10.81% Brand New Stallion / Chapter 3: BNS Chapter 3 — New world - New feelings

บท 3: BNS Chapter 3 — New world - New feelings

Alan followed Maud in silence. He looked around and saw many hills and rock formations around.

In general, this whole place was a continuous collection of various stones and rocks.

Although the trees grew, the planting density was low, and they were most often located at some distance from each other. Bushes were occasionally encountered, but generally there was little vegetation.

— This place is really rich in various materials to study. Granite, Sandstone, Slate. You can learn a lot.

Maud nodded in agreement and answered.

— I always liked to walk here, even if I have already studied everything. At times, natural formations can create a wonderful view.

Saying that, Maud turned around the sandstone wall and pointed her hoof to the side. When Al turned there, and looked in the indicated direction, he saw an amazingly beautiful sight.

Two cone-shaped stone peaks of red color grew from bottom to top. And from the perspective where Alan and Maud were standing, it seemed as if these stone "peaks" had squeezed the sun between them. Among other things, along the entire formation, and the terrain below it, there were many shiny and sparkling gems, creating an unforgettable sight. And all this was emphasized by the presence of marble, which outlined with white lines this natural picture, like a natural frame.

Alan stood and looked at this miracle without taking his eyes off.

— That is... So cool! Thanks for showing me this, Maud.

Alan turned with a smile to the gray mare next to him. Maud nodded in response, and point with her head to the side, hinting to follow her, then she walked towards a small cave that was further along the path along which they walked. Alan followed her.

Entering the cave, Maud finally spoke to Alan first and asked.

— What do you think about rocks?

Alan was caught off guard by this question.

He bowed his head to consider the answer, and after a while he said.

— Honestly, I never thought about it before. But thinking about it now ... I would say that the rocks are not something that should be judged by how they look.

Examining the walls of the cave, Alan approached one of them, and after thinking a little, continued to speak.

— Look a little closer and you can see that they hold a whole new world in them. A deep and long history, and not only theirs, but ours as well. As an example, you can take cave drawings left on cave rocks thousands of years ago.

Al said with a slight smile. Then he peered more closely at the wall, and putting his hoof to it, brushed away a layer of dust, revealing blotches of gold and green jams.

— In this plain rock is something hidden, and you can't tell it by your eyes.

But this deceptive look prepared, for you a beautiful surprise.

- - -

Maud twitched a little when she heard the sudden poetry from him.

Alan turned around and walking slowly towards Maud, continued to speak.

— And like a harbor from a dream, that hidden under ice for years.

Stopping right in front of Maud, Al looked into her eyes and finished the lyrics in a soft voice.

— This simple plain rock you looking, is hide a thousands beauty here.

Maud opened her mouth slightly, looking at Alan with slightly rounded eyes, who smiles warmly at her. She lowered her head a little, and quietly repeated the lyrics.

(I tried to adapt my Russian verse, which I came up with, but it didn't work out well. The Russian version came out much better.)

- - -

— In this plain rock is something hidden, and you can't tell it by your eyes.

But this deceptive look prepared, for you a beautiful surprise.

And like a harbor from a dream, that hidden under ice for years.

This simple plain rock you looking, is hide a thousands beauty here.

- - -

When she finished repeating Alan's verse, she lifted her head to look at him, and a slight smile could be seen on her face.

— I have never heard such beautiful poetry about rocks before, even among those that i wrote myself. I like it.

After chasing the lines of the verse in her head one more time, Maud asked.

— Did you make it up yourself?

Alan smiled shyly, scratching his head with a hoof and answered.

— Yeah, that's right. It was not difficult with so much inspiration around.

Saying this, Alan winked at Maud with a playful smile, and then looked into the depths of the cave.

— I suppose we'll head there next?

Maud nodded, and Alan immediately headed deeper into the cave.

The gray mare, with a faint warm smile, stared at his back for a while, and then followed him.

After a few minutes, they reached a large cave space, the walls of which were covered with various crystals and minerals. Al examined each of them with curiosity, and Maud willingly answered every question he asked. After a certain amount of time, Al thought about something, and looking at Maud asked.

— Listen, Maud. Some time ago i came up with something, but due to lack of knowledge, i cannot implement it.

Maud listened to Al with her typical unemotional face. Formulating his thoughts better, he continued.

— For my idea, i need some material that can serve as a conductor of energy, with minimal resistance. And since you are the most amazing expert i know, i want to ask your opinion. Is there any stone, rock or crystal that can meet these criteria?

