20% Dc: start in Young Justice / Chapter 4: Chap 3: Reactions and opinions

บท 4: Chap 3: Reactions and opinions

[League meeting]

"He Didn't disclose or show much about himself but he's obviously older, more mature and calmer than Superboy, i would say between 25-29 and seeing were he came from and his friendliness with superboy we can at least deduce that he atleast has kryptonian dna, a perfect one too as he is stronger with the ability to fly being all he showed till now but i suspect he can do other stuff but still hiding them." after settling down and exchanging some pleasantries between each other and talking about recent topics, Batman start with what everyone need to know about our MC

"Why do you think so?"

"Because he's smart, too much i would say. He knows what we are doing, he knows we are watching him and wary of him as he is of us, but he does not seem too worried rather actually enjoying it, every word and answer that came out of his mouth is calculated and like he expected all of this, he is intentionally giving the information and only the bits that we already know or won't have a problem knowing. And the informations about possible brainwash that he shed to light are too concerning to leave it at that."

"I did as you asked Batman what he said was true in case of superboy it was small and can be resisted with strong will but it was there as for him i tried without him noticing i even doubt that now after the information you shared but his brain is impenetrable unless i force myself wich will take time and he can probably resist it if not fight back" shared Martian manhunter his discovery.

"Come on Bats don't you think you're getting a little bit too paranoid, i mean he didn't do anything wrong and has been only helpful till now, maybe a little too harsh on the kids but still, he's nice to talk to" said the Flash in his cheerful and optimistic self.

Batman only glared at him deeply then showed them the footage of our MC 3 days in the Hall. All they saw is him picking up books from the library and only ever leaving if to eat something while watching tv, going to the bathroom or floating by the windows were the sun is at it highest.

"Well he is a bookworm that's for sure" remarked Hal in his sarcastic way.

"He is getting faster the more he is reading,  in 3 days he read more than hundreds of books most if not all of them are highly advanced studies barring some historical and geographic books, his search history which he didn't bother deleting or do anything to hide at that contained maps of the world and different cities ranging from Gotham, Metropolis, Central city to even Bialya. And he kept searching for any significant news happening around the world from new scientific discoveries, economic, politics and even crime and criminals and their history."

Batman then showed them another footage where he's reading about electronics and mechanics and how he then went to one of the hidden cameras as if he knew all along where it was, most likely did, took it off disassembled it on the spot while still reading then reassembled it again the exact way it was and put it in its place like nothing happened. Then did it again with two other hidden ones and one normal visible one. The league looking at that had various reaction to it.

"I checked on the cameras he didn't do nor put anything foreign to them and the normal one he worked on last has slightly better image and quality overall."

Now they were speechless, there are more than one big brain or super brain sitting in this meeting and more than one can do what he did but who can say that they can make it even better after reading a book for the first time.

"Even every word he said to the new young team were measured and calculated he didn't just make fun or undermined them he encouraged them all while saying his stand in the matter" Batman continue showing them his speech to the team. Some frowned while the other just giggled a bit.

"That's very impressive to say the least it's either he has a thirst for knowledge or his brain take information a lot more faster wich make everything easy for him. But from what you have said and what we have seen of him till now he doesn't seem to care a lot about us not even searching information why do you think so Bruce?" Said Wonder Woman and after hearing her everyone's eyes turned to Batman again expecting him to already know the answer.

And he indeed didn't disappoint: "that's because he already knows enough about most of the league safe for couple newer members who are not that active and publicly well known. And from his stand and opinion on our league effort he knows a lot." That seems to make a couple members listen more attentively than they already are. "And that's an information he himself disclosed and as you saw, openly said while we were discussing matter of the young justice and Superboy" at this point Batman looks directly in Superman eyes who flinched for a millisecond not sure wether the boy the reason or was it Batman's gaze which the latter noticed and felt amused if even a little.

"In which case he actually left a message to you Superman and i recorded it" Superman was frowning his brows at this point not sure if he wants to hear anymore of that topic.

