I could tell that my Little Bunny was not doing so well right now. She was getting upset and I didn't really know why. She had Edmond's help now. She should be able to handle all of this. She should be able to end that bitch and come home.
There was just one thing that I could think of. Only one thing that I thought might be responsible for why my Little Bunny was acting this way. The natural magic of the Hall of Damnation was affecting her. She just wasn't thinking clearly because of that.
Hey everyone, I wanted to let you all know that I am going to drop back down to 1 chapter per day starting in February. I have had some medical issues lately and I will be having surgery for it soon. I need to have a stockpile for the time that I take off for that surgery so I hope that you all understand. When I can I will go back to releasing 2 chapters per day for this story. I am so sorry to be doing this to you all, and I hope that you understand that it is a necessity at this time. Thank you in advance for your understanding.
Happy reading,
Deni Chance