43.33% - BORUTO and NARUTO: What We Will Be Someday / Chapter 26: PART 2.

บท 26: PART 2.

In the abstract setting of his subconscious, Boruto feels lost and vulnerable in a universe without limits. The bright, intense colors around him blend into a whirlwind of light that disorients him. He struggles to keep his balance while floating in nothingness.

Momoshiki's voice sounds far away, but his message is clear: Boruto's life will be a lonely and pain-filled existence.

"Gh..!" In his floating state, Boruto grabs his head with his hands. He believed that by closing his eyes, the voice would cease. "Shut your mouth! I won't listen to you!!"

But Momoshiki's voice does not stop. Boruto feels his words pierce his brain, causing unbearable agony. The pressure on his skull increases and a twinge of pain runs through his temple. Boruto screams, but his voice has no echo in the empty space.

"Shut up, shut up!" Boruto begs, but Momoshiki laughs at him. 

" You can't ignore me, Kid. I'm a part of you now. And I assure you that you will not be able to resist me forever."

Boruto feels overwhelmed and defeated. The idea that Momoshiki can control it terrifies him. But something inside him refuses to give up. Boruto focuses on his will to protect his friends, to survive the unknown, and fights with all his might to get Momoshiki out of his mind. He doesn't want to go through that again.

He remembers with pain the catastrophe that happened: the destruction of his home, the disappearance of his little sister, and the feeling of being alone and lost. He also remembers being summoned to the past without her. Desperation invades him and he realizes that he does not want to feel that loneliness again. He doesn't want to lose his friends, his family, anyone.

That's what keeps him fighting against Momoshiki's voice in his mind, the fear of losing what he loves most. Rage also drives him to resist, remembering all the suffering the Ōtsutsuki clan caused. Boruto knows that he must outgrow his enemy, and he fights with determination to regain control of his mind.

" I have to admit it. I will bless your father's soul as I do so." He heard the Ōtsutsuki say. His tone was just as petulant in worldly expressions. "... Finding such a destructive way out and giving his life and that of the world to save some brats, is a matter of congratulation. The last time I heard about a technique like this... I was forbidden to investigate further. Even... it was warned that any Ōtsutsuki who dared to attempt it would be punished with banishment or execution."

"I ordered you to shut your mouth!"

As Momoshiki continued to speak, Boruto felt more and more trapped in his mind. The thought that his friends and family might die before he was paralyzed him.

But in a moment of clarity, Boruto realizes that Momoshiki is only trying to weaken and manipulate him. He refuses to be controlled by his enemy and begins to fight harder, but with a growing chill.

"I don't want to listen to you anymore. No matter what you say, I won't give up. If my friends and family are in danger, I will protect them!" Boruto shouts, echoing in the nothingness around him. 

His eyes closed very tightly. Momoshiki circled in front of him, seeking to unite their gazes, but in the process he did not avoid noticing the distinct aura in the one and only Uzumaki.

"Oh, how amused I am by your bravery, young human. But how strong are you really? Can you protect them all? Can you avoid the fate that awaits them?" Momoshiki questions in a mocking tone, as he approaches Boruto in his mind.

Boruto feels a chill run through his body at the proximity of the Ōtsutsuki. But instead of backing down, he keeps his eyes closed and focuses on his inner strength. He feels a warm and protective energy that envelops him, making him feel more secure and confident.

"I don't need to be stronger than you. I just need to be strong enough to protect the ones I love." Boruto says, with determination resonating in his voice despite the mistake in his heart. 

Those words did not reach Momoshiki as was customary in previous meetings.

Momoshiki frowns as he watches Boruto intently. For a moment, he can't help but feel a strange sense of surprise at what he sees in young Uzumaki's mind.

He expected to find a challenge, an enemy worthy of his power, but what he sees is something different. It's as if Boruto has a strange protection that Momoshiki can't penetrate.

Momoshiki's expression changes, from a smug grimace to one of curiosity.

He is intrigued by that feeling that prevents him from molding Boruto to his will.

It's something he hasn't experienced before, and he has a strange fascination with it. Despite Boruto's apparent weakness, there is something about him that makes him immune to Momoshiki's influence.

