89.28% COTE: L Lawliet In The Classroom Of The Elite / Chapter 25: Chapter 25 - Class B

บท 25: Chapter 25 - Class B


Tell me what you think of this chapter and Eru's plan. I'd appreciate it; I demand Powerstones, lol. If you dont have any, and even if you do, I'd appreciate a review or even a comment.

Any support means a lot, can hopefully get this story out there.


"There is no greater danger than underestimating your opponent." ~Lao Tzu

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks. Eru had tricked us.

"What's happening here? I'm assuming it was you who gave us Class A's leader; it's Eru, right? Why would you reveal your own class's leader?" one of the confused members of Class B asked Eru, mirroring the confusion that was running through all our minds. It was at this moment that comprehension seemed to dawn on Ichinose's face.

"I see, so they left out some of the details of the contract. Well, Ichinose, Kanzaki, there's no point in withholding information anymore. Right?" Eru asked us, casually rubbing his head.

Ichinose remained silent, probably shocked by the turn of events. That left only me to speak up. We had been tricked. No, 'a trick' wasn't strong enough to describe what had happened. This event he foresaw it before the special exam even began when he made Ichinose sign that contract. That's why the contract seemed fair to Ichinose.

The information Eru provides just needs to hold the potential of leading to a direct private point increase. The contract clearly states, 'if Eru provides Class B with direct assistance that could result in a class point increase, then 50% of the private points that can be attributed to Eru's help will be sent to Eru monthly for the next three years by Class B.' He just has to provide any assistance, just one correct piece of information is enough. Therefore, Eru could provide three pieces of information, and only one has to be correct for him to avoid a penalty, and he would still receive the points attributed to that single piece of information. It won't matter whether Class B uses the information he provides, as he will still receive the points attributed to it; thats where he got us. That's why the contract seemed safe before the arrival of the exam. No one could've predicted this; dammit, even after he gave us the first name, I didn't foresee anything like this.

I don't know how, but he knew the future. He knew about this exam, and at the very least, he predicted this wouldn't be an individual class exam but a more competitive class exam. With that knowledge, he was then able to deduce that class points would be involved in it as well as direct ways to gain them. He was so confident in his deductions that he was willing to risk the possibility of his expulsion or, at the least, damage to his class. We have been thoroughly outplayed by him. Calling this a trick would be expecting too much of all the tricksters out there.

Gathering my thoughts, I begin to explain the situation to the class. "The contract we have with the Class D student… No, with Eru stipulates that he will owe us 200,000 points a month in the event that he 'fails to provide any assistance that could be attributed to a direct class point increase' for Class B." The members of Class B nod in understanding.

"Ichinose offered Eru the opportunity to withdraw from the contract if he wasn't confident in providing information that could meet this requirement. However, he was adamant that he could, so we were confident that his information would be accurate and we would gain 50 class points from it, equivalent to 200,000 private points. In return, for the 50 class points, we would only have to give him half of the private points resulting from it, so 100,000 a month." The class continues to nod, understanding the terms of the contract so far.

"But the thing is, Eru benefits from this contract simply by providing correct information. As long as he provides at least one piece of information that could potentially be directly attributed to a class point increase, he succeeds in avoiding his 200,000-point penalty. Keep in mind this contract was signed before the start of this exam, so this clause seems normal. If Eru does his job, it is fair that he should be compensated for it, even if we don't put it into play. After all, it would be unwise not to utilize useful information, right?" I continue explaining, but someone from Class B seems to catch on to what I'm leading to.

"I think I understand what you're getting at. If Eru provides three pieces of information, we don't know how many of them are true. Only one of them may be true, possibly even two or all three, to maximize his profits," Shibata says aloud, causing some students to recognize the problem we find ourselves in.

"Exactly. So, in a way, the information Eru has provided has become difficult to use. The possibility of incurring losses by using it is high, and even by not using it, losses are guaranteed, although not as damaging. But Eru could have provided information in a manner that doesn't harm him at the same time, but we have no way of knowing which pieces of information that he provided are true." I admit that I hate to see the mood of the class decline like this, but the class had a right to know.

My classmate's reactions were quick and palpable. They seemed more disappointed than upset, and their disappointment was not directed at Ichinose or me.

"You're really a piece of work, Eru. After everything Class B has done for your class, we even formed an alliance with you, and this is how you repay us!" the students of Class B began to voice their opinions. They were all feeling betrayed, but there was one person who seemed to stay still the entire time. A few classmates noticed this, and the worry in their eyes was visible. Ichinose, with her truly kind and gentle nature, must be feeling this betrayal deeply.

Ichinose's soft voice soon cut through the chatter, silencing the class. "Eru, why would you do this? For the points? I genuinely believed that Class B and D were allies." Her words hung heavy in the air, mirroring the disappointment we all felt.

***Eru POV***

Prospect Theory suggests that the average individual perceives gains and losses differently, leading to decision-making patterns commonly observed in the real world. People tend to avoid losses. The psychological pain of losing is about twice as potent as the pleasure of gaining. For this reason, the potential pain of losing $50 is likely perceived as outweighing the potential pleasure of gaining $50, making many hesitant to gamble.

