed planet in time."

Sentry wasn't surprised at the sight of a talking fish-man, especially after becoming the King of Atlantis, and neither was he vengeful in regards to the planet he was born.

"Regardless, you can call me Sentry, the current Champion God of the Solar System." Sentry casually replied, not caring for subtleties.

"Solar System? But that's…" Tomar-Re reasoned, similar to how Sinestro previously did, before the Left-handed Lantern interrupted his train of thought.

"I will explain it later, for now, consider him the new recruit of the Corps." Sinestro dismissed before moving forwards.

"Sentry, would you mind waiting until Sinestro and I are done with our reunion with the Guardians?" Abin Sur asked before following the Left-handed Lantern. "Tomar here will aid you to get acquainted with everything."

"Not at all, this is your territory after all." Sentry replied, shifting his gaze towards the cold-blooded Lantern, who instinctively ruffled his top fin. "Shall we?"

"Of course."

Shortly after, in the training area, Sentry was having a tour through their routine.

Within sight, there were countless corps members training, each in an elegant ballet as they conjured an endless variety of weapons.

Like Roman legionaries running through morning exercises.

"Your ring is the most powerful weapon in the universe." Tomar pointed out. "It's constructs are limited only by one's imagination. It's strength is limited only by one's will."

Sentry turned to what looked like a pile of struggling Green Lanterns.

"You must be wondering who they're fighting." Tomar said with some glee behind his words.

"Let me guess, the fighting instructor?" Sentry pointed out the obvious answer.

"Your ins— oh, indeed." The cold-blooded lantern faltered a little, probably disappointed at not reenacting what he heard back when he was still a fresh recruit. "He's name is Killowog."

The Green Lanterns were suddenly blown in all directions, having been thrown off by the tall hippo-like humanoid, a Bolovax Vik to be more precise.

He lumbered over, looking down on Sentry from ten feet high.

"Have you brought me another Pooser, Tomar-Re?" Killowog asked before sniffing Sentry from afar. "He doesn't have a smell. Weird." He then leans forward, attempting to intimidate him, only to fail miserably. "Hehehehe, I'm gonna have fun training this one."

"The ring's power comes from the Central Battery." Tomar suddenly pointed out after rolling his eyes at Killowog's antics.

Soon after, as the two moved high atop an opaline plinth, they saw the Central Battery.

Majestic, Enormous and crackling with energy.

All waiting to be absorbed by Sentry.

"It fuels every one of our Lanterns, which in turn fuels everyone of our rings." Tomar continued with his explanation.

Whilst the two hovered in place, they were capable of seeing many Lanterns flying around and up to it, charging their rings with the formality of the righteous on pilgrimage to holy ground.

"Like I once did, you might be wondering why Green." Tomar deduced, thinking that Sentry was ignorant about the Emotional Spectrum. "The light you see is a manifestation of what our minds can't comprehend. All life is connected. By love, by hope, by all the noblest instincts of the soul. This is the center of such a connection. The power drawn from it is what we simply see as "Green"." He gestured to the Battery. "All that power… collected, channeled, here delivered. Entrusted to us."

"So, should we pay our respect?" Sentry suggested, and Tomar agreed with a friendly smile.

As the two moved towards a waiting line of Lanterns, all manner of creatures assembled before a magenta-skinned female.

It was Abin's wife, Liana Sur, regal in her happiness she watched them approach, breaking ceremony and floating towards them.

"So it's true! My husband survived thanks to a fresh recruit of the corps!" The older female said, staring at Sentry as he nodded in acknowledgement. "A thousand years together, and thanks to you, a thousand more to come."

He could see this woman had restrained a well-spring of emotions at the uncertainty of her husband's condition.

"I aided someone who was in need, there's no need to thank me." Sentry replied, prompting her to chuckle. "Besides, Abin Sur might've survived even without my help, after all he still is a fine soldier."

These words lifted her spirits even more than the hundreds of well-wishers she had been receiving lately.

"Even so, allow me to thank you properly." The woman replied, bowing down in respect.


As Abin Sur and Thaal Sinestro entered the chamber of the Guardians, a mixture of emotions cascaded over the greatest Lantern, as he recalled the event that started it all.

The circle of Guardians simply acknowledged their entry, none sharing any emotion from the apparent resurrection of their best soldier.