But Momoshiki's curiosity fades when he hears Sarada's voice calling Boruto from outside his mind. He realizes that his time with Boruto is coming to an end and that he must return to his own plane of existence in the Uzumaki's mind.

For one last time, he sees with an expressionless face the blond who refused to see him, and who struggled with his own fear.

"(This feeling... is familiar to me.)" The Ōtsutsuki thought. His brow furrowed. "(What the hell has your father's bastard, Boruto, done?)"

With one last laugh of cloudy resignation, Momoshiki bids Boruto farewell, vowing to return soon.


Boruto struggles to open his eyes, feeling them heavy and sleepy, as if they were loaded with tons of sand. Your body feels stiff and numb, as if you've spent hours in the same position. Finally, after a great effort, he manages to open them, only to be greeted by the darkness of the underground shelter.

However, the first thing that catches his eye is Sarada's worried face. His eyes, tired and heavy, can barely focus on the girl's figure through the light of the campfire that feels close.

He notices how Sarada's glasses avoid looking directly into her eyes, perhaps to avoid the glow of the campfire that makes them see blurry.

Boruto sits strugglingly, feeling his tense muscles protest the lack of movement. He tries to remember how he got here, but everything is blurred in his mind.

Sarada's voice jolts him out of his daze.

"How do you feel, Boruto?"

The blond gasps in response. He grabs his shoulder as a reflection of the sudden pain.

"I hope this time I'm not the only one who feels that way..."

"You're not; We are all the same."

Boruto watches as Sarada, with a grim look, looks away from the other companions who slowly begin to wake up. A certain distance is perceived in their words, as if the weight of the situation prevented them from fully connecting.

While Sarada avoids direct eye contact, she addresses Boruto in a voice full of resignation:

"We're not where we thought, Boruto. Apparently, we've arrived at the place Mirai-san was looking for, but... Something went wrong. We are in a different time from ours. Our time... has been lost."

Sarada's words pierce Boruto like an icy arrow. A chill runs down his spine, as the feeling of loss and bewilderment takes hold of him. However, in the midst of the darkness that envelops him, a spark of determination begins to burn within him.

"In the past?" Boruto murmurs, barely audible. "So... Everything we saw is happening?"

Sarada nods sadly, her gaze encompassing the other colleagues who, little by little, are becoming aware of the situation.

Boruto is speechless, his mind struggling to assimilate the devastating reality that has been revealed to him. Her eyes, filled with disbelief, desperately search for answers in the dark underground shelter. Desolation overwhelms him, feeling as if an abyss has opened in front of him, devouring all the hopes he once had.

A sense of emptiness and hopelessness grips Boruto, as if each step in this strange lost time takes him even further away from a possible solution. Every beat of his heart seems to resonate in tune with his anguish, threatening to make him faint at any moment.

As he fights his chaotic thoughts, his gaze falls on Sarada, who is kneeling in front of him. His face, usually determined and energetic, now reflects a somber resignation. Although his eyes do not meet directly, Boruto can feel the reflection of his own despair in hers.

The whispers and wails of his companions fill the air, intertwining in a chorus of sadness and grief. Some hug each other, seeking comfort in the closeness of their loved ones, while others simply lament in silence, immersed in the deep sadness that overwhelms them.

As he averts his gaze for a moment, Boruto spots Mirai in the background, next to Inojin. Mirai's hand rests on the Yamanaka's shoulder, conveying a sense of support and comfort in the midst of adversity. Boruto wonders how Mirai, also affected by this situation, can find the strength to bring comfort to others in such a dark time.

At that moment, the feeling of helplessness intensifies for Boruto. He feels that the world has become an irreparable place, where his hopes and dreams have been swept away by an inescapable current. The weight of uncertainty threatens to crush him, making him yearn for all of this to be simply a nightmare from which he will soon awaken.

I wish all this was just a situation out of context, a consequence of the destruction he had witnessed...

Konoha was standing, but his home had been annihilated.

In the midst of the devastating reality, Boruto feels how the truth sticks in his chest like a thorn that prevents him from breathing. Every word he has heard, every image he has witnessed, everything crowds into his mind, threatening to overwhelm him completely.

His lungs struggle to find the necessary air as he chokes on the bitter reality. The lump in his throat tightens with each thought that reminds him of the magnitude of what they have lost and the uncertainty of what is to come. It is as if the burden of truth is too heavy to bear.

