90% Darkness and the Normality Earrings / Chapter 27: The Dirty-Minded Dozen

บท 27: The Dirty-Minded Dozen

The love of my life, Kazuma, had just disappeared into a puff of smoke.

"Eh? K-Kazuma?" I asked in growing panic, looking around to try and find him. "Kazuma!?"

My heart sank in fear. What had that bastard Vanir done? Was Kazuma teleported? Turned into an animal?! Made really small?! Was he about to drown because Vanir thought it would be funny?!

The worries grew exponentially when the space in front of Wiz that Kazuma disappeared from suddenly erupted, smoke pouring out and surrounding the four of us to fill up the entire bath area. We were completely cut off from seeing each other, the smoke stinging our lungs.

"H-hey! What the-?" I heard Chris yell though the lot of us coughing. "I-is everyone okay?! Darkness?!"

"Wahh!" came the wail of Aqua. "Kazuma turned to smoke! BUAHHH!"

"No I didn't, idiot."

"Kazuma!" I burst out, looking around for him in the smoke. I couldn't pin point where his voice had come from though... "You're okay!"

"Of course I am Darkness." Came his voice from right in front of me. Then, strangely, his voice again spoke but it was behind me this time. "Though I think I know what that potion does."

The smoke was clearing and I could see several dark figures in the haze. All roughly the same size, all calmly standing in the rising smoke.

When we were finally able to see each other again we were surrounded... by one person.


He shrugged at me in confused acceptance. "More or less... and in this case, more."

There were... a dozen Kazumas. All standing around and looking at each other in confusion. Some were in the bath and some were just surrounding it but they were all holding their towel over their modesty and looking around at the multiple mirror images with an almost impressed look. The four of us girls were in a stunned silence from the sudden intrusion of repeating Kazumas.

"This is really trippy." Came the voice of one Kazuma in awe, reaching out and poking another version of his own face.

"No kidding." Was the response to the one poking him, poking back in kind. "Kazuma in stereo."

The other Kazumas had similar reactions. Some poking or shaking each other's hands. All talking over each other as they 'introduced' themselves:

"Hmm. Handsome, chiselled... everything seems to be in place." "I could say the same about you bro." "Should we start a band?" "We've definitely read a hentai like this." "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" "I am a shadow, your true self!" "Let's hope the Axis guys don't see us or else we'll never lose 'em." "Alright, you can stop poking my face now." "Sorry."

I could barely keep track of which one was talking at once. I reached up to the one standing closest to me to prove to myself this was real. "This is surreal..."

"W-what happened? Why am I seeing so many Kazumas?" Aqua asked while looking around quickly. She rubbed her eyes but still she saw the amazing sight. "Did I somehow get drunk without booze?"

"No, I see them too." Chris replied in awe. Poking the bicep of one sitting next to her. "It must have been that potion Wiz gave him."

"I-I'm sorry!" Wiz blurted out while throwing her head down in apology. "Um, are you alright Kazuma?"

Their heads turned to her. "I'm fine." They all replied at once, looking directly at her, making Wiz shake in mild panic.


Okay, this could get bad.

The right thing to do would be to figure out what was happening.

To find the real Kazuma and make sure he was in no danger from any nasty side effects the potion had.

"I want all of you to be erect!" My mouth suddenly blurted out before I could stop it.

A groaned symphony suddenly washed out from me like a wave. The dozen Kazuma's all became instantly and painfully hard. Twelve long beasts all shot up from where they had been holding the towels over them, knocking their own hands away at the ferocity of their own boners. They all had sudden ragged breathing, with a quickly growing blush along their faces as all stared hungrily at the four fuckpigs they owned. The other three girls gaped in excitement at the spectacle.

"...thank you Darkness..." Was all I heard Aqua mumble.

I giggled at the approval (and the absolute jackhammering exhilaration that my heart was experiencing). I couldn't help it, this had been several of the hundreds of dreams I'd had while lying in my lonely bed, dreaming of the man I couldn't have. Now I could have him, times twelve! My eyes shimmered at the possibilities of so many hard, mighty, meaty, throbbing...

"I think we all knew it was going that way." One Kazuma said after clapping his hands. He had a resigned sigh but an excited grin still. "Let's all bunch up and have some fun, shall we?"

