Based off of real research and already known facts about dragon ball z.
What is a Namekian? some might say that they are a alien race that possess That are mostly human looking apart from their plant and slug like appearance.
Namekians are only ever male are possess male features and their only way of reproduction is to give birth to their own kin by spiting them out of their mouths similar to a reptilian species.
In the namekian race there are two types of namekians those from the warrior clan and those from the dragon clan.
The warrior clan are known to have great and natural fighters in it.
And then those from the dragon clan those that are apart of the dragon clan possess strange abilities such as for example healing.
With this ability they are able to heal minor to severe injuries and is very useful overall.
Another ability of the dragon clan is called cloth beam as some might guess with this ability they are able to send a beam towards some one and the person the beam touches will be clothed instantly.
And the finale ability that this clan possesses is the ability to create their own dragon balls.
Surprisingly and unknown is that their are a lot more namekians that are apart of the dragon clan than the warrior clan.
86% of the namekian race are apart of the dragon clan with only 14% being apart of the warrior clan.
So namekians are not a warrior race like the saiyan race that is known as one of if not the strongest race that possess the most potential as warriors.
Namekians no matter what clan that they are apart of can regrow their limbs in necessary and can absorb other namekians.
At a time their was a terrible natural disaster that befell upon planet namek killing most of the race only leaving two namekians current ruler over the namekians Grand Elder Guru and another nameless namekian that later left the planet in hopes to take over another planet.
Grand Elder Guru as the only namekian in the planet after the second left he was tasked to give birth to the new generation of namekians all at the age of 261.
It is currently unknown of how long can namekians live but they can live past the age of 500.
But it may be hard to tell appearance wise at the way the age can said to be similar to the saiyans.
As far as this information much is still not known about the namekians.
But what if a man was reincarnated into the dragon ball z world as his favorite race.
what if the namekians were proven to be more powerful than what was shown besides piccolo that was apart of the dragon clan.
Will he become a hero that is loved by all or will he give into his desire for immense power and become a God good nor evil.
Author: Black_King616
Word length: 500+
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