46.66% Darkness and the Normality Earrings / Chapter 14: Dominate Darkness Part 3 (The Contest Begins Again)

บท 14: Dominate Darkness Part 3 (The Contest Begins Again)

For a good ten minutes after that we just moulded into each other. She'd wrapped herself around me on my side, one arm and one leg each both over and under me and wrapping me closer to her. When her hungry tongue wasn't scooping out my mouth it was lathering my skin or in my ear. Aqua's hands slowly and passionately exploring my body. Squeezing and caressing around any place they wanted, as was their right. Delicate but driven in her tired post-orgasmic state. Her warm cunt every so often grinding up my hip, I don't even think Aqua realised she was doing it.

At some point Kazuma had mentioned something about getting something to help, though my brain had only recognised it when I heard him re-enter the room. "Here we go ladies."

Aqua just looked surprised as she disentangled herself from me. "Eh? Kazuma, when did you get here?"

"I live here too you know." He replied in a slightly annoyed tone, placing a bag down on my dresser.

"What's that?" I asked, attempting to peer past Aqua.

Kazuma wagged his finger at me, "Spoilers. I've got my plan ready to win this contest decisively."

Oh right. The contest. I'd made myself fall for Aqua then everything had sort of disappeared in a lusty haze.

Aqua seemed to be facing similar revelations. "Wait a minute Kazuma! If I win I get to own both of you! Wouldn't a perv like you like to be owned by a cute Goddess like me?" She turned back to my exposed form, "Come on! I... I really want this..." She purred. Her eyes stared at me with a fierce determination that I wasn't sure I'd ever seen from the usually lazy goddess.

He raised an eyebrow at the newfound drive she had found. "Tempting as it may be, which it isn't, somehow being the leader of a state-funded harem has a slightly higher appeal."

The goddess grinded her teeth at him in anger. He was suddenly the biggest hurdle she had to face for her newest dreams of owning a harem. "Fine." She seethed, rage dripping from her words. "The almighty Aqua can still win easily, especially after everything I've already done." Aqua then turned to me with a confident grin. "Darkness, tell Kazuma how many points I'm on!"

I blinked at her. "Wuh? Points?"

"Yeah! Points!" She replied expectedly. "How else were you planning on deciding who wins the harem between me and Kazuma?" I blinked again, I guess I thought the winner would just be obvious... but perhaps not. Kazuma was also looking at me a little confused, they probably wanted concrete answers. Aqua leant in for a whisper. "That big orgasm you had has got to be worth a couple of hundred points right?"

"Uh, no um. T-thirty points I guess." I replied, pulling the number completely out of nowhere.

Aqua rubbed her chin in thought. "Hmm. A little low but as long as I'm beating Kazuma I'm okay with it."

"Hey! Points?! What about me!? I tied you up Darkness, what's that worth!?"

Crap. The two bickering children both want me to actually keep score now. I really should have ignored Aqua and come up with a better system when I had the chance.

"I don't know, tying me up is... 10 points?"

He nodded with satisfaction. "Well, I'm still behind but that isn't too bad."

Aqua just sneered at him, "Ooh, 20 points behind Kazuma. So~ pathetic. You may as well give up now." Her hand covered her mouth as she giggled in victory.

Kazuma fumed. "It ain't over slutty goddess! I'd rather die than let you be in charge of my dick!" He walked around the bed while staring daggers at Aqua then forcibly wiped his huge cock on my cheek. Precum oozing out and staining my skin as I tried to lick it with my tongue.

I hummed in content. "Hmmm. Marking your territory Kazuma? 2 points right there."

"Hmph." grumbled Aqua while crossing her arms.

Kazuma just smirking widely. "Yeahh it is. How about some of this then?" He said, smearing his cock around the rest of my face leaving a wonderful sticky feeling all across it.

I smiled through the sensation, tongue trying to chase the tip around my face. "Heehee, oh yeah~, making a mess is 3 points."

Aqua growled out a "Dammit!" and dropped down to face level. I was suddenly assaulted again by the tongue of a goddess, Aqua licking up all of Kazuma's juice on my face.

"There! Now it's MY mess on your face, not Kazuma's tasty worthless syrup! Plus three to me, minus three to Kazuma." She boasted, nuzzling her face into mine in triumph.

"Oi. That's not how this works." Kazuma retorted, "...I think, how does it work Darkness?"

Before I could respond Aqua crept up again and planted her lips on mine. "Kisses have got to be worth at least one point right? So -smooch- I just -smooch- have to keep -smooch smooch- kissing you to -smooch- win!"