Abin Sur noticed the broken piece on the ancient marble floor that Sinestro caused after his previous meeting with the Guardians, but decided to ignore it in order to share his message.

Instead of having to put it into words, he simply commanded his ring to display his 'final transmission'.

Raising his ring forward, it flickers and a hologram of a rotating corps symbol manifests.

The logo flickers again, morphing into the face of Legion, ferociously attacking Abin Sur.

"This is Abin Sur— I have seen what hunts us… Legion… it lives. The ring holds no effect, no defense— you must take action! Legion is real and has come into contact with the Yellow essence!"

"'Legion is real! And it has come into contact with the yellow essence.' The words from our most noble soldier." Sinestro barges in, pointing at the image of the snarling hellbeast as the message plays into a loop. "Legion! Taking its revenge for offenses long forgotten to all but itself… and you, the Guardians of our Universe."

'What is it you desire, Thaal Sinestro?' Asked one of the Guardians telepathically, already knowing the answer.

"A golden light to match Legion's. If our enemies command such power, we must too!" Sinestro spoke, turning to face Abin Sur, trying to convince him of his reasoning.

'It's agreed action must be taken.' A different Guardian replied.

'Abin Sur, Sinestro, gather your Lanterns. Seek the best out and contain it.' A female Guardian ordered.

'Return with Legion defeated and we will consider your request.' Another Guardian concluded.

Abin Sur could see that Sinestro was far from sated with their answer.

'We have faith in you two, our best Lanterns, and in the Lanterns at your side.' All the Guardians stated in unison before dismissing the duo.

Sinestro stormed out, moving somewhere, anywhere he could find suitable Lanterns to fight Legion.

"We were given leave to find Legion." Abin pointed out. "We should hurry, I'm growing worried for my sector."

"Tell me, dear friend, how competent you said that God fella was?" Sinestro asked. "The corps is as strong as its weakest link. And I will not tolerate a weak link."

"Honestly, never have I seen anything or anyone like him." Abin replied, flying beside him. "I dare to say that he might be on par with even the Guardians."

Sinestro narrowed his eyes.

Entering the training room, they were just in time to witness Sentry's first instruction lesson with Killowog, as a crowd of new recruits circled around them, waiting to watch the confident rookie to be humbled.

"So, let's see what you've got, Poozer." The Hippo-like humanoid said while facing the most calm rookie he had ever faced. "Bravado alone won't get you anywhere."

As the instructor assumed a fighting position, he started his attack by firing a massive beam of energy at his opponent and charged.

Despite his bulky frame, his ring of power allowed him to be swift with his feet.

However, this wouldn't prove to be enough against someone like Sentry.

Instead of dodging the beam, or even attempting to shoot it back, Sentry merely stood there as his armor promptly absorbed all the green energy on it.

That surprised Killowog, but not enough to make him hesitate with his following attack.

Manifesting big hammer constructs, he swung it at Sentry's chest. "Never let your guard down, Poozer."

But this time, the reaction from Sentry was simply punching the hammer at super speed, shattering the construct and grasping Killowog's neck.

"I don't." Sentry smiled, ignoring Killowog's struggle. "Listen, I can tell you are only acting tough. And there's nothing wrong with it." He brought Killowog's face near to his. "Just don't do it with me."

To make his point clear, he made duplicates standing beside him, seemingly echoing the same amount of power the original was emanating as they together conjured a small sun behind Killowog.

Its gravitational pull was much stronger than what most Lanterns would be able to resist, even pulling Killowog's legs while his arms were firmly gripped around Sentry's hand.

"Am I clear?" Sentry questioned casually, ignoring the weird out looks from the other training lanterns.

"Argh…" Killowog struggled for a moment before replying. "Yes."

"Excellent." Sentry said with a small chuckle while dismissing all of his constructs. "Your will is undoubtedly strong, but it can't compare with mine."

As Sentry released Killowog's neck, the instructor fell to his knees, but was offered a hand.

As Killowog looked upwards with a confused expression, Sentry replied. "I know you have a soft heart, Killowog. The way you push the other recruits like you do is merely you trying to make sure that they won't go dying on their first mission, and perhaps even grow up to the point of considering retirement."