The other Kazumas all quickly agreed and began shuffling about the bath. Their hard to follow commentary returning; "Kazuma vs four women, you'll never guess which one the outnumbered one was!" "Who to choose, who to choose..." "Ha! I win! I get to fuck Wiz's tits!" "Whatever, I want her pussy." "Doing the nasty with Aqua in her cult-town's bath feels appropriately sinful." "We already had Eris in Axel so it tracks." "By the way, nice dick dude." "Right back at you big guy."

The horde had paired off, aiming for the closest woman and crowding around them. They'd been spread out easily to have three Kazumas for each of us.

I had one Kazuma behind me with his dick resting on my shoulder, one sat next to me with his arm around me and squeezing my breasts, while the final one was stood in front of me with his leg up on the bench and his cock hypnotically twitching towards me.

"Any of you girls feeling unsure about this?" The Kazuma behind me asked loudly. "Once this rides starts there's no stopping it."

We all looked at each other through the cracks of the Kazuma walls that surrounded us. Without seeing any objections I looked back up at him.

"Just shut up and fuck us."

"Hey guys?!" Called a Kazuma from outside the fence. "I think the potion teleported me outside! AQUA!? DARKNESS!? HELLLOOOOO!!!??"


His head bolted around but too late to stop it. A woman collided with this Kazuma hard, his body tumbling to the floor in a roll before coming to a stop pinned down and face down.

"OW! Get off of me!"

He managed to croon his neck around far enough to see who had tackled him. It was a brown skinned girl with a that was wearing a very thin crop top with large baggy pants. She was also already tying up the Kazuma clone's hands behind his back.

"No way. You're way too hard to track down godslayer, we need to get a good look at you if we're ever going to worship you properly."

The 'we' referred to the other women who were slowly lumbering into the alleyway. All giving Kazuma hungry looks that made his gut pang with worry.

He struggled in vein against the bonds. "I don't wanna go with you Axis freaks! You're all too pushy and scary! DARKNESS!!"

The woman just pulled his ropes tighter, making him yelp in pain. "You say that but you must know what you're doing to us, walking around in just a towel in the Axis hometown? Naughty naughty."

"B-but-GRCLFFF!!" He tried to protest before a wad of panties was shoved into his mouth. Soon dragged away kicking and screaming by two of the stronger women in their perverted entourage.

"Let me make you more comfortable Kazuma..." I giggled while reaching for the clones in front and to the side of me's dicks.

Suddenly they both grabbed my arms and moved them roughly back to above my head. "Nah. Let's assault you first, Darkness."


The Kazuma behind me swooped in and took my wrists, holding them behind my head with one hand. With my body bent backwards, my ass left the bench and began floating in the warm water. He swiped my towel from my body in one smooth motion. Hard-nipped breasts bouncing free and causing significant ripples as they landed. The blanket of hot steam around us and the excited flames inside all of us keeping the temperature to an almost maddening yet comfortable high.

Soon, six wonderful hands were all over me. Stroking and rubbing my various parts to try and assault his Crusader with all his worth. The ones to the left and right of me have taken similar positions, each taking a breast with their teeth and a hand in my crotch fingering my holes, almost fighting over me, making my legs spasm in the water. The one behind me just had his dick in my hair, reaching far enough through to smear my cheek with his precum. I think he enjoyed watching me try to lick it with my tongue stretched out.

One detached from my breast. "Fuck Darkness, I'm always impressed by the size of your tits. No matter how much I play with them they always seem huge and sensitive."

"S-suck them more then..." I whimpered, just loving his attention on me.

They roamed my body with their mouths, one jammed their tongue into my earhole while another bit into my neck on the other side as they both pulled on my nipples. Having three versions of the same sex god was heavenly. They all knew exactly where to strike and now he had the tools to overwhelm my senses to extreme degrees. I was putty in his hands.

Meanwhile, Aqua was also getting stuck into her Kazumas.

"I knew this town was lucky! They praise me after all, but now I get to feel Kazuma in me more than once! At the same time!" Aqua beamed in pride and excitement, leaning back and landing a delicate smooch onto the closest cockhead to her of the Kazuma standing just outside the bath. He was perfect height to have his thick snake lie on the rocks without having to stretch up or down. Aqua leant her head back on the rocks, tongue swirling on Kazuma's shaft. "Dibs on all your cum Kazuma. I want you to cum so much we could fill up this entire bath, then I can swim in it. In fact..."