"Not if I have anything to say about it!" said Kazuma. Choosing instead to continue wiping his throbbing meat stick all over me. His wonderful snail trail of seed smearing me up and down my body as Aqua's tongue delved deeper inside my throat. Neither were giving me even a second to calm down as their battle raged on.

After about a minute of heavenly kisses Kazuma finally pulled Aqua off me. "Alright you freaking succubus, let her breath at least."

She just smirked triumphantly at him. "Hehe, alright. Not like you can catch up now, I probably earned a million points right there!"

He just put his hand over his face, "Your math is so bad. Did you even keep track of how many points that was Darkness?"

My brain was still coming down off the kissing and smearing combo. "Buh?"

"Yeah, thought so." Kazuma sighed. "We have to come up with a better way to keep track of this competition that doesn't rely on morons keeping track of their own score."

Aqua and I didn't argue with him, but she did stick out her tongue. I was just feeling impatient that we had to keep stopping for score management. This seemed like a chance to use the earrings to take the easy way out.

"Well wouldn't we normally use that magic chalkboard we bought from Vanir? You know, the one that'll keep track of things as they go."

In the corner of my eye I saw a green board blink into existence.

Kazuma clapped his hands and walked over to the newly formed board. "You're right! We should use that! It's only keeping track of Aqua's debt right now so there's still plenty of room."

Aqua's shoulders slumped, mumbling "...hate that that's what you wanted to keep track of…"

He quickly drew a few lines for the table. Two columns that said Kazuma and Aqua at the top and just below them the number zero. Another line down the right third of the board, then he wrote 'point meanings' at the top. After a few seconds the section magically started filling in with various rules I'd blurted out, two points for making a mess, ten for binding Darkness, thirty for an orgasm, etc etc. And as it happened the numbers below Kazuma and Aqua increased, eventually both stopped at Aqua having 33 points and Kazuma having 20.

"What?! The kisses didn't count for anything?!" Aqua wailed in despair.

Kazuma shrugged, scanning the board. "Darkness never agreed to making them one point so I guess not yet."

"Come on Darkness! Weren't they enjoyable?!" She pleaded, eyes looking very cutely desperate. "I enjoyed them…"

I gave a supportive smile up to the pleading goddess and gave it a quick thought. "Half a point."

With that the board updated again, Aqua now sitting pretty at 101 points. I suppose it was counting the intense make outs we'd had earlier.

She once again gave Kazuma a smug look. "Fufufuu~"

He just clicked his tongue at her. "It ain't over. And just cause you know how to kiss Darkness doesn't mean you know what she wants."

With a confident look on his face Kazuma then walked straight up to the two of us. He grabbed Aqua's ear and pulled her off of me until she was standing next to us off the bed. Yanking the rope from behind my head with his right hand, Kazuma pulled me into a sitting position. Then with his left hand wrapped around my waist and hoisted me up until the rope latched onto the hook I have hanging down over my bed (don't judge me). I was now dangling down in the centre of the mattress, just high enough to have spread kneeling legs. It was an awkward position that I loved, I was left completely vulnerable to any attacks with my arms taking the majority of my weight. My breathing got deep and steamy as I waited.

I couldn't see what Kazuma was doing behind me, but it wasn't long until his hands mauled my left breast and stroked my stomach. His iron cock sandwiched between my thighs and rested impatiently against my mons. Warm breath swirled around my ear as he leaned in close to hiss, "A cum dump like Lalatina needs what only I can give her."

Kazuma then bit into my neck and slammed two fingers into my pussy at the same time. I yelped in pleasure as pain mixed with squirming cunt. It was everything I wanted, everything I dreamed it could be. Shameless raw domination. Kazuma taking what he wants from my lewd body. He swirled his fingers inside of me, stirring me up more and more until I squealed in delight and rode his hand into another minor orgasm.

-Sidebar of Kazuma's perspective-

'Ow.' Kazuma thought, 'I'm glad I got points but man Darkness' defence is too high. That really hurt my teeth. There's no mark on her skin either, I don't think I made a dent! Not to mention lifting her like that nearly threw my back out. Still, anything to make sure Aqua doesn't win. Plus, being with Darkness like this is pretty fun...'

-End Sidebar-

It was a small one but the board still counted a new 30 points to Kazuma.

"NO!" Aqua yelled.

"That's right! The cocky goddess thinking she's won when we've barely begun!" He chuckled maniacally while still worming his large fingers in my sex. "Oh and Darkness, how much was all those things I just did worth each?"