Maud calmly answered without even thinking for a second.

— Yes, five stones, and seventeen crystals.

Al was shocked by her precise and immediate response.

«That's really an expert in her field.»

Immediately after that, Maud asked monotonously.

— What type of energy do you need to conduct?

— Pony magic.

Al immediately responded, but noticing Maud's pensive look, he became worried. After some consideration, Maud said.

— To serve as a conduit for pony magic, you need a very clean and durable material. I can only single out one stone and one crystal for similar purposes. The crystal in this case is the best option, but the difficulty of finding it is extremely high. At least, this is not to be found in our lands.

Al nodded in agreement, since it was obvious that such things would not lie on the road. Transferring his thoughts to other material, he asked.

— What about the stone?

— The stone will have some resistance when transferring magic, but it will still be a good alternative to the crystal. And finding it is absolutely not a problem.

— Really?

Al asked with some hope in his eyes.

Maud just silently walked to the wall, and turning her back to it, and facing Al, she hit the lower part of the wall with her hind hoof, without even looking there, leaving a deep hole from which several black stones of a strange shape spilled out.

Al stood with his mouth open as he saw Maud's actions.

Maud pointed to the stones that fell from the wall and said.

— These stones are called Onyxes. They are a type of semi-precious stone, and they are good at channeling pony magic.

— So you want to say... That i can already use them for my idea?

Maud nodded her head, but did not have time to return her gaze to Al, as he ran up to her, and suddenly hugged her, with words.

— Damn, Maud, you're incredible, thank you!

Maud was confused for a second, but then felt the warmth coming from the stallion hugging her and his strong hooves. For a while, she got lost in this new feeling for her, and stopped any movement.

Suddenly, Al realized what he had done and quickly pulled back from her and spoke.

— Oh, sorry for the suddenness, i just succumbed to emotions, as i was very happy and excited. It just... was very important to me.

Maud regained consciousness, feeling a faint sense of loss, just shook her head and answered monotonously.

— No, actually, it was nice. Although, i was often hugged by my sister before, but... This time, it was a little different.

Looking straight into Alan's eyes, Maud spoke a little slower and warmer than usual.

— Today, for some reason, everything is a little different.

Alan was again lost by the piercing gaze of her beautiful eyes.

He remembered that on the show, Maud barely got along with the other ponies.

At least during the 6 seasons that he watched.

«She doesn't seem used to spending time with ponies outside of her family circle. It's pretty sad that some idiots don't understand her, in my opinion she is a very interesting person. I would like to help her make up for what she missed.»

— Maud, I would like to repay you for your kindness and help today.

Maud tilted her head slightly to the side and asked.

— Repay?

Alan smiled and said.

— That's right, you not only helped me with solving my problem, but also taught me so many interesting things about rocks and stones in this cave. I had a great time. You are amazing in many ways, and i'm not lying. Since you showed me this cave, talking about many interesting things, i would like to respond in kind and tell about other interesting things that i know. What do you say?

Maud listened to him and was silent, and when he asked his last question, she slightly lowered her head, and her eyes began to move slightly from side to side, showing that she was thinking about something. Although her expression has hardly changed. She looked at Al again and answered.

— Okay. To be honest, I'm intrigued. And this is unusual ... For me.

Alan couldn't help but smile when he heard her answer.

With a nod of his head, he said.

— Awesome. As we walked towards this cave, I saw one suitable place for what I had in mind. But we only need to go there in the evening.

Maud nodded and said calmly.

— It's not long before the evening.

— Then let's take a look at the rest of the mine, and right after that we can go to that place.

Alan and Maud continued to explore the cave, and chat on various topics, sometimes not only about rocks. Although it was mostly Maud who answered the questions more, she didn't feel bored and for the first time had a good time with someone who wasn't a member of her family.

As a result, time quickly passed, and by the time they left the cave, it was already too late. Looking towards the setting sun, Alan nodded with a smile, and taking Maud by the hoof, which slightly surprised the mare, pulled her along. Soon, passing several rocky walls and hills, they reached one place, where they climbed the only section covered with grass, it was above the level of sandy and rocky terrain, and had a beautiful view of the sunset.

Alan went to the edge of the ledge on which they were and sat down on the soft grass, inviting his companion to sit next to him. Maud settled down next to Al, and with a calm face looked first at him, and then turned her gaze to where Al was looking, at the sunset. They sat in silence as they watched the setting sun. When at last the sun was out of sight, Maud said calmly.