The Kazuma she'd been licking just grabbed her neck and thrust inside her mouth. "You'd drink it all before it got anywhere close to that, slut goddess." He growled with a grin. She didn't care about the insult, Aqua just loved it when she got her favourite cock in her mouth, it was always filled with so much promise. And cum.

She had her head all the way back for Kazuma to slide his python down her throat. The Goddess' neck bulging as his penis burrowed it's way down to the base.

Aqua's two other Kazumas were sat down next to her on either side, one taking her boobs to fondle/lick, while the other sending his hands in the hot water to finger the Goddess' pussy. Aqua, as an ever impressive woman, had her hands around both their dicks while lovingly stroking them off. Undeterred by the head assault to get as much cum as she wanted, as quickly as she wanted.

Both the Kazumas she was stroking gave a hearty groan to her heavenly touch. There were plenty of soapy suds in the water that made her stimulating hands glide smoothly over their sensitive skin.

"Ooh fuck. Have you been practicing handjobs Aqua?"

"Seriously, did you get a powerup or something cause your fingers feel fucking great."

She gave them a muffled noise one could describe as a giggle. "Grst flrwwinnn goo hrckl nuuthh gui ierck uuu thasthmaa" she garbled into the cock down her throat. Which roughly translated to: Just showing you how much I like you, Kazuma.

The boy to her right frowned. "Don't talk with your m-"

"No no." Stopped the Kazuma who had his dick down her throat. "You didn't feel the vibrations mate. Definitely talk with your mouth full, Aqua."

She smiled round the penis, proceeding to moan loudly and gutturally to generate the 'vibrations'. Teasing the Kazuma down her throat enough for him to share a similar moan of pleasure.

Every so often she'd need to breath a bit deeper than Kazuma's dick was letting her. The Goddess spluttering on his ingrained cock. He pulled out as far as he could, but even in her delirious state Aqua refused to let him leave all the way. Keeping a tight seal on his bulbous head and licking his slit as she recovered. All while maintaining her own rhythm's on the two next to her. Her hand somehow gliding in and out of the water with minimal splashing.

To the left of the Water Goddess getting throat fucked, the Luck Goddess was spreading herself wide on the bench.

Tantalisingly, Chris spread her pussy for her own Kazuma's incoming torpedo. Wasting no time with his Thief, Kazuma lined up his mushroom head against her lower lips. Stroking her stimulated hole just under the water.

Heat mixed with heat inside her. The teasing of promised fun was making the Goddess churn in her seat. Chris was exhaling long drawn out breaths at his slightest provocation. She smiled up at him. "Hehe... e-even though you've had my pussy a lot already... it feels a little different this time, doesn't it Kazuma?"

He gave her an eyebrow and glanced around. "Is it because there's a bunch of clones of me fucking a bunch of other girls at once?"

"Well, that." She admitted. "But I've also got to see you be the leader of your harem now. I don't know why, but it's really made you seem a lot more impressive than usual. And I already thought that you were impr-..." She blushed a little more with a smile then reached up to peck his cheek. "Well, I guess I'll just say I'm just happy Darkness chose you for this... and chose me for this... I'm happy, alright?!"

Kazuma nodded in understanding before pumping his arm in triumph. "Yes! The cute Goddess likes me!"

"You don't have to be such a dork about it..." She mumbled bashfully, but still couldn't hold back a little smile.

A smile that grew from the sharp electric stimulation of the Goddess' brain when Kazuma plunged forwards into her. "Guh! J-jeez, Kazuma! Some warning please!"

"Please. You love it." He smirked, cupping under her knees to move her into a full nelson and thrust away in earnest. Chris knew he wasn't wrong at all. Her sensitive pussy quickly making her sing out praises as he splashed their bodies together as quick as he could in the water.

Chris realised, she really wanted Kazuma to enjoy her body. It wasn't a feeling she'd had about him before, nor anyone before. This quiet hope that Kazuma would orgasm because he liked her as much as she was growing to like him. She could wonder what brought these emotions up in her, but with pleasure levels this high she instead decided to revel in the feelings, rather than shy away from them. Feelings that were clearly shared amongst the other women. Her desires drove her actions. Bucking her hips in shared rhythm to try and make Kazuma carve himself into her pussy forever.

To her left was the Shopkeeper. As Chris wasn't in a position to entertain more than one Kazuma right now so the other two who had been near her were now surrounding Wiz. Two outside the bath, three inside, and all standing around aiming their mighty meat swords at her amazed face.