I was still just moaning away. He refused to take his fingers out of me as I shuddered at his touch. "F-fingering.. Four points. Biting and Breast grabs; one each. And 'cumdump'? Insulting me is another half a point." I tried to be as fair with the rankings as I could, though I kind of wanted to give insulting more.

The new scores were 75 to 227. Seems Aqua still earned a lot more from our previous session but Kazuma was slowly gaining.

She grumphed up to the two of us, taking the position right in front of me. "I'll bite her. I'll bite her like an apple." Aqua fumed to herself.

"Wait Aqua don-!" Kazuma blurted out in a panic to save her teeth, but then stopped himself as Aqua bit down on one of my nipples. "No never mind, you're good."

"Ah! Nipple play is 2 points." I gasped out. She smiled at that and instantly started pinching the other one. Suckling and slurping up my milk that had started to seep out into her mouth again.

They popped out of her mouth though when Kazuma slapped me hard against the ass. "HEY! You damn perverted slave better be focusing on both of us!" He slapped me once again. "I can finally take out all my frustrations on your lewd body and you'll just give me more points won't you!? Does that sound like the actions of a noblewoman?! Huh?!" there were four more large hits, his eyes clearly loving the jiggling fat, before he just switched to kneading my ass.

"N-no." I admitted, voice shaky with desire "And slapping is 2 poi-!"

-Crack!- "That's 'No Master Kazuma', slave!"

I gulped. "No, M-master Kazuma~! Ah~!"

The manly Kazuma just kept assaulting my reddening ass cheeks. His hands felt amazing against my skin and he somehow made a rhythm that rippled through me perfectly. Kazuma's face looked wildly excited as he went to town reliving his stress on my slutty body. You can call me easy to please but it wasn't long that his slaps became too much and he earned another 30 points.

He went back to massaging my cheeks as my body shook in place. Kazuma was interrupted from continuing though from another slap, this time from my front. I gasped as Aqua slapped my tit again. "This isn't fair! I wanna do fun stuff as well but Kazuma is so much better at being a pervert!" She moaned with a pout and teary eyes. Puffing out her cheeks while just blindly playing with my tits, looking like she'd already admitted defeat.

I couldn't help but feel pity for my perverted protégé. Her sulking face and nimble hands making my heart feel intense pity and a desire to see her happy. "You know, Master Kazuma, it's normally proper etiquette for the bigger pervert to give lessons and pointers to the others to make the match more fair. And Mistress Aqua, it's normal for them to be receptive to the lessons, right?"

He sighed, "Yeah I know I know. Thought maybe we could avoid it since this was a competition but she really does look like a lost puppy doesn't she."

"You mean it Kazuma?!" Aqua perked up and beamed in appreciation. "I'll be the best student possible! With your degenerate, perverted NEET help I can show you the true domination power of a goddess!"

"Lesson one is don't insult your teacher." He snipped. Aqua comedically zipped her mouth shut but kept a big excited grin on her lips.

The two moved around to my front. I was still hanging on the hook while kneeling on the bed, a steady drip from my legs slowly ruining my sheets. I couldn't help it, this whole scenario of Kazuma teaching Aqua how to dominate me was getting me excited. She was kneeling on the bed patiently as Kazuma began his lesson.

"So Aqua, you want to know how to best please your whore of a friend." He asked, Aqua vigorously nodding at her teacher. "So, first of all Darkness likes it when you use whatever tools you have to play with her." He said bringing his two hands tantalizingly close to my breasts. "For example, a little bit of tinder magic..." His left hand started glowing red and my left tit started feeling incredibly warm. "And, a bit of chill…" Blue light this time on his right hand, my nipple hardening in the chilled air. "...you create a balance that teases her body, delicately, but with just enough pain that it sends shockwaves through her." He finally applied his newly magic hands to my breasts, and just as he said the sensations were sending my entire body into spasms. He deeply massaged the magic into my breasts.

"Ha... ha... h-how do you know this stuff?" I asked with a shaky voice.

"I may be somewhat loyal to Megumin, but you don't live in a house with three girls without thinking about what you'd do to them given the chance." Kazuma blushed a little and then added "Plus the experimental sessions with the Succubae and Dream Darkness helped…"

I was going to ask about that but we were interrupted by his student. "YES! Magic is my specialty so this should be easy!"

She hopped off the bed, spun around and held out her glowing hands.

"Sacred Create Water!"

"WHAT?!" Me and Kazuma both shouted.

