50% Business is Booming! / Chapter 3: Chapter 2 [OLD]

บท 3: Chapter 2 [OLD]

(Alright I lied. I really cant resist wanting to have my creativity not be used. I have this urged to keep writing. For those unaware I was gonna go 'Hiatus' for a while. If you check my Defenders fanfic you'll see. But I couldn't stop writing and wanted to keep going.)


I've been driving for 3 hours.. 3 fucking hours. This fucking forest just doesn't seem to end. Your probably wondering how I'm driving a Humvee by the likes of me through a forest? To be honest I've been using the Boom Rocks to destroy the trees. It's also a pretty slow process gathering the rocks and then blowing them up.

I left at 10:38AM.

And I while doing this I keep feeling something following me. So I grabbed my thermal goggles and scanned the area, nothing found but every now and then I scan the area.

I was getting tired and so I set-upped sensors around the tree's and motion detectors. And went inside my Humvee and went to sleep.

I woke up in the night to find nothing unusual.

I flinched and felt a cold go down my spine and pulled 'wildey' out "WHO'S THERE?!" Guyman shouted.

Turning around I saw no one. Only for me to turn on my thermals just to see in my horror 5 heat signatures, creatures hiding in nearby vegetations. I went to my Humvee and took out the M60 I packed along with me, better safe than sorry right?

I once again turned on my thermals and started firing at the creatures who now started to scatter. "GET SOME BITCHES."

I slowly saw some of the creatures life slowly fade away as it goes cold. As I slowly assess my situation. "Oh no... If those creatures walk like a pack, They will definitely be back." With that slow realization that I need to get the fuck out of here.

I grabbed the flame thrower at the back Humvee and burned It all down while. Of course I remove all the weeds and grass around my Humvee and any other dry vegetation close to my Car. I slowly see a giant fire arose the forest. As I forgot because of my panic, that those boom rocks commons around the forest. "WELL SHIT" I Immediately got in my Humvee, put it in reverse and got far away as I can.

few seconds later explosion after explosion erupted and the area around me shook as shockwaves from the boom rocks are sent.

(Timeskip brought to you by Dogboy sleeping on the counter)

As it luckily rained. The sound of explosions slowly dissipated as I slowly pressed on the gas pedal as I hear the roar of the engines come to life. Moving forward the only thing left was mostly destroyed tree's and an almost empty field 'almost' as theirs still the tree stumps. 1. there annoying. 2. I sometimes need to drive over them and making the Humvee rock all over the place.

I turned on my wipers as I basically became blind when I have It turned off. Driving around this desolate place that used to be a forest. "I really need to start being rational now."

(Timeskip once again)

"Ugh..." Guyman groans. "I've been driving in this shithole for 1 hour now... How bad was that damn forest fire I started"

"Wait what's that" Guyman says as he squints his eyes. "OH SHIT A ROAD."

He drove nearer to the road. Though the road is just a dirt path It's noticeable that It was a road, obviously because there were signs of people using it.

As the the rain becomes a thunderstorm. It's obvious he might need to shelter down or risk the Humvees wheel's getting stuck on the muddy road.

Driving by the side of the road and parking there. He awaits the storm to pass by.


The sound of rain endlessly hit the roof of his Humvee. The endless eerie silence as the only thing heard is rain hitting the Metallic frame of the Humvee.

"Christ, how long is this storm gonna last." He muttered to himself. I then hear some knock on the window by the passenger sit. I slowly move towards the window to take a look. I then see a dog woman...


I roll down the window. "What do you want? and what are you doing out here in this storm." I ask.

She jumps a little as she gets surprised of my raspy voice. "I um... can i take shelter inside since It's raining?" She asks

"I don't know. But uh.. Did your parents ever taught you to not enter random strangers cars?" I reply. "But.."

"No.. But if you can take me to the City maybe." Guyman says

"I can take you to the city!" She says "Great. Your now my guide, Don't do anything rash." He says.

I opened the door for her to enter. She climbs in the Humvee and already asks questions. "What's in the boxes?"

I just looked at her straight in the eyes. "Not any of your concern." I say, "Ok, ok. But can I just tak-" "No" I cut her off mid-sentence.

There was like silence for 5 seconds before I spoke up. "Alright Ms. Guide, tell me the directions before I just drive straight completely." I say to her "Hm.. Go straight for a while this is a long road."