Five Kazumas vs one big breasted Lich.

Their chorus of compliments surrounded her. "Wiz you look so soft." "What a lovely body." "Our wife is so cute."

Wiz was sat their clutching her hands to her chest. "Um... I'm sorry. I really don't know what I should be doing right now..."

"Dang, we made her uncomfortable." One frowned.

Another leant down to speak to her properly, "Wiz, how bout this. Let's take turns deciding how to play, deal? You treat us to some loving our way, then we'll treat you to some loving your way, and we'll see how you feel after that."

"L-loving your way..." She repeated, considering the idea before giving him a very cute smile. "Okay, my dear husband. I'll be in your care."

This earned a groan of fluttered hearts from the boys surrounding her. They then quickly huddled to come up with 'their way' before returning to their positions just as fast.

"Wiz-chwan, you've kissed our faces, but how about now you spend some time kissing a little lower?"

It was a vulgar request. One that would normally make Wiz blush in worry and become angry at Kazuma for. But not now, not to her husband. Instead she blinked at him in surprise before looking around at the towers in front of her. "Y-you mean, marry your... p-penis?"

He blinked at the question. "If it makes it easier for you to phrase it that way, then yes."

"It makes it way harder for us, if ya know what I mean." whispered one Kazuma to the others who all giggled to themselves.

Wiz wasn't really paying attention, focusing instead on the task at hand. While one can definitely assume the shopkeeper was inexperienced, she was still a woman who had treated herself to a raunchy book every so often, so she knew what putting your mouth on a cock meant in this context. Instead of just kissing each of the Kazuma's in turn, she grabbed the first one in front of her and let it slide into her mouth, keeping her lips suctioned around the whole time.

It might not have dove deep, but the sudden unexpected attention made the clone jump in spiked pleasure. "FuUucking hell!"

It shut the other four up as they watched her move her tongue around his shaft. "Woah... this Lich has skills as well?!" "That's fucking hot Wiz." "I'm gonna marry you to my cock so hard!"

Wiz dutifully continued with her 'kiss' for another minute before moving onto the next Kazuma in line on her left. This also made the one on the right realise he'd be waiting a while before it was his turn. He reached himself forwards and push his cockhead against Wiz's floating nipple.

"Sorry Wiz, is it okay if my dick marries your tits instead? I think it's in love with them."

The friendly woman didn't stop her task, but she did cup her large breasts in her hands. It was plenty invitation for the Kazuma to shift his dick to the right and plunge into her cushiony depths. She squeezed and manipulated the titflesh around his hard cock, making him purr in content.

"Ooohh, fuuck yeah... definitely in love with your tits, Wiz."

He wasn't the only one groaning loudly. Soon the Kazuma using Aqua's mouth began breathing a little too hard at Aqua's tight throat. "F-ffuck! AQUA! FUCK!! -gnnrrr- Fuck it! Here's come your treatttt!" He roared out while tightly gripping her head like it was a sock he was unloading into.

If you'd looked hard enough before he'd warned her, you could have seen a pink particle float out of Aqua's mouth. It wasn't a spell that could affect men, but it could still make the Goddess feel like Kazuma was pouring his piping hot seed into her sensitive pussy, and that was all she'd needed to be sent over the edge hard. Bucking her hips in the hot springs from her spasming pussy, pushed along from the two Kazuma's who had been stimulating her breasts and clit.

She could have passed out right there from overstimulation and lack of oxygen. It was the hardest Aqua had orgasmed in her life. And it was perfected as the Kazuma in her mouth began to back away his hips and spurt his cream more and more. It filled her cheeks quickly, the taste clouding her mind in pure deliciousness. Aqua earning her treat always felt the best.

As Aqua leaned her head up to lust-drunkenly chew the oversized load, just loving the feel of it in her mouth pussy, she missed the Kazuma who had came in her mouth disappearing in a puff of smoke.

"Woah!" yiped one of the Kazuma's with Aqua. "Hey! News everyone! Looks like the clones have a shelf life of one jizz!"

Everyone turned to see the sudden truth. "Well, looks like it'll be easy to figure out which one of us is the real Kazuma then." Said one of the ones with Wiz.

"Yeah, though it's grim to think we could die after an orgasm..."

"But what a way to go, right?"

"One of our top three deaths, easily."