— This was beautiful.

Alan just shook his head and answered with a smile.

— This is not what i wanted to show you, but now, repeat after me.

With these words, Al fell on his back, looking up at the sky.

Maud repeated after him, and before her eyes a huge black sheet covered with thousands of stars was revealed. Maud's eyes widened slightly as she had never done stargazing before and didn't know it could be so beautiful.

But she was not the only one who was so surprised, since Alan himself was shocked by the beauty of the local sky, in his previous world, it was almost impossible to see such a clear and starry sky. He had the thought that today everything is going too well in his direction. He wasn't sure what it was about.

Al turned his gaze to Maud, and when he saw her enthusiastically looking at the sky, he began to speak in a soft voice.

— What do you know about the universe, Maud?

Maud came out of her trance and shook her head as she answered.

— To tell the truth, nothing. All my attention was previously only given to the study of rocks and stones, and i suppose i was too busy to distract myself and look up to find out what was above me.

After a short pause, she continued.

— But now, after i looked up at the sky, i had a desire to know.

Alan smiled tenderly, and looking at the sky full of stars, spoke.

— Every star you see is the same as our sun. After all, our sun, in essence, is the same star as millions of others in the universe.

Maud's eyes widened again at the sky when she heard such information. She had never even thought about what the sun was before. The only thing she knows is that Celestia is raising and lowering him at the right time. After a pause, Al continued.

— All these stars are millions of light years away from us, and in order for their light to reach our planet, it makes a long and long journey through the entire universe.

Raising his hoof to the sky, Alan continued.

— Many of these stars that are now shining in our sky, most likely ended their existence, and have long been blown up under their own gravity. But since they were so far away, their light has just reached us, and we can still admire their beautiful radiance.

Lowering his hoof, Alan said.

— In addition, somewhere out there, far away, there may be the same planets with intelligent life forms as we do. They can be either similar to us or completely different in form and philosophy. Someone is more developed than us, someone is more primitive. All I can say is that even if we leave our planet, our home, we will definitely not be alone.

Al turned his gaze to Maud, which also caught her attention, and she also looked at him. Alan said.

— Like the rocks that you study, the light of the stars that we see, carries the history of millions and even billions years of life. And i think you will agree that this is as interesting and amazing as the long history hidden in the earth of our planet.

Maud looked at Alan with a light gleam in her eyes, and something new was born in her.

Collecting her thoughts, she spoke in her monotonous manner.

— As you may have noticed, I am not very good at expressing my emotions. And usually, it turns off the ponies that I tried to communicate with.

Al was surprised at this beginning of the sentence, but decided to keep silent, letting her finish. After a little hesitation, Maud continued her calm speech.

— And for this very reason, today, i was very happy about your attitude... Your words... Your hugs and... Your presence next to me.

Looking him straight in the eye, she continued.

— I feel something unusual when i am next to you, and when i look at you... This is the first time with me, and i don't know what to do with this strange new feeling inside me.

Moving a little closer to Alan, she added.

— But... If you don't mind, i would like to feel again the warmth that i felt when you hugged me last time.

Alan was amazed and very moved by her words. He understood that these words were very difficult for her. Looking at the hopeful look of her beautiful eyes, without further ado, he smiled tenderly, and approaching her, took her into his gentle embrace. When he did this, he felt a warmth emanating from her, and he also noticed a slight tremor passed through her body when he first touched her.

Gently running his hoof over her mane, he approached her ear, and whispered softly.

— "This simple plain rock you looking, is hide a thousands beauty here" You know, to be honest, i came up with this line when i was thinking about you.

At these words, Maud shuddered again. She raised her head, and pressing herself harder to the stallion, began to look at him with a slightly dull, but still with the same calm look. Looking into Al's eyes, she said.

— Today, i felt so many new and unusual things for myself, that all sorts of thoughts began to arise in me... Or, better to say, desires...

Al feeling the mood, brought his head a little closer to Maud's face, and asked in a charming voice.

— You know, i also began to have various desires. And i wonder if they match yours?

Maud continued to stare into his expectant eyes until she lifted her hoof to gently stroke his face.

— I think that my desires want to fulfill yours.

Hearing this, Al smiled and gently touched her lips with his. This first kiss was accompanied by a thrill of both ponies. The longer this kiss lasted, the more they pressed against each other. Maud felt the strength of the stallion, and a pleasant excitement began to spread through her body.