<'tell Suppy to man up and stop acting like a pussy and talk to the boy, the man fought against monsters and robots don't tell me just because the kid was made of his dna he gonna have cold feet now. It's not like he's asking for child support, he's just confused and disoriented and there's only the image of superman in his mind, the kid is looking up to him like an idol, a Hero so tell him to start acting like one'>

Hearing this Superman actually got lost in thoughts for a second there coming back only because of some giggles and snickers in his direction as he looked back at Batman he could swear he could see an amused smile on his stoic face that instantly disappeared like some kind of illusion but he still can see it in his eyes wich irked him a little bit. He just fake coughed a litte to diffuse the situation and said "I'll try to make some time to meet him" wich was met with a nod from Batman and some smiles.

"Well he's definitely a fun guy" commented captain Marvel

"And has a way with speech, and probably knows we can't do anything about him beside keeping an eye on him as long as he doesn't do anything excessive"

The league meeting continued talking a bit more about him and superboy situation then moved on to discuss more matter.


My powers are good, like really good, infinite potential, variety and versatility. Ever upgrading every aspect of my being.

I took reference from one of my favorite Marvel fanfic, the Mc had the power manipulation that i wished for, but he also had a gacha system or better referring as essence because it was not like those shitty system with bullshit rules and items. Very convenient power if i say so myself, i was tempted to choose it too but... our circumstances differs, i wasn't born here and suddenly awakened my memories nor replaced my alternate self.

I don't want to be Bruce's twin nor be born on krypton to figure out how to escape befor the planet go kaboom. That remind me, i should search for Supergirl i am sure she exist, i believe she ended in the phantom zone how and when and why i don't know, but that's for later.

If i didn't choose who and what i am at the moment, i have no idea where and when i will be born, and i didn't want to relive my childhood nor i wanted new parent and adults arround me. I am very content the way i am now. And his kind of power makes someone questions... life and his existence itself, slowly corruding his mind thinking everything around him is not real, mere characters and NPCs.

He either falls to his urges and breaks or his mind and thinking twist a little ending not caring even if he breaks some 4th wall or something. It worked for him ofcourse but that's a fanfic and i am here living the real deal..or maybe not!. I mean who knows maybe he really exists? Am i being written right now too? Mere idea of some author who has some good fantasy mind and little time? I hope he doesn't make me suffer haha.

{Author: don't worry buddy !

(shootout to Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel)}

"Hmm...! did i feel something right now? Nah, that some anime and fanfic clichés right? Right...?

But i should also make sure about this universe, i can't take my knowledge as absolute only as reference who knows what wasn't shown and maybe some things are different. I only know the tv show Young justice but who knows how many universes are similar i mean there are infinite and yeah... i can't assume everything from memory so better be careful.

Anyway my power... having the bug ability Reactive Adabtility from Doomsday Dna is a card i have to play right, i can simply go swim in lava or climb montains of ice and i will adapt... very fast at that, if i go and fight superman right now even if he is stronger than me at the moment as long as he doesn't knock me out in a single move i will adapt and grow stronger than him the longer we fight, all of that is good but i can and will not become overconfident or arrogant enough to say i am unbeatable or undefeatable. Like can i adapt to an omega beam? If the lords of order and chaos decided i shall disappear and they erase me will i survive that? Sure i can adapt to death but nothing is absolute in these kind of Universes.

Adapting to death huh... Immortality, a lot dream of this ability scientists will do any and everything to simply discover it, politicians and rich powerful people will pay litterally everything to have it. But... is it worth it tho? Is it a gift? Or a curse? To be honest i was conflicted with having it at first and not lot of people will live long in this universe like maybe superman, wonder woman the Martians and Thanagarians i think? Depends if they are the reincarnation version i don't know if their race lives long,  need more history research but they are not that important to me to dig deep.

Then you have Vandal savage! He's probably the way he is because of Immortality. I don't believe a man who lived for over like 50,000 years? To simply want to rule the world or never managed to do it before. He's probably bored, lonely or simply lost the ability to feel enough emotion and the 'light' is giving him drive or a kick for life or something.

But he has to go no matter what and for a simple reason being.. i will take his Immortality away from him. It's more of a need than a want, i don't need it per se but if i ever find companions, friends or a lover i want to offer them the chance to accompany me.

That being said i am again fascinated by 'Power Manipulation', i had my doubt at first but it actually works on Red Tornado too. I believed it should work but i was not so sure, i mean a robot able to generate tornadoes? His brothers and sister(s) don't know how many he has can also do fire and water and stuff. Like for real? I mean i can imagine, after all the law of physics and logic don't apply in this world, Ultron was able to utilize the infinity stones with a vibranium body so yeah everything is possible.