The Kazuma fucking Chris cracked his neck and stretched his arms. "Welp, if this is the way I'm going to die then let's kick this up a notch." He reached down and grabbed her towel to add her to the nudity list, but was blocked by the thief desperately clutching the lining.

"Wait! D-don't take my towel off!" She pleaded loudly. It was loud enough that the Kazuma who had just had his dick sucked by Wiz came back over to see the commotion.

The boy inside her slowed down his thrusting to share a concerned look with his clone. "Chris, why don't you want me to take your towel off?"

She grit her teeth, desperate to try and avoid her fate, but the normality of her telling the truth with his cock inside her was too powerful. "B-because... I'm self conscious... about my chest." Chris grumbled out, looking around at the ample bosoms of the other three women all shaking about.

Both the Kazumas let out an offended scoff. "You think me such a simpleton that large breasts are the only thing that can arouse me?" Said the one inside her.

The other slid down next to her on the bench, shifting some of the wet hair off of her face. "A cute girl just timidly admitted to worrying about what I think of her body, how is that not just as sexy as any meaty chest?"

She was whimpering at his touch, loosening her grip on the towel. She knew she couldn't stop him, instead choosing to place her hands on her face in a childish attempt to hide. Delicately he removed the towel from her body, revealing the thief's B-cup breasts. Each were perky and fun, matching her personality. "Those are some great breasts, Chris." He soothingly complimented, craning his neck down to smooch her erect nipple.

The other Kazuma continued in a romanticized voice. "My dearest Eris. You are such a beautiful, adult woman. One who just happens to have a smaller than average body. Don't let talk of pads get you down, you deserve an almighty dicking just as much as everybody else."

"W-why...?" She whined almost tearfully as her hands finally slid off her face. Both Kazumas were treating her body delicately, letting her shyness melt off into the hot springs. Soothing her body and rolling her nipple in his fingers. "W-why does that make me feel so... h-happy to hear you say that?"

Kazuma began thrusting into her once more. She hiccupped at the raging emotions inside her. Chris' heart was really falling for the boy, and her pussy wasn't far behind either. Threatening to tear off his cock it was clutching down around him so tightly.

"Not to mention." Said the Kazuma on the bench, "You don't need to worry about your breasts when you've got such a thick n tasty ass!"

Her eyes widened in blushing surprise but couldn't retort as she was lifted into the open air by the Kazuma thrusting into her. With a startled yip she clung to him tightly, wrapping her damp body around his. A cool breeze running through the area made her shudder. The Kazuma on the bench hopped up to join them and took two huge handfuls of the ass he'd just praised.

She huffed in frustration at the suddenness of his attitude change. "You're still a scumbag sometimes..." Chris pouted but still her heart was fluttering at the idea of him inside both her holes.

Suddenly there was another loud groan to left. A puff of smoke and a sticky smear covering the inside of Wiz's tits were all that remained of the second Kazuma to bite the dust. She'd just finished kissing the other Kazuma's dicks before reaching down to lick his manhood when that Kazuma had unloaded himself.

"S-sorry!" Wiz squeaked, not knowing what else to say about the disappeared version of her husband. The one behind her just put his hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry, it's how he wanted to go. Trust me."

Wiz nodded in confused understanding. "Oh, o-okay..."

The others gave a few seconds of commiserated silence before returning to the busty beauty. "So Wiz! Your turn to give the orders! How do you wanna do this?"

Wiz had already thought about exactly she wanted to do this. The ideas seemingly shameful to her usually, but with her husband? Surely she could divulge a little... Her expression was darkened in embarrassment as she quietly spoke.

"I-I want you to make me feel good..." She reached under the water and pointed to her uncovered sex. "Down here... please."

"Yes Ma'am!" He jumped up in front of her first before the other two could get in there. The one out the bath never stood a chance, of course, instead just walking away to not further overwhelm Wiz.

Kazuma leant over the slightly older woman with desire dripping off his face. Wiz was one of those unreachable idols he believed he'd never have a chance with. Thinking her a beauty with a fulfilled life, not a lonely soul needing love. The adventurer so desperately wanted to make her happy, to fuck her until she would never feel sad again. Wiz really deserved to never feel that way. He lined himself under the water quickly, not able to hold back his own desires to stretch her pussy and plunged inside.