It was too late though, a field of magic appeared directly underneath me and began rotating menacingly. All me and Kazuma could do was stare into each others fear filled eyes as the rumbling sound emanating from the portal grew.

A huge torrent of water burst forth from the floor. Kazuma was thrown backwards, slamming painfully into a wall. It destroyed my bed instantly sending splinters and debris flying around the room, and sent me hurtling into the ceiling with a heavy crash. I was pinned face up to my own bedroom roof by an onslaught of cold torrential water.

After a minute of this the water suddenly stopped and I began falling back down to the floor.

"Wind breath!" I heard Kazuma call out while scrambling. Wind began slowing my deadly descent just enough for me to be caught by him without too much damage to either of us. Kazuma sighed in relief as he held me in his arms, his embrace felt warm against my suddenly frozen skin.

My room was quite trashed now. A large amount of puddles and wreckage littered my once nice abode. And in the centre of it stood a very pleased with herself nude goddess.

"So? That was pretty impressive right?"

Kazuma's eyes darkened. He slowly walked up to Aqua with me in his arms and then slammed his head into hers. "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"



She sniffled in pain and rubbed her wounded head. "You said that I needed to use magic to make her feel pain with shockwaves! I don't know any electric magic so I thought that water would do and I just wanted to do a good job! I made sure to hold back to not destroy the mansion!"

He still scowled at her, muttering something including 'useless' and 'dumbass' under his breath, but decided to turn his attention to me instead.

"Are you okay Darkness? Let me warm your body up a bit." He said compassionately. Curling me up into a ball on his lap and applying heat magic with his hands again.

"T-thank you K-Kazuma..." I stuttered through chattering teeth. His comforting embrace feeling nice against my naked form. He was being so kind, so gentle...

I didn't have the heart to tell him I kind of enjoyed the pain from the water...


Once I was dried off and warmed up we went back to the sex lessons. The hook and ropes had managed to stay together through the flood so now I was hanging down on my feet on where my bed used to be. Aqua also agreed to no more magic, though she still thought she should earn points for such an amazing display of power.

Kazuma and Aqua stood side by side as they once more inspected my body. "Okay, back to teaching you I guess." Sighed Kazuma. "At least you can't fuck up this lesson, another thing Darkness responds to is insults. Words that degrade her, torment her." He explained, then shifting his focus to me. His eyes gaining a sadistic glint as he spoke, "Calling her worthless. A slave. Cumdump. Toilet. Waste of space. Saying that she shouldn't be a noble anymore, that her only use with her lewd body is to torment good men and pleasure others." He stroked his hand over my crotch then presented Aqua the sticky residue he'd instantly collected. "Voila. One wet n' worthless Crusader."

Aqua started edging her head towards the juice covered hand before Kazuma instead brought it to his own mouth to start sucking. Pouting slightly, the goddess turned to me. Giving the lesson some thought about it for a few moments, looking me over thoroughly. She stared deeply at my various body parts on display, circling my form for a while before eventually pointing to my head.

"Your hair is blonde!"


I looked at her quizzically, Kazuma sighed. "That's… just a statement."

She tilted her head. "Hm? I thought we all agreed blonde is a stupid colour."

Aqua realised that was the wrong answer when I gave her a cold look. "Too actually hurtful. Negative three points."

"CRAP!" she said in a scramble. "Wait wait! It's not stupid! It's a great hair colour! Uhm, perfect for a slave… who smells really really bad! Like demon bad!"

I shook my head. "Complimenting me and too confusing. Minus four points."

"NOOO!" She wailed and clenched her head in despair. With tearful eyes and a look of defeat she leant her head against my bosom. A small cute sniffle escaped her nose, "...I can't handle this. I don't believe in what I'm saying at all." Aqua suddenly gave my tit a giant lick again, earning a yelp from me. "You don't smell bad at all Darkness. You always smell amazing, I could eat you up like candy floss."

She went back to licking me, with a dejected look on her face. "...Ah!qua, earnest compliments like that also earn half a point."

Once more her expression flipped and with a big open smile she leant right into my face. She really experienced everything like a child, and from this close all I could only think about was how cute it was. "Really!? That's great cause I couldn't come up with any more insults." She spoke quickly, only stopping to lick my cheek. "Kazuma keeps saying you have a lewd body like it's an insult but honestly I don't get it. Your body's great, you're so tall and pretty." Another lick right from chin to nose. "He's always staring at it anyway. Why's it so bad that you're gorgeous? You've got real noble flavour on you and-" A deep tongue filled kiss. "-and I love how squishy your parts are. Your boobies are so full and sexy! I just want to taste you and play with you and enjoy you over and over again!"