Class B isn't a group of risk-taking gamblers. Class points hold more value than private points, so I could already foresee the outcome of this exam. Just by observing the members of Class B, I could see they were quite transparent. I was certain they wouldn't take the risk, and even if they seemed like they might, we could always dismiss our class leader, as Ayanokoji suggested to me. But it won't come to that; this matter will end here.

At this moment, the students of Class B are visibly upset with me. I'm receiving glares from every corner of the camp. It's been a common occurrence ever since I arrived at this school, but I suppose in this situation, I've earned these glares. What surprised me most was the girl standing in front of me, Honami Ichinose. She didn't glare at me. No, she seemed sad and betrayed but not upset in the slightest.

"Why did I do it?" I begin to scratch my head. It's quite a simplistic reason. The motivations behind all my actions are pretty simple. I don't see myself as a complex being. "Well, I was bored and thought something like this might be entertaining. I truly do not care about the points. And while most of Class D sees you as an ally, I don't see how that pertains to me. Whether Class B sees Class D as an ally or Class D sees B as one doesn't affect me. The United States is Japan's ally and vice versa, but can you claim you are the United States' ally or the United States is your ally?"

My response seemed to further unsettle the members of Class B. "Are you mocking us or something? Are you implying we're easy targets?" The students began to voice their discontent once again.

"I believe there's a misunderstanding. It has nothing to do with you being easy targets. I actually prefer taking up challenges. This was strictly for entertainment," I clarify to Class B.

Ichinose then speaks up now that the class has quieted down once again. "For entertainment?" She seems more perplexed than she initially was.

"Yes, strictly to alleviate boredom, akin to a brain teaser," I respond.

"And you're doing this completely behind Class D's back?" Ichinose asks, her confusion deepening.

"Yes, most of my classmates would be quite upset if they learned of my actions right now. While they do profit from my actions, and I do this to solve the bigger challenge, which is elevating Class D to Class A, everything I've done could be said to be for selfish reasons," I explain to her.

Ichinose then turns around to look at her classmates, who are still glaring at me or voicing their disdain for me amongst themselves. But even after seeing this, she manages a small smile. "I know I'm asking a lot from everyone, but please calm down. Let's talk to Eru peacefully. It hurts me to see you guys upset like this, and it even hurts me to imagine myself in Eru's position. An event similar to this was bound to happen to us anyways, wasn't it? After all, this is the most competitive school in the world, right?" She tries to soothe her classmates.

"But Ichinose…" many of the Class B students whisper, their displeasure evident, but they slowly gave in.

Ichinose then turns to me, "I'm sorry about that. I understand how it can feel being judged for your actions, especially if you believe they were done for a reason you think is good," she says, her smile warm and understanding.

"Is that so?" I respond, considering her words. "It truly doesn't bother me. Your class has every right to be upset, given the situation."

"Well, it bothered me," she responds, her brows furrowing slightly. "And I don't think we have the right to be mad. I don't think you're a bad person, Eru. Ultimately, your aim wasn't to betray me and Class B, right? You never even felt like you were doing so."

"Yes, as I explained, I do not see my actions as a betrayal. I have nothing against Class B or you. However, betrayal implies a shared agreement, a trust between two specific entities that is to be breached. I barely know you and Class B, as you barely know me. So, what trust was there to be built or breached? The only agreement of trust we have is within our contract, and as I've done nothing to go against that, even that has not been breached," I respond to Ichinose.

"I understand, although it pains me to hear that. It almost seems like you have no interest in social interactions," Ichinose says, pausing to give me time to respond. But I had nothing to add. "Well, I guess I'll just have to change that way of thinking of yours."

"You're free to try. However, I find scenarios like this far more entertaining than I have ever found socializing for the mere act of socializing. Although I assume there are exceptions," I respond.

"I'll certainly strive to become one of those exceptions," Ichinose responds, her gaze shifting to the teachers observing nearby. Hoshinomiya appears worried, likely due to the predicament her class is in, while Chabashira's expression is hard to read, though she seems entertained by the unfolding scenario.

"Eru, you mentioned that you hold no grudges against Class B or me, right? And you also said you weren't particularly interested in the private points you'd receive from our contract. So, is it possible for us to establish a new agreement, a verbal one, right here in front of Chabashira sensei and Hoshinomiya sensei?" Ichinose asks me. I already had an idea of what she was planning. She was a quick thinker, and her idea was indeed intriguing; this was the best possible ending.

"I suppose it would be possible if that's what you desire," I respond. I had no objections to a verbal agreement, but of course, the specifics would be crucial.

"May I ask you a question?" Ichinose inquires.

"No, I won't bother answering any questions at this moment. If we're going to attempt to reach a verbal agreement, I believe it's in the best interest of both of us," I inform her.

"You really are distrustful, Eru," she remarks with a frown before sighing. "Alright, just give me a moment. I need to discuss this with my classmates." Ichinose then turns to her classmates to consult with them, and I decide to step away to allow them the opportunity to converse. I was curious to see exactly how this would all conclude.