In the midst of their internal struggle, Boruto senses the approach of Mitsuki, his faithful teammate. Mitsuki, who has been busy comforting Tsuru, notices Boruto's suffering and rushes to him, worried for his well-being.

Mitsuki's eyes reflect his deep concern as he kneels next to Boruto, extending a hand in a gesture of support. The closeness of his friend is a comforting balm in the midst of the anguish that consumes him. Boruto is comforted by Mitsuki's presence, knowing that he is not alone in this overwhelming ordeal.

Mitsuki's sudden attention to Boruto is not lost on Mirai, who has been quietly watching the scene. Her inquisitive gaze rests on the two young men, worried about the anguish that overwhelms Boruto. She knows that it is her duty as a leader and protector to step in and provide help.

With quick but cautious steps, Mirai approaches them, her countenance serious, but on the verge of rupture. As he progresses, his mind works at full speed, assessing the situation and considering possible actions to back Boruto in his moment of desperation.

In the midst of the desolation and overwhelming darkness, Mirai and Boruto's gazes meet in an instant full of pain and despair. Boruto's anguished eyes beg Mirai for answers, as if silently shouting, "Why? How did we get to this?"

Mirai's expression cracks at Boruto's heartbreaking gaze. Pain and sadness are reflected in their eyes, as if every unspoken word resonates in the silence that surrounds them. Boruto tries to speak, but the words fade in his throat, drowned out by the crushing reality around them.

Heartbroken, Mirai kneels in front of Boruto, her trembling hand resting on her shoulder. Her eyes, crystalline and full of repressed tears, reflect a deep sadness and overwhelming grief. Through her gaze, Mirai whispers wordlessly to Boruto: "There is no escape. This is real."

The intensity of the moment hangs over them like an unbearable weight, as if the whole world had fallen on their shoulders. The loneliness and the feeling of being lost become almost unbearable, but Mirai and Boruto face together the cruel reality that has been imposed on them.

The physical contact between them becomes a desperate attempt to find something tangible to hold onto, to find comfort in the midst of devastation. Silently, Mirai holds Boruto, her fingers intertwined in a gesture of support and comfort, but the pain they share is overwhelming and seems to have no end.

In that instant, sadness and discouragement are intertwined in their souls, like two wounds that find a point of connection in the midst of despair. The silence speaks volumes about the suffering and desolation that consumes them, with no solution in sight.

Now that they had found what they were looking for, they had reached a point of no return.

The past.

He will never return home... He no longer belongs anywhere.

"And now what...?" It escaped from Boruto's lips. It seemed that the words were slipping through his mouth, looking for air. "What shall we do now...? Where will we go next?!"

"Boruto!" Sarada barely came out of her own trance, when Mitsuki tried to calm the Uzumaki. 

Mirai was impatient to reassure him. She hugged him as tightly as she could, with no intention of letting go. However, something in his expression gave a glimpse of a certain self-conviction. Almost as if I struggle with the desire to answer all their questions, but I just can't.

Boruto opened his eyes as wide as he could, on the verge of tears that refused to fall, even as his father faced the destructive core that threatened his village; The village that his father had sworn to protect.

"None of this happened for no reason!! Those responsible for all of this are still out there, enjoying the chaos they have caused!"

Boruto ignored the pangs in his ribs. Although his body was more than aware of his condition, his mind and heart forced his muscles and bones to give in to its devastation. He swallowed as much air as he could, without even finishing his sentences.

His voice echoed off the stone walls, completely filling the hiding place. Mitsuki frowned, holding the one Uzumaki by the shoulders.

Sarada watched his gesture almost without moving. The same devastation was reflected on his face, but with a progressive sinking in his expression. The blond man's words struck his heart with each scream, and his eyes widened silently.

She felt as if she cringed as she took in Mirai's words minutes ago. Boruto, in the midst of his despair and growing anguish, continued with his questions, as if each word was an outlet for his pent-up frustration.

His voice trembled with a mixture of anger and sadness, and every question echoed through the claustrophobic space of the shelter.

Why did we have to come to this? Why did we have to lose everything? His voice cracked as the words came out of his mouth, laden with immense pain. —

He searched for answers that seemed out of reach, trying to understand the purpose of his suffering.

