98.3% DC: Rise Of Krios / Chapter 58: CHAPTER 57: "Something Is Awakening"

บท 58: CHAPTER 57: "Something Is Awakening"

*Barbara Gordon "Batgirl", Gotham City

Patrolling tonight was rather boring.

She had taken position up on the skyscraper that made up Gotham Central Bank in the financial district. The distinct clang of the Gotham Tower's clock bell sounded indicating that the hour had changed to 3AM.

Fighting the urged to yawn she had made her way to the bank as it was one of her favorite high points to overlook the city. And with the city being quiet she didn't need to patrol as carefully as she would. Batman of course would insist that she maintain a careful and close vigilance. But unlike him, she believed it was much healthier and realistic to take a break when you could.

From her viewpoint you could see many of the sights of Gotham. City hall gleamed close by in the East, to the north the Fashion district with its fancy buildings, and to the west GCPD. Though the city buildings obscured some of it, you could still see the scaffolding, cranes and other heavy equipment still working on restoring the area. Major Crimes would not be rebuilt as the costs would be far too high. Commissioner Gordon only managed to get the building in the first place as it was the old GCPD HQ, but getting an entire new building built and dedicated to a single sub-department was never going to fly at city hall.

So a decision was made to rebuild it as a monument for all fallen officers as well as a park. The choice of which had more to do with the popular press then honoring anyone.

The events of that night had once again shocked Gotham and a greater part of world. A villain destroying some blocks of a city was nothing new. But one that did so while escaping and defeating two founding members of the Justice League was. Never mind the massive controversy that erupted with the deaths of the Joker gang and the Team's involvement with that.

Shifting so she could sit down on one of the ledges and let her feet float above the air, Barbara reflected back. The heroes failing to stop Krios was bad enough, but the fallout of the press and the Team was something else. Somehow before the Leagues PR team manage to get the story out, the press had all the information of the fight her and the Team went through when they tried to stop Krios before he disappeared. 

"Catch me and leave your friends and the henchman to die, save Joker's henchman and probably sacrifice your friends..."

His ultimatum.

It was a cruel choice thrust upon her, with so little time to spare she barely could think. In the end she rushed to save her friends almost instinctually as the priority. But even when she was doing so, and even now as she sat on skyscraper she had doubts about her decision. Joker's goons were some of the lowest of the low, but they needed to be saved, but she let them die in exchange for her friends. Friends of whom many had the ability to survive tough situations, but could they survive several thousand pounds of steel and iron falling on their unconscious forms? Plus there were dozens of Joker's men, no way could she have saved most of them anyway... right?

These thoughts plagued her mind even to this day. Some members of the Justice League when they reviewed the mission gave some strong opinions about her not saving the unconscious men, while others applauded her for saving her team. Batman who usually kept his opinion to himself even took her aside one day and commended her for making the tough but right call.

His support and the few of the League members who approved of her choice really helped her, but it was the Team that made things complicated.

When the press began releasing the story of the Team's failure and possible negligent criminal actions towards the dozens of dead, a few things happened.

Immediately, as to quell any rumors of the Team's true covert purpose the League released a statement that the sidekicks/junior members were training as part of a new program before they went off base and with no orders. They also assured the public they would be reprimanded and a full investigation would be launched into their actions but that they felt confident in saying the Team did nothing wrong, but were just overzealous.

The response by the public and government was not easily quelled though. The statements and reassurances by the League was enough to convince them that the Team went rogue and acted irresponsibly because they were kids. But the fact that the League allowed kids to go fight became a point of contention. As did the fact that the investigation would be handled by the League and not the US government or even the UN which the charter allowed for. All of which made the situation sound like a coverup and faith and the popular opinion of the League dipped significantly.

Even today, Superman and Wonder Woman were busy reassuring the UN of the League's purpose, but since breaking that trust every action of the League was under scrutiny. Batman since that day had grounded the Team to just practice and school. No operations and no superhero work would be allowed for the time being until the flames had died down. The fact that a year later and the Team was still not active naturally began to grate on its members.

Artemis and Kaldur both thanked her for saving them, but for the rest of the team it was more frosty. Connor didn't seem to care too much, though he did say he would of been fine. M'gann was still pissy about Batgirl not stopping Krios from escaping. Zatanna felt like she had been left out of the loop about Krios' powers and did not want to do much with the Team as a whole. Wally kept trying to make light of the situation causing her to snap at him and creating a distance between them.

Dick might of been the worse. Though he didn't say much about that night he did try to wrest control from Kaldur over training schedule as he felt he knew better what the Team should work on. And though he was polite to Barbara, she knew him well enough to know from his occasional narrow looks he gave her that he did not approve of her choice. Knowing how he thinks she could tell he was already re-analyzing the fight and situation with undoubtedly complex plans he knows would of saved everyone. Not that any of them would work.

So much critiquing and sense of failure prevailed on her. What she really needed at that moment was a friend.