Raising back to his feet, Killowog asked. "What's your name, Po— I mean, Lantern?"

"You can call me Sentry." He replied, noticing Sinestro clapping at his display of might as he and Abin Sur approached.

"So this Legion of yours is still roaming around my solar system?" Sentry questioned casually, not showing the slightest concern for it.

Sinestro was speaking with him while Abin Sur was busy selecting the best of the best Lanterns.

Alongside the two of them, a pinkish alien known as Boodikka was also nearby.

Sentry could only pity the poor Bellatrixian's attempt in reading his mind.

"Argh." She suddenly said, feeling a tremendous headache.

"Consider yourself lucky, usually I don't allow a being that attempts to read my thoughts to live." Sentry chuckled before patting her on the back.

Sinestro could only send her away after his usual plan didn't work. "Forgive my friend's manners. Her culture is used in being so forthright in regards to telepathic communication."

Sentry shrugged his shoulders, not caring for Sinestro's lies. Instead he indulged his doubt about which version of Legion he was dealing with. "What I don't get is… what is this Legion again? It doesn't appear in the database of my ring."

This drew Sinestro's attention, he faced Sentry, gravely serious. "Legion is the Guardians' shame." Extending his ring up and firing it, images unfurled and a giant book was made, having its pages fluttering open. "There are teachings in the Book of Oa the Guardians would not have us know. But moments we would prefer to forget are still moments in time."

Images of his ring continue to illustrate his words through pictographic storytelling.

The hologram displays the trinity canyon of Oa, as the Guardians float around in a ring over a continental crevasse.

"In their efforts to protect the universe, the Guardians sought to harness the emanations of light. But they did not begin with Will. They began with a force far more potent… With Will's opposite."

The Guardians cumulative concentration culminated and… a Guardian swiped the air.

A thin yellow flame, the color of Legion, appeared in his palm.


The Guardian passed the meager flame to his neighbor, it growing until the flame became a blaze, burning one of them.

The blaze widened, beyond their circle…

"But the light of fear could not be controlled. Even by the Guardians."

The yellow blaze ripped out of orbit towards the stars, a light of toxic light spanning creation.

"It spread. Throughout creation. Taking what is good and polluting it with fear. And all things changed."

Now showing the image of a rocky, craggy and barren planet.

Two lizard creatures shared their scavengings as the… yellow blazes passed over them like a tide.

"In trying to bring order to the cosmos, the Guardians unleashed chaos."

The lizards' expressions turned malevolent, distrusting their brother, and so they attacked one another with a new ferocity.

"The Guardians saw their mistake. And they took action. They collect the light of fear…"

Back to Oa, the Guardians in a circle again, but this time facing outwards. With their combined efforts the thin tendrils of golden light returned to their circle from all directions of the universe.

They collected the noxious light into a form above them.

"And once gathered, they banished it."

Now displaying the lost sector, a starless space, darker and bleaker than the singularity at the center of a black hole.

"To the lost sector. A place of containment. A place to keep safe the Guardians' failures."

The yellow torrent was cast within, spiraling inside a cyclone of fear and rage. It twists and writhes, coalescing.

No longer merely a light.

But a life.

A nascent beast lets out a wild, primordial howl.

"But in that dark place, the fear grew strength. And form. And shape."

The swirl of fire morphs into a very familiar shape: Legion.

"And it's rage was Legion."

The hologram fades away.

Sentry finally spoke up. "So it haunts Lanterns to take revenge on its captors and creators."

"Indeed." Sinestro replied.

"And remind me again why do you plan to use it?" Sentry questioned, not caring for Sinestro's doubt of how he came to learn about it. "You believe yourself capable of succeeding where the Guardians have so miserably failed?"

"They aren't willing to pay the high price, even if that price aided them to achieve victory. The Guardians have seen enough deaths to permit what true and final security requires." Sinestro argued. "The creation of a new ring. A more powerful one."

"Oh, so you want to use this?" Sentry asked, now summoning the golden piece he retrieved from Abin Sur.

"A piece of Legion!" Sinestro stated the obvious.

"Perhaps I might be of help to you." Sentry smiled. "You see, this ring in my possession was made by me. And as you have witnessed, it's not lacking in any way compared to the one in your possession."


Thousands of Lanterns, some big, some small, some even furry, but you wouldn't want to fuck with any of them.