As the thick cock entered Wiz, she almost couldn't handle the pleasure. Kazuma pierced her pussy with such a large object, stretching her insides to degrees it had never gone to before. "U-um! W-wait! P-please!" She yelped as her body writhed around. Shoulders packed in tight and chest shaking back and forth as her spine wiggled around. Her body feeling weird and uncomfortable, yet full and bubbly as well. "I-I just... um! I-I-I-!"

Kazuma did stop but also hummed with a cheeky smile. "You know, I heard from Vanir that you used to be known as the legendary 'Ice Witch'. To think she'd shy away from such a small challenge?"

"S-small-?! B-but Kazuma's so big!" Wiz whined, still squirming at the intruder but making Kazuma giggle gleefully. "Yyyou're making me feel too f-f-fullll!"

The boy moved a little and Wiz inhaled deeply through her nose. He was starting to worry he was hurting her, so the second Kazuma sat on the bench to speak to her softly. "Just talk to me Wiz. Tell me how you always imagined your husband would treat you on your wedding night."

Wiz calmed down a bit at seeing his worried face. Her pussy slowly began to accept the intruder as her two husbands pet her body slowly and tenderly. Using that instinct to make sure she wasn't uncomfortable in any way.

"My husband would... treat me gentle at first." Wiz began, prompting the Kazuma inside her to roll his hips slowly. She gasped again but this time wasn't spasming out of control, instead she felt him climb a little higher inside her before pulling out. Her walls were tightly squeezing around him, but as he continued the heat of their bodies began to make his scraping feel better. Then much better. And as he climbed higher inside, Wiz was suddenly having trouble feeling too comfortable. The Lich's body hadn't felt so alive in a long time and it was scared at how much she was enjoying the feeling.

Wiz reached her hand up to the Kazuma next to her. "Now, p-please... hold my hand?" She asked with a hopeful look on her face. He quickly intertwined their fingers, letting the Lich know he was there to support her through this. Squeezing his hand in hers he began to also stroke her hair, making Wiz sigh in content and melt further into the cock that was beginning to feel really really good.

She hadn't realised it before, but there had always been a worry in Wiz that she wouldn't be able to experience the same level of sex she had all those years ago before she'd become a Lich. She'd only done it once as a human, with one of Brad's barbarian buddies who had drunkedly insisted on taking her to bed one late night. He'd been good, Wiz thought at least, he had managed to finish very quickly inside her which Wiz assumed was the goal. That worry she would never get to experience the pleasure she'd felt that night... had just been blown out the water and then some by Kazuma. He wasn't finishing as fast, but Wiz was finding that to not be an issue at all. He was reaching in much further, treating her softly... maybe like a real husband should.

Her red face leant into his hand and she batted her eyes at him. "Lastly, can you... sit with me? And kiss me, please."

The second Kazuma smiled warmly at her. "I'd be happy to Wiz."

"Damn bro, that's cute as fuck." said the Kazuma who was thrusting, letting the two love birds gently experience each other's mouths. He didn't mind it. He still had her pussy and Wiz was happy, nothing else was needed to be said.

Unlike me.

"FUCK ME KAZUMA!" I demanded, trying to let the weak hand hold me back but the growing frustrations were growing as he fondled my body. "I don't know how long this potion will last and I refuse to let the chance for three Kazumas to ravage me go by!"

"Alright, alright." He chuckled. "Flip over and grab the rocks."

I followed his orders instantly, hoping he'd notice my obedience.

"Good girl. Now, I'm going to go down here." He motioned, sliding down underneath me to sit on the bench and smother his face in my huge breasts. In a muffled tone he continued, "So why don't you sit on my dick while my main man here fucks your mouth?"

"Yes, master." I cooed, loving when he let his degenerate side run wild. The one below me raised his hips up as mine lowered to greet him. He slid in almost the whole way in one stroke, sending course after course of electric current into me. Sex instincts managing to kick in, even when it was just aiming at a cunt. My body squeezed its favourite intruder tightly. My breathing becoming strange as my heart kept pounding away at simply having Kazuma split open my pussy again. It had really missed him.

Before the Kazuma out the bath could thrust into my mouth, I turned my head to see what Kazuma 3 would do. Watching him eye my backside hungrily.

I tried shaking it left and right to entice him, but, instead of just standing in the water and thrusting into me like I thought, he suddenly leapt up onto my back. A large amount of skin to skin contact riding up me; pressing his chest into my back, leaning his hands on my shoulders, legs supported on my wide hips, and smushing his dick between my ass cheeks. With my body at a complete right angle, only supported by my own legs, arms, and the cock in my pussy.