'I could of really used you James...' she thought sadly, tears coming to eyes.

The man had all but disappeared from her life. At first she thought the worse that something had happened to him. But a few days later she received a letter and an apology that crushed her heart.

"I don't want to lead you on, or hurt you. I had a wonderful time with you. At this time in my life though, a relationship right now is something I cannot do. I am sorry for..."

He went on using flattering words and explaining how he would go back to traveling for awhile. While he tried to dampen the impact of his words, the pain of what was and could of been still hurt Barbara deeply.

James had been the potential for something special. But now? Now Barbara felt hollow, the experience would taint her experience dating for the entire year as she avoided it like the plague.

Immature? Probably, but it was her first ever real relationship...

'It was one date...' Her annoyed critical mind tried to argue., and each time failing.

The one constant she was able to rely on was continuing to protect Gotham as Batgirl.

Despite Batman's orders to the Team he did allow Barbara and Dick to patrol. Not that he had much choice. Since being beaten by Krios, Batman had worked non-stop trying to hunt down leads about who the man was and where he was. He was also spending enormous amounts of time investigating the Light, of which the League was sure was promoting and financing a smear campaign against them. With so much work he had been forced to rely more on them to keep Gotham safe.

But like the previous times Krios had wrecked the city, things had been quiet. Sure, small time crime was still present but many of the big players went back to staying quiet and clean while things calmed down. Even the Joker was staying quiet. Mind you, Krios had broken several bones in his body that kept him bed ridden for nearly 6 months. But even after he recovered he was staying silent in Arkham.

"... don't ever get in my way again. This is my last warning, next time, I will kill you Barbara."

Barbara shivered.

His last words he said to her she did not tell the team. She did tell Batman in confidence but only after he gave her reassurances he would not pull her from any mission to capture Krios.

His words had terrified her, but in the moment with her friends in danger she did not have much time to reflect.

But now she had, and never before had she been more terrified by the implications.

The reveal of superheroes identities was rare but not unheard of. In most cases the Justice League would step in quickly with a program known as 'Morpheus' to help protect identities. 

But in this case, with the disappearance of Krios and the various unknowns, such protections and programs were not available to her. For the time being she would have to deal with the fact that the villain knew who she was.

"How does he know who I am?" She whispered, looking up past the light pollution of the city to see the stars blinking back to her.


*Krios "James," League Of Shadows Temple, Himalayas

Hanging his legs over the ledge, Krios kept his gaze towards the tip of the mountain he was ordered to raise.

While his gaze was focused on it, his mind was elsewhere.

After Ras al Ghul left him to complete the task and spending hours working on lifting the mountain peak he was absolutely stumped. The massive ton of rock didn't move even an inch, and its refusal to even shake some of its loose dirt seemed to mock him and his task. For the past 2 weeks he came back to the same spot and tried for hours on end. It was his fifth day that in his frustration at no progress he blasted the stone railing of the outlook. It then became a tradition for him after he had tried for a few hours a day to stop and sit over the ledge. 

He would rest his mind and powers for hours just staring over the snowy peaks of the mountain range. Enjoying the cool freezing breeze and fresh air that he never had experienced before. Then again, a garbage dump would have cleaner air then Gotham, the city he was raised in.

Today, though unlike the other times he was reflecting on his friends and family. Strangely, he hadn't thought too much of Jane or Aunt Crystal. Sure he sent letters letting them know how he was, but with the amount of physical, mental and education he was being taught, he rarely was bored or not busy. Even when Jane sent a message a few months ago of Aunt Crystal's passing, he felt very little. Sure a little sadness, but probably more relief that she was now at peace.

He hadn't replied to Jane since then.

One of the requirements for all trainees for the League of Shadows was meditation training. Training halls dedicated to it, and specific times were established and enforced strictly for trainees as al Ghul believed it was essential. And while Krios lacked the patience to really enjoy all the benefits it could provide, he did find himself feeling more calm and at peace.

Except for when he was trying to move this damn rock!

While pondering his family his mind drifted to a flash of red hair, blue eyes...

Sighing, he crossed his legs and closed his eyes.

Picturing her face nearly brought a smile to his face. But just as her face materialized it quickly changed to wearing the familiar cowl of Batgirl.

Such brought back the memory of the last night they saw each other. Even with the cowl, costume and vigilante persona he only could see the girl he took out to dinner just the night before. Despite trying to kill or at least maim her friends he could not bring himself to hurt her.

'Weak...' his internal voice mocked him.

It was that last night they saw each other, that he knew that it could not work. He had lied to himself thinking he could pursue her, whether for romantic or criminal purposes he actually cared for her too much. So he decided right then and their, as a final farewell though she would never know, that he would spare harming her. He would let her have a chance to save her friends, he would leave before adding a few supes to his kill list. And he would warn her to stay away.

He was uncertain whether threatening her with her real name was wise or a powerful effect to insure she understood his honest to God threat. He did not lie to her that night. Next time, he would kill her if necessary.