I had denied Ichinose's request to ask me a question. In this scenario, even the simplest question could be used to deduce information about the three leaders I had provided her with. The question she was most likely to ask me at that moment was probably related to our original contract's confidentiality clause. Given that she was likely contemplating discussing this new verbal agreement with Class B at that moment, her mind probably thought back to our original agreement's confidentiality clause. The fact that she still doesn't know the reason behind that confidentiality clause gives me an advantage.

I continue observing Ichinose as she converses with Kanzaki. It seems this is nearing its conclusion. I had hoped Class B could provide a bit more entertainment, but it appears that's not feasible. Of all three classes, Class B was probably the most predictable. Class C trailed closely behind, given Ryuen's character is straightforward to understand, and as a dictator, all the class's actions are his will. Class A, on the other hand, was intriguing. At the moment, they were so defensive that one didn't even need to bother predicting them. However, I wonder how that will change once Sakayanagi takes control over Class A.

Soon, Ichinose turns away from her class and walks towards me, signaling the teachers. I reciprocate her gesture and walk to meet her in the middle of the camping area.

"Class B and I have reached an agreement we can both accept," she says cheerfully, glancing at both teachers. "Class B will agree and swears to give Eru of Class D all points due to him as per the agreement of the previous contract. But in return, Eru will provide Class B with the true name of one of the class card holders. In exchange for this information, Class B will swear to only vote for the person whose name you have revealed to us once we reach the end of this exam. And while I can't speak for Class B, I can speak for myself and promise never to mount an attack against you."

Intriguing. There are clear ways to exploit this contract. She's essentially conveying that she doesn't mind how many private points I amass from this situation. She just doesn't want her class to suffer significant losses from this situation. I'm curious: if I agreed and revealed that the leader of Class D was the real one just for fun, would she vote them? No, Class B seems too kind-hearted for that, especially considering what I'm doing is behind Class D's back.

From our previous contract, I stand to gain 300,000 private points if I reveal Class A's leader to harm them further and support the Sakayanagi faction, Class B will gain 50 class points. In Ryuen's contract, he gains 800,000 private points for relinquishing the items he purchased with his class's points and information. Let's value what he gives Class A at 200 class points, given he indulged himself and his class as well. 800,000 divided by 200 class points then multiplied by 50 equals 200,000, so Katsuragi values 50 class points and whatever information Ryuuen may provide him with at 200,000 private points monthly.

I believe that to be a slight oversight on his part as he's not really considering how this will play out in Class A's future. This will definitely become a thorn in Class A's side. If I give Class B the name, they will gain 50 class points, equivalent to 200,000 monthly private points, meaning they only have to pay me 100k private points monthly. I do believe this to be a fairer trade, but that does not do much for me. I wouldn't accept a trade just because it is fair. Obviously, I have the upper hand in this negotiation. The fact that Class B won't vote for any other class except the one I tell them is an incentive as I can limit their point gain from this exam. I estimate they will end with around 150-100 total points depending on how well Ryuen's spy performs her job.

Now, what Ichinose said about never working against me, for all I know, that could be mere talk. After all, what would the school perceive as working against me and friendly competition? But in the end, this contract isn't a bad deal. It allows me to maintain a friendly relationship with Class B and secure the points I've assured myself; even if I don't value them highly, I wouldn't let Class B just walk away scot-free. That would render my actions quite meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

The only downside is that I'd be aiding an opponent in a competitive exam, but I'm not particularly concerned about that at the moment.

"I also agree to the contract terms," I respond, my gaze shifting to Chabashira and Hoshinomiya, who both nod, likely affirming the legitimacy of the verbal contract they've just witnessed. However, that wasn't my intention. I call them over, and they promptly approach. As they near, I move closer to Ichinose, and once they are within earshot, I whisper, "Yahiko Totsuka is indeed the cardholder of Class A."

Ichinose appears happy about how things were ending, but before she can pull away, I continue to whisper in her ear, "Wait, if your true aim is to earn my trust, if you genuinely wish to assist me and Class B, if everything you've said to me is true, then you will not disclose to Class B that I provided you with Totsuka's name. No, I'm certain someone, perhaps a traitor from Class A, has already approached you or one of your members to sell out their leader. That's one of the real reasons you trusted me so readily when I revealed his name earlier, is it not? So, if anyone inquires after this exam concludes, you took a calculated risk given the information the traitor gave to you and the information I initially provided about Totsuka to mitigate the damage to Class B," I continue to whisper.

Ichinose appears taken aback, seemingly clueless about where I'm heading with this. "W-what? I'm confused. M-mitigate damage to Class B? What are you implying?" she whispers back.

"Yes, after all, you will be informing Class B that I exploited another loophole in our agreement and revealed the name of your class leader, Chihiro Shiranami," I respond.


What did you think of the chapter? Do you understand the basics of what Eru was plotting in the last chapter now? It goes a lot deeper then it probably seems. It's hard to understand the entire thing, but you can definitely understand the basics. I'd love to hear what everyone thinks.

Thank you.

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MilkywayAndromeda MilkywayAndromeda

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