(Sweet lemons start here)

Suddenly, she shuddered again as Alan began to gently caress her body. It turned out to be so pleasant that Maud fell into a trance for a second, but quickly regaining consciousness, began to deepen the kiss, making it more and more passionate. Alan at that moment tried to use the knowledge of his previous world, trying to look for areas similar to human beings on her body in order to make her more pleasant. Apparently, he did it well. Gradually, he slowly pulled off her dress.

«Wow, she's getting very passionate.»

Alan left her lips, and without stopping caressing, gently bit her ear.

— Hhhah...

A gentle sigh escaped the mare's lips, and although her expression was extremely restrained, it was noticeable that she was now feeling very well. Alan continued to lower his hoof a little lower, passing it through her back, moving to her thigh, on which he paused for a while to massage it a little. All the while, Maud was breathing heavily, holding the stallion tightly in her hooves. She didn't stop him in any way, and Alan took it for some kind of permission.

His hoof began to slide around her thigh, sliding down onto her belly and approaching her lower tender spot. As soon as he touched her lower lips, the first but still muffled moan left the previously restrained mare.

— Ahmm...!

Alan was extremely gentle and careful at the moment, as he did not want to hurt her and ruin everything. He continued to caress her lower lips in a circular motion, occasionally pressing slightly and causing a tremor of pleasant sensations in the gray mare. Maud breathed heavily, biting lightly on her lower lip. She looked vaguely at Alan, and through strong breathing, she spoke in half monotone voice.

— I want you... to kiss... me...

Alan got excited when he saw how erotic she now looks, and immediately began to fulfill the mare's request. He pressed his lips to her, and their tongues intertwined in a passionate dance. Maud felt a huge surge of pleasure, from the simultaneous passionate kiss, and caress from the hot stallion. She wrapped her hind legs around his hoof that caress her from below, trying to press him harder to her sensitive place.

After a while, Al pulled away from Maud's lips, which gave the mare a sense of loss, but not for long. Alan began to kiss her face, gradually descending to the neck, and then to her body.

Maud breathed heavily, and sometimes uttered muffled moans of pleasure. Finally, Al got to her thighs, remembering to stroke her with his free hoof. After a few seconds, his face reached her already pretty wet crotch. Maud looked at him with a dull look, drooping her head down, in easy anticipation.

Alan gently looked into her eyes, and without taking his eyes off hers, sank his head between her thighs, touching her crotch with his lips. After which, he slid his tongue from the bottom up.

— Hmm...

Maud let out a light, restrained groan, but did not stop staring at Al.

The sight of a hot stallion between her thighs was an extremely arousing sight, and she wanted to watch it for as long as possible.

She placed her hooves on his head while he wielded his tongue.

The more active his tongue became, the more she pressed his head to her in order to increase the flows of pleasure.

— Ahhh... Yes... There...

Lost in pleasure, Maud could hardly restrain her thoughts and desires. The half-restrained voice of the horny gray mare was something that perhaps no one else but Alan had ever heard. This thought excited him very much, and created a very pleasant feeling of closeness with Maud.

Finally, realizing that enough time had passed, Alan began to use his tongue with full dedication, which led the mare to even more pleasure. After a while, she tightly squeezed his head with her legs, which made Alan understand that she would finish very soon. Knowing this, he launched his last violent assault, moving his tongue in various sophisticated trajectories. Because of this, Maud began to tremble violently, and her back involuntarily curved, due to a wave of sudden pleasure.

And so, after just a few seconds, she finally screamed out in pleasure, reaching a climax and pouring her lecherous liquids over Al's face.

— YEAAAaaahhh... mmm... haa.....

After such an orgasm, Maud just lay on the grass for a while, trying to catch her breath. Alan got out of her shackles and lay down next to her. Although Al was still tense, since he satisfied only Maud, he was still glad that he could bring her pleasure. Maud had already snuggled up to him, and looking at him wearily, asked.

— How long will you stay in our city?

Al thought, and answered with a smile.

— As much as I want.

Maud nodded with a barely perceptible smile and said.

— Okay... It was... Incredible ...

Then, looking at his tense weapon, she added.

— Next time, we'll do it right. Until then...

She lowered her hoof onto his big and thick tower and began to rub it gently.

— I'll help you relieve your tension a little.

— Oh...

Alan threw his head back and closed his eyes enjoying the work of the mare. Maud gently ran her hoof over his cock, gradually applying more strength. She turned her gaze to Al, and bringing her head to his ear, said.