It was night at the half-moon coliseum of Oa.

An enormous coliseum under a star-flecked sky, the meeting hall of the corps, Abin Sur stood before the army of Lanterns with Sinestro by his left and Sentry to his right, his ring conjuring the image of three Lanterns overhead.

"Fellow Lanterns! For the past few days we've been mourning the loss of our brothers and sisters. Three of our brethren were struck down by a single terror: LEGION!"

The three images converged into one larger image of the golden monster.


He gave space for his partner to continue. "BUT WE ARE NOT ONE LANTERN!" He and Sinestro gave a warcry. "WE! ARE! THE CORPS!"

Cheers erupted, their rings conjuring their own individual weaponry.

Abin Sur continued. "Together, our lights shine with the will of all that lives. Together we will search every star in every sector of the universe until our enemy is within our grasp! And together—"

More cheers as Lanterns shoot off the planet and are the direction of their 3600 sectors, lightning up the night sky.


All of the Lanterns present shoot upwards, provoking a sonic boom quake.

Soon after, a phalanx of Lanterns moved in unison into a dive, plummeting towards… Legion.

The battle began, with the monster proving more deadly than the Corps had expected.

They were in a pitched battle, and it seemed that the Lanterns weren't fairing well.

Even with Abin Sur leading them to take better advantage of their own rings, Legion invulnerability over their Green light proved too much of a challenge.

Lanterns fell left and right, those already dead tumbled silently in the weightlessness of space.

"It's no use, even against the combined light of our rings, Legion is just shrugging it off." Sinestro shouted to Abin Sur, who just rescued one of his fellow Lanterns from a golden blast.

"I've told you we should have requested aid from other factions." Abin replied, watching a line of Lanterns withering out.

"To the Corps appear weak before some lowly force would be just as catastrophic as being destroyed by Legion." Sinestro argued, not noticing the lone light bursting towards Legion.

As a massive explosion took place, none of the Lanterns still standing could believe what they had just witnessed.

"Well, I'm disappointed." Said Sentry while casually holding a small construct sphere of light that restrained the entirety of Legion.

Regardless of how the creature thrashes and brays, straining with effort to escape the pain and confinement, Sentry's construct didn't waver, it was simply absolute.

Although the creature's rageful shrieks were enough to make some of the Lanterns piss their constructed pants.

"You!" He heard Sinestro's voice being shouted at him, even though the empty space wouldn't have usually allowed it. "If you could have restrained it that easily, why haven't you done so?!"

"Sinestro." Abin Sur tried calming his partner.

"Look around, 'God'!" Sinestro ignored Abin Sur's words while mocking Sentry's self proclaimed title. "So many elite Lanterns are dead! Were you trying to show off?! Well, congratulations!"

As Abin Sur tried to calm him down again, he heard Sentry laughing.

All the remaining Lanterns were in complete shock, they were feeling a multitude of emotions at that moment.

Anger in witnessing the death of their fellow comrades being treated like a joke.

Hope that their deaths weren't in vain, and compassion for their families.

Greed to achieve the same level of power as Sentry had.

Strangely enough, some of the female Lanterns were even turned on by his presence.

But above all, they were afraid.

About what he would do to them.

"You are right, I was trying to show off." Sentry ended his laughter before raising his left hand and summoning an array of bright energy none had witnessed before.

It was then that the unthinkable happened, all the recently fallen Lanterns were brought back to life, while Sentry made them capable of surviving the inhospitable space since their rings had long returned back to Oa.

"I-it… it can't be!" Sinestro gasped, unable to comprehend what was happening. "That's not possible!"

"Now that's where you are wrong." Sentry simply smiled with an air of divinity as his emerald armor shone and cloak flapped. "You see, the time of the Guardians has ended, it is time for someone else to guard this universe. Behold my power!"

As he finished, a small cube machine manifested in the palm of his left hand, and soon after several rings of power were created out of thin air.

Enough to arm those recently resurrected, and more for others willing to accept his offer.

"The question is, will you join my Corps?"



*Hope the chapter is of your liking. If there's anything that you wish to ask, feel free to do so.

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Thanks as always for your attention and please be safe.

** Really sorry for the constant delays, I'm still having a hard time organizing my time to write my fics. 😅

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