But his subconscious still persisted, 'Will you?'

Growing frustrated and with a snarl, Krios jumped to his feet and began blasting the mountain ridges. Snow flung high into the air, rocks cracks and dirt stormed down the slopes. It was with this rage he threw everything he had at the mountain tip that had defied him. He had not given up every possible chance at a normal life to be bested and limited by a stupid heavy pile of rocks!

Using every ounce of his power he began to yell in frustration as the rock refused to move.

More and more he began to power through his telekinetic limits and going past what was safe. Blood began to leak from his nose, eyes and ears as his yelling soon turned to screams. Around Krios the very air shook, the outlook billowed and almost seemed to spark with energy, the very pressure of the area became crushing as anything with a few meters of the man soon became crushed. 

Soon, the chaos being unleashed high above the temple traveled down to the caverns and halls of the League of Shadows. The earth shook, the air felt tight, stone began to crack and chunks even fell from the ceiling. Assassins, trainees and stewards alike fell to the ground all wondering if some god had come to bare his wrath upon them. 

Ra's al Ghul, who was seated in his private chambers gripped his desk as his various books and tools began to fall to the ground.

Yet despite the chaos and the yelling panic from his disciples, al Ghul merely smiled.

"We are getting very close," he whispered as the chaos continued to grow.

Back on top, Krios eyes had turned completely black. With what looked like a herculean effort and roar, he finally got back into control and cut off his power. Just as quickly it came the chaos calmed and soon ended.

Collapsing to his knees, he felt time slow as he slowly fell to his side. His eyes fixed on the mountain peak he had tried to move.

It would only be when he woke up and returned to the outlook that he would see, that said mountain peak was no longer exactly where it once been.

It had moved a foot.


Justice League Watch Tower, High Orbit Earth

The leaders of the League were having a meeting this night, or day depending on perspective. They were reviewing recent events as well as actionable intelligence concerning the U.N. as well as Batman's investigation into the Light.

Attending were many of the original members: Superman, Green Lanterns Stewart and Jordan, Hawkgirl, Wonder Woman, Batman, Shazam and Black Canary.

Aquaman was busy with running his kingdom and rarely attended unless Atlantis was directly effected. Flash was helping with a necessary PR mission to Africa for the League. And Martian Manhunter was currently back on Mars, taking some time to help out with some internal affairs.

Doctor Fate was somewhere, no one knew where. He had disappeared a few days ago saying the Lords of Order needed him to investigate something but that he would return soon. 

They were just about to call it a night when a stiff breeze blew through the meeting. Considering how secure the room was and the fact they were on a space station, not known for its breezes, everyone immediately stood up ready to fight.

The breeze seemed to condense before swirling into the shape of a figure.

At this sight, both Wonder Woman and Shazam shout,

"Wait! Friendly!"

Some of the members calmed at hearing this, while others like Batman remained tense.

The breeze finally condensed to reveal a shockingly handsome man with the body of an olympic runner. He wore a golden helm, with a white toga and leather sandals. Gold vambraces and shin guards adorn him, and he wielded what looked to be a caduceus with incredible detail.

Seeing his audience the man gave a large exaggerated bow and a respectful smile.

"A thousand pardons for interrupting, but I come baring a message."

His voice came smoothly and clearly. Looking back, many of the League members would recall hearing his voice in their different languages, or accents. 

Walking past her colleagues Wonder Woman stood before the man and bowed her head respectfully.

"My Lord, you honor us with your presence."

The man's smile seemed to grow seeing her and he reached over and squeezed her shoulder affectionately.

"Diana," he said laughing, "Sister please, no need to be so formal with family, no matter how distant it may or may not be."

Looking around the room his eyes stopped as he gazed upon Shazam.

With another nod he said, "And Billy the recipient of the powers of my father and even yours truly! You look well."

Shazam seemed to look embarrassed at being addressed by his alter ego. The man seeming not to noticed focused back on Wonder Woman and became serious.

"Diana, I have a message to deliver from Zeus himself and the council."

Wonder Woman, staring at the messenger of the gods would never say this out loud. But for a fleeting moment she would swear she saw a flash of fear on his face.

Further back, her colleague Batman had a similar thought. And a growing sense of unease at whatever would cause a god of all beings at being afraid.

Taking a deep breath the Messenger said, "The wheels of fate are breaking, the earth itself shakes in fear, the forerunners of gods and demons comes swiftly."

"In other words," he said as he stared into her eyes to convey the seriousness of the situation.

"Something... something is Awakening."


Please leave your thoughts on who our messenger to the Justice League is for your fellow readers.


Ya, we got Olympus getting involved. Who and what Krios is exactly, the answers are coming very soon.


If you have a character from the DC universe you would like Krios to meet (or fight) leave your suggestion in the comments.


As always, thanks for reading! Please send me stones, leave reviews and comment where you think the story is heading.

next chapter
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