"I have question, What were you doing out here in the middle of a thunderstorm?" I said in a kind of interrogation tone. "Top secret! You never answered my question! So it's only fair I didn't answer yours." She says in a assertive tone.

"Fair.." - 'I thought she was the kind who's always nice even though something bad happened to them. Oh well I tried.' Guyman thought

Guyman seeing her already buckled and seatbelt on. Presses his foot on the gas pedal and they get going down the road.


(Jackie's POV)


'Suspicious, His hiding something obviously. But what is he hiding? Drugs? Illegally earned money? I'll find out!' She thought before the car stops pushing her forward slightly but violently. "Hey stay in here, I swear don't touch anything." He says. "I'll be right back, I'll just refuel the car." He said before exiting the car. Without care she immediately goes for the first box she saw. She opens the first box, what she finds was an M60.

Oh.. a gun? seeing all the rounds on the guns It's a belt fed machinegun? That's rare. Whoever this man is was probably rich enough to buy it. But seeing all these boxes... are all these guns?! She thought in her head.

Grabbing the lid, she closes it back. Guyman Re-enters the car, wet from the rain. "Did you touch anything, I know you probably did. But I'll let it pass just today." He says a little pissed off.

"I was just curious.." She tries to say. "I said I'll let it pass. " He says again In a more forceful tone.

His a little pissed off... I'll just stay quiet for the time being.


As they continue to drive through the heavy rain. It became apparent that It would be a bad Idea, as It kept pouring to the point where visibility Is shit. How shit? Well, they can only see 3 meters Infront of them and nothing else.

Guyman groans became more apparent as he became even more Irritated at the never ending rain.

"Alright. Will stop here until the rain cool downs or stops. Driving In a situation like this Is a death trap." Guyman says. While squinting his eyes to get a better view of his surroundings.

He then drives the Humvee to the side. "Any questions so far?" Guyman asks.

"What about those gu-" She tries to say once again. But is rejected again.

Guyman continue to survey there surroundings. Jackie just sits on the passenger sit bored.

-2.5 hours later...-

The rain has at least calmed down. During those 2 grueling and boring hours, Jackie has been non-stop asking him about his guns either because of her curiosity or due to her being part of Columbian Auxiliary Police.

"Let's get down the road now and get this over with." Guyman says In a annoyed tone. As he drives the Humvee down the road.

Guyman Is starting to get on Jackie's nerves because of his Stubbornness and his genuine sincereness In his response. Too bad nothing good comes out of it.

"Ugh.. Can you please just give a small clear answer.. Pretty please?" Jackie says trying to act cutesy.

Guyman steps on the breaks and suddenly launches Jackie. Good thing she wore a seatbelt. he then looks her dead on the eyes clearly pissed off now. "You either shut up or get out." He states clearly.

This made Jackie shut up. Ten full seconds of silence which felt like forever. He then steps of the gas pedal and continues down the road. They stayed silent for the entire trip with the only time them talking is when she gives him directions. That is until they arrive at the city.

"Alright. get out." Guyman says without hesitation. "Wai- whaaa..." Jackie says.

"You heard me. Were at the city and also you've been a shitty guide." Guyman states.

"Wait how?!" Jackie finally snaps and reacts violently In the Humvee. "One. I only asked a guide for the road not the city. Second. Your so talkative It's irritating. THREE. YOU CAN'T LISTEN TO A SINGLE INSTRUCTION TO NOT TAKE A PEEK AT PRIVATE PROPERTY!" Guyman yells at her at the end of his sentence.

This made her flinch from his outburst. Jackie couldn't come up with a response, he wasn't wrong. She's been nothing but a scumbag to him the entire time. She just couldn't shut up, and when he finally snapped at her. She felt victimized.

"Alright, Alright.. I'm sorry okay?" Jackie said. 

He frowns and Is not having any of it. "No apologies accepted, Get out." He says clearly once again.

She just accepts defeat, before leaving she says something that got Guyman worried a little bit. "Have fun aimlessly wandering an Infected District."

She leaves completely disgruntled.

Guyman now alone Is happy but has to rethink everything completely. "Infected district... zombies?" Was his first thought. He then gets a loaded gun beside him just incase.

Going forward, he enters the city. Though giant high-rise building really obscure the sunlight, It's quite lively, with buildings being colorful or having different art-style's painted on them. But something felt wrong. There weren't any people that didn't belong from any government agency, Instead there were people that look like from gangs.