Kazuma knew I was strong enough to handle his weight. It used to be a worry of mine that people would make fun of me for being unwomanly if I was strong, but now it was so useful to so many sexy times, those fears ignored by my insides that made me feel like a real woman. Perhaps I was growing to love my strength.

He moved some hair away from my ear to whisper teasingly. "We need to get you a saddle."

"I already have-grck!" I began before I was interrupted by a dick in the mouth. The Kazuma on top of me also began shifting his weight and moving his manhood to my quivering asshole...

Once Aqua had finished swallowing her treat she sighed in content. Happy to have had her mouth filled so much, but still feeling like she could go for more. "Can one of you guys put your penis inside me now? P-please?" Aqua asked with her biggest puppy dog eyes. "I really want you to cum inside me Kazuma."

The Kazuma to her left stopped rubbing her tits to lift her head back up a bit. "Ah yeah. Sorry Aqua, forgot you were still all sensitive down there from before."

Aqua rubbed her face into his touch. "Yeah, but... that doesn't really matter." She admitted, looking at him with a little blush. "I just want you to fuck me, Kazuma. You're really good at IITTT." Her hips splashed in the water suddenly, the Kazuma with his fingers inside the Goddess demonstrating her point.

The boy grinned at her admittance, watching as his clone licked up some of the diluted stickiness on his hand. He then leant his body as far back as he could, till his body was at a right angle and floating up in the water to show off his full nakedness and, more importantly, throbbing dick on display.

"Well if you want it, I'm right here."

She looked down hungrily at him, admiring his whole body floating up in the water and focusing on his cock with drool suddenly filling her mouth. But before she did anything she looked to the other Kazuma on her right.

"Don't mind me, I'll just take your ass."

Aqua gave him a lip biting smile then flipped her body around to stand on the bench. Her body hovered over Kazuma's, the two not floating helping to steady her as she grabbed the dick and aimed it at her pussy. Not wanting to waste anymore time she plunged down quickly, causing a clap of water to splash around the Goddess of Water's thick ass. Their bodies intertwined, Kazuma hitting deep into Aqua's hole on his first strike, as they plunged into the hot spring's depths. The Kazuma slammed his feet back onto the floor and carried the two of them back to the bench quickly, all without any help since Aqua uselessly climaxed on his cock.

With a happy expression Kazuma sat down with the recovering Goddess bundled in his arms. Her previous sensitivity level not releasing it's hold on the woman, instead just growing in the lust drunk's brain.

She snapped her fingers as soon as she'd stopped shaking. "Come on, come on!" Aqua ordered, "Ass! Hurry!"

"Such a demanding Goddess." Grinned Kazuma as he moved to her requested position with a slap to her jiggling posterior as a small punishment.

"Right? Ah well, let's give the puppy what she wants."

Since these scenes were all happening relatively at the same time; Kazuma ended up entering the assholes of three of us at almost simultaneously. Chris, Aqua, and myself all moaned out loudly in symphony as all of us were double penetrated by our favourite dick.

"Kazuma~" Aqua called out, stretching her body around to kiss her second plunderer. "Y-y-you're so good at ssseEEEex! Why haven't we b-been doing this siiiince we met?!"

Chris was taking it slightly differently. Her eyes were closed, head tilted to one side, and breathlessly muttering: "Kazuma... Kazumaaa... Kazummaaaa...." getting longer with every thrust. She was trapped between the two sex gods with only their thick dicks that hit all her sensitive spots inside her tight holes to support her.

"YES YES YES!" I cried out. He roughly slammed me onto his own cock, using my momentum to fuck both versions of him. I couldn't keep up the praise since I had to entertain another one of his cocks in my mouth. He was skewering me with every roll of his hips, working in perfect tandem with himself to fuck me. The times when he entered me sent an electrical storm in three places to cascade against each other, melding into an unbearable pleasure that threatened to melt me down to nothing.

The Kazuma sex orgy was in full swing. Moans and splashes surrounding the heated pool. Various leaking fluids mixing with the soapy bathwater. All but two of the Kazumas had their dicks inside one of us. One was just lovingly kissing Wiz while she gave him a hand job, but the other Kazuma was fiddling with something behind the bath.

"There we go!" He suddenly exclaimed, jumping up and looking around the room hungrily. "Let's go for you first Chris!" He pointed at her with a hand to his temple, concentrating.