— You have a very big tool right here... So tense and hard, like a huge diamond. I am soo... delighted.

Maud said this in her unusual semi-monotonous manner, which Alan found extremely erotic, and his rod became even tighter, and it didn't go unnoticed by the mare. Maud put a little more force on the hoof. While she did this, her eyes did not leave Alan's cock. She was as if hypnotized by him, and at some point, without realizing it, she found herself face right in front of this large weapon.

Maud worked with her hoof as she watched liquid flow from the tip, spreading a tempting and energizing scent.

Maud froze for a second, which alerted Al, who had been lying with his eyes closed all this time, enjoying the mare's actions. He was about to open his eyes, but suddenly felt a strange warm and pleasant sensation on the head of his cock.

Alan opened his eyes and saw how Maud, with her face lost in lust, embraces his horn with her hooves, and wraps her tongue around his glans. Alan felt the pleasant tongue of Maud, and could not help but moan with pleasure.

— Uh, Maud... You have a magical tongue.

This phrase seemed to spur the mare, and she began to work more actively with her tongue. After a while, she began to run her tongue along the entire trunk, sometimes going down to the base and testicles, and again rising to the head. Al continued to moan with pleasure, and breathe heavily.

After a while, Maud began to dip the wet head into her mouth, trying not to forget to use her tongue inside. The stallion's reaction was not long in coming, rewarding the mare with a groan of pleasure from him.

While the mare was lying on the side of Al, and wielding her mouth at the stallion's crotch, Al drew attention to Maud's pussy, which was again drenched in love juices. He pulled his hoof towards the mare's crotch and began to caress her again. Maud shuddered for a moment, but began to work with her mouth with great eagerness, trying to take his instrument as deeply as possible, but due to her inexperience, she did not succeed in taking it too deeply, especially considering Alan's size.

The smell and taste of Alan's cock drove the mare crazy.

Maud was so consumed with lust and pleasure that she literally rubbed her face on his cock while she worked it with her tongue. Swallowing his cock once again, she felt the growing tension in the stallion, and realized that he would soon erupt out. She was also already close, so after swallowing his cock again, as deeply as she could, she began to rotate her tongue, accelerating the climax.

Al, who was already at the limit, said.

— Maud... I will soon... cum...

But Maud did not slow down at all, and only accelerated her stimulation. Alan groaned at the mare's sudden enthusiasm, and trembling, he realized that he could no longer contain himself.

— Maud! I'm cumming!

He shot his milk straight into the mare's mouth.

From such an abundant amount of semen, Maud could not continue to hold it in her mouth, and she had to release the head from her mouth, and the remnants of the semen, as if from a volcano, were shot at her face. The moment Maud tasted the stallion's milk, she came again, covering Alan's hoof with juices. Maud swallowed everything she could, and like a cat, she began to collect the remains from her face into her mouth. Looking at it, she looked like it was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted in her life, and as if in confirmation of this, Maud said.

— I think i can get used to it.

Finally, exhausted, the mare and the stallion lay in an embrace and regained their breath. Maud spoke first.

— Do you have a place to stay?

Al finally remembered that it was already night, and he never found a place to stay for the night. He shook his head from side to side with a frightened expression. Seeing this, Maud smiled slightly, and spoke in a monotone.

— Then you can stay with me.

Exhaling with relief, and embarrassedly scratching his head, Alan answered.

— Thank you very much, i was already afraid that I would sleep in the forest, he-he.

After that, they lay for a while on the grass, and having gained strength, they got up, and Maud took him to her home, where they lay on her bed tightly pressed against each other. Before falling asleep, Maud thought to herself.

«This is the first time when I felt something so unusual and incredible... And i behaved in an extremely unusual way for myself. New world - New feelings.»

Having finished the thought, Maud plunged into the valley of dreams.

* * * * * * * * * *

Author's Note:

If you want to support me as an author, or get access to 4 new chapters a little earlier than others, then you can subscribe to my Boosty (russian analogue of Раtrеоn) and read it right now.

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Or you can just find the link in my Webnovell profile, or in the fanfic description.

Silent_Dude Silent_Dude

This is where all the fun begins. It is very difficult to translate such chapters, given the difference in Russian and English. The hardest part was working with the description of the sex scenes. Plus the translation of one moment, with which no matter how I tried, but I could not convey its Russian analogue as beautifully. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

On my Patre On, you can access more chapters:


(Chapters up to 13 will be added pretty soon.)

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