"No zombies.. But replaced with gangs Instead." Guyman says to himself. He then sees a few of the people look at him and his vehicle. "Shit.. A military vehicle In a civilian field zone." He says to himself once again.

He then hears a tap from the drivers window by his left. His looks are similar to the gangs patrolling the streets everywhere, wearing masks to presumably hide their Identity. Rolling down the window, he then looks at the guy and talks. "What do you want?" The guy get surprised from his really raspy voice, but continues. "I assume It's your first time here?" He asks nicely.

"For sure. Just arrived here with no Idea on what's going on." Guyman answers.

"Alright. Welcome to the gray zone 4th district of Tkronto." The man welcomes him to the city. "Erm.. Are you by chance part of a gang?" Guyman asks.

"To answer that, yes. I'm from the Red Hand's, no government or police can act or claim over this district!" - "Even more, were the once enforcing public orders!" He says quite proud.

"I see.. Then can you be my guide? My other guide was a piece of shit." Guyman says In a jokingly manner, the guy laughs and agrees.

"Hold on. I need to make space since It's quite crowded In here." Guyman lied, he hides the gun he had prepared and made sure everything was locked neatly.

He then Unlocks the passenger by his right side. "You can re-enter by right side now."

The gang member then circle's around the Humvee to the right side, opening the door and Jumping in.

"Trust me my man. I know this entire district like the back of my head." He says confidently. "Alright, you do you. Now tour me through this city, I'm quite fond of It's style." Guyman lied about the last part. He just needed something to say as to not sound suspicious.

Driving forward, there wasn't that much traffic since It was the afternoon. "Nice car you have here." The man comments. "Thanks, my boss gave this to me." Guyman says.

"Then you've got a pretty nice boss." The man said, as he looks around. Noticing the pile of boxes and things behind and asks. "Erm- What are In those?" He says pointing at the boxes.

"ah. Those are shipments. I'll be delivering it to.." Guyman says trying to find a way out of it. But the guy says something first.

"Ah yes. Mama John's?" The man guessed.

"Yes that one. My boss said I should drop It to any of there establishments." Guyman answers. 'This is getting outta hand. I really need to redirect the conversation.' He thought. Sweating under the clothing, he tries not to make any sudden movements or else It might make him suspicious than he already was, or so he thought. Little did he know the man was completely oblivious.

"But I'll explore the city first to memorize some of the streets so whenever I come back here I won't need to keep asking for directions." Guyman said.

"Oh sure. I can show you around the place." He says. He stretches his arms out and points at somewhere. "Just go straight there and left, and you'll find Mama John's.."

To not lengthen this entire city exploration. They explored multiple parts of the city with guyman noticing multiple Mama John branches. One time he asked why there are long lines, he got a particularly Interesting answer. Free Oripathy Suppressants. A doughnut selling company, is giving out free medicine? Suspicious, but he need to learn what's oripathy first. From he gathered In had something to do with Infected's.

"And.. that should be all." The man said.

"Thanks for the tour man." Guyman says, As he gives out his hands to shake hands. The man obliges and shakes hands with him.

Guyman thinks for a moment. He just can't leave this man without payment. Even though he did it for free. "Hey uh. Can you wait outside for a moment. I just can't leave without repaying you." The man was quite surprised, he just wanted to give a free tour of the city. "Wha- no, no. No need for payment."

"Oh come on. Just accept It you were really nice." Guyman says. 'Better than the last one.' He thought.

"Urk..." The man groans. "Alright.. fine.." The man finally agrees.

"Just wait outside, since I don't have any money on me right now. I'll just give you something of value." Guyman says. He nods gets out.

Guyman then starts searching for anything that he may not need. Searching for a few seconds he finds his old leather jacket. He out grew it, and before he knew it. The jacket no longer fits him and only wearing it a couple of times mind you. Now it should serve It's purpose to another owner and hopefully it get's taken care of.

He quickly folds it. Jumping out of the Humvee, he then circles around the other side. "Hey." He says getting the mans attention. 

"Here have this." As he hands it over to him. "It doesn't fit me anymore, so I hope you find It comfy. I barely even wore it." Guyman says.

The man then looks towards him. "Thank you..." The man says looking very grateful all the while hugging the Leather.

"Hahah.. No problem." Guyman says, waving his hand.

Re-entering the Humvee feeling good that he did something nice. He drives away to continue what he came here for. Scouting and finding a good spot to set up shop.



next chapter
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