She wasn't looking at him at all, but did notice when a cock suddenly appeared on her lips to dive into her mouth. Chris could just about see the golden ring he'd used to teleport himself into her. Floating in place just in front of her mouth, following her as she bounced. Her mind was tatters to the lust, which moved her tongue around his head instinctively. Somewhere she acknowledged his great taste entering her mouth but there was far too much going on to fully appreciate it.

Not that the Kazuma with the cock ring minded. This was going to be tour of the four rather than a full fucking. He switched focus to me, using the power to slap me with his cock at various points. Then to Aqua, floating it above her face to have her try to jump up and lick it, only to land hard against the two Kazuma's inside her. And finally to Wiz, trapping his cock under her underboob and rolling it around in place for a unique massage.

I'm not sure how long we all lasted. The heat of the air and our bodies massaged my mind into a numbing mess. All my brain could focus on was pleasing the three cocks inside me, and how much it was making me feel incredible. I knew the others felt the same, Kazuma was too good to not turn them all into putty. I knew that in my soul now. The five of us together was a perfect scene. Kazuma proved he could handle any woman thrown at him, no matter what.

"Fucking hell Wiz, you're so bumpy on the inside." whined the Kazuma inside Wiz as he rolled his dick inside her. "I have a feeling I ain't gonna last much longer!"

"Me neither!" "Same here!" "Chris' ass is so fucking tight!" came another Kazuma chorus.

Maybe the heat of the room got too much, or the clones had more of a hivemind then they admitted, but the climax of every Kazuma was fast approaching.

From what I could tell, the two with Chris went first. They had to move back down to the bench in order to not drop her when they finished and the shift in positions had been too much. Not to mention the sheer crushing strength of the insides of an climaxing Goddess.

Her sensitivity had risen to intense peaks for her, coupled with losing her anal virginity had made her cum every few pumps. The thief finally freed from her frustrating bodies tension as Kazuma unloaded the full contents of his balls in both her pussy and ass.

Wiz hit her crescendo too. She'd really loved the amount of care Kazuma had given her and her body had responded with multiple pleasurable shocks all up and down her whenever he thrust. She felt so happy when he began cumming, happy that she could reciprocate the feelings he'd given her. The Lich didn't think the heat inside her could grow but the piping hot lava that the adventurer released deep into her womb was proof otherwise. Without missing a beat, Wiz then sucked off the Kazuma she'd been kissing. Pushing him to the back of her throat to help with his own finale. Some part of her even thought she felt Kazuma unload in her pussy again. But no one was there, so she just thought it was aftershocks. Not noticing the small ring floating away.

Aqua got what she wanted next, pushing back and forth between the two Kazumas. Her face was in his neck, smelling the scent of the man who kept giving her so many amazing orgasms. She didn't really want to make him cum and lose him, but was also really desperate for the incoming heat that came from the cloned adventurer spurting up into her pussy and asshole. Aqua clenched tight, feeling him thrust shallower and gain speed, which was his way of showing he was close. So close. So very veryyy... "KAZUUUMAAA!!!!" She screamed. The three quaking to their cores as Aqua got a double load of her favourite from her favourite.

And finally it was me. My body slammed down hard onto the Kazuma on the bench, which prompted the Kazuma on my back to slam into me as well, pulling on my hair for support. I could feel them rubbing against my insides and the thought of being filled with both of him was too much. My orgasm tore through me. Violently throwing my body into spasms. I gripped the rocks to support myself and they cracked at my strength. My insides squeezed both Kazumas into submission and they howled out in release as they pumped their baby juice into my body.

The Kazuma in front of me joined in on the climax, so to speak. He filled my mouth with his warm tasty seed. However, my body was rejecting the order to swallow. Instead I just opened my mouth to release him into the open air and cover my face with it hot semen. Loving the feel of hot Kazuma on my face. Normally Aqua would have already begun licking me clean right now.

Each and every Kazuma quickly disappeared into smoke as soon as their balls had been emptied. Chris lay face down on the rocks, Aqua floated in the water, Wiz laid back and rubbed her full belly, and I collapsed to my knees, arms forward to keep my face out the water. The Kazuma who had nutted on my face did not vanish, instead just panting with his head back and covered in sweat.

Honestly, from the looks of it, we could all use a bath.

next chapter
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Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
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Stone -- หินพลัง



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