"There's Chunin out there who refuses to help us! Why? If we continue to be damned cowards, we will never face those who killed my father!"

The other comrades, also affected by the devastation of the situation, fell into a deathly silence. The heart-rending tone of Boruto's words echoed in their hearts, further increasing the sense of desolation that enveloped them.

Mirai, with a look full of regret and compassion, tried to calm Boruto down, but her efforts were in vain. The young Uzumaki's questions seemed endless, and frustration consumed him, dragging the others into their emotional turbulence.

However, when it seemed that despair was going to devour them completely, a resounding and powerful cry filled the air, coming from the old woman who had remained silent until then. His voice, full of authority and wisdom accumulated over the years, cut through Boruto's torrent of questions.

"Enough is enough, you wretched brat!" Her cry resounded in the shelter, leaving an echo of silence in her wake. 

The bonfire threw its flames, illuminating the woman's presence with what appeared to be a staff in her hand.

"Your ineptitudes offend me! Yelling like that at someone who has supported you, even when you were a burden to others, is a great lack of respect." His voice resounded loudly, mixing anger with wisdom, leaving Mirai and the others in hiding expectant at his words. 

The Wise Old Woman made her position clear, surprising everyone with her steadfastness in such a short time of meeting.

"You, spoiled brat and bastard, LIKE YOUR COMPANIONS, are a PLAGUE!" His voice boomed, making it clear that Boruto would get the message silently. "Being in the past doesn't give you the right to take anyone's life. Are you listening to me? NO ONE! The skill that brought you here is just the tip of the iceberg of the dangers that await you."

The old woman's words were harsh but truthful. Painful as they were, they resonated deep within Boruto, reminding him that, despite his youth and vulnerability, he must find a way to face the challenges life throws at him.

The room was plunged into a dense silence, where the old woman's words clung to the hearts of those present. Boruto, his eyes reddened and filled with pent-up tears, looked at Mirai slowly, understanding that there were no easy answers or immediate solutions.

The memory of how she had swapped places with Sarada's to save her from the enemy illuminated Boruto like a flash of light in the darkness.

It was time to accept reality and find the strength to move forward, even in the darkest moments.

Mirai's gaze met that of the great old woman, and in that silent exchange there was a mutual understanding that from that moment on, they must support and protect each other in this new and unknown chapter of their lives. It also meant that they had to learn not to depend on adults who were no longer with them.

"Traveling to the past carries a great risk; a price to pay." said the old woman when the warmth of silence enveloped them. Although his anger was still present, he reluctantly calmed his tone. "Yours and your friends' are high, Boruto."

The mention of her name caused Boruto to widen his eyes in alarm, turning his attention to the woman holding his staff.

"It's not like stories or novels tell it. Traveling to the past through parchment is much more complex." The old woman explained while all the children watched her from the ground, including Mirai, who was already aware of most things. "Distortion of the Chakra, of the blood or slow and permanent annihilation of the senses or consciousness. These are things that you provoke in the people of your time if you get together with them."

"What...?" Boruto gasped, puzzled. 

"Everything has a price." The old woman continued, standing up to look directly at Boruto. "To save you, the adults gave their lives and destroyed all your time so that nothing that happens here would kill you. Their existences are invisible and as delicate as the finest glass that exists. And if the Chunin who sent you to me really wanted to help you, then he had to get away from you. Interacting with you involves a slow and painful death."

Mirai was silent, shocked by the revelations of the great old woman. Information about the harm that the existence of children could cause to the people of her time was completely new to her. In his reflected face, you could see the shock as he processed the words he had just heard.

A whirlwind of thoughts and emotions was unleashed inside him. On the one hand, there was his concern for the well-being of the children, especially Boruto, whose anguish and despair were palpable in every gesture and word. I felt a responsibility to protect and guide them on this perilous journey. But on the other hand, he now understood the danger they posed to the people of his time.

The internal struggle was reflected in his eyes as his eyes were lost in the horizon. She was aware that walking away from children was an option that could protect others, but at the same time, she couldn't imagine abandoning them in this desperate situation.

Her duty as a leader and protector was directly opposed to her desire to stand with them, to make sure they were not alone in this struggle.