I had my theory that if Amazo.. a robot, can replicate all of the league abilities even race specific ones then why can't i take that ability from him? because he's a machine? Well machines should not do what he and the rest of the red family can so.. i hit a jackpot. I wonder how my power and his will react!

I theorized it's because he's sentient, he's not a simple machine or robot programmed nor has an AI for brain, and i believe he fall in the category of androids now what i mean by category is, i can't go to the zeta tube and copy it ability to open portals, it's a machine with a programming in it, a robot will be the same, they are not smart enough even if they can work on simple command, and Androids are different it's true they may have programming in them or an AI brain or something but they have a will and can override these programs of theirs if powerful enough they are like clones but out of metals. Further studies on the subject needed to be confirmed.

Now all i need to do is just wait and keep watching as the young justice bump into them one by one, i know they will meet them soon. That why i also acted interested in them and told Batman i'll keep watching and helping. I mean yeah sure being a Hero, arresting villains and bad guys and being friends with the league is cool and all but... that was when i was a kid, a naive little child living under mom and dad's roof knowing nothing about hardship and sacrifices. Life simply doesn't work like that, it's not all white and black, good and evil.

I don't want to live like that keep fighting a hopeless fight, a game of cat and mouse not knowing who's chasing who and seeing my friends and companions dying or breaking one after one all because some hypocritical code.

How many deaths, losses and torture should one suffer till they snap and say enough is enough? I do believe in second chances but how many second chances does one require to understand that they simply do not deserve it, that they are not human but monsters in human skin!

Batman says: 'If you kill a killer, the number of killers in the world remains the same.' I say that's bullshit. By his logic if i kill two killers won't that at least guarantee one less killer?

'If you kill a killer, the number of innocent in the world remains the same that's my belief.'

Batman himself knows that this rule is made for him, deep down he knows if he kills once he will always kill. He's afraid...afraid of himself and afraid of losing his humanity.

And the dark multiverse speak for itself as enough evidence to back it up, Batman who laugh, the Darkest knight and who knows what.

Superman was raised on this planet and sees himself as a human but deep down he knows he's an alien and everyone see him so, that's why he'll never dare to take a human life. Well that's until someone kill Lois Lane, then it's all fair game. Like, how many universes are there were he turned to a dictator, a ruler or a killer of criminals no matter how petty the crime was?

There's even that one unsiverse were he and the League subjugate the whole world after the Flash died even Batman was not against it.

And they have the nerve to say heroes don't kill or we are better then that! Heck wonder woman is a fucking warrior for god's sake she is the one who encouraged Superman to take control and kill after Lois died in one of those universes. They litterally had to bring a pregnant Lois from another universe just to stop him!!! Even the Thanagarians pride themselves for being warriors, it's even worse for these two if they are a reincarnation they already lived couple of lives and lost each other multiple times, you just stop caring after a while.

Huff that bring the matter of other universes in perspective... the DC multiverse is very complicated, the Arrowverse, new 52 and many unnamed ones. The dark multiverse *shudder*

I will need a base or place to make a lab for research and invention, if i don't find anyone with space or dimensional travel ability i have to make something to travel to different universes. I don't have or need per se i just want to satisfy my curiosity and for whenever i grow bored. Plus it's a good opportunity or back up plan if i ever want to let loose or need to take some power forcefully and without anyone hindering me. At the same time there is time travel, i don't really like time travel, it's always lead to disasters -yes Barry i am talking about you- but going to the future may not be so bad, besides if some speedster and the Legion of superheroes can then i want too who knows maybe I'll need it. If i can do it alone then good if not i'll have to wait for them and secretly study their tech that why i need to prepare.

Plans, plans i have a lot to do and hopefully enough time to, i wonder where can i find a spaceship or some planet to have my time and space to prepare leisurly. Well that's for future me to figure poor him i don't envy the guy.


[The Light]

"They caused us a serious trouble this time"

"Cadmus has been destroyed, everything got deleted and probably taken they even know about the decoys now and it's unknown who did it all"

"The children are starting to become a serious threat"

"What's more concerning is the league letting them do their dirty work"

"That's a dark twist"

"Yes, but one that we can play to our advantage even the temporary loss for the weapon, not to mention the Ultimate that is missing. Eventually everyone see the light"

_ ____________________ _

next chapter
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