The assault on my face finally concluded when she bit down on my neck and shoved a finger in my vagina at the same time. I really don't want people to think that that's my one weakness, but I couldn't deny that after the licks and the compliments from someone I also found very alluring… it broke me once again and I climaxed on her hand, squirming under her touch. I guess lessons from Kazuma were affecting her more than I thought, she disconnected from my neck with a sultry smile. "Plus, the faces you make when you orgasm are really cute." We just stared into each other's eyes for a few moments, her sexily sucking my juices off her hand before she ruined the mood by adding, "Though what the hell is your skin made of? That really hurt my teeth."

"Yeah I was going to warn you but I just got caught up… watching that." Said Kazuma. "Speaking of, I don't think I can wait any longer. I gotta get some freaking relief for this guy." He gestured to his throbbing manhood. The one eyed snake slowly dribbling its poison angrily at me for having been ignored for so long. "Next lesson is about 'penetrating your pervert'. Let's do it together Aqua, go get that thing I brought for you."

Aqua nodded excitedly and darted over to the dresser. I nearly saw what it was but Kazuma spun me around so I was facing the other way. Whispering in my ear, "No peeking."

"Oohh! Very nice Kazuma! This is gonna be fun!" I heard Aqua exclaim. Followed by a series of scuffling sounds and a few complaints. "Wait, how does this go?"

"For god's sake woman." hissed Kazuma. "Why did you possibly think your leg went there?!" He left me hanging on the rope as he joined her in shuffling around behind me. It took probably a minute longer than he was expecting, and I was able to casually spin around on my hook in time for the big reveal.

Aqua had strapped on a large phallic object that now jutted out from her crotch. It was obviously meant to simulate the male tool for a woman, Aqua herself enjoying batting the tool up and down and watching it jiggle. The fake dick itself was a dark blue and stood rather impressively. From a glance with her standing next to Kazuma it seemed he still held the length advantage but girth could go either way. A series of very exciting ideas flooded my brain and saliva flooded my mouth as I looked dreamily between my two teammates' long hard poles.

"I think she likes it Kazuma" Aqua giggled, shaking her new phallus back and forth.

"Good, that thing took a lot of time to craft." He said, "Wasn't sure when I was going to do it but I guess this is now the testing phase before I give it to Vanir. So no breaking it with any crazy god strength, got it?"

"No promises." She purred, stroking her new toy as she eyed me up and down.

He frowned but shrugged it off. Maybe because he wouldn't have minded watching it happen. The two then started walking towards me. "So student, are you ready to claim this whore inside and out?" He chuckled menacingly, they were circling me now like tigers on their prey. "You line up that thing with her pussy and I'll claim this noblewoman's asshole in the name of Kazuma."

"You're the boss, teach." purred Aqua, sliding up to me and gripping my hips to align herself. "Can we please do it at the same time? I think that way she'll feel so good." She slowly stroked my up my sides and leant forwards to gently kiss at my nipples.

"Yesss." I hissed at her touch, unable to stop shaking my hips in anticipation. "Make me feel so gooo~ood."

Kazuma had his hands slightly above hers on my waist and was rubbing his dick in between my cheeks. "Hehe, The Lady Darkness's mind is going to go crazy with these things filling her tight holes." He then spit directly onto my asshole and slapped my ass again. "And you will take everything we give you! Won't you, slave?!"

I nodded while biting my lip. Pleasure and pampering from the front, pain and punishment from the rear. These two were suddenly working in perfect synch to make me happy. It was so beautiful and hot it almost made me tear up in happiness.

"P-Please. I want it. Sooo bad." I begged, heat becoming unbearable in my body. Both their poles were just out of reach, and I knew I'd be punished if I thrust onto one or the other.

"Fufu~ Alright, if you're going to beg... Let's give it to her Kazuma." Aqua said while peeking the head tantalizingly at my doors.

He nodded, cockhead kissing my rear hole. "Okay, on three. One, two... wait!"

We both looked at Kazuma expectedly, wondering why he suddenly stopped.

He grinned evilly and leaned into my ear to whisper. "A little bit of anticipation goes along way doesn't it Darkness?"

"Hahhh.... bullying meee..." I breathlessly whined. The rejected heat in my pussy sending a confusing shudder through me.

Kazuma chuckled at my moans. "Alright, no more waiting. One… Three!"

The two thrust into me and my mind fell to ribbons.

next chapter
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