The weight of the decision hung over Mirai, and her heart was torn between duty and affection.

Uncertainty and doubt enveloped her as she assessed the consequences of her actions. What would be the true price of your choice? Could you find a way to reconcile the protection of others with your desire to be by the side of children?

The silence stretched, only interrupted by the thoughts that echoed in Mirai's mind. It was a pivotal moment, a turning point in their own history. Soon he would have to make a decision, face the challenges, and find a way to balance his duty with his desire to care for and protect those he considered his team and family.

Suddenly, an almost hoarse but high-pitched voice, which seemed to have been hidden by uncertainty, resounded in the underground hiding place.

ChouChou Akimichi opened his eyes, his brow furrowed tightly. She who far exceeded the standards she set for herself, seemed to have completely departed from her own teaching by displaying such an expression.

All eyes were on her, including those of her two childhood friends and the great old lady.

"I'm... Very confused right now!" She exclaimed hesitantly. His finger pointed at the strange woman before his eyes, sweat and discomfort on his face. "Who is this woman and why does she talk as if she were the cause of all this disaster?"

"ChouChou-chan!" Sarutobi broke his silence, with concern still present in his face. "Don't get confused! She helped us lose sight of those who attacked us!" When everyone's gazes seemed to soften, Mirai looked at the lonely woman with sad gratitude. "And she's also the only one who offered to help us. We will stay with her from now on."

Amazement was reflected on everyone's faces as they digested Mirai's words. No one had anticipated that they would stay with the mysterious old woman, and confusion took over the stale air of the underground shelter.

Mirai, aware of her companions' perplexity, remained silent, allowing the grand old woman to speak. The old woman exuded wisdom and authority, and her voice, though soft and leisurely, filled every corner of the room with her magnetic presence.

"I understand your bewilderment." The old woman began with a penetrating gaze that seemed to read everyone's thoughts. "Let me explain the reason behind this seemingly strange decision."

His words were breathy, carefully chosen to capture the attention of each of those present. With each calculated pause, the old woman wove a web of intrigue around them.

"Mirai, being from the same generation as you, is exempt from the risks that interaction with you entails." He explained in a tone of voice that seemed to emanate centuries of experience. "However, there is one crucial aspect that we must consider. The younger version of Mirai still exists in the present, and even if it is in a different form, this implies that certain risks can manifest without us being aware of them."

Boruto's eyebrows furrowed at this revelation, and his mind began to spin the pieces of the complicated puzzle he was facing. The old woman continued, focusing her attention on him.

"Also, dear Boruto." The change in tone surprised Uzumaki himself. She tapped the ground once with her staff, as if trying to illuminate the blond man's judgment. " My age has allowed me to see ninjas up close. And I know it's not like them to sit back and do nothing. But your case is a huge exception. Your birth doesn't happen for a few years, just if you don't interact and change the story. But the whole chessboard is stacked against you, young man. It's time to resign ourselves and leave the job to us for the time being. At least, until you and your friends can go out on their own."

Boruto was plunged into a helpless silence as the old woman's words echoed in his mind.

Each of them stuck like a dagger into his heart, reminding him of the magnitude of the responsibility he carried on his shoulders. A sense of frustration came over him, mixed with the insecurity of not knowing if he would be able to fulfill what was expected of him.

By her side, Sarada and Chou Chou shared the same emotional burden. Their faces reflected a mixture of concern and determination, aware that their own lives and Konoha's fate depended on their actions in this strange and dangerous journey through time.

However, there was a glimmer of relief between them, knowing that they were not alone and that they had the guidance of the old woman.

Shikadai was in a state of enigmatic contemplation, unlike the others. A slight frown appeared in his brow, revealing deep, complex thinking that defied comprehension.

It was as if the wind whispered secrets in his ear, confusing him and challenging his ability to understand.

Known for his cunning and ability to analyze situations, Shikadai always had an answer or strategy in mind. But at that moment, his enigmatic expression baffled even his closest companions.

What was going through his mind? What reflections kept you in that state of introspection?

The young man, intrigued by the enigma that Shikadai represented, tried to unravel his thoughts. However, like an unsolved puzzle, Shikadai seemed to escape complete comprehension.

It was as if his mind was beyond the limits of perception, hiding a knowledge that only he could possess.


