Virtya wore were the clothes made in Azuhai which were original and long lasting as compared to the cheap claddings obtained from the Litkesh kingdom.
Furthermore, Virtya's overcoat was currently going at 15 gold coins while his shirt was going for 5 gold coins and therefore, the scrawny boy had not only stumbled upon more than 20 gold coins but he had also obtained the clothes of a royalty.
The scrawny boy was overwhelmed and his brains ceased to function for a second because of the shock.
What had just happened!
This was a dream.
Meanwhile, Alexandre was holding his leather coat around his arm and he stared at Virtya with a puzzled look before turning his head to take a glance at Galina and there, their eyes met. He quickly averted his gaze but Galina threw her coat at him.
"That's a gift from me." Galina said to Alexandre with a smile.