The air was charged with urgency as Sakura, Naruto, Sai, and Kakashi rushed to Konoha. Their hearts beat to the frenetic rhythm of the situation, their footsteps echoed in the deserted streets of the village hidden among the leaves.

They ignored the ninjas guarding the gates, with no time for explanations or formalities. Duty called them and they had to deliver the alarming information to Tsunade.

Out of control gripped Konoha as the rumor of his arrival spread like wildfire.

The ninjas, surprised and bewildered, ran back and forth, documents in their hands and worried looks on their faces. The clan leaders, along with their respective members, moved with haste and determination, searching for answers and preparing to face the unknown threat.

In the midst of the chaos, Tsunade's imposing figure emerged, her expression of surprise and amazement mingled with her characteristic firmness. The news of the ninja's early arrival took her by surprise, but she didn't waver at the gravity of the situation. His eyes met those of Naruto and the others, conveying a mixture of worry and determination.

The civilians of Konoha, witnessing the unusual commotion and the hurried arrival of the ninjas, watched in bewilderment from the streets and windows. Bewilderment was drawn on their faces, unable to understand the reason for such an uproar. Their conversations would grind to a halt as sealing teams and other elite groups passed by, prepared to face the unknown.

The normally organized and quiet village of Konoha was in a state of turmoil and confusion. The presence of Sakura, Naruto, Sai, and Kakashi, along with the urgent news they brought, had shaken the foundations of the village and left everyone in a state of uncertainty. Konoha's fate was at stake, and every ninja, every civilian, felt the weight of responsibility on his shoulders.

As chaos gripped Konoha, the sharp eyes of the two future Anbu, Ro and Hinoko, did not go unnoticed. His piercing, watchful gaze swept through every corner of the village, catching the bewildered gestures and agitation of the ninjas running back and forth.

At the same time, in a modest rented apartment, Sumire watched fearfully out the window, her heart pounding as the tumultuous scene of the streets unfolded before her eyes. Beside him, the other children, huddled and anxious, shared their fear, fearing they would be discovered in the midst of the chaos.

The whisper of the wind mingled with the murmurs of the village, and the racing beats of their hearts created a cacophony of nervousness. Sumire, a clandestine visitor to Konoha, felt vulnerable amid this constant uncertainty, aware of the latent threat of being discovered.

Meanwhile, the two Anbu of the future stood vigilant from the shadows, alert for any sign of danger. Her task was to protect the children, making sure they remained hidden and avoiding any situation that could jeopardize their safety.

The lack of control that spread through the village was not related to the presence of the hidden children. It was the result of the chaos unleashed by the open portals and the threat that loomed over Konoha. The ninjas were running frantically, not only because of the possibility that their village was in danger, but also because of the uncertainty of the unknown enemy.

In that moment of tension and disorder, Sumire's gaze met that of Ro, one of the Anbu of the future. In that brief moment, they shared a silent understanding, aware of the dangers they faced and the need to remain hidden to protect others.

In the midst of tumult and anguish, the hidden children and the Anbu of the future clung to the hope of survival and finding a solution to reverse the situation. Together, they would face the challenges that lay their way with courage and determination, seeking a future in which Konoha could maintain its peace and prosperity.

Sumire's eyes tracked the nightly movement of the ninjas on the rooftops, quickly moving away from the window to avoid being seen. His brow furrowed determinedly. Protecting children was not his only duty.

The entire village, all those innocent people, were not to blame for the chaos that had been unleashed in the distant future.

He prayed fervently for the safety of his friends and comrades, hoping that they would be safe amid the chaos engulfing Konoha. As darkness of night fell over the village and adrenaline hung in the air, the children wondered among themselves what was going on, with little Uzumaki the only one watching in silence.

The chaos that was unleashed was a blessing for them, since it prevented them from having to explain the situation by themselves. They preferred that Konoha protect herself. Yet, through it all, Sumire held out hope that her friends and companions summoned abroad could face adversity before they were found by Konoha.

At the epicenter of chaos and uncertainty, Konoha's leaders gathered to receive the news that would transform the course of their lives.

In an instant, the threads of past, present, and future intertwined, instilling a renewed determination to safeguard their home in every present heart. The battle for Konoha's fate was about to break out.

next chapter
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